Scout's Dishonor

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Gotham Girls

Episode #119 - Scout's Dishonor

As Harley Quinn laments drifting through life, not contributing anything.

"Do you ever feel like we're just drifting through life, not making any kind of meaningful contribution to society?"

With Harley asking that type of question to Ivy, her answer was this...

"I'm an eco-terrorist of global proportions. I make a contribution." she said back while watering her plants.

Soon a knock comes at the door. Harley answers it and finds a Mandy Scout selling cookies. After she grabs the box and begins eating the cookies, Poison Ivy is surprised to learn that Harley used to be a Scout herself, although she claims that the cookies were the only good part.

"Being a Mandy Scout takes me back..." said Harley.

"You use to be a Mandy Scout?"

With Ivy being surprised to hear, Harley does something that she remembers doing from back then by raising her hand.

"I promise, as a Mandy Scout, to always be helpful and to share with others, especially those who need it most."

Ivy now sees Harley's point.

"Well, you certainly took that one to heart." she pauses to say something else. "Not."

Ivy decides that someone should teach those girls some 'valuable' life skills, and Harley agrees. For both Megan and Batgirl to be seeing this from afar.

"Ah, Barbara, are you seeing this?" Megan was lost. "That Harley does a lot of odd stuff sometimes."

"A Harley Scout's meeting? That's just not right." she said. "You got a good pint there, Megan."

It's not long before Harley has formed a group of 'Harley Scouts', all of whom dress like her and follow her twisted moral outlook.

"Okay, time for the Harley oath..."

The girls say it together.

"A Harley Scout does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, to whoever she wants. So get out of my face, chump."

A team to not be stopped, not good...

"Today, we're going to work on our badges for Internet fraud and identity theft!" said Harley.

"And a lot more to get from behind bars."

For both Batgirl and Megan arrive to stop Harley.

"Using little girls to do your dirty work, Harley? That's mess up." she said. "(I mean, really? A girl scout to turn to crime?)"

Batgirl interrupts the meeting, and when Harley points out that they wouldn't hit a little girl.

"Batgirl and Megan? I knew you two would show up...ruining my fun." Harley said to have an army with her. "But you wouldn't hit a little girl, wouldn't you two? I doubt it..."

"As if, Harley!"

"Oh, we wouldn't...That's why we brought us some back up." Batgirl reveals that she brought some 'help': the Mandy Scouts.

"Get them, girls!" Megan said. "We got the leader."

As the girls battle around them, using their badge-begotten skills to considerable (if comical) effect, Harley Quinn fights with Batgirl and Megan and successfully subdues her to trip on the cookies, and Megan to be all tied up. That being accomplished, she begins to sneak off with the money and cookies—but is caught in the act by both the Harley and Mandy Scouts, who descend upon her...

"Hey, where's she going?" the Harley one said.

"She's stealing the money." and the Mandy Scout.

"And all of the cookies too!"

Busted! For Megan to untied herself to aid Batgirl, she gives all of the group of girls an order.

"Oh, ladies..."

"Not good..." Harley was done for now.

With Harley Quinn tied to a chair, Batgirl provides Law-And-Order merit badges for everyone in the shape of black-and-yellow Bat-crests.

"Law-And-Order badges for everyone."

Megan takes Harley away.

"And another bounty for me to turn in." she leaves the rest to Batgirl. "Thanks, ladies."

I guess there are those who are good or bad to earn lots of badges for something, just not from stealing for a real criminal like Harley Quinn was, huh? A shame but talk about you scout's honor. But I do love some cookies.

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