The Ultimate Eternal (MCU X H...

By Monster-Zer0

68.1K 1.7K 539

Hyperion is one of the 11 Eternals who came to Earth to protect the inhabitants from the predators made oppos... More

Avengers (1)
Avengers (2)
Avengers (3) (Finale)
New Arrival (1)
New Arrival (2) (Finale)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (1)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (3)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (4)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (5) (Finale)
Hyperion and the Sentry (1)
Hyperion and the Sentry (3)
Hyperion and the Sentry (4) (Finale)
MARVELous Adventure (1)
MARVELous Adventure (2)
MARVELous Adventure (3)
MARVELous Adventure (4) (Finale)
- Squadron Supreme Members -
Captain America: Civil War (1)
Captain America: Civil War (2)
Captain America: Civil War (3)
Captain America: Civil War (Finale)

Hyperion and the Sentry (2)

1K 43 19
By Monster-Zer0

They decided to let Hyperion go and meet him first to talk for safety. They still don't know what this Robert Reynolds is capable of. Hyperion landed in an alleyway near Robert's apartment. It was an old building with worn down paint and cracks appear around the place.

As he walked inside, he could hear loud sounds coming from every room. Be it music or two couples having sex like rabbits. He finally found the room where Robert is with his X-Ray vision and knocked on the door. He could hear footsteps and the door opened slightly.

Hyperion: "Are you Robert Reynolds?"

Robert: "Who's asking?"

Hyperion: "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. Just wanna ask some questions."

Robert stared at him for awhile and could feel something off with this person. He opened the door wide enough for the Eternal to get in.

Hyperion: "Thank you."

Hyperion walked in and inspected the room and saw a single bed, couch, a drawer, chairs and a table, a door to the bathroom and a small TV. They both sat infront of each other as they talked with Robert asking first.

Robert: "What do you want from me?"

Hyperion: "Straight to the point eh? Okay then."

Hyperion then brought out a small disk and placed it on the table. It opened to show a hologram screen with the events that happened in the park.

Hyperion: "One of the cameras in the park recorded this. A man who just threw two people with no effort and then disintegrating the last one before he could escape."

Robert: "You think that I did this?"

Hyperion could hear his heart rate going faster as he assumed that Robert was getting nervous.

Hyperion: "We didn't know at first but then we found another footage."

Another footage played and it was an alleyway. Someone then landed creating a loud thud and that someone has glowing hands and eyes. When the figure came out, the light from the lamppost shined on him revealing to be Robert.

Hyperion: "Now my question is, how did you get this powers of yours? Drugs? Knowing your past that must be it."

Robert: "N-No. I don't remember ever consuming something that's weird or out of the ordinary unless-"

Robert then gripped his head in pain as he recalled drinking something from a test tube in an abandoned lab. Then meeting with Tombstone and his gang with Tombstone trying to kill him.

Robert: "That liquid..."

Hyperion: "What liquid?"

Robert: "After everything that had happened. It all comes down to one man. Because of him, I turned out like this. With power I don't even know. If it wasn't for him, I would have never took that liquid and obtain power I can't even control."

Robert closed his hand into a fist in anger as it started to glow golden. The whole building started to shake as Hyperion got ready to stop it.

Robert: "I will find that man and put a stop to his reign. Because of him! My life got even worse!"

Hyperion: "Robert, calm down."

Robert stared at him with a glare as his eyes glowed yellow.

Robert: "Too late for that. "

Using his fist, Robert blasted Hyperion on the chest sending the Eternal through multiple walls of the apartment complex and then crashing to the ground. Hyperion lifted the rubble off of him as he saw his clothes are singed from the blast. He then saw Robert floating down in his yellow and blue suit.

Robert: "I knew you were something else. Are you with those SHIELD people or the Avengers?"

Hyperion: "We don't have to do this Robert! We can help you hunt down this criminal and put a stop to his plans."

Robert: "No. I will do this my way. I'll burn this city into the ground if I have to. I'll find him and there's no one who can stop me."

Hyperion: "You don't know what you're doing Robert."

Robert: "Robert is gone. Call me......Sentry."

With that, Robert flew in super sonic speeds leaving a trail and sonic booms. Hyperion could only watch in worry of what he can do. Seeing as he can't control his power, he could bring the world to it's end. He pressed his earpiece and called the others.

Hyperion: "Guys, we have a major problem."


Hyperion is now back at the Avengers Compound with Steve and Rhodey. He was explaining everything of what happened.

Rhodey: "So everything that he can do all leads to this unknown liquid he consumed?"

Hyperion: "That's what he said. I still don't know what this liquid is."

Steve: "Whatever it is, we must stop him. He is out there hunting someone with powers he can't even control."

Rhodey: "We can't let the kids be on this. We're fighting against a guy with the same powers as our big guy over here."

Hyperion: "I'm with Rhodey on this one. We can't let the kids get involved in this Steve."

Steve: "I know. We should find him and talk to him. We let the talking to you buddy."

Hyperion: "I'll reason with him."

Steve: "Okay. Be ready in 30."

That's when they got a call from Nat who was on a mission in Las Vegas. Steve immediately answered as he saw Nat inside a Casino bathroom stool.

Steve: "Nat? What's the situation?"

Natasha: "Not looking good. One of the big shots in the underworld is here."

Nat sent Steve a file as the Super Soldier immediately read it.

Natasha: "His name is Tombstone. One dangerous crime boss who leads the Tombstone gang. He brought in a lot of guys with him. I think I need backup."

Steve: "Don't worry, we are on our way. Keep an eye on them."

Natasha: "Don't worry. I can handle them until you guys arrive."

The hologram call went off as Steve turned towards Hyperion and Rhodey.

Steve: "Make that 15."

Natasha walked out of the bathroom in her casual clothing as she walked back to the main Casino area with a bunch of guards and Tombstone gang standing around the place. Tombstone is seen in the middle talking with a rich man.

She was trying to get close so that she can get some information of what they are talking about. She grabbed a drink and pretended to play some games on the tables that are near where Tombstone is.

Rich Man: "So why do you need this weapons for?"

Tombstone: *chuckles* "You see my friend, I'm being hunted by a man and that man is someone who doesn't go down easily."

Rich Man: *laugh* "You are using this too much firepower on just one man? That is ridiculously!"

Tombstone: "Believe me when I say this man has the power to rip everyone in here with the blink of an eye."

Rich Man: "Whatever you say. So-"

The whole place then started to shake as Natasha grabbed her gun from under her outfit. The people inside the Casino started to panic from the sudden shaking as Tombstone 's men and the Rich guy started to surround them. Natasha then grabbed her comms and called the others.

Natasha: "Uh guys."

Steve: "What's wrong?"

Natasha: "You should come over here fast. We've got company."

Steve: "Hyperion already left. Hold 'em off before we get there."

Natasha: "I don't think I can though."

The ceiling of the Casino suddenly broke apart as someone landed on a table breaking it on impact. This someone is wearing a golden suit with a blue cape.

Natasha: "Oh no."

Tombstone saw who it was and could only smirk as all his men aimed their guns at him. Robert only glared at the man responsible of what he has become.

Robert: "You."

Tombstone: "I'm surprised you survived that."

Robert: "You did this to me!"

Tombstone: "Uh uh. It was you who did this to yourself. Consumed something not knowing what it was. Your addiction got the better of you."

Robert: "If you didn't make that deal with us, none of this would've happened. My friend would have been alive and I wouldn't have become this freak."

Tombstone: "You're already a freak."

Robert gritted his teeth in anger as he lunge at him but a rain of gunfire stop him as he covered himself up. Tombstone walked back enjoying the seen as the rich man ran out of the Casino with everyone who panicked.

Tombstone: "Send him in."

Robert found a nearby table and grabbed it from below before throwing it towards Tombstone's men hitting three of them. He then blasted two more with an energy blast from his fist. He then charged at the only ones left and took them down with ease. Ripping them apart like paper. His sights were set on Tombstone as he flew towards the crime boss ready to rip him apart. He was then cut off by something bursting out from the wall, hitting him and sending him towards the wall of the Casino going through it. He stood up and saw a very large man standing in front of Tombstone like he was his bodyguard.

Robert: "Get out of my way."

Juggernaut: "No can do pal. You are not touching the boss man."

Robert then charged at the hulking man and went for a punch. Juggernaut caught his fist but the impact created a mini shockwave. The hulking giant went for a punch of his own but Robert also caught his massive fist with his hand. The two were locked on a struggle trying to overpower each other. Juggernaut grinned but turned confused as he saw Robert's eyes glowing golden until a beam of energy hit Juggernaut on the chest pushing him back.

Robert closed his eyes as he could feel the heat from that beam shoot out. He looked up to see Juggernaut's torso smoking from the attack. He used this opportunity to fly towards the villain and started to punch him left and right. Every blow made the Juggernaut stumble back but the giant didn't let up. Catching Robert by the arm, he slammed the man to the ground before throwing him towards the ceiling. He then tackled Robert as the two went through the ceiling and towards the streets. More of Tombstone's men then arrived as Tombstone was ready to leave but noticed Natasha who he recognized.

Tombstone: "Well if isn't SHIELD's famed assassin. Came to take me in?"

Natasha: "Well we have some questions for you that needed answers."

Tombstone: "You think I would just let you take me. Men, show her hell."

Tombstone's men fired their guns at the Super Spy as Natasha dived to the left taking cover behind a table. She grabbed her gun and jumped out of cover shooting two of the men on the leg. She jumped on top of a table before kicking one on the head knocking him out. The men fired more shots at Natasha as she fired back before jumping towards a pillar reloading her gun. Her comms then went off.

Hyperion: "Need some help?"

Natasha: "I got this. Go help the other guy."

Hyperion: "Roger that."

Natasha then grabbed her other gun as she peeked out of her cover and saw the men closing in on her position.

Natasha: "All in days work."

We pan towards the streets of Las Vegas as we see Robert getting thrown towards a gas station as it exploded. Robert slowly got up ignoring the flames around him and stared at the hulking goliath that is Juggernaut who is smirking.

Juggernaut: "You'll entertain me for awhile."

Robert roared in anger as he charged at Juggernaut with incredible speeds tackling the behemoth towards multiple buildings. Juggernaut digged his feet on the ground to stop Robert but the superpowered man didn't stop there. Punched Juggernaut towards a bank as the behemoth went through the walls of the bank as his back then hit the vault. Robert appeared and punched Juggernaut multiple times on his helmet as the behemoth tried to block his powerful blows. Juggernaut landed a clean cross on Robert's face making him stumble to the side but the man planted his feet before giving Juggernaut a powerful uppercut sending the behemoth through the ceiling and back to the streets.

He then narrowly dodged a stomp from Robert as he grabbed him by the cape and slammed him on a car. He then grabbed Robert's face before slamming him on a building. He then threw Robert in the air before grabbing his face again then slamming him back to the ground creating a crater. Robert tried to loosen Juggernaut's grip by blasting him with energy projectiles on the face but the behemoth wasn't even fazed.

Juggernaut: "You're holding back. I see. You don't know how to use your full strength yet. Come on. Give me a real fight!"

Robert was trying everything to loosen the behemoth's grip on his face as his eyes started to glow. He could hear someone whispering to him with an eerie voice.

"Let go. Unleash everything."

Robert: "N-No!"

"Don't hold back. Kill him."

Robert was about to give in to the voice when suddenly, Juggernaut was struck by a beam of pure Cosmic energy sending the behemoth skidding back and hitting a gasoline truck making it explode. Robert slowly sat up and panted.

Hyperion: "I see you needed help."

He looked to see Hyperion floating towards him. He recognized him from their run in earlier.

Robert: "It's you."

Hyperion: "Let's talk later after we bring this guy down."

Juggernaut walked out of the flames and confronted the two superpowered beings as he recognized Hyperion.

Juggernaut: "Finally! An Avenger has arrived to stop me. I've been dreaming of this very moment."

Hyperion: "Cain Marko a.k.a. The Juggernaut. I didn't know you are working with Tombstone and his gang."

Juggernaut: "What can I say. The pay is good and I can do the hell I want."

Robert: "Once I'm done with you, I'll deal with your boss for good."

Juggernaut: "Try all you want. You won't stop the Juggernaut!"

The behemoth then sprinted towards them as Robert did the same. They met halfway as the two collided causing a shockwave to break all the glass windows in the area. Juggernaut grabbed Robert and threw him towards a car denting the side. He was about to ran into Robert when an Atomic Blast pushed him back. Hyperion then tackled him away from Robert as Juggernaut brought his fists down making the Eternal hit the ground hard cracking the pavement.

Hyperion then raised his arm blocking Juggernaut's punch. He reeled his other fist and hit Juggernaught on the side of his helmet stunning him. Robert then flew in kneeing him on the face making him fell backwards. Hyperion then appeared behind the behemoth as he wrapped his arms around Juggernaut's waist before supplexing him to the ground. Hyperion went for a punch but Juggernaut grabbed him and slammed him towards an incoming Robert.

Juggernaut then slammed the Eternal on the ground dragging him on the cement road before punching him towards a building crashing into it. Juggernaut felt something hit his back and saw Robert blasting him with his energy blast but this time it hurt the big behemoth surprising him. Robert is starting to unleash his full powers not holding back anymore. He charged at Juggernaut tackling the giant then unleashing a flurry of punches that the Juggernaut either took or blocked. Robert grabbed Juggernaut by the helmet and slammed him to the ground. Robert started to squeeze on the helmet as it started to make noises.

Juggernaught not having any of it, head-butted Robert before grabbing him by the leg and slamming him on the ground three times then throwing him to one of the shops in the area. Juggernaut touched his helmet as he felt a dent on it making him angry.

Juggernaut: "This cost a lot you bastard! Now I'm not holding everything back."

He jumped towards the shop where he threw Robert and crashed into it destroying it. He then grabbed Robert out of the rubble and punched him sending him towards another shop across the street. Hyperion then came shoulder bashing him away from Robert. The Eternal then grabbed a car as he used it to hit Juggernaut multiple times until the Behemoth swatted it away and grabbed the Eternal by the face and dragged him through multiple buildings. Hyperion blasted Juggernaut with his Atomic Vision as the giant lost his grip on the Eternal. Hyperion then unleashed powerful blows to the behemoth's chest, then punching him on the face before kneeing him on the stomach.

Hyperion: "Face it Marko. You can't win."

Juggernaut went for another punch but Hyperion just dodged it and countered with his own making the Juggernaut stumble back.

Juggernaut: "They were right about you. Of how strong you really are."

Hyperion: "I suggest surrendering is your best option here."

Juggernaut was about to say something but was cut off as he was sent flying by a blast of energy. Hyperion looked back as Robert flew passed him and chased after the Juggernaut. He flew towards the Juggernaut arms stretched out then punching him with so much force the behemoth came rocketing back to the ground. He grabbed the behemoth by the helmet and ripped it off of him. He then began to punch the behemoth over and over again until he was stopped by a hand grabbing him by the arm.

Hyperion: "That's enough! He's already down."

Robert turned back towards the behemoth and saw him already bloody and unconscious. Robert gritted his teeth as he attempted to fly away but Hyperion appeared in front of him.

Robert: "Out of my way."

Hyperion: "You're not going anywhere after all the trouble and damage you caused in this place. You fought as if you didn't know they were innocent people in the area. You're coming with us."

Robert: "I'm not going anywhere! And no one can stop me."

Robert's eyes glowed golden as Hyperion didn't back down as his eyes glowed crimson.

Hyperion: "I can."

Before the two Titans can duke it out, they were cut off as Steve and Rhodey arrived with SHIELD agents aiming at Robert with everything they have. Robert knew he could take them all except the one in front of him. Just by seeing how he handled Juggernaut without his help means he can seriously take him on. Natasha then arrived without a scratch as he ordered a few men to take care of the Juggernaut. The two powerhouses floated back down to the ground as Natasha approached the two

Natasha: "Got some Intel on Tombstone's next move."

She then turned towards the golden suited man.

Hyperion: "He'll come with us for now."

She nodded as she walked towards the Quinjet where Steve is at with Rhodey. Hyperion turned towards Robert who was in pain grabbing his head. He then put a hand on his shoulder making him look at Eternal.

Hyperion: "Let's go."

Robert can only nod and follow the Eternal board the Quinjet not knowing that the voice inside his head started to break free from its chains as it had a wide sinister smile on its face.

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