Milo x Oz One-shots (Request'...

By Backwards-Fangirl

11.2K 431 402

You call it a hyper fixation, I call it love. Anyway, welcome to the one-shot book that will probably kill my... More

Drop your requests here!
- A Warm Welcome -
- A Night to Remember -
- Schools for nerds and crushes -
- Mortals and otherwise -
- Cinema In The Making -
- What Makes an Immortal -
- Not So Lonely Rehearsals -
- Breaking literal and hypothetical legs -
- Double Feature-
♡ Fluffuary Bookmark ♡
♡ I Don't Have The Energy For This ♡
♡ The Little Things ♡
♡ A Natural Beauty ♡
♡ Ripped Pages and Floral Arrangements ♡
♡ Written in the Stars ♡
♡ Chilling at 5 AM ♡
♡ A Typical Love Story ♡
♡ Loner V.S. Influencer ♡
♡ Golden Opportunities ♡
♡ End of the Begining ♡
♡ Flying Sparks ♡
♡ Early Mornings ♡
♡ Behind the Camera ♡
♡ Reaping Concern ♡
♡ Clutter Clumps ♡
♡ Fame and Fear ♡
♡ Rain Rain Go Away ♡
♡ Young and Unafraid ♡
♡ The Day After ♡
♡ Picture That Moment ♡
♡ Sick Day ♡
♡ Right Next Door ♡
♡ Glad Grads ♡
♡ Barrels of Laughter ♡
♡ A Picture For Each Hand ♡
♡ We Got Time To Kill ♡
♡ One Last Dance ♡
♡ Thank Fuck It's Over ♡

♡ Brewing Feelings ♡

83 5 7
By Backwards-Fangirl

Summary: Oz works in a very popular café that's overrun with influencers, and one day he meets the infamous Milo Belladonna.

A/N: This was actually a request from Otter_shock soooo.... sorry about it being a bit late lol

Day #24: Hot Beverage

Oz had many hobbies, and one of them was working in this popular café. He mainly worked as a barista and was liked by most of the customers, always creating small talk and a fun vibe. However, every now and then, there would be a customer that caused him trouble.

Most of them were online influencers, what a surprise. They would always throw fits about the café not having certain items or not living up to the pictures they saw on Instagram.

So, when Oz saw a new customer walk in with their eyes glued to their phone and designer bag in hand, he was rightfully cautious. He watched as this new face approached him as he wiped down the counter.

"Heya, how are you?" The stranger greets and Oz gives the classic 'I'm doing great' before moving over to the cash register.

"What can I get you today?" Oz asks and the customer looks up at their chalkboard menu; clearly unsure of their answer.

"I'm actually not quite sure, what do you like?" They ask, which catches the boy off guard.

Most of the influencers that walk in are at his throat about some random secret menu item or have some stupidly complicated order. However, this new face was the complete opposite, which intrigued Oz.

"Well," Oz starts, having the undivided attention of the new customer. "We're pretty well known for our foam lattes and matcha cappuccinos. Food wise we have our freshly made brownies and rice krispy treats."

"I think I'll have a foam latte with a brownie then." The customer states and Oz quickly types it into the register.

"Alright, can I have a name for your order?" Oz asks.

"Milo B." The stranger replies cautiously and Oz just types it down.

"Alright then Milo, when your order is ready I'll call you over."

With a smile, the reaper headed over to the solo tables in the back, which confused Oz even more. They had a section dedicated to influencers in the back with a selfie wall and everything, so why didn't they sit over there?

Regardless of Oz's confusion, he moved on to creating Milo's latte. When it came to the foam art on top, the fearling just did the logo of the store; sneaking a small signature in the design. After sprinkling the drink with some cinnamon, he called Milo's name and handed over the order.

Oz tried to go back to his job, catching up with some regulars, but he couldn't keep his eyes off Milo. He was so confused by this enby, they were clearly an influencer, so why the hell were they acting so humble?

After Milo finished their drink and brownie, they moved from their seat to the register. Oz mentally prepared himself to be yelled at over something insignificant, but instead, Milo handed him twenty dollars.

"That was one of the best lattes I've ever had, plus the design was absolutely adorable. I just had to tip you." Milo says casually and Oz thanks them.

This wasn't adding up, Oz got tipped TWENTY DOLLARS for an EIGHT DOLLAR ORDER! By an influencer no less!

The fearling ended his shift in confusion and when he got home he immediately looked up the customer's name. Maybe they were just really rich or something, but what Oz found out was even more shocking.

The customer was Milo Belladonna, one of the most popular influencers on the internet! They had millions of followers on every single social media platform and were practically flooded with sponsorships.

While studying Milo's Instagram, Oz found a picture of the latte he made for them. It looked like a typical post promoting the café until Oz read the caption.

'A Café so fancy the barista signed my latte!'

Now this was most unusual, an influencer actually noticed Oz used a signature in his design! This is completely uncalled for and Oz nearly convinced himself he was dreaming before he started reading the comments. But of course, the top comment was debunking his signature and shouting his name to the world.

Oz just pushed this all out of his mind until his next shift, where Milo showed up again! They once again asked for a latte and the fearling had to pinch himself. Regardless, Oz made a new latte, this time drawing a couple of social media logos into the foam.

Once again he added his signature and sent it off to Milo, and once again he got another tip and post. This one was even more loved than the last and Oz couldn't help but smile to himself while reading the comments praising his work. He ended up following Milo's socials after that, slowly admiring the reaper.

Day by day, Milo started showing up at the café more and more, and every time they did they would chat with Oz and get a new piece of artwork. Oz actually started taking requests from the top comments of Milo's posts, which the reaper quickly noticed.

If someone requested a tree, it would be the next thing they got on top of their latte. They didn't mind it of course, but it also threw them off. The barista, which they learned to be Oz, definitely knew of their influence; but treated them like every other customer regardless.

Milo found themself slowly moving from sitting in the back to sitting at the barstools by Oz, drawn to the simple monster. The two actually became really good friends and Oz found himself waiting every shift for Milo to walk in.

Oz realized he was catching feelings when he memorized the exact time Milo usually walked in, which was usually 3:36. Even if he wasn't aware of the time, without fail, he would think of Milo during that time and wait for them to walk through those doors.

This caused him to spiral just a little bit, unconsciously adding hearts into Milo's foam designs; only realizing afterward when seeing pictures. After a few awkward shifts, Oz finally built up the courage to ask out Milo. Obviously not face to face, but through the form of art!

He stayed up all night creating the perfect design which involved a bird carrying a love note with his signature on it. It was subtle enough to not draw attention but obvious enough to get his point across.

Oz was absolutely exhausted during his shift, practicing his design whenever he got the chance. Finally, he got confident enough with the piece of art and before he knew it, it was 3:36.

Milo walked in on cue and asked for the usual. Oz tried to act casual and terribly failed, but Milo didn't seem to notice all that much. Once Oz handed the reaper their drink, it immediately caught them off guard.

They knew for a fact the top comment of their last post was requesting a calculator... for whatever reason. But... this was definitely not a calculator. Either Milo was reading into it or Oz just gave them a love note written in dairy.

The reaper looked up at the boy and they immediately made nervous eye contact; that's when the enby knew they weren't overthinking things. Cautiously setting down their drink, Milo asked the innocent question, "When does your shift end?"

"Six, W-why'd you ask?" Oz stutters out, nerves clearly taking control of the situation.

"Because I want to treat you to a long-awaited date."

And just like that, Oz officially fell in love. Milo spent an extra two hours in that café talking with Oz and making date plans. They ended up going to this music festival happening a couple blocks away and Oz pinched himself at least ten times.

The night ended with him back at his apartment, scrolling through Milo's Instagram. There were pictures of the festival they went to, but he was searching for his foam art picture instead. When he finally found it he blushed as he read the caption.

'Took you long enough love bird 💌🐦'

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