Gotham In Pink

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Gotham Girls

Episode #126 - Gotham in Pink

The men are gone, the women have stepped up, and the city is surprisingly calm, say the headlines. Poison Ivy is optimistic.

"So, Megan, you couldn't get a hold of Alfred, my Dad, Bruce, Tim, and Dick at all?" Barbara asks Megan.

She tried everything to get in contact with them, but with no luck.

"Don't look at me, I couldn't hack through their belts to reach to any of them. Is like they disappeared or something. This is bad, I'm worried about Bruce." she said. "And you?"

"I got nothing either. It's so strange..."

Harley Quinn is depressed. Selina Kyle watches TV and is shocked when the new Mayor addresses the gathered women of Gotham, telling them that Detective Selma Reesedale has been Catwoman. She wasn't so happy to hear the news at all or her cat Isis, same with Barbara and Megan to know that something was up.

"What? Selina? She wouldn't!" shock Megan. "Barbara!"

"I know!" she said back. "I heard and saw the news on TV. That's not like her."

The crime supposedly took place in the Special Crimes Dangerous Evidence Vault, which holds the equipment of, in Poison Ivy's words, 'everybody who's anybody'. She also concludes that the best time to hit a place is immediately after it's been hit and takes off.

"Oh, Harley girl, I say we go pay the evidence room a little visit."

Ivy sure had a plan there for Harley to follow her.

"Huh?" she goes along with it. "Hey, wait up!"

Greenway takes over the podium, praising the women of Gotham and making keeping the City running priority, ahead of doing anything about the men's disappearance, while Dora and Detective Renee Montoya watch. That night, the mayor and Montoya summon Batgirl with the Bat-signal, unsure about Greenway's role in the proceedings.

"How do you know that this will work?" ask Mayor Elizabeth Styles.

"It has to. Even for Megan Tsuki to show up with Batgirl at least." answered Montoya. "It's a Bat-signal, not a Batman-signal."

And soon, Megan shows up.

"I'm here. And hopefully, I'll do what I can to find the missing men, and my Batman. And Catwoman...I doubt she's responsible for Selma Reesedale's disappearance. Just saying."

Next Batgirl shows up after that.

"And either way, I'm here." she said. "Like Megan said, we'll both do what we can to solve this. What can I do you for, Mayor?"

"Or rather what can either of us do?" said Megan.

Montoya tells them what they needed to know about.

"There's a lot that the media can't find out."

"We think that someone from the station was spying to get in out police headquarters." the Mayor added. "Might have something to do with the Commissioner."

Really? Thinking that Gordon might be behind the mess. For Batgirl didn't think so to say this to the two girls.

"You think that he's behind this mess?"

"There's no way he would ever do something bad." Megan defends the man. "Where's your proof?"

Hard to tell alright...

"It's not that we don't trust in Gordon at all, no." said Montoya.

That moment, they are interrupted by Greenway herself.

"It just...I approve with some, and I mean some of Commissioner Gordon's methods is all."

What a witch. For Megan to know about Greenway to not liking her already, not the type to be getting along with either.

"Oh, not you...Caroline Greenway, Gordon's backup commander of the police force." she said. "Not you again."

"Well, I never thought to see the low life Megan Tsuki, the bounty hunter and lover of the Dark Knight to help out today. How sad." said Greenway. "I just hope you'll keep in line than cause more trouble than what is worth."

The two glared at each other to start a fight, only to stare only and not throw punches at least to still be scary to watch.

"Is that so? Sounds like a threat."

"It could be however you wish to be."

For Mayor, Montoya, and Batgirl calmly change the subject right away about the real matter at hand next.

"But we just thought that Megan and Batgirl could..."

Greenway understood 'a little' on what Montoya was trying to say. She defends her 'methods' decries Commissioner Gordon, criticizes Styles and Montoya for going behind her back and orders Batgirl and Megan, disapproving of her vigilantism, to get off her roof...

"And I understood your meaning there, Montoya." said Greenway. "But still to go behind my back for it."

"Over doing it you mean?" Mayor added.

"I don't overdo things, not from a bounty hunter in love with a crime fighting strange name Batman or his partner. Not on my watch, I follow the rules very well."

Greenway really hates both Batgirl and Megan a lot...Ouch.

"Really...?" Megan was brave.

"Either way, Gordon's worthless. And destroy this light stand too." Greenway gives the female Mayor an order.

Montoya gets mad for Megan and Batgirl to pull her back to almost try to kill Greenway 'I don't blame her'.

"Don't, Montoya!" Batgirl and Megan stops her.

"Commissioner Gordon's a good man! A good cop that you'll ever be-!"

"Ever be without my supervision to keep him in line, we will find him but that's it, Montoya. Live with it. I can do so much once I fix this place into tip top shape. You'll soon understand that." she said back.

When Greenway soon receives word that the Vault has been broken into again, and without the key card, nobody can get in.

"Ms. Greenway! Someone has broken into the vault again!" said the female officer. "And no one has a key! We can't get in!"

Not good for Greenway, The female Mayor, Montoya, Batgirl, and Megan to hear about it.

"Huh? Who would be breaking into the vault at a time like this?" questions Megan. "This is not good. (And lots more to come I bet.)"

Inside, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn go through the place (having grown a vine through the floor), and Harley is shocked to find something in one of the lockers.

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