Rejected And Pregnant, Great!


299K 7.2K 408

Meeting your mate is meant to be the best moment of your life and in some circumstances you would be right bu... Еще

The Party
The Party: Part 2
Unwanted News
Unwanted News (Part 2)
Moving on
2 Months Later
2 Months Later (Xavier P.O.V)
Their Here!!!!
Motherhood/First Birthdays
His Arrival
His Arrival: Part 2 (Xavier's P.O.V)
Back To The Place It All Started
Old families, New families
Old Friends/ New Enemies?
I Warned You.
Truths Are Revealed
Truths Are Revealed: Part 2
We Are Coming.
Tomorrow We Strike
The Aftermath
The Aftermath (Part 2)

Today is the Day.

1.6K 41 0

Today was the day. The day I would see Stephen's face again. The day that I would watch him die.

Everyone was up bright and early. We were all waiting patiently for Stephen to strike. We didn't recieve any word from Tiffany and she hadn't returned yet. I was worried. She should be back by now.

The clock was ticking and we all waited impatiently. Time went by and still nothing. Then we heard it. The bell. Xavier gave one of the patrol wolves a bell to ring when they saw Stephen and his pack approaching.

Once we heard that it was all actions go. We all headed to the battlefield. We made it to this big field that was mainly used for training. We waited, and that's when we saw it. Stephen and his pack emerge from the trees. As they got closer and closer I could see he had someone tied up, he was dragging them along behind him. I soon realised it was Tiffany.

The made a halt not to far away from us. I could see the smirk plastered all over his face. I stood next to Xavier cautiously.

The air was still. Not a single sound could be heard

"Hello Ariana. You look well." He smiled.

"Fuck you." I hissed.

"How rude? Here I thought we would have a nice reunion. I guessing you didn't miss me then." He smirked.

"Enough of the games Stephen." Xavier growled.

"Fine, fine. I just wanted to have a little fun. Now as you know this was meant to go completely different but as you know we had a little mole in our pack." He said as he dragged Tiffany to the front.

She was severely beaten.

"Let her go." I shouted.

"Ari, look at you being a good person. She wanted you and your mate dead and now you feel sorry for her."

"Let her go." Xavier growled.

"Now you know I can't do that." He smiled.

"Any last words Tiffany?"

"Ariana, Xavier. I am truly sorry for all of this." She coughed.

"Aww, isn't that sweet?" Stephen said.

"Oh and Stephen. I hope you rot in hell, you piece of shit." She spat.

Stephen smiled at her before snapping her neck.

Her body fell straight to the floor. I was in shocked.

"I am sorry you all had to witness that but you know I couldn't let her live. She was a traitor, I did us all a favour."

"You will pay for that." Xavier growled.

"Ooo Xavier. I am trembling in my boots. Please I am not scared of you. By the looks of things, you've got back up. It's a shame you thought you and your pack couldn't defeat me on your own."

Xavier growled again.

"I see some familiar faces. Sophie. Blaine. All of you are traitors and I'll take pleasure in killing you all when I get the chance."

"Do you remember me?" Harrison said as he made his way through the crowd.

"Harrison, Harrison Baxter as I live and breathe. What are you doing here?"

"I am here to kill you. I know what you did to my sister." Harrison growled.

"Oh, Sienna. It seems so long ago now, but you had to know she deserved to die. She was a whore, who got pregnant by another man. I couldn't allow that." He smiled.


"I know you don't like to hear it but she was a slut. She wasn't worthy of being my mate, especially a Luna."

Harrison shifted and charged for him.

"KILL THEM ALL." Stephen shouted.

His pack began to shift into their wolves and so did Stephan.

We all did the same and charged for them.

Xavier and I ran together until we got seperated by the crowd. I looked around and everyone was fighting, as I looked around I saw a wolf run towards me. I raced towards them and knocked them to the ground as they tried to swipe at me. I pushed them down and bit down on their shoulder, they yelped in pain. They clawed at my side, causing me to bite down harder. I kept on adding more and more pressure until they stopped moving. I looked down and saw their lifeless body. My first kill. I never actually thought I would ever kill anyone.

As I was deep in thought, I was knocked to the ground. I rolled over and I was back on my feet just in time to see them charging at me. This time it was a smaller wolf. They went straight for my neck as they tried to bite down. I turned slightly and bit down on their arm. They back away and I lunged at them. I managed to get on top of them, I saw the fear in the eyes. I bit down and ripped their throat out. The wolf's eyes remained open, the fear still lingering within them. The guilt consumed me but I couldn't stop now. I had to protect my children. A loud howl filled the air, I looked over to the side of me and saw two wolves on Lucas. They were clawing and ripping at his flesh. I raced over and pounced on one of their backs. As I had the other wolf distracted, Lucas managed to gain some strength to overpower and kill the wolf that continued to attack him. As I bit down on the wolf's neck he tried to swing me off but I wouldn't budge. Lucas approached and bit down on the wolf's neck. Their body went limp under me.

"Thank you Luna." Lucas said through mindlink.

I nudged him and he ran off into the crowd.

I looked around. Bodies started to fill the ground from both sides. I looked around for Xavier but I couldn't find him. Through the crowd I saw Harrison on the floor, he was bleeding bad.

I rushed over to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I will be fine. Stephen had the upper hand but I'll be fine."

"Have you seen Xavier?"

"The last time I saw him, he was fighting Stephen. He saved my life."

I left Harrison were he was and went to go find Xavier.

As I was searching, I was killing anyone that got in my way.

That's when I saw them.

Xavier's POV:

I shifted into my wolf, I looked to the side of me and Ariana was gone. I really hoped she would be okay. I knew she could handle herself. I went searching for Stephen. He was my main focus. As I ran towards him, his pack were coming at me. I fought each and everyone one of them, those who I didn't kill, they retreated into the forest. I finally approached Harrison and Stephen and by what I could see Harrison wasn't looking so good. He was getting some good swipes in but it wasn't enough. Stephen was playing sneaky and dodging every move Harrison would make. Harrison tried to claw at Stephen but he missed, leaving himself open. Stephen used this to his advantage and bit down on his back leg hard causing Harrison to fall down. He dragged him along the grass. His leg was bleeding profusley, I could tell it was broken. Stephen wasn't done with him yet. He flipped Harrison over and began to claw at his stomach. Blood began to spill everywhere.

"You are going to end up just like your sister." Stephen growled.

Before Stephen could hurt him any further, I raced over and knocked Stephen to the ground.

"GET OUT OF HERE." I said as I stood in front of him.

"HE IS MINE." Harrison growled

"Harrison, you are in no shape to fight anymore. Go and find help."

"No. I have to do this."

"Harrison. You are know good to your pack dead. Killing Stephen will not bring your sister back. Please go and find help. I will handle this."

Harrison looked at me before dragging himself away.

While I was distracted Stephen knocked me over and swiped me with his paw, catching my side. I pushed him off and got back on my feet. He swiped at me again but this time I managed to dodge it, I ran to him and bite down on his shoulder. I bit down hard but one of his pack members came up behind me and bit my tail, dragging me back. I let go and turned to the wolf that bit me. I pinned him down and mauled at his face. Stephen pounced on my back and began to bite down. I tried to knock him off but he wouldn't budge. He bit down harder, releasing his grip to bite another section of my back. I howled in pain. I could feel myself grow weaker. I knew I was losing a lot of blood.

I thought I was going to lose conciousness when he was suddenly ripped off of me. I turned around and saw Ariana on top of him. She had pushed him off of me. She was on top of him now. biting down on the scruff of his neck. She looked pissed. She was ripping chunks of his flesh off his body with each bite. Stephen growled and forcibly swung her off so viciously, she hit the ground hard. She didn't get back up. She was knocked out. Her body just went limp. I ran over to her and gave her a nudge.

"Ari, please wake up." I begged.

She didn't move.

"You see, I told you I would kill you both." Stephen snarled.

I growled.

"I told you I would come for you and your family. You took everything away from me. My mate, my children, my pack and my home. You took everything I loved and now you have to pay."

"She was never your mate and they were never your children. You killed your mate." I snarled.

"Ariana and those kids were supposed to be a fresh start for me. I was finally happy and you had to ruin it. Now you won't have a mate or children as I will kill them both. I was going to kill you too but I have had a change of heart. I want you to live with the fact that you couldn't protect your mate or your children. The thought of that makes my heart feel full, the fact that you have to suffer for the rest of your life makes me so happy. "

I charged at him. I was so angry. He dodged me using my loss of blood and weakness to his advanatage. He pinned me down began to claw away at me, my stomach, my neck, everywhere. I tried so hard to push him off but I had no energy.

"I am not going to kill you. You are going to watch as I kill your mate right in front of you."

He stalked over to her and bent down. As he was about to bite down on her neck he was stopped.

Sophie had pushed him to the ground and stood protectively in front of Ariana.

"I will not let you hurt anyone else." She screamed.

"Good old Sophie to the rescue. It is a shame you couldn't protect Sienna like how you are protecting Ariana."

"I was not able to protect Sienna, I was afraid but I am not afraid now." She growled.

"Well you should be."

He ran towards Sophie and clawed at her face. She swiped back but she missed. He kept swiping at her but she wouldn't move away from Ari, she wouldn't let him get close. As he swiped at her again she grabbed his paw in between her mouth and she bit down hard. Stephen growled and used all his strength and swung her to the ground. He attacked her viciously. Blood started to pour out of her mouth. She was still putting up a fight, throwing jabs at his face but to no avail he wouldn't stop. He was killing her.

Ariana POV:

I woke up, my head was banging. Stephen had knocked me pretty hard. I looked over and saw Stephen on top of Sophie. Blood was everywhere. She was dying. I saw red.

I got up and charged straight for him. I knocked him to the ground.

"Sophie. You are going to be okay, just stay with me."

"It is too late for me Ariana." She coughed.

"Please. You are going to make it." I cried.

"Don't be sad. I am happy I managed to protect you the best way I could. I am grateful for your kindness. I am grateful to your pack, you have to survive. You have to survive for your babies, you have to promise me."

"I promise."

She smiled one last time before her eyes shut forever.

He got back on his feet and stalked towards me.

"Are you done?" Stephen said.

I growled.

"And here I thought you were dead."

"Not yet." I growled.

"Don't worry , you will be soon enough. You'll join that bitch in hell."

He ran towards me, he tried to swipe at me but I dodged him. I managed to claw at his chest. I was so angry.

"Good move but not good enough."

He ran at me again and we collided. He bit my ear, while digging his claws into my neck. I shrugged it off and bit down on the side of his neck. He howled out in pain. He clawed at my side causing me to let go. He tried to come towards me again but I jumped over him and pulled on his tail, swinging him around until he hit the ground. I heard a slight crack. He laid on the ground. I approached him.

"You are stronger than you look, Ari. Who would have thought?"

"Never underestimate a pissed off shewolf."

"Noted." He smiled.

"You have hurt so many people, and that ends today."

"I didn't want to do all of this. I just wanted you love me, for you to choose me. We can still make this work Ari. We can still be a happy family. "

"After all you have done. I would never go back to you ever again. I love Xavier and only Xavier. You deserve nothing but death." I hissed.

"You wouldn't kill me. You don't have it in you."

"You know what. I won't kill you. Death is too easy for the likes of you. You deserved to be locked up for you have done. I want you to have to wake up and relive every bad and horrible thing you have done from behind a cell." I spat.

I began to walk away and head to Xavier when I he shouted.

"ARIANA. LOOK OUT." He screamed.

I looked behind me and Stephen had got up and jumped into the air above me. I rolled over to avoid him. His claw scratched me briefly. I got back up and pinned him down before he could get back up.

"Goodbye Stephen, may you rot in hell."

I bit down hard on his neck, as I did so he clawed on my sides but I didn't let go. I bit down even harder till I heard a snap. I let go and looked at him. He was lifeless. I can't believe I actually killed him.

The other wolves from his pack, looked over and retreated back into the forest once they realised he was dead. I rushed back over to Xavier he wasn't looking so good. He managed to shift back into his human form. He was covered in blood. I shifted back and cradle him.

"It is all going to be okay now. He is dead. Xavier, he is dead. He can't hurt us no more. I need you to be okay. I need you to live for me and the babies." I sobbed.


The other pack members scurried away to find help.

"You are going to be okay baby. I promise, help is on the way. Just stay with me please. I can't lose you too." I cried.

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