Hear Me Roar

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Gotham Girls

Episode #127 - Hear Me Roar

Looks like someone broke into the vault again to do something about it – for Megan, Batgirl, Mayor, Montoya, and Greenway had to do something and fast.

"Someone did break into the security vault!" the female mayor panics. "Maybe Megan and Batgirl should-!"

Not on Greenway's watch.

"No!" she said. "As long as I'm commissioning for now, Batgirl's not doing anything. And neither will you, Megan."

"Seriously?! You need us, Greenway! Whether you like Batgirl and me or not!"

Mayor Styles agrees with Megan there leaving Batgirl to really hate Greenway's attitude.

"You're on commissioner right now, and the same with me being the mayor!" Mayor Styles kept on poking Greenway. "Because of all of them men had disappeared!"

Nice, one Mayor Styles, as Montoya was on Styles' side to have Batgirl and Megan to help them out.

"And because of this, we're 80% populated with no men in the police force right now."

"Well, it doesn't matter to have 90% of villains down in Gotham, and I say that neither Batgirl and Megan will not help us."

As Greenway and Styles argue over whether to let Batgirl help them the same goes for Megan, Batgirl herself disappears. Megan takes off to not care about Greenway's rules, she was going to solve the case 'for Batman wants her to do it for him'.

"Think what you like, Greenway, but we're going to help. So shut up!!!" Megan yells at Greenway's ear to see Megan walk off to have a hissy-fit. "(Barbara, you take care of your part, and I'll do mine. See you soon.)"

"Why don't you..." she said quietly.

Meanwhile, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn go through the contents of the vault (Harley having somehow smuggled a shopping cart in there) while the police try to force their way in. Greenway would do anything to get inside while Montoya sees her action was a bit mess up.

"I always thought of Riddler was a briefs type of guy." Harley was picking up Riddler's boxers.

"Careful, Harley." Ivy tells her. "We don't know what half the stuff like this one will do."

Batgirl, however, has beaten them there, and tells them to stand down.

"Exploding underwear. Yeah, you shouldn't be even touching that one." said Batgirl. "Now drop the shorts and surrender quietly."

The villains, of course, refuse to give up, and begin using every weapon at their disposal to try to escape. After chasing them throughout the vault, Batgirl is about to stop them when a laser blast—at Greenway's order—destroys the door and knocks her off her balance, allowing the criminals to get away. Batgirl is ordered to be escorted away. So much for that part...But Megan sees that getting some answers from Ivy or Harley won't do anything since they stole a few things; and such to make their get away with other items for her and Batgirl to get some answers somehow.

"(I'm surprised Greenway let Barbara off the hook, for now...Still, does she know something to keep her and me out of something important?)" Megan thought about something. "(Hmm...I think someone else in the police force can give up better answers. And I know who.)"

Up above, as Dora Smith types away with a snow globe at her desk, Dora hears someone in the darkened Commissioner's office, goes to investigate, and sees somebody in the chair...

"Don't move! I got a gun-!" she stops to see someone in the commissioner's chair. "Commissioner Gordon?"

Megan enters into the room from the door to see Dora as well to be more than Gordon in the chair.

"Hey, Dora Smith, right? We need to talk."

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