Holiday Knights

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

(And we're back with season four of The New Batman Adventures! Well, this is Batman: The Animated Series still, just with a new look and style is all that's so much different...I don't know about the name title of the show. With Megan 'Evans' Tsuki aka Psych, the Bounty Hunter comes back as Bruce Wayne/Batman's partner and lover 'for others to be them dating of Megan and Batman while she is acting like Bruce's bodyguard'; who's now twenty-six years old to have cool fighting skills, tools, ESP powers to control her form, and friends – like Batgirl, a new Robin, and Nightwing who was once the original Robin. Cool, huh? With a new look too 'seen on the cover of the story here'. With some new characters and new ones along with two video games, Gotham Girls as well in between the series to be going on, and the movie to finish things off. And to learn the truth with someone coming back and old enemies to appear real soon for the truth of Megan's past is finally shown and to face them with a brand-new enemy. Soon to finding out a whole lot more, enjoy the rest of the stories.)

Episode #85 – Holiday Knights

And now to start off the new saga of the fourth season of Batman, here's three Christmas stories that takes place for some reason after episode two and eight as well. Don't know why...Yeah, just enjoy the rest here to make sense on the rest later. OK? Cool! Holiday specials!!!

December 22

Harley Quinn bemoans her fate to her friend, Poison Ivy, as they stay holed up in a scuzzy hotel.

"I'm depressed, Red." said the sad Harley. "Here it is, holiday time, and we're hiding out in this dingy rattrap. No presents, no fun, no nothing. Can't we at least get a Christmas Tree?"

Ivy was a bit angry to have a tree for the holidays to let it slowly die.

"What?! And support the mad campaign of botanical genocide that grips this country every December?"

With a raised eyebrow of devious foreboding, Ivy assures her that she has a plan that will make it 'the happiest holiday ever'. Later, at the Vreeland estate, we catch up with Bruce having a pleasant conversation with heartthrob Veronica about forthcoming vacation plans. While Megan was just hanging around to wait for her boyfriend 'only to act like Bruce's bodyguard'.

"(Every year it's the same thing...)" she said to look around the place. "(Veronica's party on Christmas, all the girls are trying to have his way with my man as Bruce Wayne, me standing alone without him to keep our relationship a big secret to not let the world know me and Batman are in love who's really Bruce Wayne as the Dark Knight, and other guys are fluttering away with me...and for what? I'm still feel left out is so boring!)"

One guy comes up to Megan holding a mistletoe above Megan's head.

"Hiya, hot stuff. Wanna kiss?"

Megan punches the guy in the face for the thing to fall in his mouth for her to go for the walk around the mansion.

"No thank you!" she said while walking away.

Much to 'Brucey's' chagrin, his quiet moment is interrupted by a gaggle of suitors all intent on snagging a moment with Gotham's most eligible bachelor under the mistletoe. Veronica loves having fun with her friends, huh?


Backing away to make an escape, he finds Megan who was alone to as they have some moment time alone together while they still could.

"Hi." he comes up from behind and hugs Megan.

She was happy to see him.

"Hi yourself, Bruce." she hugs him back. "Having some made up girl troubles again?"

The New Batman Adventures - A Bounty Hunter's Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن