By noname_20_25

32.4K 1.4K 135

"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love... More

Prologue 1
Prologue 2
The First Scent
Not Dangerous
Under The Moonlight
Just 2 Weeks
One Step Closer
The Bodyguard
Truth About Past
Morning After
Tina Chaichana
Sweet Chiang Mai...?
Finding Heidi
P'Ya and Nuu
Back Home
The Failed Proposal
Runaway's Investigation
Her Sister
In Your Bed!!
Be My Faen?
When Praifah met Heidi
The Beginning of The End
Perfect Plan
The Ship is here!
Everybody is Dead
Darkest Night - 1
Darkest Night - 2
Brightest Dawn
Happily Married

Press Conference

1K 42 10
By noname_20_25

"Ladies and Gentlemen , I, Kittisak Jones, welcome and thank you all for coming in such a short notice. I won't waste your time and come directly to the point. The news circulating in media today, is just to demean my company. We are doing such a high quality work that our rivals need to find such petty tricks to drag us down. I hope everybody gets to understand that Jones' businesses have nothing to do with Demon and his immoral works. We are fully committed to the betterment of our society. Thank you!" Kittisak gave his speech with utmost confidence.

"Anybody can ask questions now" The manager followed up to continue the conference.

"Sir, there are proofs of your company's stamp being used on the official paper work of the port. What can you say about that?" A journalist asked him

"Simple, an employee who we thought was very loyal, betrayed us to help Demon and our rivals. We will answer this thievery according to our policies and rules. Next"

"We got to know that you are announcing a new successor but what about your eldest son VJ?"

"Um... He has left us... for becoming a monk and achieving something bigger than monetary. Next"

"Thank you. I would like to know what do you think must be in the empty containers found inside the ship and who could have killed all the people on the ship?"

"I am sorry I don't know the answer because as I said I have no connection with those guys"

"But I know!" A squeaky little voice came from behind interrupting the press con "You are asking the wrong man about Demon. I know about him" It was the young boy and his sister who Praya had rescued.

"Who the hell is this kid?" Kittisak whispered to his Manager.

"Sir, it's one of the kids who were saved"

"Can I come on stage sir?" He asked very politely.

Although Kittisak was angry at him for disturbing the event, he couldn't refuse his courteous request, so he just nodded. All the cameras, lights and mics pointed at him following the noise of clicks and blinding flashes as he walked the aisle hand in hand with a little girl, both dressed in western formals. The manager took the boy aside and instructed him not to say anything that will ruin the whole plan.

"Rest assured sir, I will not say anything about your company even though I am really grateful for P'Ya's help" The way of speaking he had, left the Manager confused. He couldn't believe that such young children can speak with this level of confidence. 

"Hello everyone! My name is Prayut and this is my little sister Som. We are- were the children of a very rich couple. Demon kidnapped us in front of our parents during our supposedly peaceful vacation in Australia and when they revolted, he killed them. Many other kids were kept in dungeons and later transferred to a ship. He was going to auction us all to rich but terrible humans." In his baby voice, he was saying some pretty traumatizing stuff without any emotions on his face. He once looked over to Praya and Celine who were sitting in the first row and the siblings bowed down to them. He also saw Heidi and Praifah, who were doing a thumbs up to cheer him up. 

They were the ones who brought Prayut and Som to the press conference after he requested. Although, Heidi took them to the mall to dress up, all the fashion sense was Prayut's. She got self-conscious after seeing the dresses he chose for Som.  

"So Prayut, how did you and your friends got out safely from the ship? As you might know the ship was full of dead bodies, if there was an attack then you could have gotten hurt?" A journalist immediately asked him. Kittisak got worried about the answer Prayut would give, he even eyed the Manager to take Prayut down the stage. But he stood firmly and answered everything very clearly.

"As we all know, Demon was an international smuggler and gangster, many secret associations and countries wanted to kill him and to me it seems that one of them got successful. We just heard gunshots and the gate of our container opening."

"I think it is enough for Prayut for today, we must not forget that he is still a young person and putting him through the trauma again doesn't fit with my morals." Kittisak stood up from his chair and showed them the way to Praifah "Ok, now for the MOST important announcement of this press conference, I would like to call Celine and Sam on the stage alongwith Praya Suwan, my most trusted employee. *claps*"

"Now that we are aware of VJ's condition, it is a must to appoint a new successor for Jones' businesses. My son, Sam wishes to start anew, new ideas are must for modern day problems and I full support him" The way Kittisak touched Sam's shoulder and looked him into the eyes, showed him that his dad cared about him and loved him as much as VJ and that he will also be with him during building a new business. "The most deserving successor after Sam is somebody who I can easily trust my life and my business with, the name of that person is.... Praya Suwan!!"

Celine was truly happy for her P'Ya, she jumped and clapped and hyped her woman. She knew that her father's decision was always good but this time it was more than perfect. She started thinking about working under Praya and seducing her as the boss.

"Thank you everyone, thank you so much. It means a lot to me that Boss is giving me such an opportunity but he didn't explain my conditions. They are that I am only the provisional successor, I will personally train the real one and make her worthy of THE CHAIR. Suwans are always ready to serve you Boss but now I request you to announce the real successor now" Even though she didn't have a single emotion while receiving all the appreciation, excitement was clearly visible on her face during this announcement.

"Ok ok Praya, stop scolding me! haha! Now it's time for the real surprise! The REAL successor of the prestigious Jones' businesses is.... is.... none other than my beautiful and intelligent daughter, CELINE JONES!!" *thunderous claps*

Celine got shocked and froze for a second, then got tears in her eyes and tried her best to not cry. She was happy, it was her goal to be a captain of her dad's gang but becoming the successor was not something that she even thought of.

 Praya saw her state and stood next to her, comforting her to her level best by giving her the sweetest smile possible. The moment was not allowing Celine to feel comfortable, she could only think about VJ, Sam and Kittisak and tears flowed on their own. Kittisak extended the mic towards her and she nervously grabbed it.

"Umm.. thank you... Everyone, I am really happy with dad's decision.. um I am really sorry I am getting emotional but in reality I am super happy! I will never make him regret his decision and do my best everyday to achieve my new goal of becoming worthy. Thank you khaa!!" The whole media melted after seeing Celine's super cute gestures. This announcement became more important and the issue of ship was swept under the rug. Jones' businesses was given a green pass through media meaning Sam's plan was a great success. The event got over, refreshments were given and everyone congratulated Praya and Celine who were at the exit bidding adieu.

"I would like to have your attention everyone!" Praya said after the media had gone and only the gangsters with Prayut and Som were present. "Now that all "OFFICIAL" announcements are made, I want something else to be official too" Praya looked intently at Celine and she understood the signal. 

Tina emerged from behind with a huge bouquet in her hand, cladded in a long red velvet dress with a high slit and hair up in a messy bun. The look suited her personality well, formal yet rogue.

Heidi's mouth opened slowly as she saw Tina looking like so alluring and coming towards her through the remaining crowd. She immediately took the bouquet, smelled the flowers, kept it on a table and wrapped her arms around Tina's waist.

"Someone's looking different" Heidi, who wore her usual said with a smirk on her face. 

"It's because I planned something special... Celine?" Tina turned to Celine and she quickly handed her a petite box "Even though I wanted to ask you out properly before dating, when we were kids, I even planned to do it at the beach during sunset but, that's fine..... I have always loved you and I always will, my feelings for you go way beyond this word called 'love'. Unlike when I used to think co-dependency was my love language, now I know that even though we don't meet for years, our bond will stay the same and I will love you the same. So... Khun Heidi Reynolds, would you like to live the rest of your life with me as your better half?"

Heidi covered her mouth with both her hands which were shaking profusely. She didn't expect the proposal to come from Tina's side this early. Although, even she was ready to get down on one knee at any given time. Tina opened the box, a shining diamond ring was visible to everyone and Tina had one hand extended for Heidi.

"Oweee!!!" Heidi held Tina's hand to let her put on the ring on her ring finger "I, too, have a surprise for you. Do you have THAT locket?"

"Yes, I always wear it" Tina pulled it out from behind her dress and handed it over to Heidi. She opened it and took out her mother's photo, beneath it was a necklace, an old one, kept safely in the locket.

"I bought this for YOU when we were kids! That too to propose you. Now this necklace and me are officially yours!" Both of them kissed and sealed their engagement.

Everyone clapped and cheered for the couple. Celine and Praya had pre- arranged this and already told Kittisak about it. He also agreed to expend as much as they wanted to on their wedding as blessings from his side.

"They are the cutest couple here!" Som said in her baby voice standing next to her brother and Praya "P'Ya and Nuu could have beaten them if they were official"

"H-hey!! Enjoy th-this moment! Come to their wedding and forget about us for NOW!" Praya widened her eyes and hoped nobody heard her but Kittisak did and now his suspicions were finally cleared.

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