Fight or Die

By Rangiewins

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Wings of Fire story! My name is Moon. I live in a world where everyone is tested. From the age sixteen to eig... More

Please read
Year Two
Fight or Die
My Turn
So Close Yet So Far
Don't Stop Running
Important News
New Start
The Spark
The Hive
Sleep Well My Love
Together For Now
Chapter of the Story


250 5 5
By Rangiewins

- Moon

8 months later

9 months since I have seen my parents. 3 months until my 17th birthday. I paced the dorm room.

3 months until I have to attend the next school. 2 months until they announce who gets killed from our group.

I shivered. I sat down and looked at some of the results I got.

Every once in a while they make us go into our fears. Almost a month later they give us results.

The results just tell us what the fear is what it means and how much we are afraid of it.

Tomorrow I have to go through all of my fears at once. If we have more than 10 we get killed.

I sat there tapping my foot nervously. I heard the door open behind me. I turned around and saw Qibli walking in.

He frowned when he saw me. "Nervous?" he guessed. I nodded. "Aren't you?" I asked. He shrugged. "Nobody isn't nervous I'm just not worrying about it." he replied.

"How?" He smirked at me. "I'm not afraid of anything as long as I'm with you." he mused. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to start calling you Cheesecake for all these cheesy comments." I joke. He laughed. "Go ahead." he said.

I smirked. I got up and walked over to him. I leaned in for a kiss. Just before our lips touched I ran as fast as I can away and to the balcony.

He chased after me. I shut the door to the balcony and locked it. It was a glass door and I could see Qibli fake pouting.

"Why do you always have to tease me?" he complained . I laughed. "I don't know Cheesecake." I said. He laughed.

I unlocked the door and kissed him for real. "Thank you." he said. I nodded and put on some pajamas.

I walked out and saw Qibli leaning over the balcony watching the sun set.

I walked up and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He looked behind him and his gaze went right over me.

"What the heck?" he asked in confusion. He turned around and saw me. He started laughing. "What?" I demanded.

"I looked behind me and you were too short for me to see." he teased.I laughed now too.

"Very, funny Qibli." I said sarcastically. He nodded. "It was very funny." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" Hey love birds! Go inside before you start making out!" I heard someone yell.

I looked to my right and saw Kinkajou on her balcony smirking. I stuck my tongue out at her and turned to Qibli.

I kissed him just to make Kinkajou mad. " EWWW!" she yelled. I laughed. I went inside and Qibli followed.

I layed down in bed and grabbed my letter from the first day.

I read that letter often. It's the only message I get from my parents so I cherish it.

When I finished reading it I fell asleep.


I nervously walked down the halls. Qibli grabbed my hand as we walked.

I opened a door and we walked inside that all white room.

I held Qibli's hand tightly. " You know the drill." a woman said before injecting the serum.

I opened my eyes and saw Cobra on top of me. She pushed her knees into my stomach making it hard to breath.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Qibli. I screamed his name. He ran at Cobra but when he jumped at her he went straight through her.

I looked at Qibli. I turned my head back to Cobra. No longer was it Cobra though it was Qibli.

He stared at me full of hatred. He grabbed me and threw me across the room. I groaned as I hit the wall.

I looked up and saw two Qibli's. One of them was glaring at me and the other was rushing to see if I was ok.

When he got to me he grabbed my hand I pulled away. Mean Qibli ran at me.

Other Qibli stood infront of me buf Mean Qibli ran right through him.

He punched me in the face. " QIBLI!" I screamed. " I can't do anything! I can't stop him!" Qibli yelled.

" I can't stop myself!" Qibli shouted. I kicked mean Qibli and he fell down. I stood up quickly.

Other Qibli then put me behind him. He walked over to Mean Qibli and actually grabbed his hand. He helped him up.

Mean Qibli punched Other Qibli but the punch went right through him. Then everything went black.

I gasped. I looked around to see a shrinking box. Qibli stood in the middle petrified with fear.

" Qibli crouch down!" I yelled. He did. I curled into a ball. There isn't room for both of us.

As the box kept shrinking I eventually made it under Qibli to save room.

" There isn't a way out of this!" Qibli yelled. Yes there is.

" Qibli, look at me." I said calmly. He did. I saw fear in his eyes. " It's not real. It's all fake. The only way out is to face the fear." I said.

He stared at me for a long moment. Then he made him sled as big as possible. He stood up and spread his arms and legs out.

Next thing I know we are somewhere else. Qibli and I are still in the same position.

I stand up and Qibli looks around. His gaze falls onto me. He hugs me tightly.

Then people I don't recognize show up. " Qibli where are we?" I ask. " The Sandwing Palace." Qibli said.

I nodded. I looked at the people. There was a tall woman with long dirtly blonde hair and a crown on. Queen Thorn.

Next, to her is a short girl with green eyes, and short blonde hair. She had a slightly smaller crown on. Princess Sunny.

I saw Ostrich and a few other Sandwings. Then I saw myself.

Qibli ran to Queen Thorn and hugged her. He then went to Princess Sunny.

All of the other people bowed. Execept for myself. Then a man showed up.

" He's a liar! He is the son of Cobra! They are all liars!" the man yelled.

" Kill them all!" the man yelled. Ostrich walked to Qibli.

" I'm sorry, but you don't deserve to live. Neither does your fake family. KILL THE QUEEN. KILL THE PRINCESS AND FAKE PRINCE!" she said.

No one did anything. " NOW!" Ostrich yelled. Queen Thorn and Sunny were hugging eachother. Qibli stood in the middle of everyone.

I tried to walk to him but I couldn't My legs wouldn't move and I couldn't talk.

Qibli turned to Queen Thorn. " Why can't you just be normal? Why did I adopt you? Now we are all foing to die because of you." Queen Thorn said to him.

Qibli cried. " I'm sorry!" he yelled. " Don't hurt them please!" Qibli pleaded.

He then spotted fake me. He ran to her. " Moon, please. You don't believe them right?" he asked.

" Your a traitor Qibli. They're right. You don't deserve to live." fake me said.

Qibli cried even harder. All of the people slowly startsd to surround him, Queen Thorn, and Princess Sunny.

Fake me stepped forward holding a sword. " Moon, I thought you loved me." Qibli said quietly. " You thought wrong. I never loved you." she said.

My legs finally allowed me to move. I ran straight to Qibli. Just as she was about to slash him with the sword I jumped in from.

My stomach was slashed but I didn't care. He looked from me to fake me.

" She's wrong. I do love you." I said weakly. He crouched beside me tears in his eyes.

" Moon, whats going on?!" he yelled. " Fear, simulator." I mumbled. Realization crossed his face.

" This isn't real." he said to himself. He angrily stood up.

" Really brain? You had to do me that dirty?" he asked. I laughed.

I closed my eyes.

I woke up to Qibli shaking me. " Moon! We have to leave!" he said.

I sat up and looked around. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me. We ran away.

" Qibli what is happening?" I asked. " Dragonbite Viper! Thousands of them!" he yelled.

I then tripped. I hit my head on a rock. " Ow." I muttered. Qibli rushed over to me. " Moon, hurry!" he yelled.

I winced as I felt a pinch. I looked at my ankle and my eyes widened. A dragonbite viper just bit me.

I could see the black venom surging through my legs. I screamed in pain.

" Moon, oh god no." Qibli said. He was full on crying. " Moon, don't leave me please!" he screamed.

I softly smiled and put my hand on his jaw.  He grabbed it. " Qibli." I said softly as my eyes started to close.

" MOON! Stop! Stay with me!" he said through tears. " Goodbye." I said. " Moon, d-don't say t-that." he said.

I smiled and closed my eyes. " MOON! NO OPEN YOUR EYES!" I heard Qibli yell.

I couldn't. I couldn't even move.

I heard his loud sobs.

Then I floated up. I looked down and saw my body and Qibli crying over it. I looked at mg hands and they were slightly see through.

I stood beside Qibli. I touched his shoulder but he didn't feel it.

He stood up and walked around. Everyone was dead. Queen Thorn. Princess Sunny. Even Ostrich.

He cried louder seeing their bodies. He is afraid of everyone he cares about dying. I guess he cares about me.

Then a dragonbite viper slid over and bit Qibli. He fell down going unconscious.

I awoke in my a glass chair. I looked around and immediately realized what is going on.

Thanatophobia. The fear of dying or being killed. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair confidently.

I already know that I won't live. Thats always how this fear goes. I heard Queen Snowfall read off everyone's name execept mine.

Qibli looked at me. He knows what is going on as well. I smiled and ran to a balcony.

Qibli followed. " Fear of death huh? Might as well embrace it." I said with a shrug.

I stood on the balcony and saluted Qibli. I jumped off and my heart pumped as I fell.

I hit the ground and immediately was taken to another place.

I looked around. I was tied to a chair in a cave. The only light was right above me.

Then Winter walked into view. " Moon." he said. I tensed. " Are you aware of what you are?" he asks.

I shake my head. " Your a fraud. You act brave even though your a coward." he said.

I felt tears form in my eyes. " You say your smart but you are stupid. You tell lies claiming they are the truth." he said.

" Your a fraud. An imposter." he said. Then he disappeared. Qibli showed up in his place.

I struggled agaist the ropes holding me back.

Qibli came over and tried to untie the knots. " Imposter." Winter whispered in my ear.

Qibli looked at him curiously. " Impostorism." he said. I gave him a weird look. " It's another fear." he said.

I looked around not understanding what he was saying. Winter, Kinkajou, mother, father, and Fatespeaker all appeared.

" You are such a baby. You mourned over me so much you wouldn't even talk." Fatespeaker spat at me.

I winced. " Your right." I said. " Because you were my one true friend." I said. " Lies. Stop lying Moon. Your enough of a fraud already stop adding to it." father spoke.

I closed my eyes. " I know. I'm sorry." I said. " Moon. No." Qibli said. I shook my head.

" I'm sorry. I hurt everyone. I lie, and lie and lie over and over again." I said.

My heart was racing. Qibli grabbed my hands. " Moon, stop. This isn't even real. You are a great person." he said.

I looked away. " Don't be a liar like me Qibli." I said. He shook his head. " Not lying. Moon looked at me. It's not real." he said.

" Think of something. Make the whole cave smell like flowers." he said.

I imagined a flower scent. Sure enough a that very smell roamed throughout the cave. " See?" he said.

I nodded. I sighed and held Qibli's hand.

I was now in another place. A feild. Thousands of people surrounded me.

They all just stared at me. A judgemental look on their faces. They didn't say anything.

They are judging me. They whispered to eachother. Some laughed and others sent me pitiful looks.

I shrank from embarrassment. " Stop looking at me." I murmured. They all laughed.

I covered my face. They all probably think I'm ugly and stupid.

Wait, hiw did I go from a cave to here? The fears! I looked around suddenly less frightened. They didn't stop.

I have to calm myself enough to move on. I slowed my breathing and imagined being home with my family.

I imagined my father's laugh as I beat him at a card game.

I opened my eyes. I was in the white room again. I sighed. I looked at Qibli who was holding himself.

I pat his shoulder. " That was intense." I said. He nodded shakily. We left the room and went back to our dorm.

Qibli was shaking. " Hey, are you ok?" I asked.

Dumb question Moon! Of course he isn't ok. He just went through his worst fears!

He shook his head and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me into a protective hug.

He wouldn't let go of me. " A-are y-you ok?" he asked. I nodded my head. " Y-you aren't d-dying. Y-you c-can breathe ok?" he asked. I nodded.

" I'm ok. Queen Thorn is ok. Princess Sunny is ok. There is no dragonbite viper. Everyone is safe." I soothed.

He nodded still not letting go of me. " You gonna let me go soon?" I joked. " I'm afraid I will let you go and you will get hurt." he said.

I put my hand on his jaw. " I'm fine." I said. " Just slowly let me go, and watch as I remain safe." I said.

He slowly unwrapped his arms from me. I stood still. He eyed me carefully. " See? I'm ok." I said.

He nodded. "I'm going to take a nap." He said. He kissed my forehead and layed down.

I sighed.

That was horrible. I hope he gets better. His fears were far worse than mine.

- Qibli

I layed on my bed shivering.

Whatever I do nothing will keep her safe. She is dead and it's your fault. She wants you dead because your a fraud.

I shook my head.

Moon is safe. She doesn't want me dead.

I am absolutely terrified of what just happened. I am shaking and breathing hard.

I looked over at Moon and saw her peacefully sleeping. I smiled.

She is safe.

That thought let me fall into a sleep full of nightmares.


3 months later

- Moon

I held hand with Qibli as we walkes to the auditorium. Today is our last day at this school. A month ago they killed 10 people from our group.

All of them were Rainwings. Kinkajou cried for a bit but she is ok now.

I was still shocked that I was killed myself. I sat down beside Qibli and I layed my hand on his shoulder.

He gently played with my hair as we waited. Kinkajou sat beside me and Winter sat as far away from us as possible.

Crystal walked on stage. " Greetings initiates. Today is indeed your last day at our school." she said.

" There was been some changes." she said. I sat up.


I still held Qibli's hand. " Some of you will continue together. Others will go without you. Half of you is going to one school the other is going to another." she explained.

I tensed and looked at Qibli. He looked completely fine.

He shook his head. " The chances of us being split apart is low. We are roommates and in the same winglet it's not likely." he said.

I nodded relaxing a bit.

He's right. We probably won't get split up.

" After some deep thought we have decided that the females and males should not train together. It can affect your training severely." Crystal said.

I froze.

We are splitting up.

I felt tears fill my eyes. " Ladies say goodbye to your boyfriends. You won't see them for a year after today." she finished before walking away.

I looked at Qibli. He looked panicked. He grabbed my hand and brought me back to our dorm.

The moment he shut the door I broke down. " I don't want to leave you." I said through my sobs.

He hugged me. We cried into eachother for a while.

" Should we break up?" I ask once I calm down. Qibli who had been looking at the floor look at me with concern in his eyes.

" I don't know." he said. " If you want to." he said quietly. I shook my head. " Never. But if we won't see eachother." I said.

" No, I don't want to either." he said. I nodded. " A year." I said.

" I haven't even left you for the past year." I said. He laughed. " That is true." he said.

I hugged him again. " We should." I said after a moment.

" It will hurt to be without eachother. Especially if one of us dies, but that way we can move on quicker anyways." I said.

He stared at me hurt in his eyes. " What if neither of us die?" he asked. " Then we will figure it out." I said.

" Long distance never works. This way we can both do better." I said.

He reluctantly nodded. " I'm sorry." I said through tears. " But Qibli, we are officially done." I said quietly.

He shook his head. " Not yet." he said. He planted his lips onto mine. He put his hands on my face and I put mine on his waist.

It was a very passionate kiss. A goodbye kiss." We broke apart and I stared at him teary eyed. " Now, we can be done." he said.

I barely smiled. " I love you Moon." he said. I froze.

He hasn't ever said that before. Does he really mean it?

I held his hand. " I love you too Qibli." I said. He smiled and held me close to him.

I just stood there. Cherishing every moment like I always had.

I was right. The night when he saved me from Winter. I remember knowing that one day Qibli will be ripped from my grasp.

I knew it would happen at some point. I was just glad that I cherished every moment I had with him.

Hehe. I know you all probably hate me right now lol.

Anyways I wanted to list the fears they went through.

Qibli's fears:
(OCD) Obsessive Impulsive Disorder ( Fear of losing control)
Claustrophobia ( Fear of confined spaces)
Thantophobia ( Afraid of the ones he loves dying and being the cause of their death)

Moon's fears:

Thanatophobia ( Fear of death)
Impostorism ( Fear of being exposed. Such as a liar, fraud, impostor, etc)
Scopophobia ( Fear of being watched/ judged)

Hope you enjoyed and have a great day! 3218 words!!!

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