My other half: Michael Jackson

By gmhpnss

38.9K 680 181

Myra Diaz, a 26 years old filipino woman living in the big Los Angeles. She loves children more then anything... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93

Chapter 6

610 14 5
By gmhpnss

January 15th, 1994
*Myra's POV*

I slightly opened my eyes trying to adjust them to the light. The sun was shining directly onto my face, while I was still laying in the big bed of Michael's guest room.
I then looked over to the clock standing on the bed side table, it was 8 a.m.

Yesterday night after dinner we watched Peter Pan and chatted for a long time, until I started feeling tired and we both went to sleep. You may think of how stupid it is that two adults watch a cartoon, but for me it wasn't stupid at all. Peter Pan means a lot to him, and it's one of my favourite cartoons as well, so we thought that we could share this interest together by watching that movie... and it was one of the best night's I've ever spent with someone.

I smiled like an idiot and decided to get out of bed. I slowly walked towards the bathroom and put my hair in a high ponytail before washing my face and brushing my teeth. Once I've done that, I walked downstairs.

"Good morning, Mrs. Diaz." one of the maids said to me with a big smile plastered on her face, I slightly blushed because of the embarrassment (I am literally still wearing my pyjama.) and smiled back.
"Good morning." I gently replied, I then started looking around to see if I could spot Michael, but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Mr. Jackson is in the kitchen. Would you like some coffee or a cup of tea?" the maid asked in a sweet tone,
"Oh... uhm, yes a cup of coffee would be nice, please." I politely replied, she nodded and walked me to the kitchen.

And there he was, sitting at the kitchen counter, sipping his cup of tea. Once we stepped inside, the maid faked a cough. He immediately looked in my direction and smiled brightly.

"Oh, good morning Myra." he said in his soft fine voice, I smiled and sat down next to him.
"Good morning Michael." I replied, looking deep into his eyes.
"Did you sleep good?" he asked, still smiling.
"I did, thank you. I mean, how can you not sleep good in a magical place like this?" I replied, joking, making him laugh.

Soon the maid handed me my cup of coffee, I thanked her and started drinking it, while chatting with Michael about what we could do today. In the end, he decided to give me a proper Tour of the Ranch. Last time I was here I didn't really see the entire place, since the kids wanted to go on rides and play with him.

So after our breakfast I quickly walked back to the guest room, making sure not to get lost though, this place really is huge. Almost like a castle.
Thankfully I found the guest room without getting lost, and started getting dressed.
I then did my hair and makeup and walked back downstairs. Michael was already waiting for me at the main door, while chatting with his security Bill. And damn... he looked good! He was wearing black pants, a blue button up long sleeve shirt, black loafs and of course his black fedora.

As soon as he spotted me, he smiled brightly.

"Ready?" he asked excitedly, I simply nodded.

He then opened the door for me and we both walked outside. We started by taking a walk around the Ranch. I glazed at everything... it was in the middle of the nature and it was so peaceful here. This is indeed a magical place.

"How did you come up with the idea of Neverland?" I curiously asked,
"I wanted to create a place where I could live the life that I've never had a child. Since I can't go out to the theatre, or amusement parks, or to get an ice cream, I decided to create all of that here for myself, behind those gates. Also, I did that for the children, so that they can also have a fun place to go where I can actually entertain them. Neverland represents the totality of who I am. It's my home." he explained in a calm and soft tone, and to be honest... he left me speechless. This is beautiful.
"Wow... I wish I could do that too. You really did an amazing job with this Ranch, Michael." I replied looking up at him, his eyes met mine and he smiled brightly.
"And you didn't see everything yet, come with me." he then said grabbing my hand.

He started running, and I followed him. Shortly after we arrived in front of a... train? I giggled.

"Where is this going to take us?" I asked,
"To the other side of the Ranch. You'll be able to see everything." he replied excitedly, smiling from ear to ear. I smiled back and stepped inside the train, sitting next to him.

Soon the train started moving. Thank god the weather today is nice... the gentle winter breeze caressed my skin, while the sun kept shining on us.
I glazed at the attractions of the Ranch. I was speechless, I didn't know what to say... it's beyond beautiful.

*Michael's POV*

During the ride on the train, I could see how she glazed at every attraction that she was seeing. I would show her around and explain her a few things about the Ranch, and she really showed interest on knowing more about my home, which made me happy.

When the train stopped, we stepped outside and started walking towards the animals. She gasped when she noticed the elephants, lions, tigers, giraffes and many more.

"Oh my god! You even have a private Zoo here?" she asked surprised, I chuckled.
"Yes. I love animals and everything that has to do with nature." I replied honestly, while looking at her. Her lips were slightly parted, still shocked.
"Incredible... we are so similar." she said almost whispering,
"What do you mean?" I asked curiously,
"I love nature and animals too. We both love children... we both love life ..." she explained, I gulped. This is the first time that I've realised how similar we actually are... not only because we share the same interests in music and movies, but with everything.
"You're right." I simply replied and smiled brightly.

She then stepped closer and started caressing the animals, and they seemed to love her too. It looks like everyone loves her... animals, children, everyone. I couldn't stop starring at her, and smiling like an idiot.

After spending some time with the animals at the Zoo, we started walking around again. That's when an idea crossed my mind...
I grabbed her hand and we walked over to where I have all the balloons for the water balloon fights. I started taking some of them, filling them up with water, doing the same with the super soakers as well.

"Oh no, don't tell me you are going to do what I think you're going to do!" she said, making me laugh loudly.
"Yep!" I replied excitedly. Once I was finished I threw a water balloon against her, she tried covering herself by raising both her arms, but she was already soaking wet. I laughed even more. She looked at me with a challenging look, before pointing her finger at me.
"You! Come here!" she yelled in a playful tone, grabbing a balloon and throwing it at me, but of course she didn't catch me. I'm good at this game.

Soon we started running all around the Ranch, throwing water balloons at each other or simply trying to catch one another with the super soaker.
The entire Ranch was now filled with our laughter... and we were having fun like two little kids.
This is a moment I will never forget...

At some point, I catched her from behind holding her tight. She screamed and laughed, until we both fell on the floor.
I started tickling her, and she tickled me. We then both stopped, I was laying on top of her, and our eyes were locked.
It was like being in hypnosis... that's how she makes me feel when I look at her.

She then grabbed her super soaker and sprayed water onto my face, snapping me back to reality. We were now both soaking wet.

"I think I win this round, sorry Jackson." she said in a playful tone, chuckling.
"Alright, I give you this one." I replied giggling, before getting up and helping her to do the same.
"We should get back and change before we get sick." she then said, I smiled brightly and nodded in agreement.

Shortly after we walked back to the train station, which escorted us back to the main house. We then both walked inside, going in our rooms and changed our clothes.

When we were done, it was already time for launch.

"How about we go grab something from KFC?" I offered,
"Oh right, I heard something about you being obsessed with KFC." she teased and laughed,
"Hey, the food is good! Can you blame me?" I asked joking, while looking at her.
"No, indeed I can't. I'm down for it." she then replied and released a giggle. I smiled brightly and nodded, before we both walked back downstairs.

I told my security to get the car ready, which he did, and soon they escorted us to Los Angeles to get something from KFC.

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