Signal Fires

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Gotham Girls

Episode #133 - Signal Fires

Barbara and Megan turn around and sees Detective Reesedale 'being a man in disguise as a woman', who is herself relieved to see that it's just Barbara Gordon and Megan Tsuki.

"I said-!" she sees the two girls. "Oh, Barbara. And you too, Megan. Sorry about that."

Megan tries to play it cool even though Selma was really a man.

"Hey, it's fine. (Play it cool, Megan, Selma's still a good person.) Barbara let me in the place to find any clues left by someone who's making this entire mess." said Megan. "Somehow...And the only place to find out where is in this vault."

"I know you, it shouldn't be here, Barbara."

She plays it cool to act to Selma on what she should believe in.

"Ah...My Dad said it's okay, that's why I had to let Megan in."

With Barbara holding the key card, Selma takes it to tell them the news about it.

"Well, this won't work I'm afraid. I had to re-do the entire security system. After the many villains who broke in...Ivy, Harley, Catwoman..."

"And the true culprit who took Mr. Freeze's weapon." Barbara added.

"We wish to know what's going on. Please, Selma?" Megan asks her.

As it turns out, Gordon's key card wouldn't have worked; Selma revamped the security system due to everybody seeming to have a way in. Looking around inside, they try to figure out what happened, noting where Catwoman was, without the device, and that the device itself was there when Harley and Ivy stole it.

"Come on then, I'll show you two around."

Reesedale concludes that whoever was responsible must have known what his device could do—and for that, they must have had a connection to Mr. Freeze.

"That did belong to him until someone mess around in his or her own works." Megan added.

The Commissioner's prime suspect is Batgirl, based on 'hard evidence'.

"Batgirl?" shock Barbara to act like news to her.

Megan picks up the snow-globe to see something familiar of Nora Fries's familiar face from it.

"Okay, why does this look like Dora with the signature 'To N.S. Love D.S.' On it?" Megan tries to scan the handwriting. "I got this one. So wait, Gordon thinks Batgirl did it or something?"

"Seems like it, yes."

For Selma to say so, Barbara and Megan see Selma was a good person just doing 'her' job for Gordon.

"You really respect my Dad, don't you?" Barbara asks her that question. "In fact, he's the only one who knows your secret other than Megan does as well, you trust in him."

For Gordon to know that Selma's a man? A good guy for the real Gordon that is...

"He does..."

"Then can you tell us how Gordon has evidence that Batgirl stole the device?" Megan asks Selma next.

Good question, why is that? What does Gordon want with it?

"The Commissioner has proof that it was Batgirl who has done it."

Really...? For Megan and Barbara had trouble believing in that part.

"And does he have the evidence of it?" Barbara asks her again.

"No." Selma answered. "But between us girls, let's keep that part under wraps."

For Selma to say that to not know the rest to keep out of...Barbara and Megan see that something was up.

"Hey...Barbara, I felt something cold feeling and a statics wave from my watch from Gordon." Megan finds out. "It's like he's not human right now."

For them to look at each other, they know what's wrong wrong with Gordon himself. Selma admits that she's never seen it, but she trusts Gordon, who is the only person (apart, now, from Barbara) who knows her secret. Barbara decides to go find out for herself.

"I think it's time for me to unwrap on what my dad's really up to." she said. "Megan, I know this part is hard, but leave this one to me."

Megan allows it to trust in her partner.

"In any careful. (Because I know that she knows that something big is up.)"

The Bat-signal lights up the sky. Gordon comes up to investigate, and finds Barbara, who had known it would get his attention. He is surprised when Barbara brings up Selma—"(He?) What are you talking about?"—and confirms that he has evidence connecting Batgirl to the crime. Barbara replies that...

"I'm sorry to hear that...Dad."

Then, despite his confused protests, she hits him with a Batarang, knocking him off the edge and onto the Bat-signal, as she begins changing into her Batgirl costume...Megan comes out to figure it out that Gordon wasn't himself to begin with since the men came back from disappearing.

"Is it done?" she asked.

"Yeah, it is..."

Find out what the mystery is in the final part of Gotham Girls.

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