Torch Song

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #106 - Torch Song

Bruce Wayne and his date, Shannon, go to a concert and sees Barbara Gordon there, with both surprised to see each other.


"Oh, hi Barbara." he smiled.

"I didn't know you were in to Cassidy." she said.

"Well, Shannon is to show me her concert tonight."

His so call girlfriend holds Bruce's arm to show him the front row seats to sit in.

"And with us getting first in front row seats." said Shannon. "Come on, Bruce."

Seems like those two will work later to enjoy tonight.

"By the way, where's your bodyguard?"

"She's doing double time payment with this singer." said Bruce. "She'll meet me during the show."

This made Barbara laugh. Yep, Megan was doing that right now for her to get a very good payment, but...she's not a fan of this Cassidy singer. Though she had to do her job protecting her from any mess up fans 'just in case'. She hopes for both Batman and her will be going on a date soon, because they didn't have one in a while.

"(Great...still undercover as the rich boy dating and me as his so call bodyguard protecting...her! I can't stand people like Cassidy, it just...singers like them are nothing but trouble.)"

Can't say I blame Megan there for she wanted to be a singer not so long ago. Before the show, the star, Cassidy, has an angry confrontation with her show's pyrotechnics expert, Garfield Lynns.

"Let it go, Garfield. Whatever you thought we had is as cold as a burnt out fuse!"

But Garfield refuses to let Cassidy leave his side.

"Hey! You're the expert on burning people, you little tramp!" he said in anger.

Apparently, the two dated briefly before Cassidy broke it off, but Lynns refuses to accept this. In anger, Cassidy orders him fired before going out on stage.

"Okay, this is your last job you're doing tonight." she tells her manager Frank about it. "You hear that, Frank? I want him gone by the time the show's over!"

Megan does her part to break up the fight.

"Hey, I got this. You go play your song, lady." she said and then pushes Garfield away from Cassidy to perform. "Let's go, loser, no touching the star. (Talk about mallow drama there.)"

He goes quietly and gets to work like he was told before leaving.

"I'm going! Lighten up, lady."

Megan almost gets mad, Frank clams her down in time.

"Hey, now, Megan. Take it easy. I'll get him out once the show's over. It's okay." he said to handing her something to drink. "Water?"

She takes it and drinks it all down.


As the show starts 'and I don't like that singing voice of hers', an enraged Lynns overloads the stage pyrotechnics, creating a rising wall of fire around Cassidy that drives the band away and traps her. Franks tries to stop him, but with no luck.

"Lynns! Stop! Are you crazy?!" Garfield pushes him back to continue to try burning Cassidy alive.

"Maybe." he said.

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