Precious Birthstones

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Gotham Girls

Episode #96 - Precious Birthstones

Selina Kyle, at home with Isis on her birthday, sees a report on the million-dollar Jewel of the Empress at a Baroness' birthday party.

"Alone at home on my birthday...what would complete this depressing scenario better than watching TV?" she flips through channels. "Can you imagine, Isis? Buying diamonds?" she then sees the news about the jewel thing. "Now that's a Birthday present for me to snatch up."

For Megan to be there for payment as she was paid to keep her eyes on the item for one person to try to steal it.

"Should've known she'll be coming back..." Megan also remembers something about her friend. "Hey...isn't it her Birthday today?"

That it was. Suiting up as Catwoman, she breaks into the building, brushing aside a discarded stuffed mouse, and steals an unrelated diamond necklace.

"This isn't the jewel, but it'll do. Happy Birthday to me." Catwoman steals it to see Megan next. "Megan?"

"Hold it right there, Catwoman-!"

Nearby, they both stop to find a young girl out of bed, and she was crying.

"Hold up, Megan." she checks on the girl. "What are you doing up? It's all right. A bad dream. Let's get you back to bed...before someone hears us."

Megan let's it be for now to still have a caring person like Selina Kyle/Catwoman was.

"Fine, we'll help out the kid." said Megan. "Let's go, honey."

As they try to get her back to bed (mainly to keep anyone from hearing Catwoman), they hear her saying something about bijou, which she remembers enough French to translate as 'jewel'.

"Yes, please leave me to the jewel."

"Ah, really, Selina?" Megan was upset. "(Here we go again.)"

The girl leads both Megan and Catwoman to a safe. Catwoman, excited, manages to catch 'Jewel of the Empress and others' from her speech.

"Excuse me, Megan..."

She opens the safe without problems...and finds Bijou, a cat and her two kittens, trapped inside.

"So cute." Megan said. "We found the little girls' cat and two kittens."

"Aw, someone must've locked the safe without seeing you inside. Could've suffocated. Poor babies."

Well, they were safe now for two baby kittens to be with their mommy cat. Catwoman accepts one of the kittens, resigned to what she has gotten, and wishes the girl a happy birthday. And for Megan to celebrate her friend's birthday with the cats and little girl too with some drinks and cake.

"Oh, why not? Let's eat a little and such before turning you in, Catwoman. (Happy Birthday, my friend.)"

"Happy birthday, sweetheart...a very, very happy birthday." said Catwoman

It shows the kindness and animal caring of Selina Kyle/Catwoman herself for Megan to see some good in her, you know? And what a cute ending that was.

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