The New Batman Adventures - A...

By TaylaDragoHester

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They're back...! With a new look, featuring Gotham Girls too, two video games Vengeance and Rise of Sin Tzu... More

Holiday Knights
Sins of the Father
The Vault
Lap Bat
Cold Comfort
Double Talk
Trick or Trick
A Little Night Magic
You Scratch my Back
Never Fear
More Than One Way
Precious Birthstones
Joker's Millions
Pave Paradise
The Three Babes
Growing Pains
The Gardener's Apprentice
Lady X
Hold That Tiger
Miss Un-Congeniality
Love is a Croc
Torch Song
Baby Boom
The Ultimate Thrill
Over the Edge
- Cat -n- Mouse -n- Cat -n- Mouse -n-
Bat'ing Cleanup
Mean Seasons
Cat Sitter
Gotham Noir
Cult of the Cat
Animal Act
Scout's Dishonor
I'm Badgirl
Old Wounds
The Demon Within
Batman: Vengeance
Ms.-ing In Action
Gotham In Pink
Hear Me Roar
Gotham In Blue
A Cat in The Hand
Jailhouse Wreck
Honor Among Thieves
No, I'm Batgirl!
Signal Fires
Cold Hands, Cold Heart
Mad Love
Beware the Creeper
Judgement Day
Batman: Rise of the Sin Tzu
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman

Legends of the Dark Knight

41 1 20
By TaylaDragoHester

The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #123 - Legends of the Dark Knight

It's late in Gotham City, for Megan sees a lot of reports of burning buildings to investigate it on her side of town, and Batman does the other thing on his end.

"Another night, another bad guy hunt, and hopefully another payment afterwards." she said to herself to see a few kids passing by. "(Huh? Kids out at this time?)"

She follows them...Three kids read the Gotham Gazette's latest report on a mysterious arsonist. When Matt, one of them, thinks he can make out Batman in a photograph, Carrie needs to double-check it before she believes it, but she assures her friends, the 'arson boy' is history once Batman is on the case. Enthusiastically, the third kid, Nick, begins to tell his friends of how he perceives the Batman. He is like a giant pterodactyl beast, with big fangs and talons. And when he sees a bad guy, he swoops down from the sky and carries him off. Skree, Skree!

"The way I hear it, he isn't even human! He's like a giant pterodactyl beast with big fangs and talons! And when he sees a bad guy, he swoops down from the sky and carries him off! Skree! Skree!"

Carrie is less than impressed and drags Nick back into reality.

"Reality check, Nick." said Carrie to see someone was following them. "Hey, look. It's Batman's sidekick woman."

Megan comes out of hiding to be laughing.

"Alright, you guys found me. And a pterodactyl? Batman? As if, kid." she said. "I know him because we're not just partners in crime, but he's also..."

Carrie, Matt, and Nick say it together.

"Your boyfriend!"

Making some smoothing noises to make Megan blush to continue walking, she gets shy so easily.

"Ha, ha, we are...Shut up! Look, you three shouldn't be out this late."

"Why's that?" Nick asks Megan.

"Why?" she tries to think of something. "Because...there's a criminal that both Batman and I need to stop who's causing so much fire. It's too dangerous for all of you."

But like they'll listen to be smarter than some of the other kids these days.

"We just want to know who Batman really is."

For Carrie to say that part, Matt then tells that his uncle knows Batman—and that he's really nice and funny.

"I know of Batman; my uncle saw him once." said Matt. "He said he was really nice and funny."

Carrie dismisses this version as well but allows Matt to explain himself.

"Really?" Megan was lost.

"Really, Matt?" same with Carrie.

Matt tries to explain to his friends and Megan all bout it 'for her to be listening in'.

"I'm serious. You see, my uncle worked as a security guard at the music center once..."

Matt's uncle, a guard at the Walker Music Center, sits back on what seems a quiet night, until his radio signal is cut short and replaced with maniacal laughter. Joker boasts of his plans of thievery, and exclaims:

"The comedy is finished!"

Frightened, the guard says he's: "The Joker! Better stay on my toes."

Nick cuts short Matt's story, deriding the humorous statement 'better stay on my toes'.

"Better stay on my toes?" Nick finds that part to be lame. "He actually said that? Out Loud?"

"I don't know. This is how my uncle tells it." Matt said back.

Matt dismisses it as the way his uncle tells the story and continues with his story.

"Just go on." Carrie said. "I want to hear more of it, right Megan?"

She agrees.

"Yeah, keep going."

The guard checks all locks and doors in the music center, when a jack-in-the-box is thrown in through a window. A joker face pops out and gasses the guard. Desperate for fresh air, he unlocks a door—upon which the Joker and two henchmen enter. The Joker heads straight for the ukulele, pings a note, and expects his henchmen to applaud. He then walks to the guard and steals his keys, joking that strings never were his section, and he was much better on the keys. But instead of unlocking a display case with a key, he just smashes it with a priceless ukulele. As he is about to pick up the valuable manuscript in the case, a shadow loom over him. Batman and Robin enter, and explain how they figured out his clue...

"Hold it right there, Joker!" said Batman.

"Eh?" Joker looks up to see Batman and Robin in the skylight. "Batman!"

The 1950's style of Batman and Robin here!

"We got your clue about stealing laughter, 'The comedy is finished'."

"A famous line from Paliacci , the opera about a sad clown." Robin said.

"It was your twisted way of saying you'd steal the original score." spoke Batman.

"Now we're going to make our own clown cry." same with Robin again.

It's a line from the famous opera 'Pagliacci', and Joker was about to steal the original score. Joker orders his goons to fire at the Dynamic Duo, and Batman and Robin take them on. Running from the fight, Joker climbs up a ladder to throw a sousaphone around Robin. As Batman sees his young friend in need, he is distracted. A henchman hits Batman on the head with a giant tuning fork. Joker is very pleased and orders his men to tie them up. The guard wakes up to see that the Joker forces Batman and Robin on the snares of a giant piano. The Clown Prince of crime gloats about how long he's been wanting to kill the Batman, and prances down the keys of the piano. As Batman sees the hammers closing in, he tells Robin to roll. While out rolling the hammers, Batman whips a saw out of his belt and cuts the cords. At that moment, however, a hammer falls on them. Joker sees victory and laughs at his luck. At that moment, however, his two henchmen are struck out by Batarangs, and Batman and Robin are shown to have survived. They crush the Joker under the keyboard lid and go after the goons. Batman and Robin find a way to stop them: By using a giant violin and its bow as a bow and arrow. The goons are pinned to the wall right next to the guard. The Joker gets away, but Batman gives chase. He jumps on a large saxophone that's on a wheeled tray and closes in on the Joker. He traps him in the horn of the sax, and at that moment he blows it. The Joker is deafened by the loud sound. When the sax crashes into a 'humongous flute', Joker is catapulted into a harp, and is trapped in the snares. Batman then tells the guard to call the police and shakes Robin's hand.

He concludes: "Well done, old chum."

And after hearing that story for Megan to say this...

"Ah, yeah some style from the 1950's or '60's Batman version...not bad."

For her, Nick, and Carrie are struck by disbelief, and dismiss the story because Matt's uncle was unconscious most of the time. Matt still defends it, but the others have moved on.

"Old chum?" Nick said.

"Your Uncle was asleep the whole time."

They kept on walking and Megan to follow for Matt heard what he did from his uncle.

"Again, that's how my uncle told me." said Matt. "You believe me, do you Megan? You were there."

But she wasn't in Matt's story. They walk past a thrift store, where another kid, Joel overhears them. He's excited about the Caped Crusader—all the muscles and the tight rubber armor, and a car that he thinks can drive up walls.

"Hey! Who's talking about Batman?" Joel talks to the other three kids and Megan. "I love Batman. All those muscles, the tight rubber armor and that flashy car. I heard it can drive up walls."

But they walk by the kid for Nick to say this instead.

"Yeah, sure, Joel."

Nick laughs at the thought. Matt then sees that one of their hangouts, The Kozy Korner, is burned down. Joel informs him that the mysterious arsonist is to blame.

"Hey, kid, what happened to that building?" Megan questions Joel.

"Well, that mysterious arsonist did it again from the looks from the burned-out area."

And it was for Carrie and Nick rush in to look for clues, with Matt reluctantly following. And Megan follows them so nothing bad were to happen.

"Hey, you guys! Don't wander off without me!"

Matt suggests they'd leave, but Carrie counters that Batman wouldn't leave either.

"We should leave..." said Matt.

"Batman wouldn't run away." she said back.

"And how would you know?"

Nick asks her how Carrie knows—which leads him to tell her tale.

"Listen to this one, Megan, you'll love it. First of all, Batman's like old in his 50's, and second...Robin's a girl."

The other two boys were confused for Megan knew this was made up.

"A girl?" all three of them said together.

A girl Robin hides behind a corner, eyeing the mutants on the other side. One of them captures her, and the other asks her where the Bat is. Right at that moment, two large arms grab him and pull him through a wall. The other one pulls a gun on Robin and threatens to kill her. Before he can do anything, Batman descends from the ceiling directly above the mutant, crushing him to a lower floor. There, he violently interrogates the frightened mutant into revealing his leader's whereabouts. At a dump, the leader preaches the fate of the mutants to his gang. He dismisses the opinion of the general population—that they're just noisy kids—and exclaims that they are the future and the law. The crowd goes wild, and two of them, Rob and Don, praise their leader. The leader tells them he himself will kill the Batman, but at that moment, the torch he holds explodes.

"They don't even wait for an order. Kids these days. No respect." the 1980's Batman said while firing.

From the distance, an ominous rumble rises from a cloud of dust. The mutants fire their weapons at the tank that inches closer, but their bullets fail to cause damage. Batman returns fire with rubber bullets, which prove much more effective as he takes out most of the mutants. Robin leaves the tank and continues to fight the mutants on her own, armed with a slingshot. The Mutant Leader steps in front of the tank and calls out Batman.

"I show you who rules Gotham City!" the leader calls Batman out.

And from there, Batman gets out to be ready to fight.

"Okay, son. Show me."

The two fights, and after a couple of blows end up in a pit of mud. The Mutant Leader gains the upper hand and attempts to drown Batman...

"Get him, Batman." said the female Robin.

The Mutant Leader pushes Batman further in the mud, waiting for the air bubbles to stop. Robin fires several pellets at him with her slingshot, distracting the giant enough to allow Batman the chance to get up.

"You don't get it, son. This isn't a trash heap. It's an operating table." Batman finishes him off. "And I'm the surgeon."

Now, Batman is stronger, and as Rob and Don note, their Leader is losing. Batman pulls the leader out of the mud and breaks his back. And how did Megan think of that one...?

"Hmm...Again, I'm not in it. But I did like the 1980's Batman style there, kid." she said. "Not bad."

Nick and Matt are in awe, and Carrie is pleased that her story is the best.

"I did get created on that one."

Matt picks up his flashlight—of which he had made a custom Bat-signal with a paper cutout—and tells them that they'd head home—it's late. On their way out, they see a shadow flying, one like the one on the photo they saw in the Gazette earlier.

"Hey! It's him!" Nick pointed out. "Come on!"

For him, Carrie, and Matt to follow that shadow flying around, Megan sees them to follow them still.

"(Not again.)" she started to run. "You kids stop! It's too dangerous! (And who's that shadow figure? Bruce? Hmm...He would've called me by now, would he?)"

Confusing Megan, the three kids and her followed it to an abandoned movie theater, believing it to be the secret headquarters of Batman.

"I don't know about this..." Matt was worried.

"Come on." Carrie kept on going. "This could be his headquarters."

Megan didn't think so.

"Not even close, it's the Batcave."

But instead of Batman, they find the arsonist—Firefly.

"It's Firefly." Carrie recognizes him.

Megan should've known it was that villain who makes powerful fires.

"Not Firefly. (Him again!)"

And then the kids decided to warn Batman with Matt's flashlight.

"I'll get Batman here with my flashlight, its a Bat-signal." Matt puts it up from the ceiling hole.

Megan sees the flashlight was a bad idea.

"Ah! Don't do that-!"

After a few seconds, however, the battery goes dead, and Firefly catches them.

"The batteries are dead."

"You think?" Nick questions Matt.

Not good for Megan sees the villain noticing the flash of light.

"Who's there?" said Firefly. "Show yourself!" he sees them. "Kids, too bad. And Megan. Well, I hope you all like it hot."

Megan sees what was about to happen next.

"Get down!" she keeps the three kids next to her. "(Bruce, where are you?!)" He ignites the firebombs he planted in the cinema and prepares to make his getaway when the real Batman arrives. "Batman!"

"He got my signal!" said Matt.

Though Matt at first thinks he alerted the Dark Knight, Batman tells Firefly that his bosses quite easily gave away where he'd be.

"I heard you were setting fires for money, Lynns. A little pressure, and your client gave up where'd you be and with Megan's help." he said to check on his girlfriend next. "You okay?"

"I'm fine! I had to follow three kids, we're all unharmed thanks to you!"

Matt sees that now.


Firefly engages Batman, who quickly disposes him of his fire thrower and flame saber. Firefly's escape is stopped by a bola around his feet.

"That's it!" angered Firefly. "You've gotten in my way for the last time, both you and your girl!"

With a lot to fight, Batman cools Firefly off to be done for.

"Sorry to cool you off."

At that moment, more explosions erupt, and the kids find themselves trapped for Megan tries to use her ice spray or her watch having a hose of water, to getting them all out of safety.

"Batman!!!" Megan calls out to her boyfriend. "(We're toast!)"

Well, he helps them out 'as always'.


"Thanks, I got the kids!" she said.

Batman throws an explosive Batarang at the wall to allow the kids and Megan with a means of escape, while Batman leaves with the bound Firefly over his shoulder. Moments later, firemen and police have arrived.

"Looks like someone has left us a present." Bullock sees Firefly. "Not bat, Megan, and maybe the Bats. You got yourself a good payment after tonight." Detective Bullock arrives, and the first thing he sees is Firefly left dangling.

"It was nothing really." she said.

"But who made that 911 call?"

Megan knows than Bullock would try to guess. The kids, the ones who had alerted the police, walk off with each claiming that the experience 'proved' his/her Batman story is true. Megan sees them off.

"Thanks again, you three. It was fun."

"It was." said Matt. "See, you guys? He was just like I said!"

"What are you talking about? Did you see the way he fought!?" said Carrie.

"Yeah, but he also had that foam thing." Nick was happy.

"And when he flew away at the end, I'm telling you, he's not human." and Nick.

Then Carrie argues back at Nick.

"Get off it, he's human."

And then Nick says this to Carrie back.

"I don't know. I thought I saw fangs..."

Then the three looked at Megan to ask her about herself and her Batman.

"Well, Megan?"

"Well what?" she walks them back home on foot. "For Batman and me have a lot to understanding one another is all." Megan sees Batman swinging by again. "(Bruce, you're something else.) Hey, kids, let me tell you my version of Batman and me..."

For Megan Tsuki tells her tale to Matt, Nick, and Carrie to learn about her and Batman from fighting crime, helping out others, and falling in love from beginning to the end to believing in her was a nice story to hear about – besides the '50's or 60's, 80's, or what just happened tonight. I guess it is what it is really...To end this episode off to be a fan favorite one myself, for this was a little short but still fun to watch.

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