Welcome to the Classroom of T...

By Seeanyui

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Izuru Kamukura suddenly awakens in a world unlike the one he knows, with only a few clues leading him to a sc... More

Volume 1 - Ch. 1 Classroom of Talent Supremacy
Volume 1 - Ch. 2 Speculation
Volume 1 - Ch. 3 King
Volume 1 - Ch. 4 Called by the King
Volume 1 - Ch. 5 The Stage is the Library
Volume 1 - Ch. 7 Midterm Exam
Interlude 1 - Ryuuen Kakeru Monologue
Volume 2 - Ch. 1 Incidents and Romance
Volume 2 - Ch. 2 Everyday Life with a Tyrant and a Queen
Volume 2 - Ch. 3 A Casual Holiday
Volume 2 - Ch. 4 Kikyou Kushida's Talent
Volume 2 - Ch. 5 Eccentric, Delinquent, and Supportive Items
Volume 2 - Ch. 6 Genius and Hope
Volume 2 - Ch. 7 The End of the Battle
Interlude 2 - A Special Day for Ibuki Mio
Volume 3 - Ch.1 Luxury Cruise Ship

Volume 1 - Ch. 6 Negotiation

1.7K 59 22
By Seeanyui

"What on earth are you doing...?"

"Hehehe, something unexpected happened. So, I'll rely on your intuition."

Time flies unexpectedly fast. It feels like just a moment ago it was the end of lunch break, but now it's already after school.

No matter what you do, time keeps passing, but when you're focused on something, it feels like time flies even faster than usual.

You must have experienced that feeling too, right?

I feel something similar. However, it's not because I find the classes enjoyable. The content of the classes themselves is dull. I remember everything we learn at the level of a first-year high school student.

But to make sure others understand it perfectly, I need to think about how to teach it effectively, what methods to use, and how to apply what they learn in the future. Thinking about all that, time seems to pass faster than I expected.

As I mentioned earlier, it is now after school.

I was about to go to the library again for the study session after school, but now I find myself being taken away by Ryuen-kun.

"When I tried to take you to a place outside the surveillance camera's view to get hints from the seniors, your intentions were somehow transmitted to them. It wouldn't have been possible to react that quickly unless they had experienced the same thing."

Ryuen-kun brought me here for a reason, even though I had entrusted the after-school study session to Shiina-san. But what could be his reason?

In short, he failed at the secret technique he mentioned earlier. He perceives things as if it were a game. Perhaps it was because of his carelessness that he failed.

Well, it would be premature to give up on him. It would be wise to review and learn from his mistakes, so he doesn't make the same ones again.

"What are you planning to do? Are you going to get information about the test from the student council?"

Ryuen-kun's answer is unfortunately incorrect.

But perhaps that was what the school was seeking.

It seems that the student council has considerable power in this school.

They might know about the questions for the midterm exams.

If we can obtain that information, we can overcome this crisis. It's not impossible that the school has prepared such a method to deal with emergencies.

However, that's not the case this time.

"No, I'm doing the same thing you were trying to do—obtaining past exam questions."

"Kukukuh, in that case, it's almost confirmed. Those third-years I threatened earlier managed to escape, but that guy is such a fool. Even though I didn't say anything, he leaked some information about the past exams. As I suspected, it seems like there's something important in the past exams."

The credibility was probably low.

But Ryuen-kun, who understood the reason behind the sudden change in the test scope, doubted everything that could be doubted.

From there, one of the answers he arrived at was obtaining past exam questions, and he seemed to have almost confirmed it just now.

"The school is seeking a way to deal with emergencies. Obtaining past exam questions is one of the answers. If you can predict the question trends, the way they are presented, the number of questions, and how to manage your time in advance, there won't be any chance of getting a failing grade."

"But that requires some knowledge."

"Hah, with three days, you can manage somehow."

Ryuen-kun is not stupid. If he studies seriously, he can achieve decent grades. But for him, studying is a waste of time, believing in "violence" as he does.

"So, tell me already. Who are you planning to meet?"

There's no choice. I don't need to make a big deal out of it.

Well, he probably has some idea, and it's time for the answer check.

I was about to tell Ryuen-kun about the person I'm looking for, but I stopped.

The door to the student council room opened.

"What are you doing here?"

A male student came out of the room and approached us.

He has neatly arranged features and blond hair, and although he's somewhat slim, he has a solid build. He's probably about the same height as Ryuen-kun.

I thought he came out to reprimand us for talking in front of the student council room, but apparently, it's something else.

When he opened the door, he seemed momentarily surprised to see someone nearby. So it must be a coincidence.

"You have nothing to do with this."

"You're unfamiliar faces. Are you first-years, perhaps? But there's no need to come during the test period. What's your purpose?"

I couldn't help but feel suspicious of this incredibly distrustful guy and his selfish speculations.

With that in mind, I respond to his gaze with a puzzled expression.

"It's not as grand as you think. I just need to talk to someone."

"Someone? Is it someone from the student council?"

"Yes, but I don't need your help."

"Hmm, you're not a cute junior, are you? If I lend you a hand now, it's more likely that we won't waste time."

"No need. They'll come eventually."

"Tch, disappointing. You're such a boring person, Ryuuen Kakeru-kun."

"Hah, how dull. Your expectations mean nothing, trash."

"Trash, huh? You think you're the boss monkey, but turned out to be a frog? Your name is a real disappointment."

"Oh, an ignorant frog, huh... Kukukuh, no difference. But it seems we're the same in that regard, trashy boy."

This exchange suddenly started, and it's so typical of them.

But right now, Ryuen-kun's gaze is not on the guy in front of us but on me. I see, it seems like he has grown a little.

The "fear" I imparted seems to have crushed his weakness of overestimating his own abilities.

Of course, that's probably not the only thing he overcame. It would be premature to think that's all there is to it.

The arrogant guy keeps his gaze fixed on me, seeking my agreement. His self-confidence surpasses even Ryuen-kun's.

And he's really persistent. He seems to have too much free time. Since it's the week of exams, he should go home and study already.

While thinking that, I realize I need to respond to his question.

"Kukukuh, I have no business with a small fry like you."

Ryuen-kun adds unnecessary remarks. But let's just say it saved us some trouble.

I have no business with a guy like him. There's no value in talking to him.

That said, the blond guy leaning against the door reveals a hint of anger on his face.

He still seems like he wants to say something, but we don't have time for that anymore.

...Because the person we were looking for has arrived.

"Nagumo, what are you doing? Your laughter echoes through the hallway... Ah, I see, it's you."

The person we were looking for walks towards the student council room from the hallway.

Seems like they were busy with student council work as usual. Quite dedicated, I must say.

When the person sees me, they seem to have grasped the situation to some extent.

"I've brought you here to something."

"Well, fine by me. Let's hear it then. Nagumo, sorry for the interruption..."

"Hehe, I'll take care of the intruder and disappear, as you wish."

The blond male student, the fourth person to appear in this scene, follows the student council president's words and goes somewhere else.

He glanced at us before leaving but didn't say anything in particular, perhaps because the student council president was present.

"So, you have a connection with the student council president."

"Yes, I utilized that connection to confirm some points."

The person and I have a connection.

To explain why we have a connection, I should start from there.


Second day of the entrance ceremony. One of my objectives, even if it meant rejecting Ibuki-san's invitation, was to make contact with a certain student.

I don't have high expectations for questioning the teachers. They are extremely guarded in their responses to questions, making it difficult to extract information.

In order to organize the information, I need to hear from someone who is more familiar with this school than I am.

Well, infiltrating the school's data and investigating would be the quickest way, but with the points I have, I would end up owing someone a large favor and be forced to live on zero yen. If it were just infiltrating a single camera or a mobile device, I wouldn't need to spend that many points. However, the target is the entire database of this school, operated by the government and known for its secrecy. It can be considered quite challenging to crack this school's system.

It's a high-risk strategy to proceed without knowing the value of points.

Therefore, reluctantly, I have to go there myself.

That's where I came up with the idea of relying on a senior to solve the point problem. But it's not just anyone.

It has to be a highly talented student in their third year, not a second-year student.

Another objective of this mission is to determine how many points the outstanding students in this school possess.

Previously, when senior students were eating the free wild vegetable set meal and such, they looked as if they were on the brink of despair.

However, that's only a portion of the students. There are those who eat their meals normally and those who spend a certain amount of points on entertainment. The latter group seems to be more prevalent, in fact.

As I speculated before, there will likely be some sort of point fluctuation in the future. As a result of that fluctuation, some have lost their points. But if there are those who have decreased, it's only natural to assume that there are also those who have increased.

Almost everything in this world follows a binary opposition. It's only natural that this phenomenon does too.

So, I need to know how much the increased points are. Once I know that, I can understand the value of points, which will bring me closer to understanding the true meaning behind Sakagami-sensei statement that points can be used for anything.

Now, how do I identify students who possess points and make contact with them?

But that's not a problem. Without a doubt, every first-year student must have seen the students who possess points.

The student council president. I remember they spoke grateful words representing the students of this school at the entrance ceremony.

If this person is entrusted with being the leader of this school, it wouldn't be strange for them to possess a significant number of points.

In other words, the goal this time is to make contact with the third-year student who I already know, the student council president, and extract as much information as possible.

However, there's one more person I remember—the senior.

To give the information credibility, one person is not enough. So, let's have that student provide information to the student council president before us.

And I have already found one more student. She are walking about 5 meters away from here.

And conveniently, she are getting closer to me.

"Excuse me, are you the senior?"

I make contact with that student. Shall I use my talents as an actor, swindler, psychologist, negotiator, and carry the conversation in a friendly manner?

The person I spoke to is a female student who supported the student council president at the entrance ceremony.

A petite, very gentle third-year student with symmetrical buns tied with purple hair.

She notices my voice and turns around to face me.

"I'm a first-year student named Hajime Hinata! I have something I'd like to ask, do you have a moment?"

"Oh, yes! If it's just for a short while, it's fine! I'm Akane Tachibana, a third-year student. Hajime-kun, what do you want to ask?"

The approach is perfect. Hajime Hinata leaves a better impression on a first encounter than Kamukura Izuru. She doesn't seem to be wary of me, as evident from her reactions, even when she sees my appearance.

"Regarding the points in this school, could you tell me within the limits of what you can answer?"

Akane Tachibana's expression becomes a bit troubled. She's an easy-to-read person, indeed.

She's the right person, just as I thought.

"About the points? I think the school has explained it quite thoroughly..."

"Don't you think it's too much for high school students to receive 100,000 yen per month?"

"You're smarter than I thought. But that's not the case. You all entered this school, and just by doing that, you're considered to have a value of over 100,000 yen."

Almost the same answer as Sakagami-sensei. It's likely something they were instructed to say to senior students who were asked questions by underclassmen.

"I see. Well, then, I have two more things to ask. Senpai, how many points do you currently have?"

"...That's a secret."

She puts her hand to her mouth and raises her index finger.

From her cute gesture, I understand what she means.

However, there was a brief moment.

From that moment, it can be inferred that I, too, am being stopped. It's a long shot, but shall I ask?

"Huh? Is it a rule that you can't tell anyone?"

"Hehehe, that's also a secret! But if you're as talented as you, you'll eventually figure it out! ...So, what's the other question?"

She smiles and laughs, looking delighted and enjoying the conversation.

How boring. It's anticlimactic to extract information so easily.

Well, I have no choice but to do it, as it's necessary for me this time.

The other question is to peek at her device. Just for an instant. I just need to see the screen that displays her owned points.

Her lack of vigilance allows me to gradually close the distance while having a conversation.

With this distance, I should be able to peek at her device.

She is a student chosen for the student council, which means she must be quite talented. It can be assumed that she possesses more points than the average student.

"The other question is... um, how to transfer points?"

"Transfer points? I can tell you that!"

I approach her a little closer, holding my mobile device in one hand. We maintain a distance where our shoulders could almost touch.

This female student is really kind. She must be quite popular with male students.

But how boring. She truly has no sense of caution.

Being kind is a virtue, but being unguarded is simply foolish.

Well then, let's see if luck is on my side. It seems like it has finally arrived.

"Hey, Tachibana, what are you doing there... Hm? That student...?"

"U-Um, President!? I'm sorry! I forgot about the time!"

A male student, the student council president, arrives on the scene. He has black hair, black-framed glasses, and wears the school uniform properly with a straight tie. He truly looks like an honor student.

His face is well-proportioned. He's slightly taller than me, I suppose.

And this guy possesses some good talent.

Talent on par with mine, the Super High School Level talent.

However, judging by his movements, he seems to have some knowledge of martial arts. Moreover, at a very high level.

"S-Sorry! Tachibana-senpai, were you waiting for me with your boyfriend...? I apologize!"

"B-Boyfriend!? Is President my...?"

"Huh? Is that not the case?"

She blushes and panics. It's quite clear to anyone that she has feelings for the student council president.

"I and Tachibana are not in that kind of relationship."

She drops her shoulders, showing an overtly dejected attitude. ...How transparent.

"Ah, is that so... But I'm really sorry for taking your time."

"...It's fine. By the way, why are you still at school at this hour? You're a first-year, right?"

"Yes! I'm a first-year! ...Actually, there were some things I wanted to ask the teachers and senpai. When I asked the teachers, they took more time than I expected... Most of the senpais had already gone home, and I finally found you, Tachibana-senpai!"

"That's quite something. So, what's your name?"

"I'm Hajime Hinata! Nice to meet you! Um... if I remember correctly, you're the student council president who spoke at the entrance ceremony, right?"

Now, shall I gather as much information as I can from him?

"Oh, yes. I'm the student council president of this school, Horikita Manabu."

Everything is going smoothly.

Until I hear the next words from the student council president.

"Now, let me ask you a question this time. Why are you using a fake name, 'Kamukura Izuru'?"


Why does this person know my name...?

"K-Kamukura? Who are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. I remember the face and name of the outstanding first-year student this year. Kamukura Izuru, your long hair is too distinctive."

I was surprised, although I didn't show it on my face. At the same time, I was delighted.

The arrival of the "Unknown." With a little excitement, I continue to utilize my talents as a swindler.

"S-So, who are you referring to?"

"You, the exceptionally talented student who scored a perfect score on the entrance exam and possesses outstanding physical abilities. Your personal abilities are considered the best in the history of this school."

"P-President? What are you talking about?"

Akane Tachibana is in a state of confusion, unable to keep up with the current situation.

"Tachibana, this person was trying to extract as much information as possible from you."

"T-That's... I thought I finally had a good underclassman..."

The student council president shifts his gaze away from a disappointed Akane Tachibana and back to me.

"So, what's the deal, Kamukura Izuru? Are you still willing to show me acting skills that even top Hollywood stars would be amazed by?"

This is unexpected. I never thought he would know about me.

There's no helping it. If he continues to suspect me, I won't be able to achieve my goals smoothly.

I make that decision and deactivate my talent as a swindler.

"...I underestimated you, Student Council President."

"You finally sound like yourself. So, what's your purpose?"

"I just wanted to confirm some things about the points."

The student council president stares at my expression and the movement of my eyes, trying to confirm if I'm lying.

"Hmm... Despite it only being the second day of school, you've already noticed the existence of points and have taken action based on that. Moreover, your method of obtaining information through casual conversation is too natural. It seems like your talent stands out among the first-year students."

It's a waste of time for him to state such obvious things.

"Do you want to secure the time to extract information from me?"

"Hmm... You seem to be better than the others."

We lock eyes and face each other. It's troublesome to extract information from him now that he's so cautious.

"Heh, I'll have some expectations for you. Depending on your future actions, I might consider investing in you. I could give you 100,000 points, or even more than a million points in some cases... Now you should have found the answers you were looking for."

With those words filled with conviction, his eyes behind the glasses flicker.

It seems like he has also noticed my objective. I shouldn't underestimate him, after all.

"Alright. Then I'll take my leave here. I'm sure you're running out of time as well."

"Wait. You're the first person who has acted so quickly and deeply understood the situation regarding the points of this school. If you're willing, I can give you a seat in the student council."

"P-President? What are you saying?!"

The student council. As someone who possesses the talents of the student council president, secretary, treasurer, and all other positions, it's nothing but boring for me.

So, there's only one answer.

"I'll decline. However, I would like to have a friendly relationship with you on a personal level."

"I see. Then let's be friendly. I'll also take the opportunity to assess you as a person."

"P-President, it's about time..."

"Right... Then let's meet again, Kamukura Izuru."

With those final words, they walk away at a brisk pace.


We entered the room guided by the student council president. It was a neatly arranged guest room with only three chairs and one desk.

"Don't worry, there are no surveillance cameras here."

As expected of the student council president. He's considerate and familiar with this kind of negotiation. It seems he has done this before.

"So, the fact that you guys came here at this time means..."

"Yes, it's about the midterms."

"I see, so what do you want?"

"We would like to refer to the past exams, specifically the midterms you took when you were in your first year."

The student council president faintly smiles, and for the first time, his expression changes. He takes out a device from his pocket and starts operating it.

A few seconds later, he shows me an image.

The image contains math problems. So it must be a past exam question.

"I had a feeling someone would eventually arrive at this possibility, so I prepared in advance. Don't worry, I have all the questions for the five subjects, and I can give them to you right now. But it's only natural for there to be an exchange of value. I can do it for 30,000 points."

Considering his statement and thorough preparation, this seems to be the right answer. Indeed, it appears that the past exams are the secret technique. However, they are not obtainable for free.

It's only natural, isn't it? The slightly high price is probably to assess the other party's negotiation skills.

"It seems so, Ryuen-kun. What are you going to do?"

"Don't involve me in this, you kelp-faced idiot."

"It's you who needs it, right? In my case, I already have a guaranteed perfect score, so I don't need the past exams."

Ryuen-kun frowns. Now, how will he negotiate a discount?

"Tch... In that case, do you mind if I change negotiators without permission, Student Council President?"

"I don't mind, Ryuen Kakeru. So, how much of a discount do you want?"

The student council president seems to be familiar with Ryuen-kun as well.

"It's obvious ─── 0 points!"

Suddenly, Ryuen-kun throws a punch at the student council president. Just as expected.

If there are no surveillance cameras, it's fine to just take them by force. It's a typical thought for him, but this time it would have been better to negotiate properly.

Because that attack didn't reach the student council president.

"I see... so you're trying to steal, huh? Just as I expected."

He effortlessly holds Ryuen-kun's fist in his hand.

It was a gamble, and it failed. Now it will be very difficult for him to negotiate a discount from 30,000 points.

There's no way to give positive benefits to a negotiator who attacks.

"Hmph... I thought you were just a goody-two-shoes, but you're surprisingly not. Being the best student council president in history seems to be more than just for show."

"You underestimated me. So, what's next? Will you obediently pay the points?"

"...Fine. I'll pay the points. But it'll be 30,000. And also, include the first-year preliminary test."

After a short consideration, the student council president agrees.

And he also noticed something.

The questions for the preliminary test, which can be said to be at a very difficult level for first-year students, are probably used for confirmation during this process. No matter how difficult a problem is, it can be solved as long as you know the answer. And if the preliminary test is the same, there is a good chance that the midterms will have similar questions.

It could be a bluff, but it will undoubtedly be a reference.

"Alright, negotiation settled."

Ryuen-kun takes out his phone and exchanges contact information to send the data.

"Hahaha, considering that I've obtained your contact information, spending 30,000 points is quite a good result."

"Heh, I've heard about you. Although your methods aren't praiseworthy, your abilities are undeniable. I can expect something from you as a first-year student this year."

"Yeah, have high expectations. Eventually, my class will move up to Class A. Although I can't guarantee that I'll show you the results while you're here."

Ryuen-kun seems quite pleased. He achieved his objective, it seems.

Afterward, I also exchanged contact information with the student council president.

In terms of dealing with any future events, this interaction with him is more than enough of a gain.

Indeed, it was a result that only cost 30,000 points.

"Our business here is done. We'll take our leave, Mr. Student Council President."

"Sure, be careful on your way back."

Ryuen-kun and I quickly leave the room and head straight to the dormitory. On the way back, we once again end up walking side by side with Ryuen-kun, but honestly, I've gotten used to it.

Well, in any case, the preparations for the midterms are now complete.

If we consider enduring a bit more of this boring time, we might be able to live somewhat comfortably.

Now then, shall I prepare tomorrow's bento?

Since things went well, I'll make it a bit more luxurious.

I had a meaningful time with the student council president!!

By the way, right after I returned to the dormitory, I received a message from Ichinose-san with a picture of Ryuen-kun and me walking side by side, along with the message "So it was true (lol)."

Lies are definitely not good. If you don't want to end up like this, please live without telling lies.

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