Rejected And Pregnant, Great!

By sezzylou1

299K 7.2K 408

Meeting your mate is meant to be the best moment of your life and in some circumstances you would be right bu... More

The Party
The Party: Part 2
Unwanted News
Unwanted News (Part 2)
Moving on
2 Months Later
2 Months Later (Xavier P.O.V)
Their Here!!!!
Motherhood/First Birthdays
His Arrival
His Arrival: Part 2 (Xavier's P.O.V)
Back To The Place It All Started
Old families, New families
Old Friends/ New Enemies?
I Warned You.
Truths Are Revealed: Part 2
We Are Coming.
Tomorrow We Strike
Today is the Day.
The Aftermath
The Aftermath (Part 2)

Truths Are Revealed

2.2K 46 2
By sezzylou1

Last night was meant to be one of the happiest days of my life but instead it ended in anguish. I showed Xavier the note and he was pissed. He was losing his mind. We hardly slept last night. This morning we headed to the pack house to discuss with the Beta and my brother, he was third in command again he took the role back once I came home and everything was resolved. I decided to go with him to this meeting. I was Luna I had a right to know, plus it was my family that was under threat. Xavier had asked some of the pack members to patrol the area to see if they could find anyone. The twins were still at my parents house. I couldn't tell them what was going on, I didn't want to worry them. 

Currently we were sat in the office with Jackson and Aiden. 

"So what are our options?" Jackson said. 

"First of all, who would want to hurt you?" Aiden asked. 

"My first and only guess is Stephen." I said

"Stephen? I thought he adored you." My brother questioned." 

"Aiden, we didn't tell you the full story as we knew you would have gone mad. Stephen at the beginning was a great guy but once Xavier showed up whole demeanor changed. It got so bad that he hurt me and tried to kill me. If it wasn't for Xavier showing up when he did, I would have been dead. Xavier ended up hurting him really bad and before we left he threaten me." 

"I am going to kill him." Aiden growled. 

"Aiden, let's just calm down. What is the last updates on Stephan? Xavier questioned. 

"Well I heard that when you guys left, his pack shunned him for what he did to you. After that no one has really heard about his whereabouts. A few people have said that he joined a rogue pack and others said he is out on his own." Jackson responded. 

"Well that doesn't help us." Xavier sighed. 

"So what do we do?" Aiden muttered. 

"I want extra patrols done throughout the day and night. I want anyone that is able to fight to start training immediately. I want us to be prepared for anything."

"Yes Alpha." 

As we were talking, the door swung open. 

"Alpha, we found someone camping by the lake." 

"Where are they now?" 

"They are in the pack cells." 

"Keep an eye on them. We are on our way." 

Xavier, Aiden, Jackson and I jumped in the car and headed to the pack cells. Xavier didn't want me to come but I insisted. If this was the person was threatening my family, I had to know who it was. 

We pulled up to the cells, and Xavier practically jumped out. I trailed along behind them. 

"Who have we got Seth?" Xavier asked one of the cell guards. 

"She is a woman, late 20's." Seth responded 

"Has she said anything?" Aiden interrupted. 

"All she keeps saying that she needs to speak to Ariana." 

We headed to the cells and the guard let us in. We walked in and there lay on woman on the bed. Her back to us. 

"Face me." Xavier shouted. 

The woman turned around slowly until we could see her face. 

"Sophie." I shouted.

"Ariana. Is that you?" She said. 

I ran over to her and gave her a hug. 

"Who is Sophie?" Jackson asked. 

"She is from the Red Dawn Pack, she was one of the maids and used to look after the twins from time to time when Ariana was there." Xavier replied. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"I had to see you. I had to warn you about Stephen." 

"What has he got planned?" Xavier implored.

"Can we go somewhere? I don't like being here." Sophie sniffled. 

I picked her up and led her upstairs, ignoring the boys protests. I made Xavier drop us back off to the pack house so she could be more comfortable. As soon as we got in, I grabbed her a hot drink and a sandwich she must have been hungry having to sleep outside all night. 

Once she had finished up and got settled she finally began to talk. 

"Thank you for being so kind to me." She smiled. 

"There is not need to thank me." 

"So what did you want to tell us." Xavier said.

 "Oh yes. I had to come find you. I had to warn you." 

"Warn me about what Sophie?" 

"Stephen. He is out for you and your family. He has really lost it Ariana.  When you left and after he got better from Xavier had done to him. The pack had decided to shun him, we all voted for a new Alpha and for Stephen to be kicked out. He was pissed. He went off somewhere with some of the few pack members that decided to stay by him. No one had seen in at least two months but last week he came back in the middle of the night and set the place alight. It was horrible. So many people died, so many children." She sobbed. 

"That is awful." 

"The people who managed to survive went elsewhere and joined other packs, the rest well I don't know what happened to them." 

"So why are you here? Aiden said impatiently.

"When everyone went of elsewhere. I decided to follow him. I found him staying in a rogue pack. I made sure not to be seen.  One morning, Stephen and the leader of the rogues were taking a stroll in the woods. They were talking about you Ariana. Stephen has made the Alpha believe that Xavier kidnapped you and your children. He believes you are being hurt and your children are being kept away from you because of Stephens lies."

"He said what?" Xavier shouted.

"He is making out you took his mate and children away from him and now the Alpha has given him full control of his pack to attack you." 

"What are we going to do?" Jackson said. 

"Do you know the name of this Rogue leader?  Xavier asked. 

"Yeah, his name is Evan Monroe. His pack border by the Lake Richmond." 

"What are you going to do?" I asked. 

"I am going to arrange a meeting with him." 

"Are you serious? He thinks you are kidnapper, and that you abuse women and children. I don't think he is going to want to talk to you." I yelled. 

"Let me sort that out. Jackson, Aiden with me. Ariana make sure a bed is made up for Sophie." 

With that he left. I was so worried. I know he can handle himself but this was different. This Evan guy is thinking the worst of Xavier. All because of Stephens lies. I hate him. 

I got Sophie set up in one of the rooms and sat with her for a while.

"I am so sorry about of this." She whimpered. 

"Sophie, you have nothing to apologise for. You have probably just saved mine and my kids life, I am so grateful to you for that." 

She smiled. 

"I see you are wearing an engagement ring." she smiled. 

"Yeah. He asked me yesterday." 

"I am so happy for you." She gushed.

"Thank you."

We sat in silence. 

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.


"What do you know about Stephen's mate?" I questioned. 

She froze. She stared blankly at the wall. 

Trigger warning- sensitive topics are going to be brought up. If you aren't comfortable reading please skip to the next chapter. 

"You don't need to tell me if it is too hard for you." 

"No, no. I just had a flood of memories come at me all at once of her. Her name was Sienna. She was beautiful and kind. Her and Stephan met when he was visiting her old pack when they were 17. They accepted each other and she moved in right away. They seemed to have a great relationship at the beginning. They loved each other dearly, but everything changed when he became Alpha. He became a different person, he would pick on every little thing she did. He would pick on what she wore, who she interacted with, he wouldn't even let her go home to see her family. After while that is when we started to noticed the bruises, the scratches. She did everything she could to cover them up but we all knew. Stephen then began to see and sleep with other women, he didn't even try to hide it. I remember one night when Sienna confronted him about it, he ended up beating her so bad, we didn't think she was going to make it.  Stephen had demanded I look after and swear I told know one what I saw. I remember every detail. She had two black eyes, cuts a bruises everywhere, a broke nose and arm. The doctor also mentioned broken ribs too.  When I looked after her she confided in me. She would tell me she was miserable and she just wanted to go home. As I was caring for her, he was still out sleeping with different shewolves and going out drinking. He didn't care at all.  Some of the men in the pack tried to defend her but Stephen just kicked them out of the pack, other times he would beat them into submission until they let it go. Everytime they were together, I saw no life in her eyes. The once happy, kind and free spirit girl she was, was gone because of him." 

"That is horrible. What happened to her?" 

"After that no one said or did anything again because they were scared. I remember one day they annouced that Sienna was pregnant, the pack was overjoyed. After the announcement we realised things had improved but not for long. Soon enough he was beating her again. What most people didn't know was that Sienna was seeing another male in the pack, he was called Layton. He was tall, slighty older than her. Layton was the omega of pack because his dad was a human. I only know this because she told me. I was doing her hair one day when she told me about him." 

"How did they meet?" I asked. 

"From what I remember she told me she was walking standing at the edge of the cliff, ready to jump, when he approached her and talked her out of it. From that point on they met at that spot everyday. Sienna told me that she loved him and that he loved her. When I asked her about the pregnancy, she admitted to me that the baby was Layton's and that they were planning to run away together. I was so happy for her. I even helped her plan everything." 

"So did they get away?" 

"The day before they were due to leave, they met at their spot and a pack member saw them and told Stephen. He was fuming. Stephen found Layton and beat him senseless in front of the whole pack, in front of Sienna. Sienna had to watch Stephen beat Layton to death. I just remember him lying there, lifeless. Sienna didn't even have time to grieve. Stephen grabbed her by the hair and drove away with her somewhere. We never saw her again." She sobbed. 

"Sophie. That is awful." I said tearing up. 

"He made us swear that we wouldn't tell know one.  So no one ever did, we all just got on with our lives like normal. If anybody asked he just told people that she died in a rogue attack."

"That's what he told me." I sniffled. 

 "To help mourn the loss of Layton and Sienna. We held a secret burial for them and their baby. There crosses sit near the cliff where they first met. I used to visit sometimes." 

"He is evil. To think I used to share a bed with that monster. I let him be near my kids." I cried. 

"That is why I had to tell you. I had to find you and warn you. When I met you for the first time and you were pregnant. I was instantly worried about you. When I noticed he was different with you and the kids I thought he had changed but your last day at the pack I heard how he was talking to you. I ran to find Xavier and he went straight to you. I am so grateful you had Xavier when you did. I couldn't watch history repeat itself."

"I am so thankful that you are okay. I am so sorry that you are your pack had to go through that ordeal. I am so sorry for the loss of your pack members. I can't imagine what you are going through." 

"I'll be okay." 

"Just know that you have a home here. I owe you my life." 

I hugged her. I didn't want to let go she had been through so much. She had witnessed so much heartache and pain. She had a home here now for as long as she needed. 

Sophie fell asleep and I headed downstairs to the living room. My heart felt heavy. That poor girl. No one deserves that kind of treatment from anyone, especially their mate. I went the mini bar in the corner and poured myself a heavy drink. 

"You okay?" Xavier said. 

"Oh you are back?" 

"Yeah we managed to set up a meeting." 

"Is he coming alone?" I asked. 

"Supposedly but I am bring people with me just in case, can't be to careful."

"Yeah." I sighed. 

"Are you okay?" He asked again. 

"No not really." I replied. 

"What's happened?" 

"Sophie told me about Stephen's mate and what he did to her." I said as I broke down in tears. 

"What did he do?" 

"Sophie told me that he used to beat her so bad, and when he found out she met someone else and was pregnant with another man's child, he made her watch as he beat him to death and he took off somewhere and no saw her again." I sobbed.

"He is a monster." Xavier growled. 

"What if he does come here?" I panicked. 

"Ariana. He won't ever hurt you. I can promise you that. You and the kids are safe. I won't let anything happen to you." 

"Then let me come to the meeting." I suggested.

"That is not a good idea." 

"Xavier, if he sees me and I can tell him the truth, then maybe he will be more willing to listen." 

He contemplated for a while, then he agreed. He made me promise that at the first sign of danger I would leave. I agreed. 

He left me to go get ready. I hope that everything just goes smoothly. 

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