The New Batman Adventures - A...

By TaylaDragoHester

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They're back...! With a new look, featuring Gotham Girls too, two video games Vengeance and Rise of Sin Tzu... More

Holiday Knights
Sins of the Father
The Vault
Lap Bat
Cold Comfort
Double Talk
Trick or Trick
A Little Night Magic
You Scratch my Back
Never Fear
More Than One Way
Precious Birthstones
Joker's Millions
Pave Paradise
The Three Babes
Growing Pains
The Gardener's Apprentice
Lady X
Hold That Tiger
Miss Un-Congeniality
Love is a Croc
Torch Song
Baby Boom
The Ultimate Thrill
Over the Edge
- Cat -n- Mouse -n- Cat -n- Mouse -n-
Bat'ing Cleanup
Cat Sitter
Gotham Noir
Cult of the Cat
Animal Act
Scout's Dishonor
I'm Badgirl
Old Wounds
The Demon Within
Legends of the Dark Knight
Batman: Vengeance
Ms.-ing In Action
Gotham In Pink
Hear Me Roar
Gotham In Blue
A Cat in The Hand
Jailhouse Wreck
Honor Among Thieves
No, I'm Batgirl!
Signal Fires
Cold Hands, Cold Heart
Mad Love
Beware the Creeper
Judgement Day
Batman: Rise of the Sin Tzu
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman

Mean Seasons

52 2 17
By TaylaDragoHester

The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #113 – Mean Seasons

At the Spring Fashion Show, Donna Day of Donna Day Fashions presents her new fashion line.

"Isn't it lovely?" said Zaftig lady "I've got to buy one."

For the man doesn't get to ask the lady this question next...

"For whom?" she hits him. "What did I do?"

As the show progresses, a mysterious woman dressed in green, wearing a featureless white mask, appears with three muscular male henchmen.

"Beware the Ides of March." Disrupting the event with a smoke bomb, she and her henchman kidnap Donna Day and escape, leaving behind a calendar page. "Sorry, but you and I have a date with destiny...your destiny."

Megan sees this to alert Bruce/Batman about it right away while trying to get herself some nice clothes 'since she needed some new ones'.

"(A craze woman and some nice-looking men kidnapping a fashion designer person? Hmm...How odd.)" she calls up her boyfriend. "Yo, Bruce, you won't believe on what just went down today."

She tells Bruce everything that was going on. Later, in giving a statement to the press, Detective Harvey Bullock inadvertently dubs the new villainess 'Calendar Girl'.

"Seems that this Calendar Girl days' are numbered." Bullock tells the press about it. "Megan, you think you can lend me a hand on this one. I wish for you and me only instead of your so call boyfriend." Megan hits him on the head. "Ow! What did I do?"

"Look, Bullock, I love clothes. Just not the ones to go buying random types for nothing. But since Calendar Girl is most wanted with a nice bounty, I'm in. And be nice to Batman!" Megan takes off. "I need to go help out Bruce first so please excuse me."

Bullock had one thing to say to Megan.

"I rather have you modeling than this other female taking over."

"Sweet, but flattery will get you nowhere." she leaves.

Later that day for Megan to go pick up Bruce Wayne, as he meets with Lucius Fox 'surprising to know about Bruce Wayne was Batman' to discuss the new production specifications for Gotham Motors, and the auto show that Bruce Wayne is to attend later that night. On his way out, Lucius reminds Bruce about the upcoming retirement dinner for senior manager Bernie Benson. Bruce responds by saying he thought that the manager was younger and expresses surprise at the retirement. That night, Bruce is being driven to the auto show by Alfred and Megan 'acting like she was guarding him from the back seat'.

"The nerve of some people saying how old they can be to not work anymore." he said.

"Kind of unfair really, Alfred, and you work great for your normal age." Megan commented Alfred. "I have to agree with you."

Upon pulling up to the convention center, Alfred comments that some thoughtless person has sparked a van right in front not giving him a place to park.

"Please excuse me, Sir and Madame. I have to go around."

Both Megan and Bruce immediately realize something is wrong and Bruce orders Alfred to drop him off elsewhere so that he can change into Batman.

"Hey, Bruce."

He was aware on what Megan told him about lately.

"I see it, Megan. I'll meet you at the back. Alfred, I think I need to make a stop to go somewhere private for a bit." he said to his butler.

"Of course, Master Bruce." Alfred drops Bruce off to go change and Megan does the same thing as she sneaks into the building somewhere else. "You too, Ms. Megan."

"Thanks, Alfred, you're the best. (It's show time.)"

Inside, the auto show continues as normal with Gotham Motors unveiling its new car: The Solstice, complete with a young model on the hood. Calendar Girl soon appears with her henchman, this time dressed in yellow and wearing a red, white, and blue top hat.

"No! Please! I'm too young to die!" Miss Solstice begs for mercy.

"Honey, you're never too thin and you're never too young." Calendar Girl said.

Batman appears and orders the villainess to surrender and let go of the young model.

"Let her go."

Megan comes up from behind the villain with her gun out.

"I would do as my boyfriend says, lady." said Megan. "Also, you're coming with me to get my reward."

Seems that Calendar Girl didn't want the model to let her go.

"I don't need this one, she's just an innocent victim. I have what I came for anyway. Also, wow...You're Megan Tsuki, huh? I love your feature being pretty and all with a nice butt."

Megan got embarrassed to cover her behind with her hands.

"Say what?! Hey, Calendar Girl! I was born like this, okay?! A lot of guys fall for me to not be my type even from Bullock!" Megan sees Barkley getting taken away. "Pretty boy, come back here with that gentleman!"

Calendar Girl answers that she has no quarrel with the young girl, but the young girl is just another 'unfortunate victim' and lets her go while releasing bursts of fireworks coming from her hands to slow Batman down and Megan to try fanning her way through the smoke.

"Goodbye now."

She and her henchman escape with Barkley James the head of Gotham Motors, as both Batman and Megan stop some of Calendar Girl's men 'and one to go straight to a car'; and Megan to kick another under the belt for touching her and the other to stop from riding on a motorcycle too fast to crash, although they've escaped leaving behind another calendar page.

"Ah! Help me!" cried out Barkley.

"Let him go!"

Both Megan and Batman were too late to stop them to see another calendar page was left out being Summer, for the villain to say this to them before taking off: 'see you two in the fall'. A clue maybe?

"We'll get them back, Megan." he sees Megan's clothes was a complete mess. "I think it's time you wash those today."

She coughs out the smoke from the fireworks to almost hitting her head.

"Don't remind me. Well, I got something to make things easier for me to walk in while we stop Calendar Girl next..." Batman holds Megan to be touching her somewhere. "Ah! Batman!"

"Sorry, my hand slipped. But she's right about one thing?"

"And what's that?" she asks the Dark Knight.

"You do have a fine butt." he answer.

For Megan to be blushing and for Bruce/Batman to like it, she gets to point to see that he still loves her no matter who or what she was.

"Batman!" Megan calms down a little. "Well, thank you saying that to me..." she grabs the calendar page next. "Come on, let's see what we can find on this thing."

And Megan to get some new clothes on 'for now' she does back at the Wayne Manor. Back at the Batcave, Batgirl has done research and found something in common between the two companies as well as the dates circled on the calendar pages left behind at the kidnappings. Page Monroe, a once famous spokeswoman and model used to have contracts with both Gotham Motors and Donna Day Fashions and the dates on the calendar pages were the dates when her contracts ran out.

"That's the reasons why she's been going after the people, from the shows she put on between the seasons of Spring and Summer." said Batgirl. "I guess we know who Calendar Girl is, Page Monroe."

"No kidding. From the..." Megan looks up the rest using Gidget to aid her. "Gotham Motors and Donna Day Fashions. That would make perfect sense."

From Batman remembering who this Page Monroe was to be a famous fashion model, to be young and pretty to see why this woman 'being Calendar Girl liked Megan's looks' in the first place.

"Pretty girl." said Batman. "But not a pretty as Megan."

I think Batgirl knows that to say this to him next about Page.

"Don't you mean woman? She was your age when she made that commercial, Bat Boy."

"Hey, hey, he's saying that in a nice way if she wasn't a psychopath." Megan comes out to be wearing a black tank top, blue shorts, her hair back in a ponytail, black gloves on her hands, long black socks, and some sneakers to move around easily at times to feel warm out to look cute looking. "Well, what do you guys think?"

Batman loves it already to pull Megan over to be held and smiles.

"I like it."

"I knew you would, Bruce." she smiles back.

For the two kissed for a bit, but for Barbara/Batgirl stops them.

"Ahem. Sorry, but we should probably learn more about Page, correct?" said Batgirl. "And yes, Megan, love that look."

The two girls high five each other.

"Thank you, Barbara. Got my other clothes getting cleaned right now. And yes, let's learn more about Page, I know of a person who use to work for her."

Thanks to Megan's skills, she leads the two on where they needed to be. Later, Batman, Megan, and Batgirl pay a surprise visit to her former agent, Irv Kleinman 'to almost having sex with a girl to try getting the job'.

"Irv Kleinman, I have some questions for you." said the Dark Knight.

"Can't you see I'm in a meeting." Batman slams Irv against the wall.

Megan had her gun out.

"I do have questions for you too, Irv, how's it going?" she said to the man.

"I say on why you never call me, baby?" he tries to filter with the bounty hunter.

But Batman punches the wall next to Irv to make him talk and for not to mess with his woman.

"Don't...touch her...! Meeting's been cancelled."

Batgirl gets the other woman out of the room.

"I'd run if I were you..." said Batgirl.

And she does so in seconds. Batman intimidates him, and Kleiman use to be Page's agent and then he explains that when Page's modeling career dried up, he got her a part in a sitcom which was canceled shortly after it began. He also says that after Page disappeared, there were rumors that she had been disfigured in an attempt to restore her to a more youthful appearance so she could continue working as a model.

"Really? All because Page turned thirty to not do anything else. You're the worse, Irv." Megan puts her gun away. "But I think I know where she might strike at next thanks to this loser's help..." she hacks into her computer book to find some answers. "And there's the place."

I wonder where at? Back to her hideout, a disused nightclub called 'Faces', both captured people try to make a deal for their freedom using their wealth. They are rebuffed and told to be quiet because the boss was thinking. Calendar Girl, in the meantime, was in the back of the club's darkened dressing room. She had her mask off and was surprised by one of her henchmen who she lashes out at for trying to see her face. She puts her mask back on and goes out to announce that the next stage of the plan is about to begin. For she likes the way Megan looks to remind her about herself...freaky.

"Another season, another reason for making trouble." she said to looking good.

Calendar Girl next appears at a party to celebrate the unveiling of the WGBS' new lineup of shows. These shows are youth oriented. As Calendar Girl is abducting network executive Frederick Fournier, to be the next victim. Just then, the three arrive to crash in to drive through with the Batmobile.

"Trick or treat, Calendar Girl!" Megan tries to not be so shy. "And don't ask, I had to changed thanks to your smoke bombs."

The female villain likes Megan's look even more now.

"I like it, a lot. And it's funny to not so Halloween with two more costume wearing heroes to crashing into the party. And here's some trick and a little treat, Bats."

Calendar Girl uses another smoke bomb to slow the three down for her and her men to escape with Fredrick to keep on going.

"Over here!" Batman leads the way.

Batman, Megan, and Batgirl show chase down the villainess into a back lot of the studio and consequently deal with a large remote controlled mechanical dinosaur.

"You shouldn't come this way, Batman, to not be living in your past. Believe me." she controls the robot dinosaur to stop them. "Good to use this one besides the movie ones, you know? No hard feelings, Megan. Strange isn't it? Dinosaurs have been dead for millions of years, yet they still get parts in movies. It hardly seems fair."

The thing looked and sound real to go after Batman, Megan, and Batgirl. Not even hacking into the machine can't be stopped for Megan to do.

"Holy crap! How does she do that?!" shock Megan to try firing some rounds at it. "Batgirl! Batman! Watch out!"

This thing was hard to beat! Going after Batman the most for Megan to try using her ribbons to pull the robot to slow it down; he shields Megan from being thrown to her doom to get hit instead.


"Batman, we have to stop this thing somehow!" Megan tries protecting her boyfriend for saving her once.

As the t-Rex robot charges in, Batgirl use her grappling hook to hold down the jaws in time, only to get chase next for Megan to tie something on to the robot this time as Batman destroys it by toppling a huge assembly of spotlights on it.

"Well, that worked." said Batgirl. "Thanks."

The three lost Page and her men again to kidnap a third person, for them to see her leaving another calendar being October type of fall season this time.

"Another clue..." Megan scans it with her watch. "I'll see what I can find out about Calendar Girl's location next, you two, without any more surprise robots."

The next day, Bruce is at his office when Bernie Benson enters to turn in his final report before getting ready for his retirement party. Their conversation is interrupted by a phone call from Batgirl who confirms after some research that Page Monroe holds title to a nightclub called 'Faces'.

"I told him." she said to Bruce and says something to Megan. "Will you be all right alone until we arrive? Page really likes your style to do something far worse than admire the look from you, Megan."

"I got it, Barbara, I'll pinpoint my location to you and Bruce. (We have to stop Calendar Girl before she does something worse to those three people. I'm going in.)"

Megan was brave to lend a helping hand the best she could. After that, Bruce says that he will meet her there. He tells Bernie that he's canceling the party and changing the retirement policy, saying that Bernie can work there for as long as he can, much to his delight. Aw, how thoughtful he was, huh? At Calendar Girl's hideout, the three captives are shown pictures of Page Monroe in her prime and they're all told that there is only one more holiday to celebrate—the Day of the Dead. She appears, dressed in black and carrying a scythe.

"The last season to celebrate last of Winter, the Day of the Dead." she started to swing her weapon around at them. "And you three are going to celebrate it with me."

Getting close for all three of them to get cut down, Megan steps in to shoot some warning shots next to Calendar Girl to save the others in time.

"Hold it! Don't you dare!"

The other men guarded their boss to keep her distance from her idol a bit.

"Megan, you came here alone to risk your life for these people?" she questions her.

"Well, yes and no." she slaps all three. "You guys should be ashamed on what you've all done. No more! It doesn't matter how old you are, if you take care of yourself then looks don't matter. Ever heard of the Ugly Duck story? Well, it's like that for a children's book, and you made this poor woman into one outcast. Yeah, I know who you really look like, Page, your face."

Guess Megan was doing some research to be a bit surprise about it.

"What do you mean? I chose to wear this mask for a reason."

"Because you're afraid to face with reality and the truth about your looks, but you're still fine, Page. Both the inside and out." she said. "I've been an outcast to never find friends or love, but I did to show myself a lot to not be afraid but to say it more than showing it. It's not too late to stop this mess, please."

Trying to reach out to Page, she tries cutting down Megan to her baton to stop the scythe from cutting her to bits. So that was a big no on that part.

"No!" cried out Calendar Girl. "We must stay beautiful to remember who and what we once were, Megan! It's too late for me now...And for you too..."

Soon a Batarang gets rid of Calendar Girl's weapon to be out of her hands.

"Yeah, I don't think so. I had to slow you down until they arrived, and they did." Megan smiled. "Perfect timing, Batman and Batgirl!"

Batman and Batgirl arrive 'thanks to Megan's help to lead them and track her down with the others'; they stop the three men with a beat down battle and a brief fight ensues were the slide projector showing pictures of Page Monroe is damaged while she tries cutting down Batman. But Megan had a plan to use her spray and match up a torch it up a bit.

"This must be my lucky day."

Before Calendar Girl could attack Batman, the pictures were being ruined from the fire as Megan alerts the girl.

"(That's it.) Hey, Calendar Girl, things aren't looking so hot for you or your slideshow, huh?" she gets the villain distracted. "Look behind you."

And because of this causes her to be distracted and easily beaten.

"No... My face..."

Batman stops Calendar Girl and gets tied up thanks to Batman for Megan to arrest her and her three pretty men to saving three more lives today.

"Thank you!" they said with joy.

"Yeah, yeah, again looks don't matter at all to anyone in any age." said Megan. "(I would've helped you out, Page, but you wouldn't listen to me. Sorry.)"

Afterwards, as the police are leading everyone away, Bullock rips off Calendar Girl's mask.

"Did you read her rights?" Bullock asks an officer.

"Yes, sir."

"Then she knows they don't include this."

She writhes around, trying to hide her face and screaming at everyone not to look at her. For once Bullock removed Page's mask, she looked like herself still to never show her face at all, sad huh?

"A-h-h-h-h! No-o-o-o-o! No, don't! Don't look, please! No. No." she started to cry.

Bummer...Above, Batgirl is stunned to see that Page is still a beautiful woman, her face virtually unchanged from her modeling days.

"She's beautiful!" she was surprised.

"Or so she thinks, Barbara, it's a sad life in her own world to think that she's different."

Sadly, Batman remarks that Page can only see her flaws.

"Megan's right." said Batman. "Page can't see that anymore. All she sees are the flaws. Megan, you know I love you the way you already are, right?"

The two hold each other...

"I know, Bruce, I love you the way you are to be yourself and nothing else." she said.

For that's the lesson in this episode for today, you know? Big time. Fashion models is a lot of work from looks, clothes designs, and other things for men and women to do in their lives growing up; and it doesn't matter how old you get afterwards to do something even better in your line of career in the future, to also be fair to not hurt their feeling of saying their old just like that. So if you want to model and such, remember where it'll lead you from the good times or the bad, be careful. Because being yourself it is on what's important than being perfect, because nobody's perfect at all. But that's okay, because we are still ourselves.

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