Scout's Honor (AOT X Male Rea...

By _Random1928

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Follow a lone soldier and his journey through the harsh life inside the walls. He makes family along the way... More

1 - Origins
2 - Ackerman
3 - Family
4 - Regrets
5 - Path to Freedom
6 - First Impressions
7 - Devastation
8 - Secrets
9 - The Squad
10 - Test Run
11 - Stranded
12 - Breathing Space
13 - Growing Up
14 - Attack
15 - Festival
16 - Complications
17 - Operation Y/n
19 - Emotions
20 - Ominous Encounter
21 - Volition

18 - Close Call

175 7 1
By _Random1928

Our squad can be seen riding away from the walls and towards the forest of giant trees. Most of the morning had past and after the initial encounter with titans, Y/n had decided to talk to Armin and Eren before making them take action again.

Y/n - That's how you would distract the titan in order to go in for the kill.

Eren - Cutting a limb does sound like it would work better than aiming for the eyes. 

Armin - How do you manage to kill them without having to distract them first?

Y/n - ........Lot's and LOTS of practice. That's all there is to it. The longer you do it, the better you are.

Eren - Seriously though! I didn't even see you move when you saved Armin! How are you so fast?

Y/n - It's practice, I'm telling you.

The squad rides in silence until they reach an old abandoned town to rest for a while.

Y/n - Well, its about time to start the real training. 

Mikasa - What does that mean?

Y/n - Eren, Transform.

Eren - H-Huh?!? You want me to turn into a titan here? But what if I cant control it like in trost.

Y/n - That's what I'm here for. 

Eren - Oh.......I think I understand now. Alright, I trust you Y/n.

Mikasa and Armin both seem a bit confused at Eren's choice of words. Eren then swings a good distance away and bites his hand. Yellow light engulfs Eren and the entire surrounding town. He then lets out a trembling roar and faces his three friends.

Mikasa - How exactly are you going to train him if he's in titan form?

 Armin in the back seems to realize what is about to happen. Y/n starts walking to the edge of the roof they are on. Once he is close to the edge, he turns his head back and faces Armin and Mikasa and let's a slight smirk out. 

Y/n - ........My turn.

Y/n then slingshots himself into the sky and slices his tongue against his top teeth to transform. A yellow glow surround the entire town just like earlier. 

Armin - I KNEW IT!!!

Mikasa simply stares in silence at what she is seeing. From Y/n's ball of light emerges a white skinned creature who lands on the ground with a thud. Eren being a good 25 meters away simply stares at Y/n's titan. Without even hesitating, Eren takes up a fighting stance.

Eren - ( that's what Y/n's titan looks like.........pretty cool, guess we're gonna fight now.)

Y/n also takes up a stance and motions for Eren to come at him. Eren starts charging towards Y/n and throws a few light jabs at him.

Y/n - (I'll observe his rhythm first and then make a move.)

Y/n dodges all of Eren's attacks effortlessly. As time passes and Eren becomes more agitated from missing more and more attack. Eren's attacks become sloppier and less quick. 

Eren - (I'll pretend to let my guard down and then when he tries to take advantage I'll hit him hard!)

As though Y/n could read Eren's mind he dodges an attack quicker than usual, he then starts throwing his own attack at Eren.

Y/n - (Seriously Eren? You're getting so sloppy.)

Eren - (!! He's going for it!!!NOW!!)

Eren starts to quicken and begins to throw his counter together by grabbing Y/n's arm.

Y/n - (...!!....This is........!!!)

Eren - (I GOT YOU!! I ACTUALLY GOT Y/N!!! There's no way he gets out o-)

Y/n then takes a hold of Eren's arm and begins to spin around Eren.

Y/n - (so.........damn..........PREDICTABLE!!)

As if frustrated at how easy an opponent Eren was, Y/n releases a full force attack on the poor Eren. His entire body becomes flipped and he lands face down. The force of Y/n's attack driving into Eren who is already in the ground shakes the buildings around the pair. 

No one moves for at least 10 seconds after Eren is left in the ground. Y/n emerges from his titan and cuts out Eren and then makes his way to Armin and Mikasa who have been watching this whole spectacle play out.

Y/n - (I may have gone a bit overboard there.........Oh well.)

     --- A FEW HOURS LATER ---

Y/n is training Armin and Mikasa in ways to kill titans while Eren is still unconscious. They are currently taking a break and talking on the roof of the building that Eren is in.

Armin - How long have you known you we're a titan shifter?

Y/n - ...........It's complicated for me.

Mikasa - ...........Y/n, where did you come from.

Y/n - ................................................

Mikasa - ......Please?

Y/n lets out a heavy sigh and contemplated talking about his past. He doesn't take pride in the fact that he killed another to gain his powers. However, Y/n also does not regret his choices, they ARE what led him to meeting the people he knows and the family he loves. Not to mention his amazing partner Petra. Y/n starts to think about her when he realizes he is heating up a bit. Thankfully it didn't show as the other two we're already apologizing about asking of his past.

Y/n - I lived somewhere far away, Its an entirely different nation which won't make sense to you. But just listen for now. 

The two seemed confused but listened to Y/n's request and  both nodded.

Y/n - I was some random kid living an about average life with my family. Then they got sick and all passed away with some rare disease. I got fed up of not being able to get a job due to being young. Sure, I had the money passed down from my parents, but I knew that would only last so long. So I took a gamble. I decided to steal the titan power from royals who would only use it for no good. I then cause some.............destruction while taking the powers. The government was after me and I had to flee. I made connections and got myself into the walls. then from there............


Mikasa - ARMIN!.........listen......

Y/n - .....From there I went to live in the underground district. That's where I met my first relatives from the walls and started my life here. I met Levi in the underground. Even though I was already trained for fighting and about as strong as I could have been, Levi taught me a few things and that's where I really honed my ODM skills. Deciding I had spent enough time down there I came above the walls and met an old relative who I hadn't seen in ages. They decided to take me into their family and treated me as their own child. 

Mikasa - !!!

Y/n - But that's when everything started to go south..............I was taking a bath in the river a bit away from the house...........If only I had decided to bathe in the house I could have prevented things from happening the way they did.............

Mikasa was listening with a pain in her eyes.

Y/n - The family was broken into and the parents murdered.........I was never the same after. I enlisted in the army to cope with my loss. Then from there the Survey Corps found me. And here we are.

Armin - .........I never knew. I'm Sorry that's how things went for you.

Mikasa - .....It's not your fault.......It was never your fault............I never knew. Im sorry.

Armin seemingly understood what Mikasa was saying. Knowing her backstory already, It wasn't hard to figure it out. He just stayed silent. The tone that day never recovered. The three decided to go to sleep and continue on the second day.

--- Second day of the operation---

While having the trio train and watching over them, Y/n got some time to really think about what his goals were. Sealing off Paradis was ambitious after all, but Y/n knew it would be possible. The only issue with the plan was the warriors. They were his only real threat. While Y/n could easily deal with each individual warrior except maybe the colossal, their numbers made them scary to him. Meanwhile, Eren was being told to practice his cut on a tree.

Y/n - AGAIN!!!(So far I have only fought with the female titan. Assuming she is the most skilled in martial arts as she doesn't seem to have any unique powers feel like a fair assumption. Breaking the Armored's armor should be a piece of cake, and the colossal should simply be endurance. Easy enough I would say.)

Eren - What exactly am I supposed to be doing different?!?

Y/n was having the trio slice a tree as if it were a titans nape. Mikasa had managed to make the cut easily, Armin didn't seem to be strong enough to do so, but he knew using his momentum would suffice. Really smart guy thought Y/n..................But Eren...........he was just trying to brute force his way through the tree. He was neither strong or coordinated enough to do so.

Y/n - Your cut isn't deep enough, Try again. If you cant do it, try something else. We're not leaving till you figure it out.

Eren - Ugh, Fine already, Ill try again.

Y/n - ( Either way, it looks like its going to be a while before I get to retire. If I set up the wall isolating Paradis the warriors will just break it instantly............That means I have to kill them before I set up my barrier. What a Pain.)

Mikasa - Hey Y/n, How are you doing?

Y/n - I'm doing fine here. Although I did tell Erwin that I would kill most of the titans here before the next expedition. Meaning I should probably do that some time. Ill leave watching these two up to you.

Mikasa - Are you sure you'll be fine?

Y/n - Not a doubt! I'm more worried about you guys if anything. But this is safer than bringing you with me.

Mikasa - That makes sense. Are you going to do that right now?

Y/n -  Probably yeah.

Mikasa - Good luck then, be careful.

Y/n - Thanks and always.

Y/n swishes off into the distant forest and a bit backwards towards the path they scouts would be taking soon. Deciding he should use his titan every once in a while to save gas, Y/n transforms and starts running. His goal here is simply to take out as many titans as possible. So that's what Y/n does. Creating a sword he just cuts into any titan unfortunate to come across Y/n. Something seems a bit off however. There's an abnormal amount of titans around.

Y/n - (That's odd, there shouldn't be this many titans around. There's a ridiculous amount of titans out here. Not that I'm complaining)

Y/n chuckles to that thought and continues going about his business until he hears an odd whistling sound.

Y/n - (What in the world is that sound? It's getting so lou-)

Without enough time to comprehend what had happened, Y/n's entire left arm had been blown clean off. Y/n was in a clearing and there was nothing around him that could have possibly snuck up on him. But then, Y/n turns to face south and that's when it all made sense to him.


Without enough time to react, the second wave of rocks came hurling towards Y/n. While Y/n excels at close range combat due to his ridiculous dexterity and apt armor, his ridiculous strength meant nothing if he would be killed before even getting the chance to attack once. The attack barely misses Y/n as he managed to react to this throw in the nick of time.

Y/n - (Shit! If I could just close this gap this fight is as good as over! But he knows that, of course he does this damn wonder boy. ITS ALWAYS MARLEY GETTING IN THE WAY!! WHY DO THEY HAVE TO MAKE MY LIFE A NIGHTMARE!!) RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

The scream Y/n gave off was loud enough to reach and even seem to intimidate the beast titan. Knowing it wouldn't have much effect however, Y/n took immediate action and started charging towards the beast titan It was a ridiculous gamble that Y/n didn't even know if it would work, but with the beginnings of a plan, Y/n charged without a second thought.

Y/n - (This is my only hope, I have to attack head on. Running away will only result in me getting pelted with rocks.)

The beast titan was admittedly shocked at Y/n's bold and seemingly stupid plan. After all, what better target could this overgrown monkey want. The monkey in question began taking a rock and split it in half before grinding it down to rocks small enough to deal serious damage. Knowing that Y/n had some form of armor, the monkey kept its attack more condensed than usual in order to one shot the charging Y/n. And with the size of the rocks, and the density of the shot, Y/n would have been shredded instantly if he had not mostly dodged the titans attack. 

Y/n - (UGH!!! IT'LL HAVE TO DO, I NEED TO GET CLOSER!! If I can tank one shot I should have this win!) 

His entire right arm had been blown clean off. Not that it mattered to a still charging Y/n, he would simply regenerate his both arms when he needed, right now it was optimal as less weight meant he could run faster. The Monkey felt threatened by Y/n as he was now rather close. As quickly as he could, the monkey prepared another shot, and without hesitation it hurled the rocks towards Y/n.


Y/n regenerated his arms and after a brief moment the rocks had come.......................Y/n was unfortunately too close to attempt a block. Moving his arms in front of him, Y/n held his ground and tried to defend hit vitals against the attack.............but it was too much. The sheer power and force of the rocks not only launched Y/n back a few meters, but also tore holes right through his entire body............Including his nape.

???? - (That's it? I expected more from the one who tricked the entire country. Quite disappointing I must say. Shame I didn't try to capture him.)

Just then the monkey realized he had been had.


The monkey's thoughts were cut off as a punch so powerful landed clean on his head. It was Y/n. What the monkey forgot was that the Warhammer worked slightly differently than most shifters. It could freeze itself in its crystal. Meaning its wielder didn't necessarily need to be in the titan. And Y/n took full advantage of this. Right before he would have been shredded by rocks, Y/n threw his crystal into the air and towards the Beast titan. Once in the air and above the monkey, Y/n transformed mid-air and pummeled the monkey into the ground. One hit was all it took, and the Beast titan went down.

Y/n - (It worked, I don't know what I would have done if it didn't to be honest.)

Y/n exited his titan after ripping the beast titan out of its body.

???? - Hahaha, Quite the plan you came up with!

Y/n - Shut up.

Y/n took a blade and stabbed the man in his chest. Avoiding his vitals, but stopping him from transforming.

???? - AHHHHHH!!......Not....In the best mood I see.

Y/n - I said shut up!

Y/n pushed the blade further into the defenseless man. 

Y/n - (Should I interrogate him or just eat him? He probably wouldn't tell me anything worth knowing anyways. I'll just end hi-)

Before Y/n could even finish thinking, he felt immense danger approach, Y/n Backstopped just in the right moment to avoid being bit............Well, most of him anyways. His leg had been bitten clean off. The cart titan had appeared and saved the blond man.


The man seemingly commanded a few spectating titans into attacking Y/n.

Y/n - !!!!NO!!

Gritting his teeth at letting his enemy escape, Y/n knew he could not do much in his current state. It would take all he could just to escape this situation. He did lose a leg after all.

Y/n - (.........Till next time. I won't lose again!)

With that fight settled, Y/n took a deep breath and sighed as if this was just another annoying day. He unsheathed his blades and so began the next fight.

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