Chapter 2

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July 26th 1989

The backstage area buzzes with excitement as the band members finalise their preparations for the concert. I clutch my journal tightly, containing my thoughts and emotions about this once in a lifetime experience.

I take a deep breath and decide to approach Rick, after Jenny persuaded me to. I muster the courage and walk towards him, A mix of nervousness and exhilaration swirls in my eyes.

"Hey, Rick. I'm Jocelyn. It's such an honour to meet you" I say trying my best to sound confident.

He turns to me with genuine surprise and a warm smile, he extends his hand for me to take it

"Hey, Jocelyn. The pleasure's all mine" He says sweetly in his perfect English accent.

I shake Rick's hand, feeling a rush of electricity shoot through me.

"I've been a huge fan of Def Leppard for as long as I can remember. Your music means the world to me" I mention trying to play it cool.

"Thank you. It always means a lot to hear that our music connects with people" he says sincerely.

I glance around the bustling backstage area, sensing that this moment feels surreal.

"I don't mean to be weird or anything, but your bass lines are just incredible. I've always admired how much depth they add to your songs" I say awkwardly.

He chuckles a little, he must be charmed by my enthusiasm,

"Thank you. I don't often hear such appreciation for the bass" he says smiling.

As we talk, my initial nervousness starts to fade away. Rick's down to earth nature puts me at ease.

"I've always wanted to be a music journalist, you know? Writing about bands like Def Leppard, sharing their stories with the world" I mention sincerely, explaining my job to Rick.

"That's fantastic, Jocelyn. It's amazing how much impact music journalism can have" he says encouragingly.

My eyes light up as I listen to Rick's supportive words.

"Thanks for saying that. It means a lot, especially coming from someone I admire so much" I thank him.

We continue chatting, and the conversation flows so effortlessly. Time seems to fly as we share stories about music, life on the road and our dreams.

Later that evening, Jenny and I find our spots in the concert hall, surrounded by enthusiastic fans. The lights dim, and the crowd erupts into cheers as Def Leppard takes the stage.

Throughout the concert, I am swept away by the electrifying energy of the music, knowing I have a unique connection with the bass player on stage.

"This is unbelievable! I can't believe I met Rick Savage earlier, and now they're playing right in front of us" I say to Jenny excitedly.

"Who knows? Maybe they'll play a song just for you" She teases me

As the band launches into Love Bites I can't help but smile, feeling like every word of the song is meant for me.

Rhythm of the heart | Rick SavageWhere stories live. Discover now