The Secret Warrior (Edmund Pe...

By lushwriterlvr

2.4K 25 0

Astrea is an orphan. Well, not really but she lost her parents a long time ago, when they first visited Narni... More

Background Stuff
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Prince Caspian
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 5

70 1 0
By lushwriterlvr

~Spring is Here ~

After we parted ways from the fox we started back on our journey to Aslan. Most of the journey was in silence. I was admiring the scenery.

Susan walks up beside me and speaks.

"I heard you," she says.


"When you were talking to Edmund. You tried to convince him to stay. That was very nice of you," She said with a smile.

"I'm positive that any nice person would do the same."

A minute of silence passes by.

"Don't worry about what he said. He was probably under some spell by the Witch." She says to me.

"I won't," I say to her.

After that, it was mostly in silence. Until I hear Peter ask Lucy what she likes about the winter. Then Lucy talks about why she loves the winter. He's probably trying to distract her.

"Winter means snow and hot chocolate and Christmas of course," she gushes.

"What's Christmas?" I ask.

Lucy and Peter whip their heads toward me like I said something odd.

"It's the time when Father Christmas comes to your house with a sack of gifts and brings presents. Do you now celebrate it?" Lucy asks.

"I remember what it is now. I've just never celebrated it," I say.

"Well after we get Edmund back I'm going to help you experience your first Christmas."

"Really? Thanks, Lucy," I say to her.

"Now Aslan's camp is just over there by the stone tables just across the frozen river." Mr. Beavr says pointing in the direction.

"River?" Susan asks

"It's been frozen for years." Mrs. Beaver says.

"It seems so far," Peter says and snicker at his comment.

"It's the world deer, did you expect it to be small?" Mrs. Beaver laughs and walks along with Mr. Beaver.

"Smaller," Susan says.


More and more walking and we trail further behind.

"Come on, before we're old," Mr. Beaver says to us.

"If he tells me to 'hurry up' one more time, I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat," Peter says irritated."

Right after Peter says that. Mr. Beaver yells at him again.

"Hurry up Son-of-Adam! We don't have all day."

Peter rolls his eyes at his antics.

"He is getting kind of bossy," Lucy says.

Out of nowhere in the distance, we hear bells ringing which could only mean one thing.

"It's the Witch," I shout pointing to the sleigh in the distance.

"Everybody run!" Mr. Beaver shouts.

Peter grabs Lucy's hands and drags her to catch up with the rest of us.

We race across the snow and into the little forest area. Once inside the little forest area Mr. Beaver points to a little hiding spot where all of us can fit.

"Quick, down here." Mr. Beaver says and we all pile together into the cave-like thing 

We stop hearing the bells and silence passes over us.

"Maybe she's gone," Lucy suggests.

"I'll go and have a look," Peter says getting up then Mr. Beaver stops him.

"No, you're no good to Narnia dead."

"Neither are you Beaver," I say to him.

"Thanks," he says and gets out of the hiding spot to take a look around.

After a couple of seconds which felt like minutes, Mr. Beaver popped his head out scaring me and lucy.

"I hope you all have been good because there is someone here to see you," Mr. Beaver leaves and Peter leads us out of our hiding place.

Lucy sees who it us then hugs the person. It was a man in a dark red suit and a white beard.

"Merry Christmas, Sir," Lucy says to the man.

"It certainly is Lucy. Thanks to you and your friend there," the man points to me.

"I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia," Susan asks skeptically.

"It hasn't for a hundred years. But now the Witch's power is crumbling." The man says then grabs a big old sack from his sleigh.

Wait a minute, a big sack, sleigh, and white beard. This must be Father's Christmas

"Presents," Lucy cheers.

"Lucy, Eve's daughter." Father Christmas says and Lucy steps forward to him. "These are for you. In this one is the juice of the fire flower, If you or one of your friends were wounded one drop of this cordial will restore them." He hands her the cordial. "And though I do not expect you to use it, here's this." Father Christmas hands Lucy a dagger.

"Well I think I could be brave enough," Lucy says then steps back after receiving her gifts."

"I'm sure you could. But battles are ugly affairs" Father Christmas laughs.

"Eve's Daughter, Susan." Susan steps forward. "Trust in this bow, fo it does not easily miss."

Susan takes the bow and then stares and Father Christmas,

"What happened to 'battles are ugly affairs'"

"And though you don't seem to have trouble making yourself hear, this." He has her a cream-colored horn. "When you put this horn to your lips and blow it, wherever you are, help will come."

"Thanks," Susan says and takes the stuff.

"Astrea, Daughter of Eve." I slowly step forward. "I know this is the first time we officially met and I promise in the future it will be much better." He smiles at me.

"This golden bracelet, for when to tap the center it will expand into a shield, then tap this thing here and it will go back to being a bracelet." I take the golden bracelet and slide it on my wrist,

"Now here is something that might help you accomplish your dreams" Father Christmas reaches in his bag of gifts.

"This is very special dagger. It's carved out of carbon steel, embedded with special words." Father Christmas hands me the sword. I take the dagger out of its covering and see what it says.

On one side it sait I can, the other side said I will

"Those words are very encouraging yes?" Father Christmas says.

"Yes, thank you," I say and step back then put the cover back on my dagger

"And Peter. These are tools, not toys. The time to use them may be soon at hand." Father Christmas says and hands Peter a sword.

Father Christmas look at us adjusting to our gifts and gives us a small smile.

"Bare them well! I best be off, winter is almost over and things do pile up when you've been gone a thousand years." He jumps into his sleigh, "Long Live Aslan." He shouts the rides off.


"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

Lucy turns towards Peter with a smirk on her face.

"I told you he was real." Lucy jokes.

"Wait guys did you hear what he said? Winter is almost over, you know what that means?" Peter asks.

Realizations smacks me in the face.

"No more ice." I say.


We all rush to the river crossing. Once we get there parts of the river are already melted at the waterfall is slowly breaking apart.

"Wait, maybe we should think about his," Susan stops us from going on the leftover ice.

"We don't have time." Peter rolls his eyes at her.

"I was just trying to be realistic." Susan scoffs

"No, you're trying to be smart as usual," Peter says back.

Mr. Beaver notices this and steps out in front of us to cross first.

"May I should go first," he says

"Maybe you should," Peter agrees.

Mr. Beavr uses his tail to make sure the ice won't crack and to see what parts of it are secure.

"You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver asks her husband.

"Well you never know what maela is going to be your last, especially with your cooking."

Mr. Beaver helps us slowly get across the river. We got about halfway before Susan spoke up.

"If mom knew what we were doing.."

"Mum not here," Peter shuts Susan up.

"Do you guys hear growling?" I ask.

"Oh no," Lucy says and points to the wolves coming at us from one side of the river.

We got to turn around but they surrounded us. All of them growling and sneering at us.

Peter quickly pulls out his sword and points it at the wolf Maugrim whos was the closet out of all the others.

Mr. Beaver goes to walk toward us but some wolf jumps on him making him stay down.

The wolf laughs at Peter trying to put up a fight.

"Put that down boy, someone might get hurt," he taunts

Peter looks over to Mr. Beaver. "Don't worry about me. Slit his throat," Mr. Beaver encourages us

"Leave now while you still can, and your little brother leaves with you." the wolf says,

"Peter stop, We should listen to him," Susan shouts at Peter

"Smart girl." The wolf smiles

"Don't listen to him. Kill him. Kill him now!" Mr. Beaver shouts

I look around at the river slowly breaking up because of the rising temperature.

If we don't get off the river soon, this entire river will melt.

"Look just because some man in a red suit hands you a sword, that doesn't make you a hero so drop it." Susan freaks out.

"Narnia needs you Peter," Mr. Beaver struggles

Okay, think. We can't fight our way out of this, what can we do.

"What's it gonna be Son of Adam? We're not going to wait forever and neither is the river. The taunting wolf says.

The river.

"Peter, the river," I whisper to him looking up at the frozen waterfall."

Peter catches my drift instantly.

"Hold on to me," he shouts the raises his sword and cracks the ice.

The crack grows and grows until it gets to the top and the ice breaks, letting all the water rush through.

The water pushes our massive ice piece life a raft. Then a massive wave crashes over us, soaking us from head to toe.

While riding the rive I notice Lucy slipping I try to grab a hold and I slip too. Luckily we both were close to the sides of the river so we pulled ourselves out.

We travel together around a bush where we hear Suan and Peter calling both of out names.

"Guys' we're right here," I say.

"Has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy asks.

Peter runs up to Lucy and gives her a hug then steps over to give me a hug. Susan and Lucy join our hug making it a massive embrace.

"I don't think you guys will need those coats anymore," Mrs. Beaver says.

We break away from our hug and see flowers slowly blooming and the snow on the ground melting.

"Beautiful," I say looking at the blooming flowers.

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