Wenclair oneshots

By urdemonix_child

155K 3.6K 3.7K

This being #1 in "whyamiwritingthis" is wild πŸ’€ I wrote these at 3am feel free to bully me, votes and comment... More

The Worthlessness of Grey
The Comfort of Rain
In Sickness and Health
Little Dragon
Start with Snow
This Moment
Even at Her Worst
Rules (Are Meant to Be Broken)
Words Unsaid
Beautiful and Scorned
Turning of Pages
Wounds, Murder Hornets, and Questionably Learned Skills
Wenclair Christmas pt1
Wenclair Christmas pt2
Wenclair Christmas pt3
Wenclair Christmas pt4
Wenclair Christmas pt5
Perfect Match - what a joke
Are you tired of me yet? (I'm a little sick right now..)
Don't Forget To (Bleed So Slowly)
And I Would Rather Be the Stray (Than Be Nothing To No One At All)
I Bite My Tongue (It's A Bad Habit)
how do you like your coffee? like i like my women
you're the only beauty i don't want to strangle
Cupid's Second Chance
sweet of twigs and twine
(Who says) I'm alone
When the Sun and Moon share the same sky
baby, you could be the death of me (literally)
please leave your earphones in so i can confess my love to you
Cute Aggression
you hold the key(s) to my heart
It's just a dumb little kitty hat!
The indelible mark
Desperate measures
You have my heart (or, how to care for your Addams loved one)
Imperfect day
It's okay to be different (so am I)
Killer Teeth
Blood of the Covenant
I wasn't afraid before I met you
The babysitter
If you smell something burning, it's my heart
What is this feeling?
Addams & Co
Bringing life
I just died in your arms
Silent night, cursed night
Where there are wolves, ravens will follow
Seasons in the sun
I'm home where you are
Summer's end
You're my favorite color
An addams reunion
You Make My Yuletide Gay
Green skin
Together we will see how lovely heaven will be.
Hershey's Kisses
Teacher's Pet
Tag, You're Hit
Old Books, Ink, with a Hint of Arsenic
The Cellist
Confession Via Taylor Swift
Gift of The Wolf
you've done your dirt and you've dug your graves
Sleep Schedules
After All These Years
Chocolate is the Best Way to Say 'I Love You'
Addams and Eve
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt1
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt2
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt3
On the Edge
Wednesday feels guilt
A Stand-Up Gal
Thoughts and Prayers
Sweet, Sweet Revenge
Cherry Flavored Conversations
A Prank Gone Horribly... Right?
Are You Going to Claim Your Prize?
50 shades of red
On a Valentine's Day (I used to be my own protection)
I Need You More Than I Want to
It's the Uniform, Isn't it?
Finding Rainbwoes
what am I to someone like you?
Breaking Down Walls
Hopeless Woemantics
hiding behind the truth
love will have its sacrifices
I want to sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you
some things hurt worse than dying
a little cowardice can occasionally pay off
choose your poison (it won't harm you)
a rather loose definition of allergies
a room to be yourself in
the hypocrisy of being in love with a thief
Dancing On My Own
but I stay when you're lost
why'd you have to go and make me like you
the dark's not taking prisoners tonight
i don't feel like going home now Pt1
i don't feel like going home now Pt2

You shine all through my rain

967 37 8
By urdemonix_child

wrote this all the way back in July lol

Wednesday comes to San Francisco to pick Enid up for a date, and end up butting heads with her girlfriend's mother, to put it mildly

Enid's mum is doing that thing again.

Not saying anything judgemental, but everything in her behavior and expression expressing this. Has been since Enid broke the news that Wednesday is currently on a train on her way there and will be picking Enid up for a date that night.

Her dad hasn't said much either.

Her parents know she's a lesbian, but she is sure her mother wishes she had picked another girl. A nice she-wolf from a prominent pack, someone who can teach her how to be a proper werewolf like you are supposed to be. Instead, Enid had fallen for a girl so strikingly different from herself you'd thnk they were modeled specifically to be each other's opposites. She loves Wednesday, Wednesday loves her, and, as Wednesday has told her numerous times, no force will ever tear them apart.

The train ride was torture, and not anywhere near the good kind.

The endless onslaught of voices and noises and people being too close, her tapes of music and ambient sounds only doing so much against the discomfort, was only half of it. The other half was missing Enid, somehow even more so when she is getting closer to her than she has been doing in the last few weeks of summer vacation, and Wednesday has missed the rainbow colored wolf terribly. Couldn't wait to see her, had to continuously push down the urge to go up to one of the conductors and threaten them into making the train go faster.

Now, she is in front of the house, white fence and everything, adjusting her black and white dotted dress before ringing the doorbell. Enid's mother opens the door, Wednesday vaguely recognizing her from the parent weekend at Nevermore.
"Oh, hi. You must be Enid's-", she starts.
Wednesday extends her hand.
"Wednesday Addams", she introduces herself.
"Wednesday, right... Esther Sinclair", Enid's mother introduces herself.

Enid still evidently getting ready, Esther shows Wednesday into their living room, the brightness of the white and beige color scheme burning her eyes before she adjusts to them, taking a seat on the couch in the middle of the sparsely decorated, open-plan living room.

Enid's parents take the chairs opposite her, and she starts looking around as they stare at her. Wednesday has always been very attentive to details, and now she notices something labeled summer camp sticking up from a nearby trash can. Scooting over the couch so she can reach it, she reaches down, picking the pamphlet up, to the sound of Enid's mother making an annoyed noise.

"What is this?" she asks as she looks the paper over.
"None of your damn business", Esther snarls, Wednesday reaching her arm away as the werewolf tries to rip the pamphlet from her hand.
"Lycanthropy camp? For teenagers needing help getting in touch with the wolf within them!?" Wednesday questions, angrily shaking the pamphlet as she directly quotes the text on it with a snarl of pure disgust.
Esther sighs.
"We want only the best for Enid, as I am sure you do", she says.
Wednesday bares her teeth.
"Enid is more wolf than you will ever be", she snarls.

The sound of someone coming down the stairs might be the only thing stopping the two females from pouncing at each other, Wednesday making sure to rip the pamphlet apart before going over to greet Enid. She would not have appreciated it if she came downstairs and the living room was covered in blood, Wednesday knows this for sure.

She instantly forgets any anger as she sees Enid coming down the stairs.

The werewolf is dressed in a dress with a striped, swirly pattern in black and pink, the frilly bottom edge swishing as she goes into a bounce after seeing Wednesday as well, trotting over to her with a happy squeal, her hands clasped in front of her.

"You look beautiful", Wednesday says.
"So do you!" Enid says, happily, and they share a quick kiss.
"Missed you", Wednesday whispers as they pull apart.
"Missed you more", Enid whispers back.
"That is impossible", Wednesday states.
Enid laughs softly, the sound absolutely lovely.
"Ready to go?" Wednesday asks once she can do anything but staring.
Enid nods.

Esther is standing up when they get out to the living room, and while she isn't speaking she is emitting judgment like an executioner is emitting death, her gaze tracking the girls as they cross the room. They stop by as Enid starts putting on her shoes and jacket, her mother's gaze looming over them as she does.
"Wow, mum. You have really gotten better at this silent "my daughter is such a disappointment" look", Enid states dryly as she puts on her shoes.

Esther sighs. Wednesday starts seriously planning her death.
"Enid, darling... You never listen to me when I try to talk to you-"
"Because all you ever do is tell me how I am wrong!" Enid yells, her voice rough and unsteady.
Wednesday clenches her fists and jaw.
"Because I care about you! Because I want you to succeed in life!"
Enid's breath hitches.
"You mean like being a proper little wolf!?" she yells, her voice cracking.
"Well, I have tried to come to terms with the fact that you don't like boys, the least you can do is make an effort to not be so pathetic and fall in the arms of the first rebellious bad girl you hope will save you from-"
Her husband, still sitting down, weakly tries to protest, but she won't listen.

Wednesday growls. A dark, guttural sound, more something she hears rising from her throat than a conscious choice. Enid has crossed the line from almost crying, stubborn tears welling up in her eyes. Wednesday has to do something serious.

Smoothing out the front of her dress, she approaches Enid's mother.
"Mrs Sinclair, do you know what a Hyde is?" she asks.
She gets a blank stare.
"Can't say that I do, no."
Wednesday nods.
"Figures. You don't seem to be very educated", she says.
Esther bares her fangs, but she ignores this.
"A Hyde is the most dangerous and unpredictable creature within the outcast realm. A human at the core, a Hyde has to be unlocked by another person. Once they are, they transform into a monster. A very large, and very dangerous, monster. Easily twice the size of a transformed werewolf", Wednesday tells her, stepping a little closer to her with every word, keeping her voice calm yet dark.

Esther scoffs.
"Is this a threat?"
Wednesday shakes her head.
"Oh no. If I was threatening you, you'd know", she says, simply.
She has started pacing, walking in a small circle as she speaks.
"You see, I was almost killed by a Hyde once. There is one reason I am alive, and she is standing right there", she continues, spinning to point at Enid.
She can understand how that may seem incorrect, looking at the sniffling, pink haired girl, but she knows better than anyone how Enid is so infinitely much more than her soft-looking exterior.

Wednesday continues to speak. At this point she has walked to stand all the way in front of Esther to the tune of her words, staring the mother of her girlfriend down.
"Your daughter flung herself like a cannonball at this hideous, absolutely lethal monster, all because I was in danger. I cannot grasp why she would possibly want to risk her life for someone as unlikeble as me, but she did, and all I can do in return is love her. Love her fiercely and unapologetically, like she deserves. All you do is insult and belittle this absolute miracle of a person, and, for that reason, I have decided to scalp you and burn your house to the ground", she says.
"What!?" she hears Enid squeak.
"Would you like to spend the night in jail, young lady?" Esther asks, towering over her.
"Oh, absolutely. Many of my close friends are actually incarcerated right now", Wednesday replies instantly.

Enid comes over, starts tugging at her arm.
"What are you doing!?" the young werewolf questions, horrified.
"Protecting my beloved", Wednesday answers casually.
"Let's just go", Enid says, continuing pulling at her arm.
Wednesday glances at the taller girl, before turning her gaze to Enid's dad. The male werewolf is just sitting there, a pained expression on his tense face.

Enid continues pulling at her arm, frantically, her pastel colored claws digging into Wednesday's arm, and Wednesday gives in, turning around as they both storm out the house, stumbling out into the curb outside. Just standing there in silence.
"I found the papers on the so called summer camps", Wednesday says, and Enid sighs, exhausted.
"Yeah... It was my mum's idea", the pink haired says.
Wednesday looks over at her.
"That's bullshit, Enid, I'm telling you."

While a fresh wave of tears well up in Enid's eyes, she smiles. She goes to wipe the tears with her sleeve, but Wednesday beats her to it, turning to the pink haired girl and wiping her tears with her thumb.
"Did you really mean it? What you said about me?" the werewolf asks.
Wednesday's thumb remains against her cheek even as the tears are wiped away.
"Enid, it seems to me that people around us have made up their own version of our dynamic. It seems they have convinced themselves I am the strong one and you are the weaker one, but this is very false. I am the one who would not survive without you, figuratively and literally. You saved me from the Hyde, putting yourself at great risk doing so, and when we had a fight which was completely my fault I proceeded to collapse on the floor in a heap of sorrow and self-loathing. That, if anything, is pathetic", the black haired explains, her voice soft, slow and sincere.

Sniffling again, Enid pulls her into an embrace, Wednesday holding her close herself, burying her nose in the pink hair.
"Before I met you I could never imagine sharing my life with someone like you. Now, I can't imagine my life without you", Wednesday whispers.
Enid holds her even tighter.
"My precious Raven... You won't have to imagine that, because I am never leaving you", she whispers back.
"Like the seams keeping Frankenstein's creation together, Enid, you are what keeps me from falling apart", Wednesday says.
Enid tenses up some in the embrace.
"Alright, easy on the gore, please?"
"Sorry", Wednesday apologizes.

They are still standing just outside the house, and now the noises from inside it escalate from talking and movements to yelling and stomping, and they pull apart from the hug to turn towards the chaotic noises. Enid's father comes out the door, carrying a big backpack seemingly packed in a hurry.
"Finally grew balls enough to stand up to that horrible excuse for a mother?" Wednesday asks him.
Enid has run up and embraced him, and now she turns around and gasps.
"Wednesday!" she protests.
Her father shakes his head.
"No, she's right, kiddo. I've been a real coward", he says.
Wednesday crosses her arms.
"Why the change of mind?" she questions.
He looks at her.
"Because if a teenage girl can call her out on her judgment and insults, I would be ashamed not to muster that courage myself", he says.

Wednesday seems to deem this answer worthy of her acceptance, going up to him and shaking his hand.
"It's an honor to meet you", he says.
"You and your wife made a wonderful, young she-wolf, and I hope you know that", Wednesday deadpans at him.
"I absolutely know that", he says.

"Do you girls want some ice cream?" Enid's father asks after another moment.
Wednesday considers this.
"I guess a frozen dessert would be nice", she states, as Enid comes up, embracing her from behind and kissing her cheek.

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