My Emir ✅

By bookcounter

31.2K 2.7K 324

Arewa Emirates, Glitz and glamour, Culture, Family, Tradition, Principles, and lying beneath, lurking in the... More

Author's note.
Chapter one- Case
Chapter 2- Stranger
Chapter 3- Run
Chapter 4- Pure Malice
Chapter 5- Safe.
Chapter 6- It's on
Chapter 7- Double Trouble
Chapter 8- The attack
Chapter 9- Just a pawn
Chapter 10-Third wheel
Chapter 11- Dejá vù?
Chapter 12- Wedding party
Chapter 13- How far?
Chapter 14- Wedding night flop.
Chapter 15- Royal Wahala
Chapter 16- Those eyes
Chapter 17- Yearning hearts
Chapter 18- Arcane
Chapter 19- Boundaries
Chapter 20- Checkmate
Chapter 21- Surprises
Author's note
Chapter 22- Past like the sword
Chapter 23 - Selfish
Chapter 24- Anonymous
Chapter 25 - Colours of love
Chapter 26- Calm before the storm
Chapter 27- The fall
Chapter 28- Man down
Chapter 29- Sunshine
Chapter 30- Glad tidings
Chapter 31- Halal delivery
Chapter 32- Our angel
Chapter 33- Crossroads
Chapter 34- Days
Chapter 35- Mess
Chapter 36- Void
Chapter 37- Veils off.
Chapter 38- Mistakes
Chapter 39-Broken bonds
Chapter 40- Home sweet home.
Chapter 41- Bliss
Chapter 43- Smiles and Tears
Chapter 44- The inevitable
Chapter 45- Preparations
Chapter 46- Brighter side.
Chapter 47- Forever his.
Chapter 48- Eyes don't lie.
Chapter 49- Khalifa
Chapter 50- Finale
Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 42- Couture

499 45 14
By bookcounter


         Zayn leisurely paced about in the hotel room he and Mariya shared, while he was on a call with Fareed. They were also getting ready for the program. He had called to check if everything was going on well on their end. He got fortunate news.
   Having hosted the event on her own was quite stressful for Fareeda, so they had helped her in making sure the show would roll away without a hitch. Specifically, Eskander was with the IT team.
   He ended the call with Fareed, and then sat on the king-size bed in the suite, to fix the cuffs of his kaftan. It was exclusively sewn by Fareeda. He had to admit that it was splendid. Especially, the embroidery design.
   He fished out his perfume from their suitcase on the bed and squirted out some here and there.
  He placed it back and adjusted his watch on his wrist.
  Zayn was set to leave, but he wasn't sure Mariya was ready. She has been in the bathroom for longer than necessary.

    The door to the bathroom clicked open. Zayn turned to her intending to commend her for successfully taking long to get ready. She deserved an award for that.
   All the words he had planned to say got stuck at the tip of his tongue when he veered around to look at her.
   The woman was after his poor heart. Something in him wanted to ditch the program and have her all to himself. She looked ethereal, and he wanted to be selfish and hide her from the world.
    She wore a baby blue silk Abaya. It had a plain silk inner dress, with a silk robe that was retouched with glittery designs. It came with a veil, that was draped to fit her preferences. Her makeup was minimal, just like the effort she had made to blow his mind away. She didn't seem to be aware of the effect she had on him.

    " Maa Shaa Allah," he finally found his tongue. " You keep reminding me every day that I'm a lucky man."
   He could swear that he saw her blush.

   She gently shut the door behind her and advanced toward him.
  " That you are," she praised.

   He pulled her closer by her wrist and placed a kiss on her forehead.

   " Let's get going," she prompted after he had pulled back. " We wouldn't want to be late."

   " Says the person who takes ages to get ready." He threw at her, picking up their phones from the nightstand.
   He took her hand once again, leading her out of the room.

   " Oh, you are coming at me now?" She returned.

   Zayn closed the door behind them once they got out.

    Emraan, Haseeb, Sayida, Saratu, and Nazeera were already lingering in the corridor. Their rooms were adjacent to each other's, so it would be easy for them to reach one another.

   " See, they've started bickering again." Emraan referred to Mariya and Zayn.

   They laughed.

    Mariya noticed that the men wore the same design of kaftan, with colour differences. It was the same with the women's Abaya. She made a mental note to thank Fareeda for the clothes.

   " Where's Ameer?" Zayn asked. He knew Eskander was waiting for them outside, where a limo was to drop them off at their designated destination.

  " He's with Hajia Laura," Nazeera replied, linking her arms with Emraan's.

   " Let's get going before Eskander snaps," Haseeb announced.

   They all headed to the elevator, ready for the expedition. The Red carpet event would commence in less than an hour.

    The limo pulled up at the marquee of Tulip Hotel roughly fifteen minutes into the ride. They could hear the bustling of the event even from inside the vehicle. They braced themselves for what was to come. They had to show off an unaffected grace.
    One by one, they stepped out of the vehicle. Immediately, cameras were turned on them. Each of the reporters at the event wanted to capture the moment. The blinding flashes did nothing to deter their classiness. Although this was new to Sayida, she pulled it off quite well.
   Zayn held Mariya close to him as they walked down a barred aisle with their friends, where the actual event was held. They smiled flawlessly at the cameras, producing the perfect pictures for the following day's entertainment news.
   Already, they could spot some popular faces at the event, blending into the glamourous atmosphere.
   They all dressed to kill.

   The paparazzi particularly, were elated to see Zayn and their whole entourage at the event. Normally, they were restricted to their social media platforms.
   The reporters were given a chance to engage them in a question-and-answer session for a couple of minutes before they got seated for the show to commence. They answered the questions to satisfaction. Sayida and Haseeb caught the media's attention as new faces in the entourage. Sayida was a bit overwhelmed by the attention, and she felt at ease when Mariya linked her hand with hers just before a photo of them was taken. She turned to Haseeb who shot her an assuring smile.
    Soon enough, they were seated in the event hall, where the show was to take place. Everything was in place just as they had helped in putting it up before leaving to get ready.
    They settled on the seats on the third row, so they could catch a perfect view of the ramp. The view was just right.
   In no time, people filled in the empty seats. The show was just about to commence.
   Mariya took out her phone from her clutch when she felt it vibrate. She was greeted with a reply from Fareeda with regards to her inquiry on how things were going. It was a positive reply.
   She let out a relieved breath and took Zayn's hand in hers. He brought their intertwined hands to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. They were totally unaware of the cameras flashing at them.
    Hajia Laura settled beside Zayn and shot them a smile. Mariya was trying her best to remember where she knew the woman sitting beside her. Their friends conversed lightly about how the program was unfolding so far.

   " Mama, where are the children?" She was referring to Ameer and Zainab.

   " You see them soon."

   Mariya pondered over her mother's words for a while before nodding in understanding.
   She felt eyes boring holes into her head. As if someone had trained their eyes on her. She turned to Zayn, only to see him speaking to Hajia Laura. None of their friends looked in her direction. They were all engrossed in one thing or the other. She dusted off the feeling, thinking she was being too paranoid. She backed it up with the fact that it was her first public appearance after all that has happened.

   The MC of the event announced her presence and got their attention. There was a brief introduction, and a welcome note to appreciate all the occupants of the hall. Finally, the long-awaited show began.
    One by one, the models cat walked onto the ramp, showcasing the eloquence and brilliance of Rheeda. It rolled off with women's fashion.
   The show was themed with an ethnic essence, bringing out the roots of the country's fashion history with a touch of modernity. Ranging from state to state, Fareeda picked out well-known models from each of the federations in the country to represent their states. Nothing was left out. The dresses were one to die for. She didn't miss the modesty in it. The accessories were perfectly correspondent to their pieces.
She never disappoints. Never.
    It was hard to choose a favorite look out of the models.
   Hajia Laura watched proudly as her daughter's dreams and aspirations played into reality. It was heartwarming to know that the circle of friends she had made were available to support her. Her husband was another icon. He had done all he could, to see that her dream played into reality.

   Farooq should better hurry up and watch this, she thought.

   The models walked down the ramp with years of built-up enthusiasm. She specifically watched Yasmeen in her untouched demeanor, not helping the thought that was peeping into her head.
    Right after, it was time for the men's fashion.
   Once again, Fareeda didn't disappoint.
  It was good to know that the effort she had put invested into her aspirations had proved worthy.  Nothing could ever beat that feeling of contempt.
   The cameras never stopped clicking pictures of the moments. Fashion reporters and bloggers were present to contribute to publicizing the event.
   Those moments were bound to get etched down into fashion magazines and entertainment news platforms.

   Mariya couldn't help the smile that split her face when she thought of Fareed modeling for the third time without being paid by his twin. Not that he could refuse her.
    Just when they thought the program was over, children of an average of five years of age walked out onto the ramp to showcase the icing on the cake Rheeda had to offer. They were adorable.

    The children were grouped into two genders, walking alongside their partners. Their dresses were designed with the same theme.

   Ameer walked with Zainab, holding her hand in his, just like the other kids.

   Eskander leaned to whisper into Haseeb's ear. " See, even these little children have their partners."

    He turned away as if he hadn't said anything when Haseeb glared at him. Emraan didn't miss the exchange.

    The crowd cheered in awe as the children took their female partners in a light twirl at the edge of the ramp before turning to leave.

   The show ended with a vote of thanks from Fareeda herself. To say the least, it was nothing short of beautiful.

    The applause that followed her speech was thunderous, and she deserved it. She deserved every word of acclaim that was thrown her way.

    The next step was the opening of the showroom. Until then, they had the luxury to socialize and take more and more pictures.
   That was exactly what they did. Beaming at cameras until their cheeks hurt.
    No one could deny that Fareeda and her entourage were the stars of the evening. They took more pictures with celebrities who had graced the occasion.
    Already, the event was breaking the media with views, likes, and comments. It was everywhere.
   They handled the attention well, just as expected. They were joined by Yasmeen, Fareed, Fareeda, and her husband.  The children were still with their grandmother.

    Zayn let go of Mariya's waist after posing for a group picture.
    " This played out better than how I had expected it to." Fareeda pointed out.
    They stood at the marquee of the hotel, surrounded by a sophisticated atmosphere that was yet to fade away.

    " Exactly!" Saratu countered. " And the children's looks too."

   " Wallahi, I never saw it coming," Mariya added.

    Fareed turned to his twin and hugged her warmly.
  "I'm proud of you," he smiled.
   " Thank you," She cooed. " for everything."

   " You're welcome."

   After the exchange, they broke the hug.

   " Hi, Zayn," he heard someone call him from behind. He turned from Mariya to the owner of the voice he didn't look forward to meeting.
  Reluctantly, his hands slid off Mariya's waist as a smile formed on his lips. It didn't reach his eyes.

    Mariya saw Eskander roll his eyes at the unfamiliar person.

   " Hi, Aaliyah." Zayn returned. " It's been a while." He slid his hands into his pockets, nonverbally declining her attempt to shake his hand.

    Mariya waved at Nazeera who was occupied with anyone at the moment to show that she would be away for a while.
   She walked back into the hotel and headed towards the washroom.
   She really needed to use it. Mariya found a suitable cubicle and did her business.
    She came out within a few minutes and stood at the sink to wash her hands. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and then pumped some soap onto her wet palm.
   Soon after, she was joined by a woman who seemed to have come to touch up her makeup. She was dressed sophisticatedly in a royal blue aso'oke and glammed up with heavy accessories.

   "I finally get to meet you."
   She spoke without turning to Mariya. They were the only ones at the sink, so Mariya was sure that she was the one being addressed.

   " Excuse me?" Mariya inquired to be sure.

   " Mariya Gidado-Malik. Correct me if I'm wrong."

  Mariya watched as the woman applied more blush to her cheeks.
  " That I am." She replied, turned off the tap, and turned to the woman. Everything finally fell into place. Ayoola's sister__ Managing Director of JD Pharmaceuticals.
   " You were the one staring at me during the event, weren't you?"

    The woman didn't seem wary of her actions. Not in the least.

    Mariya took a tissue from its box and began to wipe her hand with it.
  " What do you want from me?" Mariya asked. Otherwise, why would she stalk her like a hawk?

   " I see, you are down to business. Eniola is my first name. Just in case you don't know." She set her makeup brush aside, much to Mariya's contempt.
   The bathroom wasn't the place to discuss business, so Mariya knew it would be as short as possible. Something they could discuss while going on with their stuff.

   "I know you are the one spearheading my partners' case in court and  I want to win the case. My company's name is at risk. You know what I mean."

   To say the least, Mariya was disappointed. All the respect she had assumed the woman held got washed down the sink she had washed her hands in. Her face didn't give out any of what she felt. Not at all.

    So, she was to deliberately lose a case. The woman expects her to put her firm's prestige at stake for the sake of what?

    " I'll pay you twice the amount of what my partners pay you. Say, 40 million naira." Eniola spoke when Mariya didn't give her an answer.

   Mariya scoffed. She wouldn't do that, no matter the amount of money given to her. She wouldn't sell her self-worth, her client's trust, and especially, Emraan's trust for money.
  Never. That money wouldn't even make a significant addition to her bank account.

   " You know this proves that your partners have an upper hand on the case, right? Aren't you afraid that I could use this against you? Attorneys can be sneaky, you know." She reasoned. She was even done with what she had come to do.

   " My partners had the upper hand the very moment they got you as their lawyer," Eniola began. " My company made some mistake, but they refused to understand. They can't just ruin the company's name."

    Her alibi wasn't plausible.

   Mariya clicked her tongue, shaking her head lightly to convey her displeasure.
   " I thought you had some brains to your beauty."
   She turned to leave Eniola behind, gaping for words to counter the intellectual insult. She found none.
   Mariya had bruised her ego, and she would be sure to repay it.

   Right outside the washroom, Mariya met with Saratu, and she told her what had happened with Eniola.
   She only briefed her through the surface, as Saratu needed to use the washroom, but was being restrained by her itchy ears that wanted some gist as grease.

   She reached the marquee in no time. None of the familiar faces she was well acquainted with were there. She turned to see the woman she had sat with through the event.
   The woman shot her a smile, which she reciprocated naturally.
  The woman complimented her dress, and she did the same. In the five minutes in which they had conversed, Mariya found out that she was an ambassador to ZARA. Yes, ZARA. She gave good reviews on the show and hoped to watch such an event again.
   She was warm and sweet to talk with.

    Mariya parted with her after Zayn had come to get her back into the limo.
   Their next stop was the newly opened showroom at Asokoro.

   " Sara told us what happened with Ayoola's sister," Emraan spoke as soon as she settled in the vehicle. " Thank you. It means a lot."

   She smiled at him. " You don't have to thank me. I just wished I had more words to dress her up with."

   " You deserve a promotion."

   Their friends and family in the car cheered as it set into motion.

   " Ah, nagode."
  She was really grateful.

   Immediately, all of them delved into their phones for the short ride. The children were with Laura, so they had nothing to worry about.

   They were all over social media, flowing with views and likes. Instagram bloggers rating their outfits, calling on picture-perfect couples, and many more. Sayida marvelled at the number of followers trooping into her account. Mariya asked her to get used to all of it.

   Soon enough, they arrived at the new showroom at Asokoro. It was a two-storey building, with its interior and exterior themed in light tones.
  That was so Fareeda.
The branch was officially commemorated as part of  Rheeda's creation.
   The place was packed with people just like it was at the fashion show.
   At given intervals, reviews by exceptionally thriving fashion lines were framed up beautifully and hung on the walls.
   They went through every aisle, already making mental notes of what to buy.
   Huge sales were made that day. Starting from clothing to their various accessories.

   The night was still young. And the OPentourage decided to make the most of it. Visiting Abuja without touring its exquisite locations was a shame.
   They had reasons to celebrate. A lot of them, actually. Good things were happening in their lives, and they had to celebrate.
     Yasmeen's new contract with ZARA, Fareeda's expansion of her business, and Mariya's promotion. All of them seemed tight-lipped about a pending occasion.
    They needed to make the most of their time off work.
   They went from jumping from one location to the other, not failing to capture the moments on their phones. It was a beautiful night filled with laughter, bonding, and wholesome events.
   Mariya, Zayn, Eskander, Saratu, Emraan, Nazeera, Haseeb, Sayida, Yasmeen, Fareeda and Fareed. They felt like one big family who had each other's backs no matter what.
   A bond that was built from scratch, been through thick and thin, yet still as evergreen as it could ever be.
   What more could they ask for?

     In the end, they all lodged at Eskander's hotel branch at Garki 1.
  They sat at the rooftop at overlooked the administrative city of Abuja, chatting the time away as they munched on snacks that were provided to them, all on the house. The place was devoid of anyone outside their circle.
   The men had separated themselves from the women, completely in another convo.

   " What's the plan for tomorrow?" Saratu asked the glass of her virgin margarita held about her lips.

    " Same as today," Nazeera replied with a small laugh. " I don't want all of this to end.

    Mariya who was done taking her desired number of selfies placed her phone in front of her. She took her glass of sparkling cider and took a sip.
   " Are we still going with the plan tomorrow? I've placed the orders already." Mariya spoke.

    " Of course, it's on." Yasmeen glanced at Zayn who was talking about something they couldn't hear.

   " He shouldn't even see it coming," Sayida added.

   " Oh, we are too sneaky for our own good." Fareeda complimented, making them laugh.

   Yasmeen was taking videos of the moment.

    Back at the male's side, Eskander leaned in on their table as he attempted to say something rather discreetly.
   " I'm going to make an official proposal at her parent's house on Tuesday." He spoke in hushed tones so the woman should not make out what he was saying. It was supposed to be a surprise. He and Saratu had come to an agreement that he would send a proposal to her parent's house very soon but didn't state an exact date.

   " Perfect," Fareed also stated in a hushed tone, although it wasn't needed.
  Next, someone threw a balled tissue at him, and he didn't even need to ask who it was. It was his twin.

    " What are you gossiping about?" She asked him. " Mai gulma."

   " God," he picked up the tissue that she had lunged at him from beside his plate of fries. " This woman has been on my neck since day one."
   He threw it back at her, not caring that it had fallen into her drink.

   He ignored her loud gasp and glare.

   " You two will not kill us." Haseeb pointed out.

   " Tom and Jerry." Eskander chipped in with a peal of contagious laughter, sending Emraan with him.

     They retired back to their rooms when it was only an hour and a half to midnight, hoping to make the most out of the next day, before finally getting back to their busy agendas.


      In a well-furnished room, Ayoola walked towards her sister, holding two glasses of red wine. She handed one to her sister and settled across her on a posh sofa in their father's house in Abuja.
   " So what did she say?" Ayoola questioned her sister who was briefing her on what had happened between her and Mariya.

   " I offered her a lot of money, but she still refused." Eniola took a sip from her glass and set it aside of a coffee table in front of her. " Can you imagine?"

   " I knew there was no way you could ever get through that woman. She's a loyal dog." she traced the rim of her glass with her manicured nails.

  " She's stupid Sha." Eniola added with a flick of her wrist. " She told me that she thought I had brains to my beauty. If I catch that woman eh."

   Ayoola almost spat out her drink, laughing. " She said what?"
She really couldn't help herself.

    Eniola looked pissed by her sister's reaction. She had expected something more welcoming, not a bout of laughter.

    " You provoked her. And you know the kind of people she mingles with. They might have heard of it by now. "

   Ayoola's sister rolled her eyes. " See how they're making noise on social media."

   " Wahala."

   The room went silent for a while as they were engrossed in their phones before Ayoola broke the silence.

   " I'm pregnant." She set her phone aside. " It's Hassan's child."

   It took Eniola a couple of seconds to process the words and let them sink into her head properly.
   " Yesu!" The way she gaped. She stared at her sister, unblinking. " Hei!"  She exclaimed in astonishment, clapping her hands loudly.
   Ayoola shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

   " Have you told him about it? What did he say?"

   " I got to speak to him about it." Her face lit up immediately. "He was surprisingly elated, honestly. He wants me to keep it."

   Eniola laughed. " After killing his cousin's child, he wants his child to live." The irony. " Wahala."

   " I don't care what happens. I'm going to keep that child." Ayoola affirmed.

   " Just let Papa catch you."

  " Abeg." She rolled her eyes.                  " Nobody can come and convince me otherwise."

   She'll have that child and make sure it gets what it deserves.
   She was unstoppable.

    Hi, guysss

  Latifahefua don't come at me😂

   How was this chapter??
  Hope you enjoyed it.
  Ayoola and her sister's scene tho👀


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