You Scratch my Back

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #93 - You Scratch my Back

On top of a water tower, Nightwing spies on a man making his rounds and is joined by Batman, Megan, and Batgirl who ask what's going on down below.

"Yo. What up, Nightwing?" Megan said and waves to her friend.

Oh boy, he still has some feelings for Megan like from two years ago. Looks like he and Barbara aren't dating anymore but they're still working together as friends and partners.

"Hey, Megan." he said to ask the two something. "What are you doing here?"

"Pre-dawn, the dockyards, where else would a person in a mask be?" Batgirl made a joke there.

Nightwing explains how they're gun smugglers from South America.

"Well, this is my thing. If I needed you guys, I would've called."

Batman sees from afar on what Nightwing was dealing with here.

"Some type of mafia?" he asked.

"Something like that of a black marketing to steal and sell for cash, and all the way from South America."

Megan looks up from her computer book on who the members are.

"Hmm..." Megan was having a bit a trouble while finding out more. "I'm having trouble on who these guys work for, I better keep on searching during the time. We still need to stop them." she said.

At that moment, a truck pulls up and a forklift rolls out of the back, which is Nightwing's cue to leap into action.

"If you'll excuse me..."

Nightwing raises his arms, revealing his glider wings, and leaps over the side.

"Don't look at us, Bruce." Megans tells her boyfriend.

"You're the one who raised him." Batgirl said to Batman.

As Nightwing rises from his crouched position and raises his arms, activating the glider wings attached to his costume. Nightwing leaps from the tower and swoops down into battle. Nightwing glides in to knock out two goons. Suddenly, another goon runs out from behind some crates and shoots at Nightwing. However, Nightwing is much too fast for the thug and hurls one Batarang to disarm him, then two more that pin the man to the crates. The forklift driver then tries to run Nightwing over. As Nightwing hops upon the front forks with ease, the thug immediately realizes that the lumbering piece of machinery is nowhere near a match for the agile hero; he pulls out a pistol and opens fire at point-blank range. With lightning-fast reflexes, Nightwing dodges the bullet, grabs hold of the fork, and swings around the side, knocking the man out of his seat and onto the ground. As the forklift races towards the dock and into the water, Nightwing jumps off in the nick of time. With a smile of satisfaction over a job well done, Nightwing dusts himself off, unaware of the danger behind him. Wow, he's good. One of the gangsters has recovered, picked up a piece of lumber, and is charging at Nightwing. Although Nightwing is distracted, the thug's attack fails as Batgirl swings into the fray and kicks the thug into the crates. And another was about to shoot at the two for Megan with her special gum to cover the gun and for her electrocutes the man with her stun watch.

"Ten points for me!"

"I give my kick a twelve there." Batgirl said.

Seems like Megan and Batgirl have fun playing games while stopping crime together as friends, for Nightwing was thankful to worry about their safeties a little.

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