That's the way I love you

By bimbo296

188K 6.6K 255

Becky's life takes a tumultuous turn when she discovers the painful truth about her boyfriend, Nop - he had b... More



3.2K 128 9
By bimbo296

Triggered Warning!

Domestic violence ahead


Freen's apartment had always been a sanctuary, a place of solace and peace for her. But on this fateful day, that tranquility was shattered as the door swung open with a force that echoed anger and hostility. Nop stood in the doorway, his face contorted with rage, his eyes ablaze with a fire that made Freen's heart race.

"Freen, you have some nerve," Nop spat, his voice dripping with venom. "Taking Becky away from me like that. Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

Freen's heart sank as she looked at him, her own anger rising to meet his. "Nop, this is not about me. Becky and I have a connection that goes beyond anything you can understand."

Freen: (defensive) : Nop, calm down! I didn't steal anyone from you. Becky and I fell in love, it just happened.

Nop:(accusingly) "It just happened?" You've been waiting for this, haven't you? You took advantage of our situation.

Nop's laughter was harsh, a bitter sound that cut through the air. "Oh, spare me the melodrama. You're just jealous, aren't you? Jealous of me, of the attention I always got from our family. This is your revenge, isn't it? Taking away the only good thing left in my life."

Freen: (frustrated) No, Nop, it's not like that. I've always cared for her, and when we spent time together, we realized our feelings had grown stronger.

Nop:(sarcastically) Oh, really? You cared so much that you couldn't resist making a move on her while we were together?

Freen: (sarcastically) Well, Nop, if you love Becky so much, why are you cheating on her with someone else?

Nop:(enraged) That's not the point! You're just doing this because you're jealous of me. You've always wanted what I have, the attention from our family.

Freen:(mocking) Oh, right! I've always envied being the center of attention. It's not like you've been flaunting your relationships to everyone, making me feel like I'm invisible.

Nop:(yelling) This isn't about me! It's about what you did, and you know it!

Freen's eyes blazed with fury as she retorted, "You have no idea what you're talking about. Becky and I have something real, something that you never understood."

Freen: Look, Nop, I understand you're angry, and I'm truly sorry for the way things turned out. But this is about Becky and me, not some twisted competition.

Nop's face twisted with anger, and in an instant, their argument escalated into a heated confrontation. Words were exchanged like daggers, each one cutting deeper than the last. But it wasn't long before their voices were drowned out by the sounds of physical struggle.

Freen's heart pounded as Nop's rage turned into violence. The force of his blows sent searing pain through her body, and she fought back as best she could, her instinct for self-preservation taking over. But Nop's energy was overpowering, his anger giving him a strength that seemed to know no bounds.

The room became a battleground, their bodies colliding with a violence that echoed their emotional turmoil. Freen's attempts to defend herself were met with an unrelenting force that seemed intent on breaking her. And then, in a horrifying moment, Nop's hands found their way to her throat.

Freen's vision blurred as his grip tightened, the world around her fading into darkness. Panic surged through her veins as her lungs screamed for air, her struggles growing weaker with each passing moment. Nop's voice, distorted by rage, filled her ears with threats and venomous words.

"Stay away from Becky," he hissed, his fingers digging into her throat. "Leave her alone, or I swear, you'll regret it."

Just as Freen's vision began to fade, the pressure on her throat suddenly released. Gasping for air, she collapsed to the floor, her body trembling with a mixture of pain and fear. Nop stood over her, his chest heaving with exertion, a final look of warning in his eyes before he turned and left, leaving Freen battered and broken on the floor.

As the door slammed shut, Freen's breaths came in ragged gasps, her body shaking with a mixture of pain and disbelief. She had never imagined that things could escalate so quickly, that their argument could turn so violent. But in that moment, as she lay on the floor, she knew that her world had been forever changed, and the scars of both physical and emotional wounds would take time to heal.

Freen POV

As I sat there, my body trembling from both the physical pain and the shock of what had just transpired, my mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. I couldn't believe how quickly the situation with Nop had escalated, how his anger had turned into violence. It was a side of him that I hadn't seen before, and it left me feeling terrified and vulnerable.

I gingerly touched the sore spots on my body, wincing at the pain that shot through me. The injuries were a stark reminder of the altercation, of the danger that had been present just moments ago. I looked at the marks on my skin, feeling a mixture of anger and helplessness. How had it come to this? How had I ended up in a physical confrontation with my own brother?

The thought of hiding these injuries from Becky crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. Our relationship was built on honesty and trust, and I couldn't keep something like this from her. Still, the idea of revealing what had happened made my stomach churn with anxiety. How would she react? Would she be worried, angry, or disappointed in me?

I knew that Becky would want to know the truth, and I couldn't bear the thought of lying to her. But at the same time, I worried about burdening her with my troubles, about adding to the stress she was already dealing with. She had her own challenges, her own worries, and I didn't want to add to them.

Taking a deep breath, I decided that I needed to be honest with Becky. She deserved to know what had happened, and she deserved to have a say in how we moved forward. But the idea of telling her was still daunting. I knew that opening up about the incident would also mean confronting the emotions and fears that had been stirred within me.

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