Welcome to the Classroom of T...

By Seeanyui

33.7K 996 431

Izuru Kamukura suddenly awakens in a world unlike the one he knows, with only a few clues leading him to a sc... More

Volume 1 - Ch. 1 Classroom of Talent Supremacy
Volume 1 - Ch. 2 Speculation
Volume 1 - Ch. 3 King
Volume 1 - Ch. 4 Called by the King
Volume 1 - Ch. 5 The Stage is the Library
Volume 1 - Ch. 6 Negotiation
Volume 1 - Ch. 7 Midterm Exam
Interlude 1 - Ryuuen Kakeru Monologue
Volume 2 - Ch. 1 Incidents and Romance
Volume 2 - Ch. 2 Everyday Life with a Tyrant and a Queen
Volume 2 - Ch. 3 A Casual Holiday
Volume 2 - Ch. 4 Kikyou Kushida's Talent
Volume 2 - Ch. 5 Eccentric, Delinquent, and Supportive Items
Volume 2 - Ch. 6 Genius and Hope
Volume 2 - Ch. 7 The End of the Battle
Volume 3 - Ch.1 Luxury Cruise Ship

Interlude 2 - A Special Day for Ibuki Mio

1.3K 36 20
By Seeanyui


It's an annual event that marks the day a person was born in the real world, a necessary requirement once a year. Some people are surrounded by many others and celebrate with joy, while others spend it like any other normal day. I, of course, belong to the latter group.

But I do admire the former.

Since I have few friends, I can't experience the excitement that those popular people radiate, known as "yokya" in general terms.

Why am I thinking about such things?

Because today, July 27th, is my birthday.

Summer vacation has started, and the heat of midsummer has finally arrived. On days like this, it feels nice and comfortable to spend the whole day in the dormitory. However, it's not good for my health, so I try to avoid it as much as possible.

As I ponder such trivial matters, I nibble on a slice of bread and absentmindedly watch the morning news as time passes by. My schedule for today is already set, although it doesn't differ much from yesterday or any other day. It has become a routine, a predictable flow of events.

First, I will go alone to the movie theater and watch a film before 9 a.m. Then, I'll have lunch and watch another movie. After returning, I'll study, have dinner, and then have some free time.

Yes, it's a remarkably fulfilling yet lonely day. But my inner cry of dissatisfaction as a non-real life enthusiast is meaningless. No matter how lonely I feel, reality won't change. However, the truth is that I am content with this fulfilling life.

Now, since time is passing, I should start preparing to go to the movie theater. I undress to take a shower and rinse off my sweaty body. I'm left with only my underwear on top and a pair of shorts as sleepwear. Since I have only one female friend, I don't know what kind of clothes other girls wear to cope with the heat. But I assume there aren't many. There's no basis for this assumption, though.

As I take a shower, I can't help but think that I wouldn't want to be seen dressed like this by Shiina, my only female friend at this school. After I finish showering, I dry and style my hair. I apply just a little bit of makeup, even though I don't have any plans to meet anyone. It's just a precautionary measure in case something unexpected happens.

While thinking about what to wear today, I choose among several summer outfits in my closet. One particular outfit catches my eye. It's the one I picked half-forcefully when I went shopping with him. It brings back memories of his excellent sense of style that both impressed and irritated me.

I decide on the outfit and prepare to leave my room. I check if I have everything I need and then head outside. Ah, it's hot... Suppressing the immediate desire to return to my room, I take a step outside. I use the elevator to go down to the first floor. Since it's a shared space, the air conditioning is working well. I feel a sense of liberation, as if I have been freed from hell.

"Sorry for the wait! Did you wait?"

"I didn't wait, Kushida-chan!"

"Come on, Ike. You're always late, and yet you arrived before me."

"Hey, don't you know that's just a given?"

"Hehehe, you two are always entertaining!"

That blond girl is Kushida Kikyou from Class D. It's impressive that she can hang out with someone so blatantly infatuated. I genuinely admire her ability to handle such situations.

The other students around us are probably also from Class D. As I observe them while walking, three more join the group, making it quite a large gathering. But I don't feel particularly envious. It's not jealousy either. Handling such a large group of people would surely be mentally exhausting, so they must be struggling. I direct a polite gaze toward them.

Moving my gaze away from them, I finally step out of the dormitory. Ah, it's hot... (for the second time). Suppressing the immediate desire to return to my room, I bravely move forward. I have decided to confront the heat.

With determination, I head towards the movie theater.

Today, I'm going to watch a slightly serious film. The plot revolves around an only child who has lost their parents and embarks on a journey to find their own purpose in life, experiencing various things and growing in the process. It's a popular storyline, but I'm genuinely excited about it.

"Now, let's go shopping for clothes today!"

"Karuizawa-san, you really love fashion."

"Fashion is a woman's weapon, Shinohara-san. Sato-san, I'm sure you understand what I mean, right?"

"Of course, Karuizawa-san!"

"...Both of you, are you going to spend all your points again?"


"...I won't lend you any more."

The three girls in the group are chatting happily, even though the topic is somewhat serious. Judging from their lack of self-control, they must be from Class D.

As I can't stand their presence, I quicken my pace to create some distance between us. A few minutes later, I realize I have arrived at the movie theater.

Although there are still several tens of minutes until the screening begins, I want to see the previews of other movies, so I head to my designated seat early.

The assigned seat is equipped with a very comfortable cushion. I have watched many movies here, and thanks to this cushion, I can sit for hours without feeling any discomfort in my lower back.

As the lights dim, indicating that the previews are about to start, the atmosphere becomes more intense. I never tire of this feeling of anticipation, the sensation that the movie is about to begin.

Now, it's time to focus.

After watching the first film, it's probably around noon. I don't have much appetite for lunch. I simply don't feel hungry. It's not that I'm unwell or anything.

The film I just watched was incredibly captivating. The conflicts and difficult decisions the protagonist faced were truly fascinating. The process leading up to those moments was carefully crafted, making the story easy to absorb.

But my eyes are a little tired now. So I'm taking a short break.

Suddenly, I notice two good-looking guys sitting on a bench near the food court, engaged in conversation.

"So, Kanzaki, who are you really interested in?"

"...Some topics shouldn't be discussed in a place like this."

"Ha! Not denying it means there is someone, right? Is it Ichinose after all?"

"No, she's not the one. Right now, I'm busy getting used to the school's system... And, I couldn't help but think that you were launching a preemptive strike to keep me from going after Ichinose."

"Spot-on. Well, it's impossible not to be interested in Ichinose. She has a good personality, a beautiful face, great looks, and she's smart and athletic. And let's not forget about her... you know what!"

"...I agree with everything except the last part. And Shibata, your voice is way too loud."

I personally dislike that Shibata guy. It's not just about being tall; that's not everything. The shape is what matters, you moron.

I considered spreading some weird rumors about him, but with his ridiculously loud voice, he's already attracting attention and rumors on his own. In fact, he's getting glared at by the girls around him. Serves him right, you pervert.

Now then, I've refreshed myself a bit, so let's move on to the second film. However, my actions came to a halt midway.

Just as I was about to leave the rest area, my phone, which rarely receives notifications, rang unexpectedly. Thinking it might be some annoying spam message, I was surprised to find out that it was actually a message from Shiina.

I quickly open the message and check its contents.

"To Ibuki-san, Please come to Kamukura-kun's room today at 6:00 p.m. I have something important to tell you. If for any reason you can't make it, please let me know in advance. P.S. It seems Kamukura-kun will treat us to dinner."

Alright, I'll go.

I can't resist Kamukura's cooking; it's so delicious that it impairs my vocabulary. But maybe some strange rumors might spread? Who cares. I used to be concerned about that, but now I don't care anymore. Humans can't resist the three basic desires, and hunger is an absolute weakness.

But what could be so important?

...Could it be that Ryuuen said something to her? If that's the case, I'll have to speak up to Ryuuen. I can't allow him to force kind-hearted Shiina into doing something against her will.

Well, it's not certain, so I'll temporarily put that thought aside. Let's focus on going to watch the second movie for now. I'm looking forward to the next film as well. This time, the main actor fits my taste perfectly. It's an action movie.

He has a high nose and a distinct Western appearance, and he possesses a well-toned body. Moreover, I like his voice. It's safe to say that watching his movies is almost a duty.

Immersed in my daydreams, I head towards the movie theater.


I have impressions i want to share.

But it's impossible because I don't have any friends.

At times like this, I truly feel inconvenienced.

As expected, the actor was great, and the direction and story were wonderful.

I heard that he will be coming to Japan for a signing event, but I can't go, so I'm quite frustrated.

After all, this school doesn't grant permission for outings.

I've never resented this school as much as I do now.

With those thoughts in mind, instead of heading straight home, I open the memo I prepared in advance and go shopping.

Since I have some extra time before the designated time given by Shiina, I decided it was the perfect opportunity.

The things I need to buy are for a luxurious trip that will last two weeks starting from August 1st.

Honestly, when I first heard about the details of this trip, I was speechless.

Sakagami-sensei mentioned that there would be a vacation during the midterms and final exams, but I never expected it to be to this extent.

To summarize the astonishing details, even for an individual, this trip would cost hundreds of thousands of yen, but the travel expenses and incidental costs are all covered.

This was mentioned in the summer vacation notice, and I still remember double-checking the notice.

Just that alone is extraordinary, but in addition, it includes first-class restaurants, theaters, and luxury spas.

No, something's not right. It's definitely too good to be true.

Considering how the school has been, it's strange for them to let high school students go for free.

There must be something else.

But regardless, I'm more excited than suspicious.

There must be something behind it, but it's an incredibly amazing trip that overshadows any suspicions.

The things I need to buy include pajamas and various other items.

It would be embarrassing to be seen by my roommates in my usual attire.

And there are other things too.

Let's move our hands and feet. So, it's about time to start shopping.

"Katsuragi-san, is what you said earlier true?"

"Yeah, I predict that something related to class points will happen during the trip starting five days from today."

"But it wasn't written in the notice, right?"

"Probably, that's what the school expects from us. The ability to sense crises, predict events, and come up with countermeasures. There were plenty of hints to find. It's all about our capabilities."

"Wow, Katsuragi-san, you're amazing! With that, Ryuuen doesn't stand a chance."

"...No, she probably already noticed it naturally. She won't let me have the upper hand so easily."

Katsuragi, a student who goes by that name, is the one I heard about from Ryuuen.

He's one of the two powerhouses in Class A.

He's a very intelligent and serious student who values discipline.

Personally, I don't dislike people like him.

I don't understand why people dislike serious individuals in the first place.

Ryuuen calls him trash and looks down on him.

It's natural for someone like him, who prioritizes violence over intelligence, to react that way, but I don't like it.

...And maybe Kamukura doesn't like him either.

I think I understand his personality to some extent, so I'm quite confident in this prediction.

Serious people, for better or worse, are predictable.

When faced with difficulties, they don't take detours and confront them head-on.

They are the type of people who take the direct route.

It's boring, but I'm confident he will say those words.

I finished shopping.

Since I have some time before returning to my room, I don't need to rush.

However, feeling a bit special, being invited by a friend, my walking pace feels wider than usual.

Because of that, I arrived at the dormitory a minute earlier than usual.

"Is it okay to come even though it's 15 minutes early?"

I check with Shiina just in case.

I quickly received a reply in less than 30 seconds.

"Please wait for another 5 minutes. Thank you."

That's what she replied, so I decided to wait as she requested.

I decided not to bring anything except my mobile device, and I put everything else in my room and sorted the things I bought.

Once finished, the timing was just right.

I leave my room again.

Kamukura's room is one floor below. So instead of using the elevator, I take the stairs.

I arrived without anything special happening.

I press the call button without stopping.

After a mechanical sound, a high soprano voice informs me that the door is open, so I grab the handle and pull.

As I enter Kamukura's room, a pleasant smell greets me.

A scent that stimulates my appetite fills the room.

The well-organized entrance catches my attention for a moment, but my focus is more on the smell.

I can't help but salivate. But somehow, I manage to suppress it and maintain my composure.

I take off my shoes and slowly walk toward where the light is.

"Welcome, Ibuki-san..."

A loud bang followed by a slight smell of gunpowder as colorful paper showered over my head and body.

"Happy birthday, Ibuki-san."

Shiina's pleasant voice echoes with a smile.

The source of the earlier sound was a firecracker.

She explained why she used a firecracker.

Kamukura's room, which is usually empty, is now decorated.

There's a carpet on the floor, and the curtains have changed to casual colors.

Several wreaths and lights are installed, creating a birthday atmosphere.

"Kukuku, my prediction was correct, Hiyori."

"Yes, it seems so. I thought you would be surprised cutely, but it seems I was mistaken."

"Well, your dumbfounded expression was quite enjoyable, though."

"Hehe, indeed."

An unexpected tyrant and a suitable angel are enjoying a casual conversation in this unusual setting.

"Happy Birthday, Ibuki."

"...Thank you."

A muscle-bound delinquent who doesn't quite fit the atmosphere.



A person with long black hair that would make you wonder if they were the only one in costume, topped with a white chef's hat... no, placed on top of his head.

"Hey, Ibuki. I went out of my way to come and celebrate your birthday. How about being a bit happier?"

"Ryuuen-kun, let's not talk like that today."

"...Tch, fine, fine. But don't smile at people like you're going to threaten them."

"You've become quite gentle, Ryuuen-kun."

"Hey, it's not like I've changed my attitude towards you or anything."

"Ryuuen-kun, I'll skip dinner."

"...Why the hell do you have the authority to decide that?"

Various thoughts come to mind.

But there's one thing I want to say right now.

"Thank you."

Those words come from the bottom of my heart and are accompanied by the most refreshing smile I've had in my life.

Those who observe me may have different expressions, but they are all surprised.

"Kukuku, it's the most surprising thing today. If you always smile like that, you'll be popular."

"Gap Moe, is what they call it, Ryuuen-kun."

"Since Ibuki-san is always cute, it's not gap moe, Kamukura-kun."

The three unique individuals in Class C are evaluating my smile.

Normally, I would get irritated and argue back, but today I don't feel like it.

Joy fills my heart, and their exchange feels somewhat heartwarming.

"Kamukura, do you have a cake too?"

"Yes, I have some talent as a pastry chef."

"I know. I'm looking forward to it."

"...Who are you?"

Kamukura's statement is quite out of character.

I'm not hungry to the point of stomach growling, but I'm starting to lose my patience with the food in front of me.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat."

"Hehe, you're right. Everyone, please take your seats."

Shiina guides everyone to the table.

Since there are six people in this room, not everyone is sitting around the table.

From this point on, Kamukura serves everyone's dishes.

"Now, let's enjoy."

With those words from Shiina, only Ishizaki says, "Itadakimasu."

It creates laughter because it's unexpected for him despite his appearance.

I was able to enjoy the day like this until night.

The intimacy among Class C has increased!!!

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