Rejected And Pregnant, Great!

由 sezzylou1

295K 7.1K 405

Meeting your mate is meant to be the best moment of your life and in some circumstances you would be right bu... 更多

The Party
The Party: Part 2
Unwanted News
Unwanted News (Part 2)
Moving on
2 Months Later
2 Months Later (Xavier P.O.V)
Their Here!!!!
Motherhood/First Birthdays
His Arrival
His Arrival: Part 2 (Xavier's P.O.V)
Back To The Place It All Started
Old families, New families
Old Friends/ New Enemies?
I Warned You.
Truths Are Revealed
Truths Are Revealed: Part 2
Tomorrow We Strike
Today is the Day.
The Aftermath
The Aftermath (Part 2)

We Are Coming.

1.8K 46 1
由 sezzylou1

It feels good to be in charge again, to be running a pack again. This was my calling and I have to admit I was good at my job. This pack had no chance with Evan, he was pathetic. I am here now though, I can make us great.

I guess some of the wolves in this pack don't like my leadership and have decided to runaway. Good riddance. We have no space for cowards. We have a war on our hands and we are going to win.

As I sat in my office the door swung open.

"Tiffany. I see they let you out of the cells." I smiled.

"About time. What took you so long?" She huffed.

"Maybe I just wanted to see you suffer."

"You are a bad boy." She teased as he approached me.

She walked around the desk and stood in front of me. She knelt down and began to undo my trousers. She began to lick the tip before taking me in her mouth. She sucked up and down, her movements getting faster and faster. I began to move my hips along with her, I grabbed her hair and forced it further into her mouth. I thrusted harder and harder. It felt so good. I could feel myself on the verge of cumming. I came and I made sure she swallowed it all.

I pushed her away and got up.

"What about me? What do I get?" She asked.

"You get nothing. You are only here to help me."


"But nothing. Tiffany I don't know if you have noticed but you mean nothing to me. You are here for one purpose and one purpose alone. Once that is over with. I have no use for you."

"You are a prick." She said.

"I know." I smiled.

She stormed out the room. Useless bitch. She was nothing compared to my Ari. It was a shame Ariana had to die though. It really would be such a waste.

I headed out of the office and to the garden were everyone was training. I wasn't impressed. Everyone was sloppy, I didn't see not one punch land.

"This isn't good enough." I shouted.

Everyone froze.

"What did Evan even teach you? By what I am seeing not very much. This is pathetic. I need more, no I expect more. If I don't see any improvements there is going to be consequences." I yelled.

They all just stared at me.

"Well. What do you say?"

"Yes Alpha." They all said.

I will be victorious in this fight. There will be no one of those Hunter's Moon pack members left when I am done with it.

Ariana's POV:

Around a week had passed since our meeting with Evan and everyone had just seemed to have move on. I couldn't, something still didn't feel right. It can't be that easy. It is never that easy. Xavier didn't want to hear it, he just wanted to believe that Evan had dealt with it but why hadn't we heard anything? Why hadn't he called to say Stephen was locked up somewhere. Stephen was too smart and too cunning for it to be over just like that.

I was sat with the kids trying to distract myself, I felt on edge. Xavier had just come home from the pack house. He entered the room, gave me a kiss and said hello to the kids. He looked so calm, so relaxed for someone who didn't have a clue what was going on

"You are still worried aren't you?" He asked.

"Yes I am. It can't just be over with like that. It is too easy."

"Ari, just accept the fact that we are going to be okay. You and the kids are safe and everything can just move on." He comforted.

"Xavier please just listen to me. Evan has not contacted us in over a week, surely if he sorted it and Stephen was locked up somewhere he would have told us."

"Maybe he is busy."

"Xavier you don't believe that. I suggest we keep everyone in training and we keep patrols on the go until we are sure. We need to ready"

"Ready for what?"

"For anything."

"Ariana. Evan has got it covered. Please stop worrying it is not good for you. I'll tell you what, call Charlotte and plan something nice. I'll be here with the kids."

I smiled at him as he picked up the children and took them upstairs. Maybe he was right but I couldn't shake this feeling. It was bad. Really bad.

I decided to do what Xavier said and got ready. I called Charlotte and she was down to hangout. We decided to go into the city and grab a few things, Charlotte wanted to grab some baby stuff and I thought it would be nice to get the twins some new clothes. They were growing up fast.

Charlotte picked me up and we were on our way. We played music, sang some songs, it really helped to take my mind off things. We got into the city and headed straight for the shopping centre. When we got in we browsed for a while, went into a few shops and managed to buy what we needed. When we were done, we put our bags in the car and headed to a restaurant for some food. We chose to eat in a cute little cafe, it was quiet and out of the way. The waiter approached us and took our food order.

"So be honest with me, how are you really feeling? I know something is up" Charlotte asked

"I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"Like what? Stephen is probably locked up somewhere after all he has done."

"It just feels to easy. Stephen wouldn't have just gone down without a fight." I said.

"You really think he could be planning something." She questioned.

"If he has done something to Evan there is nothing and no one that can stop him. I have tried to explain to Xavier that we need to have our guards up and be ready but he just won't listen. The pack, our families, friends and our children could be at risk."

"Ariana, maybe you are just suffering from some sort of trauma from what Stephen did to you. I mean he did nearly kill you, and after what you found out what he did to his mate I can imagine it will be hard for you to let go and heal from that trauma, but I don't think you should worry. You are safe. Your children are safe. Everyone is safe. You are back home and you are getting married, we should be celebrating." She smiled.

"I guess you are right. When you say it like that, it does make a lot of sense." I replied.

She smiled at me and I felt somewhat better, maybe I was just being paranoid.

We ate our food and headed back home. I asked Charlotte if she could drop me off at the pack house as I wanted to check in on Sophie.

I arrived and headed straight for Sophie's room. I knocked gently and I heard her scuffling around before she opened the door.

"Hi there Ari." She said as she let me in.

"Hi Sophie, how are you doing?" I asked.

"I am much better. I enjoy it here, everyone has been so welcoming."

"That is so good to hear." I smiled.

"I must admit though, I miss my old pack." She frowned,

"That is understandable."

"I really do hope that everyone who survived has found a new home." She said.

"I hope so too." I smiled.

"So what brings you here?" She asked.

"I just wanted to come and check on you."

"That is so thoughtful but you seem down." She worried.

"That noticeable, huh."

She smiled.

"I don't know, I keep getting this bad feeling. I am just being silly I guess."

"My mother always said always trust your gut, your gut never lies. So if you truly feel like something is wrong then something is wrong."

I smiled at her. Least there was someone that didn't think I was insane, I said my goodbyes. I headed out the door. I called Aiden to see if he could pick me up from the pack house. He agreed and I decided to wait outside and enjoy the evening air. My phone began to rang, it was an unknown number. I answered it cautiously.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey Ari, long time." The voice said.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"I am actually offended that you don't recognise my voice, and here I thought we were closer friends."


"Bingo. You missed me?"

"What do you want? Last time I checked you were sleeping with the enemy." I hissed.

"Well, things have changed. I want to come home." She said.

"Come home? Are you being serious? You turned your back on the pack, you lied about Xavier nearly getting him killed, and you want to come home. There is no way." I growled.

"If you talk to Xavier, maybe he might agree."

"Why would I?"

"Because I have information you would like to know."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I will only tell you as long as you promise me that you will talk to Xavier."

I hesitated for a moment.


"Perfect." She said, I could just tell she was smiling.

"So what is this news?"

"Stephen is planning a war against you and it could be any day now." She said.

"What? Stephen is locked away. Evan said he would sort it."

"Evan is dead. Stephen killed him and took over the pack and now he is coming for you, your children, Xavier and the pack."

"Why are you telling me all of this? I thought this what you wanted."

"Things have changed. I don't hate the pack. I was just angry, I had every right to be. I had plans and one of them was to be Luna of the pack. When that didn't happen I was angry, resentful even. You took my dream and I hated you for it, maybe I still do a little. I now realise though I can't changed things and even if I wanted to, Xavier loves you and only you."

"I can see your point. It must have been hard and I know anger can make you do crazy things but what you did I don't think can be forgiven, but I will keep my promise and speak to Xavier. The decision he makes will be his and his alone to make."

"That is all I ask. Thank you." She said.

I was about to hang up the phone when she said something else.

"Oh and Ariana."


"I really am sorry about all of this and I will try and keep you updated on anything else while I am here."

"Thank you." I said.

We hung up the phone and contemplated, could I really trust Tiffany again? Could I really allow her back in the pack after all she did? Aiden pulled up in the driveway and I got in the car, I asked him to drive as fast as he could. I filled him in along the way. We arrived at my house, I said my goodbyes and ran into the house.

Xavier was sitting on the sofa, watching the tv. The kids must be in bed.

"Hey baby. Have a good shopping trip?" He asked.

"Yeah it was good, Xavier we need to talk."

"Is everything okay? What's happened?" He asked worryingly.

"Stephen is still planning his attack."

"Who told you this?"

"Tiffany. She called me and told me. She said that Stephan killed Evan and has taken over his pack. He could come here within the next few days."


"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Everyone will continue training. I'll even contact some of the packs and see if they can offer any support."

"That will be good. Maybe you should ask Sophie if she can contact any of her old pack. I am sure they have some scores to settle."

"That is not a bad idea." He said.

"We need to send the kids away." I said

"What? Why? I can protect us."

"Xavier, you can't be in two places at once, neither can I. I want them as far away as they can be, away from the fight, the war, Stephen. We can send them away with our parents, I don't want them around during this either."

"Okay. We can send them away until this is all over, but you need to go with them."

"I am not going anywhere. My pack need me. I am their Luna. I will fight with them."

He smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug.

"I admire you. I know you can probably defend yourself but I will be watching for you the whole time."

I smiled.

"I will go make some calls. Hopefully if they agree to help then they will be here tomorrow."

He walked away and I headed upstairs to check on the babies.

I sneaked into their room and looked over them. They were fast asleep, they looked so peaceful. I hated the fact that I had to send them away. This wasn't their fault and it seems like they were feeling the brunt of it all. I hate Stephen for doing this.

I placed a gentle kiss on their heads before leaving the room.

I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"Hi darling."

"Hey mom."

"You okay?" She asked.

"I am alright. Mom I have a favour to ask."

"What is that?"

"I need you, dad and Aiden to take the kids somewhere, far away from the pack until it is safe."

"Why honey?"

"Stephen is planning an attack on the pack and I don't want any of you around when that happens. You guys will be the first people he will attack. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to any of you."

"Honey if you think that is what is best we will go, the kids will be safe with us."

"I know mom. I trust you."

"When will we need to be gone?"

"Tomorrow. I know it is soon but I can't take any chances."

"I understand honey. I will let your father and brother know."

"Thank you mom. I love you."

"I love you too."

We cut off the phone and I headed back downstairs. Xavier was in the kitchen, he was still on the phone by the looks of things. I sat down in the living room and put the tv on. I needed to distract myself.

Xavier came into the room and sat down next to me.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I called a few packs, only 3 said that they were willing to help. The rest wanted to no part in it. I spoke to Sophie and she said she would make some calls. The packs that agreed will be here tomorrow so I have asked some of the pack members to set up the guest houses and any extra rooms that we have. I need to set up a meeting with the pack tomorrow to inform them."

"That sounds good. Least they are willing to help."

"By the sounds of things, Stephen has pissed off a lot of people."

"No surprise there then." I smiled.

"Nope." He smiled back.

"I called my parents and let them know. They will leave tomorrow."

"Alright then. I guess we should get the kids bags sorted."

"Yeah. We should."

"We will be alright, you know." He said.

"I know." I smiled.

He grabbed my hand and took me upstairs.

The next morning. We sat down with the kids eating breakfast. Their bags were packed and we were just waiting for our parents. Xavier called his last night to let them know they would be leaving too.

I watched the kids as they ate. I was trying to savour every moment. I knew they would only be gone for a few days but this would be the longest I had ever been away from them. I really hoped they would be okay without us. The doorbell rang, Xavier went to answer it. Our familes walked in.

"Hey everyone." I said.

"Hi darling." My mom said as she hugged me.

Marianne followed behind her and hugged me as well.

After the greetings were over. We got the kids ready. Xavier's dad grabbed the kids bags and took them to the car.

I picked up both babies and carried them outside.

"Mason, Skylar. You are going to spend a little time with your nannies, grandads and uncle Aiden. You are going go and have a great adventure." I said as I began to cry.

They just smiled at me.

"Mommy and daddy love you very much." I said as I kissed the, both.

Xavier came over and took them from me. He gave them both a kiss as he helped strap them in. Aiden approached me.

"Do you really think this is the best idea? I can stay and help."

"Aiden, I know you want to help but I know you will worry about our parents and the twins. I know dad still knows how to protect his family but I will more at ease with you there."

"You are right. They will be safe. I promise you that. No one is going to hurt them, not if I have anything to do with it."

"Thank you. I love you." I said as I hugged him.

"I love you too sis. Stay safe."

We pulled away and he headed to the car.

"Xavier." Aiden said.


"Look after my sister."


We said our goodbyes and everyone jumped in the car. The cars slowly drove away and my heart broke.

"They will be okay, Ari."

"I know. This will be the longest I have ever been away from them. It is just going to be hard."

"I know my love but this is what's best. They will be home before you know it."

I knew he was right. It didn't make me feel any better though.

"We need to go the pack house, the packs will arrive soon." He said.

I nodded and we got in the car.

We arrived at the pack house and everyone was already waiting for us. The other packs had already started to arrive and was waiting alongside our pack. Xavier and I made our way to the front.

"Hi everyone. As you all might be aware now Stephen, the old Alpha of the Red Dawn pack is planning an attack on us. We aren't sure when but it should be any day now. I would like to thank the Alpha's of the Forest Green Pack, Moon Valley Pack and River Eclipse Pack for offering their support and resources during this time. I would also like to ensure all women who are not able to fight, pregnant women and children leave the pack until further notice, the Alpha's have allowed for you to stay at their pack houses. Grab your things and be ready to leave within the next two hours, coaches are on their way to come and collect you. For those who are staying, training starts immediately there is no time to waste. I am proud of all of you and it will be an honour to fight alongside you." Xavier said.

The pack dispersed to go and do what they needed to do. Most of the stronger warriors led some of the pack out in the garden to train and the rest went to help the women and children pack ready to leave.

Xavier went over and spoke to the Alpha's that came to help. I stood around and lingered, not really sure of what to do. A man began to approach me.

"Hi, you must be Ariana." He said.

"Hi, I'm sorry. Do we know each other?" I asked.

"No we don't sorry. My name is Harrison Baxter, I am the Alpha of the River Eclipse Pack."

"Oh I am so sorry. I didn't know."

"It is fine. You weren't to know." He smiled.

"I am grateful that you offered to help."

"It was my pleasure."

"Can I asked why you agreed?"

"I have my own personal matters to deal with Stephen. He is a very bad person, and he will face his karma soon." He said.

"I hope so, I don't know how much more I can take?"

"What did he do to you?" Harrison asked.

"I left my pack a year ago when Xavier rejected to me. When I left I was pregnant, where I moved too, Stephen's pack was there. He took me in, gave me a home and I somewhat fell in love with him. He was great with my kids, he seemed like the perfect guy but when Xavier found me, Stephen became different he was more angry, violent and he would have killed me if it wasn't for Xavier. Ever since then he has been after me and my children since, because of all this I have had to send my children away for a few days until this blows over."

"I am sorry you had to go through that"

"It is okay, things happen I guess."

"Did he ever mention to you about his mate?" He questioned.

"The only thing he ever told me was that she died in a rogue attack but I have since come to find out that was a lie."

"Why what did you find out?" He asked eagerly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Sienna, his mate. She is my sister. My family have been worried sick, we haven't seen her in years and we haven't heard anything. If you know anything please, I need to know."

"Sienna is your sister. That's why you joined us, it all makes sense. I was told about what happened to Sienna but I don't think it is my place. We have a woman called Sophie here, she was a member of the Red Dawn Pack when Sienna lived there. They were very close. I think it is best if she tells you. I think it is only right."

"Thank you. I appreciate your help." He smiled.

"I really hope you find the answers you are looking for."

He walked away and headed into the pack house. My heart breaks for him. I can't imagine what he has been going through over these past few years.

Xaxier approached me and I told him what had happened. He mentioned about the training and how everyone was meant to train to prepare. He insisted that we train together, I wasn't going to complain I needed the extra training. I haven't trained since I was at Red Dawn.

Xavier and I said our goodbyes and headed back home. He wanted us to get home so he could train one to one.

As we headed home, all I thought about was my kids. I hope they are okay and not too confused. I hope this would be all worth it.


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