Rhythm of the heart | Rick Sa...

بواسطة Logolespsy

713 7 15

Jocelyn Silva, a young up and coming journalist discovers what it's like to fall in love with a rockstar. Is... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

37 0 0
بواسطة Logolespsy

"Sav, You've been a core member of Def Leppard since its inception. How has the journey with the band shaped your perspective on life and what you value most?" I ask looking over to Sav who was already studying my presence.

"Being part of Def Leppard has been a profound experience. It's taught me the importance of perseverance and the value of true friendship. Our bond as the band has remained unbreakable, and that's something I cherish deeply" He replies reflecting upon his time in the band.

"I can sense the emotional significance in your words" I reply with a soft smile which he happily returns.

"As you've achieved so much through your careers already, what are some of the most meaningful moments or achievements for each of you?" I ask looking between the four of them.

"For me, it's always been about the connection with the fans. Seeing them sing along and feel the music - that's the most rewarding feeling" Joe answers first, then I look over to Rick.

"Coming back after my accident and continuing playing the drums - that's been my proudest moment" Rick said appreciatively.

"Seeing how our music has touched people's lives, and hearing stories from fans about how our songs have helped them through tough times - that makes it all worthwhile" Phil said humbly, then I turned my attention back to the bassist.

"Every time we step on stage and feel the energy from the crowd, it reminds me why we do what we do. Those moments are unforgettable" Sav said humbly.

As the interview continues, the conversation becomes more personal and the bond between me and the band members deepen.

"So Jocelyn, we've talked a lot about us, but we want to know more about you too" Joe stated looking into my eyes.

"Umm, ok" I say nervously as I look around at the band. Sav's interest peaks a little, he turns his full attention to me.

"Umm, what do you wanna know? I don't wanna bombard you with my life" I ask nervously.

"Everything, I'm sure Sav doesn't mind" Phil answered me swiftly, Sav shoots him a knowing look. You know, if looks could kill Phil would be dead.

"Well, um. My name is Jocelyn Anne Silva. I'm 21" I start to say, when I say my age. Sav's eyes widen like he wasn't expecting it.

"You're mature for your age" Sav says as he's eyeing me up.

"Oh, thank you. I guess" I say, the band chuckles a little.

"You from around here?" Rick asked, meaning San Francisco.

"Well no actually, I was born in Sacramento. When my parents separated I moved here with my mom" I explained.

"Do you still talk to your dad?" Phil asked. I looked down at my feet when he asked that.

"No, uh. He's.... dead" I answer with a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry, Jocelyn" Phil quickly said with remorse.

"It's ok" I say smiling towards him, I look over to Sav who was looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Is there anything else about you we should know?" Rick asks.

"Like what?" I ask looking back at the four men eyeing me up.

"I don't know, like what lead you to peruse a career in music journalism?" Rick asked.

"Oh, well music has always been a huge part of my life. It's been my escape, my comfort and my inspiration. I wanted to share that love with others, and I found that writing about music was the perfect way to do it. So I decided to dive into music journalism, and here I am" I answer a little surprised, but delighted that they wanted to know about me.

"That's fantastic, what are some of your favourite bands that have influenced you most?" Sav asked.

"Def Leppard, of course. Your music has been a constant in my life, it really helped me to get through the grief of my dad passing. But I'm also a big fan of Led Zeppelin, Queen and The Beatles. I also like some bands in the alternative scene like The Cure and REM" I say enthusiastically, which I always am when talking about my favourite bands.

"Great choices, do you have any other hobbies?" Sav asked still looking at me with those perfect blue eyes.

"Aside from music, I love photography. And I have to admit, I'm a bit of a bookworm, I find solace in the pages of a good book" I say happily listing off some of my favourite things.

"Photography and books - sounds like you have an eye for art and a love for storytelling" Joe says optimistically.

"Tell us, Jocelyn. What has been the highlight is your career so far?" Rick asked,

"There have been many incredible moments, but one that stands out is interviewing my musical heroes. Having the chance to sit here with you all, hearing your stories, and connecting on a personal level is a dream come true for me" I say with appreciation.

"We're honoured to be apart of your dream, Jocelyn" Sav says with a warm smile on his face.

"Your enthusiasm is infectious" Joe says following from Sav.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me" I thank them looking at all four of the men sat in front of me.

"Hopefully, we'll be able to introduce you to Steve one day. I think he'd like you" Phil says thinking about his friend.

"I'd like that" I say with a warm smile.

"So, how was it? How did it go?" Lisa asked as I showed my face after the interview.

"It was incredible Lisa, they were so friendly. It was like having a casual chat among friends" I reply reflecting upon the interview that just happened.

"That sounds amazing. I'm so happy for you, Joss" She said excitedly.

"Thank you, Lisa. I couldn't have done it without your help" I thank her.

"Oh it was my pleasure, I'm glad everything went smoothly" She said with a smile,

"Definitely, I feel like I made a real connection with them. It's like we're all on the same wavelength, sharing our passion for music and life" I nod,

"You should write about this in your article, it would make such a fantastic piece" she mentioned excitedly.

"You know Lisa, you're right. I feel like this interview was something more than just a professional assignment" I say agreeing with her,

"Maybe it is, you never know what the future holds" she agrees excitedly.

"Yeah, it's been an unforgettable day. I can't wait to start writing about it" I smile at her.

"I'll be waiting for the article, I can't wait to read it!" She exclaims.

"Thank you, Lisa. And thanks for being such a great support today" I say again thanking her.

"Anytime, Jocelyn. You're a rockstar journalist!" She exclaims with a smile before we part ways.

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