Finding Love

By justkidding_310

1.6K 111 16

Where a nasty breakup brings Alyiah closer to someone. "Don't cry over that idiot," his voice was muffled by... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

116 7 1
By justkidding_310

THE STARS WERE smiling at me, they shined brighter tonight than I've ever seen them. As I looked up at the enchanting celestial body that brought light onto the dark night- a feeling of serenity washed over me, forcing me to forget where I was and appreciate its majestic appearance. I was brought back to reality when a drunk teenager roughly bounced into me, causing me to almost topple over into the pool in front of me. Letting out a sigh, I move away from the boy before anything bad could happen. Looking around I realized I was so zoned out I had lost sight of my best-friend, I panicked at the thought of her walking around the room with a bunch of horny teenage boys. Then I remembered the words she shouted to me as she drove us to the party I reluctantly attended.

"I just want to get laid and remove my mind from all this stress, I don't care who does it"

Realizing she was enjoying herself, I looked around to see if I could locate my boyfriend. Walking up to the football boys who were surrounding the pool table, I hoped to find him within the crowd, not wanting to enter the crowded house. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case because he was nowhere near them when I approached the rowdy table.

"Hey, do you guys know where Brandon is?" I questioned, the table immediately quite down.

"He's upstairs, said he was feeling a bit sick," one of them answered, I recognized him as Jonathan Parley a linebacker, his face held an apologetic look as if he knew something I didn't.

"Thanks, enjoy the party," I addressed them all before moving off.

At this point the slight buzz I had was slowly fading, the heels on my feet were killing me and I wanted to change the mini-skirt I wore to a sweatpants, in other words I was ready to go. Making my way up the stairs I couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong, as I glanced at couples who were basically eating each other faces off, the dread only sunk deeper. Upstairs meant you were either hooking up or you were couple looking for some time alone, Brandon knew this so why was he up here? If he was sick there was a bathroom downstairs that could have more than occupied him.

Think positive, think positive

I chanted those words as I opened the doors, apologizing to people who were in the middle of making out and girls who were gossiping. There was only one more door to check and as my hand hovered over the doorknob I heard what I feared the most, the sound of moaning. Tears threaten to cloud my eyes but I quickly looked up trying to let them not fall, the headache I gathered from the bow that had tightly clipped strands of my hair quickly fell from my list of problems. With one last breath I turned the knob in my hand and I heard the click, pushing open the door I saw something that made me want drop to my knees and sob. My boyfriend of two years and my best-friend of seven years were both naked grinding and kissing as if there lives depended on it.

"This room is occupied," the sound that used to bring comfort to me spoke.

"I can see that," I answered, crossing my arms over my chest. My voice seemed to snap them out of whatever trance they were in because both heads immediately turned to me.

"A-Alyiah i-it's-," Brandon started 

"Don't even start with that crap, I'm not blind I know what I'm seeing," I seethed. "to think I was even worrying about you two, when you guys were clearly having the times of your lives. The irony."

"Bumblebee-," Emma tried but I wouldn't let her.

"Don't call me that, that's reserved for my best-friend," I spat, all sadness was replaced with anger.

They're really gonna try and justify this

"I am your best-friend," she said and before I could stop myself, I was dying of laughter.

I laughed and I laughed hard, tears whether from me laughing or from sadness washed over my face. It was just too funny not to laugh at, she had just slept with my boyfriend and then claimed she was my best-friend.

"It seems your still a bit drunk," I wiped the tears from my cheeks, "we'll have this conversation another time, you guys can carry on what you were doing before I interrupted. Thanks for the laugh though."

Before they could answer I had already closed the door, my back made contact with the door and my fist stopped the cries I wanted to release. On shaky legs, I moved down the tears trying not to bump into any couples. As I reached downstairs, the pounding music only made me more overwhelmed as I heard our favorite songs and the tears I was trying to hold in started to roll down my cheeks. Pushing through the crowd I tried to make a run for the door, but a firm grip stopped me.

"Did you find him?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah, I found him cheating on me with my best-friend," I answered and removed myself from his grip, but before I was to far I heard him let out a small 'damn'.

I made my way to the spot that I had left my things, gathering my coat and purse I made my way out the door. As I walked down the driveway, I felt dismantled, I didn't know what to do with myself. I had no idea how I was going to get home, Emma had carried me here and I didn't trust using Uber  this late at night. Plopping myself down on a bench, the sobs I held back came spewing out of my mouth, I was crying so hard I didn't notice the figure approaching me.

I heard someone clear their throat from beside of me, causing me to jump, looking over to my left I saw the face of Leo Haynes lit by the moonlight. His hair was messy, like he had run his hand through it a million times, it flowed over his eyebrows and hit is eyelashes. His hazel eyes were looking at me through hooded eyes and there was a beauty mark right under the right one, another beauty mark was on his straight nose and above his plump lips. In moments like this I wish I could disappear, here he was looking gorgeous as ever while I probably looked like a mess with mascara dripping down my cheeks.

"I would ask if you're alright, but I think the sobbing answered that already," he started the conversation.

He was so beautiful until he opened his mouth

"Well at least you were concerned," I retorted, turning away from him trying to hide my mess of a face.

"Actually I only came out here to tell you, your in my spot," I turned my head to look him in disbelief and was met with a smirking face.

"Really? Are you serious?" I questioned, my voice raising.

"I was joking," he chuckled, "my mom raised me better than that."

"Good to know," I muttered.

Brandon obviously couldn't relate

The words that came out of his mouth next had nothing to do with what we just spoke about but I'm glad he asked.

"Do you want a ride?"


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