Welcome to the Classroom of T...

By Seeanyui

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Izuru Kamukura suddenly awakens in a world unlike the one he knows, with only a few clues leading him to a sc... More

Volume 1 - Ch. 1 Classroom of Talent Supremacy
Volume 1 - Ch. 2 Speculation
Volume 1 - Ch. 3 King
Volume 1 - Ch. 4 Called by the King
Volume 1 - Ch. 5 The Stage is the Library
Volume 1 - Ch. 6 Negotiation
Volume 1 - Ch. 7 Midterm Exam
Interlude 1 - Ryuuen Kakeru Monologue
Volume 2 - Ch. 1 Incidents and Romance
Volume 2 - Ch. 2 Everyday Life with a Tyrant and a Queen
Volume 2 - Ch. 3 A Casual Holiday
Volume 2 - Ch. 4 Kikyou Kushida's Talent
Volume 2 - Ch. 5 Eccentric, Delinquent, and Supportive Items
Volume 2 - Ch. 6 Genius and Hope
Volume 2 - Ch. 7 The End of the Battle
Interlude 2 - A Special Day for Ibuki Mio

Volume 3 - Ch.1 Luxury Cruise Ship

2.3K 56 15
By Seeanyui

The world stretching before my eyes was in utter chaos.

Countless buildings that once seemed lively were now crumbling, broken, and engulfed in flames.

The chaotic screams of numerous people filled the air.

Screaming, falling, being killed, and dying.

The amount of flowing blood was so excessive that everywhere was pervaded with a distinct smell of iron and the unmistakable stench of death, making it impossible to breathe.

I observed such a scene from my current "base" - or what could barely be called a filthy ruin.

...How boring.

A faint emotion expressed my thoughts. I used to consider despair as something unknown, but after witnessing it countless times, it had become easier to predict.

In the end, what she said was only temporary.

I already knew that. But I had hoped for a change.

Once again, I recognized what I truly desired.

I decided to start searching for a new base to find a place for tonight's meal.

The fact that the whole world had been engulfed in despair and plunged into chaos did not concern me.

I possess "luck," so I won't die. I can survive until my natural life span, enduring harsh conditions like living on a deserted island every day.

As I walked a little distance from my previous location, I saw a city, so I entered it without any particular caution.

The streets were filled with collapsed bricks, several dead bodies scattered around, and walls stained with discolored blood.

I could see what seemed to be a bustling shopping district extending along a wide road. There were so many tall buildings that I couldn't judge their numbers at a glance.

However, both of them were in a state of severe damage.

Though it might have been a lively place once, it was difficult to imagine it had been until I stopped walking.

A few minutes later, I found a place where "luck" had left some food behind.

It was a well-lit area, probably a department store that had been altered by human hands.

The moment I stopped, I instinctively dodged to the side.

"!? ...Who are you?"

As I stopped, a person who had been hiding in the shadows closed the distance between us in an instant and swung a bamboo sword down on me.

A large cloud of dust rose from where the sword struck the ground. In an instant, I understood that if it had hit me, it would have been the end.

The perpetrator was a woman with exposed chest wrapped in a white special attack suit stained with red in places, resembling a kendo practitioner.

She showed surprise at her failed "first strike," but quickly returned to an emotionless expression.

She's not sane.

Indeed, the bright red pupils visible through her glasses were swirling with multiple whirlpools, as if they were inhaling something messy.

"Are you one of the remnants of despair? You must be the hitman with talent in kendo," she said.

"...What do you know about me?" I asked.


Ignoring her lack of interest, I headed towards the pile of food.

However, what I grabbed was not the food but the bamboo sword.

Once again, she swung at me.

"At this point, I don't care about you. But that food belongs to my master. I won't let you take it freely."

"If you want to 'guarantee ownership,' please present a more reasonable argument."

I said that and let go of the bamboo sword, revealing the real blade hidden within it.

Simultaneously, she stepped back and adjusted the distance between us.

"I don't need any guarantees. It's decided that all of this belongs to my master. I won't give even a fragment to a man like you. If you try to take it next time... I'll eliminate you as an 'intruder' on my master's 'tool.'"

She coldly stated her words and gradually broke into a creepy smile.

It was a smile that someone who enjoys killing would have.

"An 'instrument' with emotions. Truly despairing... How boring."


"That's enough, Peko."

She stopped instantly and kneeled down, bowing her head.

A man emerged from the shadows with two bodyguards. Seeing the mechanical movements of the "tool," he couldn't help but laugh genuinely, from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, guest. I own this area," he said.

"So what?"

"The food here is mine. If you want it, leave something as compensation. It's a 'contract' of exchange... If you can't do that, then die right now."

The short boy wearing a hat and hiding his right eye with an eye patch spoke while laughing.

...What a boring existence. He seemed like an "ineffective tyrant" who had continued oppression for his own selfish desires, despite history proving otherwise.

Like her, his eyes were filled with a mix of various emotions.

"Make a trite 'contract' with you?"

"Yeah, no problem. That way, you'll get to keep your life."


"...Fine, then. Peko, I order you as my 'tool,' kill this guy."

Without anyone interrupting the fast-paced conversation, the girl charged at me.

...Rampage had begun.


"Finally, you're awake, Kamukura-kun."

As I opened my eyes, the first thing that came into view was the blazing and dazzling light emitted by the midsummer sun. The brightness made it hard to see anything, but I could hear a high and beautiful voice reaching my ears.

Without feeling drowsy, my thoughts accelerated, and I quickly understood the current situation.

It was a dream, but also a memory stored in the corner of my mind.

Though it was a rare phenomenon, there was a part of me that felt it was somewhat predictable, but I focused on dealing with the current situation.

"It's impolite to put your feet up on the bench."

A beautiful voice sounded from beside me, stimulating my hearing again. I turned my face toward the person with the composed voice.

It was a beautiful girl with platinum hair that reflected the sunlight and a captivating smile that enchanted everyone who saw her.

Hiyori Shiina, my classmate, looked at me with that smile.

"...Why do you have to mention that?"

I took down the leg I had put up on the bench and placed both feet on the insulated ground. It felt no different from the asphalt as I looked out at the perpetual summer sea before me.

"Is it a habit...?" she asked.

"Well, maybe. Hmm, I thought I should be a bit more cautious, but since I saw something nice, I'll stop here for today."

"Something nice?"

She smiled and placed the paperback she was holding on her knees, putting her hand on her cheek. It seemed to indicate something related to her face.

"Your sleeping face, Kamukura-kun."

"...That's not something interesting."

"No, it was quite charming, a childlike expression I couldn't imagine from your usual self."

She continued to speak with the same smile. It felt a bit itchy to receive genuine praise without any malice.

...I had no interest in it, really.

"I tried poking your cheek, but you didn't wake up, so I guess you were really tired."

"...Seems like it."

To think that I could sleep so soundly in front of others and not wake up even when touched. I realized that unconsciously, I had judged her as a harmless person.

"Fufu, but I understand how you feel. With this warm sunlight and the clear sea breeze that shields us from the heat, anyone would want to take a nap in such a wonderful place."

The sea breeze, the sea.

Why can I sense them?

It's because we are currently crossing the Pacific Ocean.

"Our school is quite generous, isn't it? Allowing high school students to go on such a luxurious trip."

The sunlight, radiating brilliantly, passed through the boundless cloudless sky, carrying the infinite sea breeze, and was swallowed by the magnificent deck of the luxury cruise ship that welcomed us.

This deck alone could be considered a memorable part of the summer vacation.

As the long-awaited summer vacation for the students had begun, the reason for such luxury was as follows:

All the first-year students of High School and their assigned teacher are now on this day, August 1st, embarking on a two-week trip that is far beyond what an ordinary person could dream of.

To give you a glimpse of how extraordinary this is:

According to the plan, for the first week, we'll be enjoying the summer on a pension built on a deserted island, and for the second week, we'll stay on the cruise ship. The deck I described earlier.

The theater and luxurious spa are fully equipped with the facilities needed to enjoy ourselves. There are multiple private pools on the rooftop where you can play while emphasizing your own proportions by borrowing swimsuits.

In addition to these, there are many other luxurious services, all provided free of charge. To put it bluntly, it's abnormal.

"Are they hinting for us to be on guard again, like before?" she asked.

"Probably. Enjoy yourself, but be cautious, don't let your guard down. That's probably what they mean."

The educational policy of this school is to provide practical experiences, in other words, to make students learn by experiencing them. However, this time it's quite nasty.

It will most likely give rise to a multitude of negative emotions as students are thrown from heaven to hell.

As expected, or maybe as usual, Hiyori-san's expression twisted upon hearing my words.

Dark atmosphere filled the air, but she still managed to articulate her thoughts using language.

"...If something happens in the future, could it possibly involve physical activity? I'd prefer not to do any exercise if possible."

"When physical activity is necessary, it will always come. Though I'm not sure if it's the case this time."

"...Kamukura-kun, I'm not good at sports. Will I be alright?"

Her eyes darkened slightly as she self-deprecatingly revealed her shortcomings. It might have been a long-standing concern for her.

"It won't be alright."

"...You're so harsh."

Hiyori Shiina is indeed intelligent, has good academic skills, and her analytical abilities are quite high, even if they aren't at the level of super analysis.

But this school doesn't give favorable evaluations based solely on that.

As evidence, she is in Class C, and there's a reason she isn't in Class A, solely based on her academic abilities.

For her, it's her physical abilities that are the problem.

"...Well, I guess you don't have to do anything right away, so take your time to overcome it."

"Hehe, that's true. I'll take my time and do my best to overcome it.

By the way, Kamukura-kun, have you finished reading the book I lent you?"

After her gloomy attitude from before, she suddenly turned sparkling, which was quite annoying.

The book she lent me, "ABC Murder Case," was indeed finished. However, I'm sorry to say that it wasn't particularly interesting.

I had fallen asleep right after finishing it, overwhelmed by the sleepiness caused by the pleasant warmth of the sunlight.

"Yes, I finished it."

I casually replied with a vague response. I lacked politeness, and an uninterested atmosphere even radiated from me, and I recognized that about myself.

"...Was that expression boring?"

"It's not like it was dull. To be precise, it helped pass the time."

"...But I'm happy that you read it for me."

Even with a prickly remark, she smiled just like before. But she, too, being human, had a slight mixture of anger and confusion deep within her heart, thinking that she didn't need to say it in such a way.

"...It's not like I don't have any thoughts about it."

Time for some flattery.

She nodded slightly.

She approached me at a speed like a hungry fish biting onto a lure before it's shown to real fish.

"Even though it's only a part, was there anything interesting?"

"No, it wasn't exactly interesting. However, as I had read the 'ABC Murder Case' entirely in English before, I noticed some slight differences in expressions compared to the Japanese version."

"I see. That's an interesting thing to hear."

She put her hand on her chin, as if contemplating something. She was probably thinking about the differences in expression techniques between English and Japanese, but it might be a somewhat high level of difficulty for a mere high school student to think about such a topic.

For instance, just taking the representation of time in English and Japanese as an example.

English is a strict language when it comes to time, while Japanese is more relaxed.

In English, there are specific expressions for the present, past, and future. For example, "eat" is used for all sorts of expressions like "to eat," "to devour," "to consume" in Japanese.

The Japanese expression for "I ate" or "I devoured" in English is simply "ate."

If you want to express the future, it's "will eat."

If that future is already decided, it's "be going to eat."

If you're about to eat right now, it's "be about to eat."

With such tedious differences in English, compared to that, Japanese is easy to handle: "to eat" for the present tense and "ate" for the past tense. To express the future, it's as simple as "I plan to eat," "I intend to eat." There's no need to change the expression based on slight time differences.

Since classical times, Japanese had only two expressions for the past, "ki" and "keri." It's no wonder Japanese is a language that is relaxed about time.

Even if we just touched the tip of the iceberg, this much information comes out. I want people to understand that the differences in interpretation due to translation, the so-called language barrier, are not an easy hurdle to overcome.

"...I'll work harder on English. I've realized that to truly understand books, I need to break through the language barrier."

As she said that, her eyes burned with intense curiosity, like flames. Her hand formed a clenched fist, and her posture showed full determination.

"So, Kamukura-kun... Um, if possible, I was wondering if you could teach me English..."

As soon as she was about to say something, the surroundings became noisy.

A loud voice drowned out her small, thin voice.

"W-What's happening?"

She grabbed onto the railing of the deck and looked out at the view from there.

The island was clearly visible to the naked eye.

It seemed like we were arriving at the island.

"Huh? Did it start turning?"

Shiina's bewildered voice echoes.

The ship that was supposed to dock on the island inexplicably bypassed the pier and started circling around the island.

"...This is strange."

I agreed with that opinion. However, it could be that they just want to give us a comprehensive view of the island where we will be staying.

But question everything suspicious.

Just like philosophers who doubted all phenomena to find the truth, it's only natural to be somewhat skeptical and cautious about anything questionable.

There were unnaturally hollowed rock formations and well-maintained forests of considerable height. Some structures appeared to be made to blend with nature, while others, like huts and what seemed like caves, appeared out of place.

There were also iron towers and fallen trees.

And there was a beach with palm trees that seemed to have been artificially created.

The island has an area of about 0.5 square kilometers and a maximum elevation of 230 meters, which is too large for just a few hundred people.

Oh, come to think of it, I forgot to mention something important.

We've looked around, but there's no pension or anything similar on this island.

How and where are they planning to have us live?

A clever person could probably guess the answer.

To disembark people on an island without any base for living and have them figure it out.

"...Survival, is it?"

"What do you mean, Kamukura-kun?"

"You'll find out eventually. Besides, it should be clear soon."

Holding the book I had borrowed from her, I stood up from the bench and began to walk away with my back turned to her.

I could see a hint of anxiety on her face as I left, but there was no need to explain explicitly.

She would probably figure it out on her own soon enough.

"From here on, we will be landing on a deserted island owned by our school. All students are required to change into gym clothes in 30 minutes, confirm their designated bags and luggage, and gather on the deck with their mobile phones. Please leave all other personal belongings in your rooms. Also, there is a possibility that you may not be able to use the restroom for a while, so please make sure to take care of that beforehand."

As I expected, an announcement about the landing was made.


Wearing the gym clothes also used in physical education classes, the first-year students from Class A disembarked onto the island.

All the first-year students gathered near the coast, where the sandy beach was clearly visible.

Some people were acting promptly as they arrived, while others were strolling and chatting leisurely. It seemed comical to see such a diverse and unorganized group of people all wearing the same gym clothes, creating a sense of uniformity.

After a while of disembarking, all the classes began to confirm attendance together and submitted their mobile phones.

Once that was done, a tall teacher stepped forward and climbed onto a prepared white podium. He had a well-trained physique that made him look like a sports-oriented instructor, but he was Mr. Mashima, the English teacher for Class A.

"I am glad that we all arrived safely at this place today. However, I can't help but feel sorry for the one student who couldn't participate due to illness."

"Hmm, unlucky to miss out on such a luxurious trip."

Anyway, I focused my thoughts on something else that caught my interest.

The teachers wore stern expressions, and dozens of adults were dressed in workwear. Some were setting up temporary tents, and others were preparing electronic devices like laptops.

If my prediction was correct, those preparations were meant to ensure the safety of the students.

Mr. Mashima, who had been silent until then, looked at each student individually. The natural sounds of ocean waves and sea breeze were muffled by the artificial mechanical noises.

In such an atmosphere, the students began to show signs of confusion.

Then, finally, Mr. Mashima uttered a chilling remark.

"Now then, I would like to conduct the first special examination of this academic year."

The room was filled with questions, and almost everyone was still immersed in an illusion.

I scanned the surroundings to find someone who seemed unfazed and calm.

From Class A, there were a few: a bald-headed boy opposite to me and the blond-haired boy, who was one of Sakayanagi's followers, and I believe the girl's name was Masumi.

From Class B, there were also a few. Ichinose seemed composed, and beside her was a cool-looking handsome boy who also appeared calm.

From Class D, there was only one. It was an exception, but there stood Kouenji Rokusuke, the weirdo who stood with his back straight and let his nails shimmer in the sun.

And then, there was the smiling king of Class C.

"Your task will last for one week starting from today until noon on August 7. During this time, you will live together on this deserted island, and that will be your examination."

"Living on a deserted island... you mean we won't stay on the ship but actually sleep on this island?"

A student from Class C, who was standing about two rows behind me, raised his hand in confusion and asked the obvious question to Mr. Mashima.

"That's right. There are no legitimate reasons for re-boarding during the examination. You will have to prepare everything you need for living—food, clothing, and shelter—all by yourselves."

"At the start, we'll provide two tents, two flashlights, one box of matches, and one toothbrush per class. As an exception, female students can request unlimited menstrual supplies. That's all from me."

As I expected, it's quite dull. A sense of lethargy surrounded me, and I found myself looking ahead to the day after tomorrow.

Still, some students from Class D, who seemed dissatisfied with the situation, shouted at Mr. Mashima.

He calmly responded, settling their doubts.

Such exchanges continued.

After hearing that the theme of this special examination was "freedom," I became intrigued.

"As part of this special examination on the deserted island, each class will be provided with 300 points specifically for this task. You can use these points cleverly to enjoy this special examination. We have prepared a manual for that purpose."

He held a thick booklet that seemed to be the manual.

"It contains everything you can obtain with points. From necessities for living to entertainment. For example, if you want to have a barbecue, you can use points to get the necessary equipment and ingredients."

As the students heard this, their expressions became calm.

"Let me make this clear. There won't be any negative impact after the second term. And there won't be anything difficult. As I mentioned earlier, this examination is all about freedom. There are some basic rules for living together, but there is nothing that is difficult to follow."

He addressed the uninteresting questions that would have come up to smooth the conversation.

At this point, it still sounded like just an examination combined with entertainment.

However, I was about to nullify that idea with the next piece of information.

"At the end of this special examination, all the remaining points will be added up for each class and reflected after summer vacation."

A dry, peculiar laughter was heard.

It seemed like his prediction was correct.

In simple terms, after enduring one week, the class points received at the beginning would increase by a maximum of 300 points for the next month.

And academic performance had no relation to this competition. After all, it was a survival test.

As a result, higher-ranking classes had an advantage, and the class points, which had never changed before, would begin to change.

This was going to be a full-fledged class struggle.

"We will distribute one manual per class. In case of loss, it can be reissued, but be careful to store it safely as it will consume points.

Also, the student who missed this trip is from Class A. According to the rules of the special examination, if anyone retires due to poor health or other reasons, a penalty of 30 points will be deducted.

Therefore, Class A will start with 270 points."

"Hmm, Sakayanagi is the one who missed the trip."

I had suspected it because I couldn't find her, and it's true that the harsh environment here might not be suitable for her condition.

"That concludes the explanation. Does anyone have any other questions or something they don't understand?"

No one responded to the loud voice coming from the megaphone.

Mr. Mashima looked over each student one by one for final confirmation.

However, someone raised their right hand.

It was me.

There's no benefit in asking a question here. After all, I don't want to give hints to those who still haven't fully understood the situation.

Although Ryuuen might scold me later for not asking, I don't really care about that.

Continuing with this dull examination would be boring from my perspective.

"I'll allow questions."

All the attention in the place gathered towards me.

There's no tension.

In fact, this is how a Super High School Level Hope should be.

"I have two questions. First, you mentioned that there won't be any negative impact in the future, but what happens if the 300 points go below zero?"

"There's no problem with that. Points won't go below zero. Even if you use them all, the minimum will be 0 points."

"Hmm, then my second question."

Since I wasn't using the respectful language used by students towards teachers, I received disapproving looks from Class A students.

But, disregarding all of that, I continued.

"Is it possible to transfer the 300 points to someone else...?"


As the midsummer beach was brushed by a series of sea breezes, sand flew in the air.

Other students wore expressions like they were thinking, "What is he saying?"

Ichinose, Ryuuen, Kushida, the bald-headed boy, the black-haired beauty from Class D, and even the plain-looking boy had the same expressions.

In this examination, where quite a large amount of pocket money can be earned for the second term, my question was about the impossible—transferring that pocket money to others.

To try to understand or decipher my intention would be foolish.

In fact, I could see some people smirking in a derisive manner.

"..... It's possible. If you want to pay points to get something, you can also pay points to invest in other classes.

By the way, to use points, anyone can do so by reporting to their homeroom teacher each time. However, transferring points as you mentioned is not something anyone can do. That's related to the leader who will be explained by each homeroom teacher later."

Mr. Mashima seriously answered my question.

What are they talking about with that information? I heard from Class A, but I don't care.

Certainly, at this stage, it's not something I absolutely need.

But like I said a few hours ago, I doubt everything.

To uncover the underlying rules, I need to know all the rules and also outwit others' predictions.

The process for that. Means to increase the chance of success by thickening the process that leads to the result.

I am lucky enough that I will win without getting stuck in every process.

In other words, the results will come on their own.


All I can enjoy is the process.

"Are there any other questions?... That's all for the explanation. Each class can now disperse."

Perhaps due to my question taking up time, Mr. Mashima quickly ended things.

After that, another teacher with a megaphone appeared and led each class to their respective homeroom teacher.

Each class began to gather, keeping some distance between them.

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