The Secret Warrior (Edmund Pe...

By lushwriterlvr

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Astrea is an orphan. Well, not really but she lost her parents a long time ago, when they first visited Narni... More

Background Stuff
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Prince Caspian
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 7

38 0 0
By lushwriterlvr


After all that me and Susan were feeling tired and the sun was starting to set. Capri found us and showed us where our sleeping tents were.

"Thank you, Capri," I say to her.

"Anything for the Queen," she says and bows her head.

"Please just call me Astrea," I say with a smile.

Carpi walks out and I pick out one of the 3 beds.

"Oh I want this one," Lucy points to the bed in the middle and jumps on it.

Me and Susan laugh at Lucy's eagerness.

I pick one of the other beds and ready myself for bed. I lay down on the pillow and dozed off.


At some point in the night, I hear lots of shuffling and I ignore it. But then I hear sniffling. I turn in my bed toward where the sniffing is coming from.

The noise is coming outside.

I quickly slip on some shoes and go outside. I turn to my right and see that it's Susan.

"Susan?" I ask.

I guess I startled her because she jumped and quickly wiped her face.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned for her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she lies.

I sit down next to her.

"Just because you say you're fine it doesn't mean its true," I say to her.

"I know."

"What are you crying?"

"It's Edmund. I feel like a bad sister sometimes, to him and the others. I worry about them a lot." Susan tells me.

"Well in the few days I've known you, I think you're a great sister. I would be honored to have a sister like you."


"Of course, you care for everyone and use your logic to what makes the most sense," I say to her

"Thank you Astrea," Susan says to me and gives me a hug.

"Anytime," I release the hug.

"Edmund will be fine, the centaurs are probably on their way back with him now."

"You think so," she asks.

"I know so." I smile.


In the early morning, the centaurs returned with Edmund and more information about the White Witch.

"Astrea! Susan! Wake up! They're back!" Lucy shouts at us.

I quickly put on some shoes and step outside. I see Edmund and Aslan talking on the hill and it looks like a very serious conversation.

Peter joins us outside the tent and looks at his brother.

Lucy is bouncing up and down and can't keep her excitement inside

"Edmund!" Lucy shouts and starts to walk over.

Peter stops her from running and Edmund looks down at us. Aslan motions Edmund to come to us.

Edmund hangs his head low and walks towards us, avoiding all eye contact. While he's walking near us I notice a scratch on his lip.

Did the White Witch do that?

Alsan comes down shortly after and speaks to us.

"What's done is done. There is no need to bring up the past with Edmund." Alsan says to us then walks away.

Edmund stands there kind of awkwardly until Lucy runs up to him and gives him a hug.

"Oh, Edmund." Lucy cheers

A small smile appears on Edmund's face as he looks down at his little sister.

Susan walks over to hug him as well.

"How are you feeling?" Susan asks concerned.

"To be honest I'm feeling kind of tired," Edmund answers shyly.

Edmund looks back at me and I give him a small smile which he returns.

"Get some rest," Peter says to Edmund. Edmund starts walking towards the tent until Peter calls out to him again. "And Edmund," he turns around. "Try not to wander off again," Peter jokes.

Edmund smiles and walks back up to the tent for rest.


Sometime later after Edmund's nap we all got together and ate breakfast.

I was having a pastry and Edmudn was shoving toast down his throat.

"Edmund wanna save some for the rest of us," I joke.

"Narnia isn't going to run out of toast Edmund," Lucy jokes.

Edmund slows down and lets out a laugh.

I don't think I've ever heard him laugh. It's a beautiful sound

"Then you guys better pack some for the journey," Peter says motioning to his siblings

"We're going home," Susan says shocked.

"You guys and Astrea. I thought it out, you guys go home and take Astrea with you so that she can go back to the real world. I'll stay behind and fight and I'll meet you guys home." Peter explains. "I promise Mum I would keep you safe but there's really no reason why I can't stay behind and help."

"But they need us, all five of us," Lucy argues.

"Lucy it's too dangerous. You almost drowned, Edmund was almost killed, Susan and Astrea almost became wolf meat."

"Peter I do appreciate the concern but I need to stay. We need to, even if it's dangerous," I say

"That's a reason we have to stay," Edmund speaks up, putting his toast down.

All heads snap towards him.

"I've seen what the White Witch can do and I've helped her do it, and we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it," Edmund says with courage.

Lucy reaches out and holds Edmund's hand.

"Well I guess that's it then," Lucy stands up.

"Where are you going?" Peter asks.

Susan picks up her bow and quiver "To get some practice." She says and walks away with Lucy following.

"You two are gonna need the practice too," I say getting up.

"Who's going to teach us," Edmund asks.

"Me, of course. And maybe Orieus." I say getting up and grabbing my sword.

"Come on, I meet you both on those fields in a few minutes with Orieus," I say pointing to the fields in the distance.

Peter nods and goes away to get his sword.

"Astrea, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course Edmund,"

Edmund messes with sleeves and then looks me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for calling you those names. And I'm sorry for saying those things about your parents.  It was mean and hurtful, and I know I shouldn't have done it.  I feel awful that I made you feel bad and made you cry. You were just trying to look out for me I hope you can forgive me and we can start over as friends." Edmund apologizes.

"Wow, I appreciate the apology and I do forgive you. We can definitely start over" I say with a smile

"Hi, I'm Astrea and you are?" I ask jokingly.

"I'm Edmund, it's nice to meet you." he smiles

"Same to you as well."


Once I found Oreius, me and the boys had to pick out our horses. I  picked out a blueish-gray horse.

"Hello there," I greet the horse.

"Your majesty, I am most honored you have picked me," the horse says.

"Just call me Astrea. What is your name?"

"My name is Luna," she says to me

"That's quite a beautiful name," I say to her.

"Thank you," she says to me.


"Come one Edmund sword hand up as Oreius showed us," Peter says to Edmund.

I race over to them on Luna.

"Having trouble boys?" I tease.

Edmund rolls his eyes and me while Peter laughs.

Luna was trotting around when the Beavers ran through us and she stopped suddenly.

"Sorry, Astrea."

"It's quite all right," I say.

Edmund Horse does the same

"Whoa horsie," Edmund shrieks.

"My name is Phillip," Edmund horse says back.

I let out a laugh and Edmund's head snaps toward me and gives me a look.

"Sorry," he apologizes to Phillip.

"You three better come quick, the White Witch has requested a meeting with Aslan." Mr. Beaver says.

My eyes widen at the information.

"Come on Luna let's go," I say pulling the reigns.

Luna races off back towards the village of tents.


Me, Edmund, and Peter raced to where Lucy and Susan were after we put our horses back in the stables.

We see the White Witch sitting on a chair being carried by what looks like cyclops. Once the Cyclops get in front of Aslan they set her down.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan," the White Witch says looking at Edmund.

Edmund shifts under her gaze and I grab his hand to comfort him.

"His offense was not against you." Aslan states.

"Have you forgotten the Deep Magic?"

"Do to cite the Deep Magic tome Witch, for I was there when it was made."

The witch walks over to where we are standing.

"Then you will know that the boy belongs to me. That boy," she points to Edmund "will die on the Stone table."


"No way!" I shout at her.

"Try and take him." Peter challenges,

"You think that a simple threat will deny me my right little king? Aslan knows that if I do not have blood as the law demands, all of Narni will be overturned, and perish in fire and water." The Witch laughs at our shocked faces.

"Enough, I shall talk to you alone," Aslan says to the Witch.

She and Aslan walk into the tent on the hill to chat.


After a while the White Witch and Aslan walked out of the tent which made everyone who was sitting stand up.

"The Witch has denounced her claim on Edmund!" Aslan announces.

I go to Edmund and hug him tightly, then his siblings do the same.

Everyone cheers and the White Witch goes back on her chair to be carried out.

"How will I know your promise will be kept?" the Witch asks.

Aslan lets out a loud roar which makes the White Witch stumble and fall right back in her seat.

All the Narnias laugh as she exists. I turned towards Aslan with a smile, and I saw him sigh and walk back into his tent

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