New Year Virus

By dreamfl_56

4.5K 2K 571

A joyous New Year's celebration were shattered when an unprecedented and terrifying event unfolded. Instead o... More

{Season 1} Chapter 1 Another Virus?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
End Of Season 1
{Season 2} Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 11

113 70 10
By dreamfl_56

Gabriel approached me, a sense of urgency etched across his face.

"Athena," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of anxiety and determination, "I've intercepted some signals on the radio. They're broadcasting a message."

I turned towards Gabriel, my brows furrowing in concern. "What kind of message?" I asked.

As the radio crackled with static, a stern voice filled the airwaves, delivering a message that sent shivers down our spines. The voice belonged to the government official, and his tone carried an air of urgency and somber determination.

"Attention, citizens," the official's voice boomed over the radio waves, breaking the eerie silence that had settled over the city. "This is an emergency broadcast from the government. In light of the rapidly spreading virus, we have made the difficult decision to initiate a controlled blasting operation within the city limits in four days."

Our primary objective is to prevent the virus from spreading further. We understand that this measure may seem extreme, but we assure you it is necessary to safeguard the lives of those who remain."

"For the survivors seeking refuge, we urge you to make your way to the West Airport immediately. Our forces will be there to assist you and ensure your safe evacuation. Helicopters will also be dispatched to transport survivors to designated safe zones. Remember, time is of the essence."

I turned to Gabriel, my heart pounding with urgency. "How can they do this?" I exclaimed, frustration etched on my face.

"We don't have time to dwell on it," Gabriel replied, his voice laced with determination. "We only have four days left, and our priority is to reach West Airport, I know it's difficult, but our chances of survival are greater if we reach the airport. We'll find help and resources there."

I bit my lip, torn between empathy and the stark reality of our situation. "But what if we're wrong? What if there's nothing waiting for us at the airport?"

Gabriel placed a hand on my shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "We have to believe there's hope, that there are others out there fighting just like us. It's a risk we have to take."

I took a deep breath, realizing that Gabriel was right. We couldn't afford to let doubt consume us. "Okay, let's do it. Let's make our way to the West Airport. Maybe there's a chance for all of us."

Gabriel and I hastily packed our bags,

filling them with essential supplies: cans of food, bottles of water. The weight of the bags served as a reminder of the uncertain journey ahead. As we zipped up our packs, the reality of leaving my home settled heavily on my heart.

With a bittersweet mixture of nostalgia and determination, I cast one final glance at my humble abode.

The place had witnessed countless moments of joy and laughter with my family, etching cherished memories in every corner. Tears welled up in my eyes as I let the flood of emotions wash over me.

I remembered the cozy nights spent by the fireplace,

the aroma of my mother's cooking that filled the kitchen, and the sound of laughter echoing through the halls.

Each room held a story, and the walls seemed to whisper the echoes of love and togetherness.

As I closed my eyes, I could almost hear the echoes of my father's voice, his reassuring words during challenging times. My mother's warm embrace and her unwavering support felt tangible, even in their absence. The memories were etched deep within me, treasured fragments of a life left behind.

But the urgency of our mission demanded that I set aside my emotions. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the arduous journey ahead.

With Gabriel by my side, we turned our backs on the familiar walls, leaving behind the safety of my home.

As we walked away, I made a silent promise to carry the memories with me, allowing them to fuel my determination.

The tear in my eye now held a different meaning—not just a farewell to my home, but a symbol of resilience and the strength to face the unknown.

As we made our way through the desolate streets, Gabriel's sharp eyes caught sight of a dimly lit shop.

It bore the markings of a gun store, a potential source of protection in the perilous journey ahead. "We definitely need some weapons," Gabriel whispered, his voice filled with a mix of caution and determination.

Nodding in agreement, I tightened my grip on my bag and followed Gabriel's lead as we approached the shop. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the faint sound of our footsteps echoing off the decaying buildings.

Entering the shop, we moved cautiously, aware that danger could lurk in any shadowy corner.

The dim lighting cast haunting silhouettes on the walls, heightening our senses and reminding us of the precariousness of our situation.

"Stay close," Gabriel whispered, his voice barely audible above the hushed stillness.

We moved slowly down the narrow aisles, our eyes scanning the shelves adorned with an array of weaponry.

Each step was deliberate, each movement calculated to avoid drawing attention.

As we reached the middle of the store, Gabriel halted, his gaze fixed on a display of firearms. "We'll need something reliable," he murmured, his voice betraying a mix of wariness and resolve. "But we should also consider mobility."

I surveyed the assortment of weapons, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and the recognition that our survival might depend on our choices. "What about those compact handguns?" I suggested, pointing to a row of sleek, lightweight pistols.

Gabriel considered my suggestion, weighing the pros and cons in his mind. "They're easy to conceal and carry," he acknowledged, "but we also need something with a bit more stopping power." His gaze shifted to a rack of rifles and shotguns nearby.

As I carefully surveyed the weapons, my hand reached out to open an old, creaking armoire.

In a sudden and horrifying twist......

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