The Arrangement by Chauhan

By remixthestory

305K 17.8K 2K

A cycle of falling in love, marrying, and falling out again leads to love. Because love is the endgame. _____... More

Copyright Šī¸
The Arrangements
1) The papers
2) Home?
3) Announcement.
4) Proposal
5) Temple
6) Office
7) Petal
8) Alcohol
9) Hangover
11) Love
12) Dinner
13) Thief
14) Hangry
15) Siblings
16) 7 days
17) Breathless
18) Hate?
19) Dance
20) Silence
21) The past
22) Lost
23) Promise
24) Blood
25) Wife
26) New beginnings
27) Lunch
28) Truth
29) Punishment
30) Redemption
31) Mother
32) Flowers
33) Parents
34) Choices
35) Sunrise
36) Family
37) Chaos
38) Destruction
39) Sleep
40) Life
41) Chase
42) Fight
43) Death
44) Voice
45) Daughter
Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue Part 2
Snippets from Chauhan Household

10) Wallflower

6.2K 371 66
By remixthestory

Taking a swirl in front of the wall length, she adjusted the strips of the long shirt before pinning her hair back to fall on her shoulders. Eyes dipped in bold liner and a dark shade of eye shadow that glamoured them in perfection.

The smirk plastered on her lips, eyes hardening with a twitch of evilness as she got ready to meet his family.

Chin up, head held high, and lips stretched into a classy smile. She walked down the stairs and greeted the Chauhans.

"You look beautiful, Shreya." Gayatri Devi praised her choice of indo-western, which proved her confidence to stand as a deserving candidate for her family name.

"Thank you, GM." She shot her a smile and took her seat opposite Rakshit who looked at her with a lop-sided knowing grin. Cocking a brow, she settled into conversations with Rashi and Gayatri Devi.

"We are ready for any date you wish for, Rashi Ji." Her overly excited voice made her cringe, yet she maintained a composed smile. "I have already started dreaming about these two and the wedding. I always wanted them to be together. Imagine my surprise when I found out about..."

"Mom" Shreya passed her a warning smile "We want a quiet wedding."

"Why?" Devika seemed appalled at the mere thought.

"Also, Rakshit and I have agreed to wait for some time. The media is already crazy because of this news. It will take some time for them to calm down." Shreya continued ignoring her. "Right, Rakshit?"

Rakshit cocked an amused brow but nodded seeing the murderous shadow cross her face as the seconds ticked. "Yes, but we don't mind a big engagement."

Shreya shot him a glare but composed as the eyes flew toward her.

"Marriage happens only once. Why are you denying a big wedding?" Devika protested.

"If the kids want this way, who are we to deny their wish." Ajeet Chauhan concluded, "How about the engagement on the eve of our annual gala?"

"Yes, and we can perform the Shagun today." Rashi announced, "Dhwani, bring in the things."

Shreya bit onto her inner gums as Dhwani stood up at once, doing as instructed by their mother-in-law.

She had always seen this girl doing what was instructed to her like a mute princess yet her eyes spoke volumes but only if she had someone to listen. She witnessed her hesitance for marriage and those shivering fingers when the couple got engaged. Then the 23-year-old Shreya had termed it to be nervous jitters but now she could empathize with her for being forced and manipulated into this marriage.

Not that this would make her like Dhwani. Shreya detested her the moment Anirudh left her alone in their wedding reception and she stood back without a protest.

Shreya abhorred spineless women. They were weak, easy to play, and a pushover.

Her silence on being slapped in front of the entire office and an apology then after made her dislike her further, though, on the other end, Rakshit was a fan of this girl who hardly spoke for herself. She never cared to ask his reasons.

She believed her to be a gold-digger over the months that followed their wedding but her appearance proved otherwise. She couldn't keep up with the classy wears or over-the-top brands Chauhans toyed with. She was burdened with their lifestyle and crushed under its weight soon enough, eradicating her doubts. Now, Dhwani was a wallflower and a gossip target in the high society, leaving her to be invisible in their parties.

Making Shreya more scornful towards the eldest daughter-in-law of Chauhans.

"Shreya" The soft voice made her snap out of her daze and look up at Dhwani who passed her some gifts. "Welcome to the family."

She politely welcomed her and Shreya grimaced in reply.

"You are to take care of her, Rakshit." Her smile widened as she warned him playfully, "If she gets sad, you will have a whole lot of explaining to me."

"It is a promise, Sweet child." Rakshit winked making her chuckle at their inside joke.

"Why are you making a promise?" Shreya raised a taunting brow "Not that she has the power to punish you. I am sure you can easily dodge her as all do. She is gullible. Am I wrong, Bhabhi?"

Her smile froze, faltering at the edges. She blinked ever so slowly to hide her eyes which lay bare the hurt the words caused her.

"Shreya." Rakshit gritted. "You cannot talk like that."

"What wrong did I say?" She argued.

"You want me to spell it out?" He glared.

"Please." The hazy voice stopped them that belonged to Dhwani "It is your special day. Do not let me ruin it."

"I am sorry..." Rakshit started but she shook her head stopping him.

"Don't fret about it. Congratulations once again." Her face regained its color and she smiled at Rakshit, her eyes briefly staying on Shreya before she stepped back and left to stand back where she was, hiding from any spotlight.

"You crossed a limit here." Rakshit chided her, and an ephemeral glare shot her way.

"Are you fighting her battles now?" Shreya jested.

"Stop it, Shreya."

"Look at you" She snickered mockingly. "Siding against me already."

"We are supposed to be on the same side." He reminded "It is you choosing the wrong one."

■ ■⁠ ■⁠

The families cheered as the Shagun came to an end. The smile on Shreya's mother's face was priceless, almost blinding as she distributed sweets. Squealing and gushing on the young couple who stayed seated in their place emanating tension.

Dhwani stepped back from the crowd, trying to be muffled in the shadows as she felt accused of this feud between them. Not that she was at fault.

She didn't consider herself as the reason but the constant nagging of being the reason had her temple throbbing with a blinding headache.

Feeling the need to run away from this place had she step out of the living room when her steps halted seeing another soul. She practiced a small smile on her lips seeing Shresth standing against the wall.

"Are you sneaking out?" Shreya's brother questioned.

"No, I mean..." She trailed shrugging, she sucked in lying.

"Oh, I totally get it." He chuckled knowingly and offered her a white air bud. "Here, it will save you from boredom."

Dhwani stared at the small hearing device and back to him.

"I have good taste in music, I assure you that," Shresth said and smiled seeing her accepting the offer. He tapped on his phone and a piece of music blared in their heads.

"Thank you." She laughed hearing the music which she enjoyed.

"I told ya" He goaded and laughed joining her.

They stood side by side, watching their families busy discussing what was supposed to be the tentative dates of Shreya-Rakshit's marriage. Mrs. Thapar butting heads with an irked Shreya who shot down most of her ideas and stood clear on her stance for a close wedding and three important functions.

"My mother is too happy to be offended today." He commented watching her from across the room.

"She is sweet." Dhwani shot him an awkward at his words.

"Oh, wait till you get to see the actual sweetness." He scoffed. "Once you see her real self, you would know about Devika Thapar and her sweet nature."

"Are you not his favorite?" She asked.

"Me?" He snorted "Never have been on the list."

"I don't know about parents and their ways a lot." She started "But, I know all of them have a different way to show care. This could be your mother's love language."

Shresth watched her amused. "Love language? Does taunting and berating her own child, one of them? Never heard that."

"As I said, I don't know much." Dhwani looked away tongue-tied.

"Well, I will forget you ever said that." He offered laughing.

"I am sorry." She mumbled flushing.

"Not your fault." He assured with a soft smile "You have not known much of her. Just wait and watch. How about you review my new song?"

"I would like that." She smiled nodding. He tapped on his phone and the music brought her to grin wider.

Anirudh watched the interaction between the duo who thought they were concealed behind the wall as they shot each other quick smiles and heads bobbed as the feet tapped as if enjoying a good melody.

She looked relaxed, features softening as she chatted away with Shresth. But, for him, the sight irked him to no extent.

"How about you two collaborate with Dhwani and the Event manager for the engagement ceremony?" Rashi offered and her eyes searched for Dhwani in the room. "Where did this girl go?"

"Phone," Anirudh announced immediately. "She had an important call to attend. I will call her back."

Rashi nodded and he stood up, walking towards the direction as he fastened his pace to bring her back to his side.


He used the name intentionally and the two pair of eyes shot to him. One was bewildered and the other in acquaintance as he nodded in a greeting. "Mom is asking for you. Come."

Dhwani glanced at him and then behind, she ephemerally glanced at her companion and passed the device back. "It was fun. Thank you, Shresth."

"Pleasure is all mine, Melody." He winked playfully and chuckled making her join him.

Anirudh cleared his throat "Come on, Petal."

Dhwani glared at the use of this name again and walked past him towards the room.

"Here she is." Ajeet acknowledged her presence and patted the adjacent single couch which was occupied by Anirudh before.

"Devika Ji, you can list out the things you require and the sequence to Dhwani. She is the one overlooking all the arrangements." Rashi passed Dhwani a suggestive look and Dhwani nodded her head.

Devika smiled tightly glancing at her, "I will but we will have to keep checks. I am not sure if she will be able to manage alone."

Rashi frowned wordlessly.

"Don't take it wrong," Devika was playing with a pitying smile "She had no one to teach all the customs. We will have to look after the things on our own seeing she has no experience and is an orphan. It isn't auspicious for someone like her to prepare for any propitious functions, the engagement for example."

"Mrs. Thapar," Ajeet called her name in warning but the damage was already done. He could make out Dhwani stiffen in her seat.

"Oh, I didn't mean to hurt her."

"She is an important part of our family." Rakshit gritted "Next time, I will not accept her name and an insult in the same sentence, Aunty. Do watch your words."

"Rakshit, behave. Do not forget your manners." Rashi hissed in a whisper yell, her tone changed for Devika as she added with a side smirk "Devika ji, Dhwani is more experienced in handling our family affairs being the eldest daughter-in-law. I don't find any reason for you to doubt her abilities."

"I agree with Mom." Anirudh butted in challenging Devika to say another word as he took his place against the armrest of her seat, arm snaked to the back, a small squeeze on her shoulder. "Dhwani is our lucky charm. The moment she stepped into our lives, variables have only moved up so her helping these two is only their good fortune. And, the final call will be only Dhwani's, if she even wants to help in arranging their day because my wife has a lot on her plate already. We donot wish to burden her unnecessarily."

Dhwani looked at him siding with her with bewilderment.

"Do you want to do this, Petal?" He asked cocking a brow and whispered "Say no."

"Why?" Her eyes widened in question as she whispered back.

"I don't need her help," Shreya announced. "She has been burdened a lot already so I will coordinate with the planners. Rakshit will help, right?"

"Sure." Rakshit glared at her while Anirudh smirked.

"That's settled then." He announced standing up. "I will set up the meeting with the Event planner for you both. Be present in the office by sharp 10 in the morning tomorrow."

"Okay. If that's how it is." Gayatri Devi smiled to herself and stood up "We will take your leave, Mrs. Thapar."

Anirudh was the first one to pull them both out. Her hand securely clutched in his as he unlocked the car.

"Sit" He commanded and they rounded the cars as she got in.

"Where are we going?" She questioned as he diverted from the road which the other cars followed.

"So, you know how to speak." He taunted glancing her way.

Her face twisted in anger as she glared.

"What do you mean?" She demanded.

"The same." He scoffed "What were you thinking? Waiting for Mrs. Thapar to insult you more than she already did? Why did you act like a mute princess inside when you gladly speak?"

"Why are you so bothered?" She questioned raging "She insults me, bad mouths me, or hurt me. How does it concern you, Mr. Chauhan?"

"You are my wife, Dhwani Chauhan." He reminded gritting.

"Wife you accused of having a lover before you." She snorted, leaning against the window. She watched him in plain disgust "You are claiming me now. What about me being Ms. Gandhi?"

"Will you forever hold those words above my head? I was unhappy and bitter about our marriage and took it out on you. I have realized my mistake and I apologize for that day and everything it followed. And, that day, it was Dishant." He defended "And it was you who didn't wish to change to your married name at work. If they know you as Ms. Gandhi, where am I at fault here?"

"No, you aren't at fault. You never were. It was always me." She shot him a sarcastic smile. "I treated you like trash in this marriage. I discarded you on your wedding night. I left you alone at your reception. Isn't it right? It was me and never you."


"No, I am not done. It was me who refused to sign papers. I am the one who is keeping you caged in this nameless marriage and me who kept quiet watching you get insulted in the middle of the floor." She kept listing "Why don't you stop the car and throw me out? You can go around and tell people that I ran away. None will doubt you ever, Anirudh Chauhan. You will be a free man."

"Is that what you want?" He confirmed, knuckles tightening on the steering wheel.

"Yeah, can you give me?" She sneered "Stop the car and let me go."

"I can't." He announced slamming on the accelerator as the car glided on the empty roads, running towards the setting sun.

She scoffed loudly "Then? Do you wish to drag this forever? Because if you do, count me out. I am not going to be a puppet in your play for power, fame, and all so-goody-two-shoes image that you are trying so hard to maintain. I'm done with you and this marriage. Either way, I'll find a way out of this."

"I know what you are trying to do. I am never abandoning you on an empty road." His declaration froze the rage inside her. Her jaw slacked and she exhaled silently. "Why do we keep arguing every chance we get? For once can we not call a truce and work on this marriage, please?"

Dhwani swallowed to treat her parched throat, mumbling in silence. She was wordless now that he firmly declared his thoughts of working on their relationship. Not that he hadn't done before, but at this moment, the firmness and decisiveness in his tone scared her.

"I don't know."

"Take some time to figure it out, Dhwani." He sighed, glancing her way as she sat back with her armor dropped. "Have you found someone else?"

"What do you mean?" She asked shocked.

"Are you in love with someone?" He worded clearly.

"You gotta be kidding me." She shook her head in disbelief but sat back as the silence cajoled her into soothing thoughts. "No. There is no one. What about you?"

"None." His response made her nod as the questions bubbled. "I do not love anyone anymore. I have walked out of that phase."

"You met your her, your ex-girlfriend in the cafe outside the office building."

"She is a closed chapter. I was only trying to help her with few dealings, nothing else." He surrendered "And that was 3 months back. She is happy and in a relationship with another man."

"So, you wish to move on as well?" Dhwani scoffed.

"I have moved on, Dhwani. I am here trying to convince you to give me a chance, aren't I?" Anirudh glanced her way, eyes meeting for a brief second and averting.

She felt better after those words which acted as a burden lifted off on her chest as his declaration had her heart beating again. She may not admit it, but somewhere, days before she had imagined a life with him. Life together.

But not anymore.

She cannot close her eyes and think about him anymore. It had become impossible for her over the month.

"What if I still want a divorce?" She asked looking straight at him, no wavering voice, no teary eyes but blankness. Just like when she closes her eyes.

"Then I shall give it to you." He announced and stomped on the break. "You cannot stop someone who already left. If you have made up your mind to walk out, I will not chain you to me."

She bobbed her head as the knife twisted in her heart. "I want it."

"Alright!" He exhaled averting his eyes. "I will sign those papers for you. But only after Rakshit's wedding. I need time to inform everyone about this."

"Okay. I guess one more month will not hurt." She shrugged looking away from him.

"Is that a truce?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yes." She gave in.

■ ■⁠ ■⁠

Ignoring the incoming call for the 100th time in the last hour, Shreya plugged into her earphones and switched to her Spotify playlist.

The songs putting her mind at peace after a long day, the extended lunch, and the little drama incorporated by her mother had her head pain. Not that it was her mother at fault, it was in her blood to exaggerate and taunt people. Living with her for the last 26 years, she was used to it.

To be exact, she was sulking because of Rakshit.

The way he sided with Dhwani, both the time when that girl failed to stand up for herself irked her.

She frowned at the replay of his words, not that she was jealous but she disliked him supporting her.

The loud slam on her window got her to flinch as she jumped towards the window, her eyes following the blank night and empty road to stop on a familiar car parked on her street. The small stone with paper wrapped around had her glare as she picked it up.

Pick up the damn phone before I break in.

~ Your boss.

She rolled her eyes and snatched the device from her bedside table.

"What?" She growled answering.

"What is with you sulking?" He sang in his usual charm.

"Get lost, Chauhan." She was halfway hanging when a screech stopped her.

"Listen to me." He begged offering "Why don't you come down with a first-aid kit and I shall make amends to your mood?"

"Why do you need it?" She narrowed her eyes at his car.

"I will explain when I see you." He chimed "Come down in 5."

Before she could throw any protest, the line dropped.

"I will kill him." She grumbled and collected a warm shawl and first-aid with her as she tip-toed out of the gate and into his passenger side seat as she looked at him.

His top shirt buttons were undone, his hair messy and a quivering smirk on his lips. His eyes looked drugged as they rimmed red and a big bruise on his cheek screamed a tale of action. "Hey, Fiancée."

"Whom did you got beaten from?" She asked placing the kit on the dashboard as she eyed his busted knuckles.

"Hum to aapke ishq me ghayal hain, Meri jaan." He grinned cheekily and winced in a sudden jolt as he moved a little. (I am wounded in your love, Meri jaan.)

"How did you get hurt?" she glared at him as she stepped out of his car while he watched her with a frown. "Step out."

She opened the backdoor and gestured for him to follow her. He nodded with twisted lips.

Getting into the backseat, she pushed him gently towards the headboard and assessed his frame as the red liquid peaked out of his waist.

"You are bleeding." She stated as her fingers pulled his shirt out and tugged it up to check the wound. "This is bad, you idiot. How did you manage to get stabbed?"

"It was the race." He groaned as she pressed a cotton ball to wipe the blood away.

"Will you elaborate?" She demanded impatiently.

"David, one of the lead oppositions was defeated in the race today. Shithead couldn't take the loss well...Ouch!" He glared at her as he blew air past his lips to stop the currents of pain pass through his abdomen. "He was getting on my nerves so I insulted him some and earned this as a return gift."

"Does insulting includes punches?" She gritted probing more.

"What do you think?" He rolled his eyes.

"I think you are an idiot." She quipped, assessing the wound. "You will need stitches."

"I don't think so." He tried playing when clearly, he was ready to pass out.

"Sit back. We are going to get a doctor." She stated and stepped out. "I swear, Rakshit. If this makes too much news, consider me out of this deal."

"I won't." He groaned as she drove their way to a private clinic.

The ride was short, courtesy of the empty roads at 2:00 AM night.

The doctor silently stitched his wound shooting a disapproving look every time he groaned and threw a tantrum seeing the needle.

Shreya exhaled as he squeezed her palm again as the needle pierced his skin, though the area was numbed his eyes and brain seemed to imagine the virtual pain. She patted his hold on her, throwing a look of disbelief.

"Stop looking at me like that." He grumbled, "I can be in pain too."

"Of course," She pulled her lips inside to stop the grin. "You can be afraid of needles. I won't judge."

"I am not afraid...Damnation!" He cursed as the doctor held an injection pointing towards his forearm. "Keep that away from me."

"Please carry on, Doc." Shreya rolled her eyes and clamped her palm against his lips. "If you struggle and it will be pierced in the wrong vein. Now, if you do not want that, stay still."

With widened eyes, Rakshit glared at her accusingly as the doctor pierced the injection in his arm. His eyes clenched shut in fear and let out a silent scream behind her palm.

"I hate you, Woman." He shot, eyes throwing daggers at her.

"Feelings are mutual, Chauhan." She stated and yanked him to stand back up "Come on, wait for me in the car."

She made the payment to the doctor and warned him to not let the word out. Bidding a nod of gratitude, she walked out of the clinic and watched him leaning against the car like a rebellious kid, arms folded at his chest.

"Never pull that stunt again." He threatened her and she raised a brow challengingly.

"Or what?"

She was pulled closer with a force that she clashed in his chest, eyes burning in a fire that was new to ever playful Rakshit "You try bossing me again and you wouldn't be walking for a week."

"How dare you think about hitting me?" She snapped menacingly.

"I wouldn't hit you,Meri Jaan. I am not a coward" He chuckled. Leaning closer to her ears, his armtrailed to her waist and lingered there "I will be a man and fuck you toparalysis and you will gladly let me, my soon-to-be-wife"

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