Welcome to the Classroom of T...

By Seeanyui

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Izuru Kamukura suddenly awakens in a world unlike the one he knows, with only a few clues leading him to a sc... More

Volume 1 - Ch. 1 Classroom of Talent Supremacy
Volume 1 - Ch. 2 Speculation
Volume 1 - Ch. 3 King
Volume 1 - Ch. 5 The Stage is the Library
Volume 1 - Ch. 6 Negotiation
Volume 1 - Ch. 7 Midterm Exam
Interlude 1 - Ryuuen Kakeru Monologue
Volume 2 - Ch. 1 Incidents and Romance
Volume 2 - Ch. 2 Everyday Life with a Tyrant and a Queen
Volume 2 - Ch. 3 A Casual Holiday
Volume 2 - Ch. 4 Kikyou Kushida's Talent
Volume 2 - Ch. 5 Eccentric, Delinquent, and Supportive Items
Volume 2 - Ch. 6 Genius and Hope
Volume 2 - Ch. 7 The End of the Battle
Interlude 2 - A Special Day for Ibuki Mio
Volume 3 - Ch.1 Luxury Cruise Ship

Volume 1 - Ch. 4 Called by the King

2K 66 13
By Seeanyui

One week has passed since Ryuen-kun's declaration. The chaotic atmosphere during after-school time has gradually settled down.

It can be said that the king is being decided at this point.

Honestly, it would be unbearable if this situation continues for another week.

The increasing number of students with bandages on their faces or hiding behind masks indicates that intense conflicts are taking place during after-school hours.

And it's not limited to just after-school. Even during classes, the atmosphere has become tense and grim, with students focusing on finding each other's weaknesses.

Due to the points issue, everyone is taking it seriously.

This further emphasizes the eerie atmosphere.

If this situation is about to end soon, those who genuinely want to study and are taking it seriously would feel relieved.

There are only two weeks left until the midterm exams, so it's fortunate for the faction involved in the conflict if it ends quickly.

With these thoughts in mind, it's time for the morning homeroom, and Mr. Sakagami enters the classroom.

"I was going to start today's homeroom... but to be honest, there's no particular announcement to make today. However, it seems that he has something he wants to discuss with everyone."

As Mr. Sakagami says that, a male student stands up and walks towards the teacher's desk.

The one Mr. Sakagami is referring to is Ryuen-kun.

So, it seems he has become the king. How boring.

I heard from Ibuki-san that she has also joined his faction, although she seemed to have resisted for a while before accepting. Well, it seems she wasn't fully convinced... That's why our contact has been cut off recently, and it's a sad situation.

"For me to call out to all of you like this, I assume you already have an idea of what I want to talk about... Yesterday, I gained control over everyone who opposed me."

"In other words, I am now the true king. I'm using this homeroom time to inform you all about it."

Ryuen-kun's words continue.

"This is one of the things I want to tell you all as a confirmation. But there's one more thing I want to discuss, which is more important. It's about my strategy for the upcoming class struggle. I will definitely win, no matter what."

"To achieve that, I will use any means necessary and emerge as the victor in the end. If you don't like it, feel free to oppose me at any time."

"But let me make a promise. I will guide everyone in this class to Class A. So, those who actively support me will receive preferential treatment. That's all."

He exudes confidence.

This is probably what contributes to his charisma. In fact, as his words are heard, the gazes of the students who were previously opposed to him are gradually turning into agreement. Well, there may still be some fear and jealousy, but most of them seem to be in agreement.

However, there are still some who haven't accepted Ryuen-kun as their king.

After all, he hasn't achieved any significant results in the class struggle yet.

Those who have doubts about following him or not will probably make their decision based on the results of the upcoming class struggle. Well, I don't care about the class struggle, so I'll just prepare for class.

"Hey, Kamukura Izuru, Ryuen is calling for you. He wants you to come with him."

Ibuki-san says that.

"Do I really have to go?"

"You're free anyway, so come."

"I don't want to."

"Don't be so stubborn. Just come with me."

Ibuki-san pulls me along, and I reluctantly go with her.

She's as forceful as ever. She really lacks any sense of modesty.

We arrive at a karaoke party room, where Ibuki-san has brought me.

The room is surprisingly spacious, to the point where one could question why it was made so big. It could easily accommodate 15 people.

...So, this is a karaoke room. It has a distinct smell, and it's equipped with soundproofing systems so that even if you sing loudly, it won't be heard in the neighboring rooms.

I see. This place, without surveillance cameras, is an ideal space in the current situation.

And for me, it's unfamiliar territory.

Do people really sing various songs loudly in a place like this? It doesn't seem particularly enjoyable to me.

I'm not familiar with recent songs at all. In fact, I only know a few popular ones.

The only modern song I might know is the mysterious one that Enoshima Junko sang before. That's probably it.

This might be a good opportunity to listen to some popular music and see if any emotions arise.

"Kukuku, no greeting?!"

As I contemplate, I feel a challenging gaze upon me. It's the same gaze I felt before.

I turn my gaze towards it and, as expected, the "king" is there.

He is sitting on a cushion, elegantly sipping a drink.

Standing around him are the same two bodyguards as before, Yamada-kun and Ishizaki-kun.

"The guy who ranks first in the gloomy guy ranking and the guy who looks scary ranking. Kukuku, you're quite popular in this school."

What an ignominious ranking. There's nothing more refreshing than hearing such unabashed criticism. And who took the statistics anyway?

Well, it doesn't really matter.

Let's just wrap up this conversation and go home. I can already predict what he wants to say to me...

Rather than that tiresome topic, music is more important to me.

"You know, I'm not interested in such a meaningless ranking. So, what do you want from me? You just want to bring me under your wing, don't you?"



"You! Consider Ryuen's offer!"

"Shut up, Ishizaki. It's predictable. He won't give in easily."

He stops Ishizaki-kun, who was about to get rowdy, with just his voice. His posture remains unchanged as he continues to assess me with his gaze.

"You have the ability to see through the points, as I heard from Ibuki. That alone is quite impressive. And there's something I want to ask you, coming from someone like you... At what point did you realize it?"

"...I had doubts about the points from the first day, just like you. From there, with the explanation from Mr. Sakagami and my own speculations, I had some accurate assumptions."

"...You're not lying. Good. I'll tell you this—I'm willing to make you my right-hand man."

"Enough of this boring talk. I'd rather focus on something more important.

"I have no intention of participating in such a tedious affair."


Ryuen-kun looks surprised by my response.

I'm a little different from the typical student. I don't possess the rational and selfish emotions that drive people based on pros and cons.

Such things don't exist for me.

"I'm seeking the 'unknown' that I'm not aware of. When Ryuen Kakeru became the class leader, it was easy to predict his path. Therefore, it's boring. It's just the known, a waste of time."

"...I see, that's a shame. I actually had quite a high opinion of you. Well, this is the end of our conversation. You can go home. But..."

"...Don't expect to leave for free, okay?"

At the exact same time, overlapping voices resonate. The tone and wavelength of the voices match, reflecting a look of astonishment on his face.

And immediately, anger becomes evident.

He stares at me with such hostility that he seems ready to stand up from his throne and attack.

"Do you understand? That I can already read your thought process. That you're already known to me."

It's predictable that he would direct that expression towards me. It's boring after all.

"Do it, Albert."

Yamada-kun, who was Ryuen-kun's escort until a moment ago, approaches me.

Not only is he over 180cm tall, but his body, covered with well-trained muscles, doesn't look like that of a high school student.

"W-Wait! Albert!"

Ibuki-san's attempt to stop him is futile.

His right fist, emanating from those fearsome muscles, is already unleashed.

But it's meaningless.

I dodge the incoming fist by moving my body to the left.

Yamada-kun's expression shows a slight hint of surprise.

He's off guard.

He has absolute confidence that he won't lose and is judging me based solely on my appearance. That's the cause of his carelessness.

So he hasn't even predicted that I would counterattack, let alone that my attack would surpass his expectations.

As I dodge the attack, I step forward and deliver a strong palm strike to his solar plexus, using my left foot as the axis.

Spittle is expelled from his mouth, and he takes a few steps back, clutching his stomach and kneeling.

"U-Urgh... You can't... Albert..."

"Kamukura Izuru..."

Ishizaki-kun and Ibuki-san, who are clearly surprised.

It's understandable. I haven't shown any "violence" in front of them or at this school since I came here.

Perhaps they had a sense that I was physically adept from my performance in physical education, but they likely thought that fighting and sports were different.

What a foolish assumption.

"Hahaha! This is great! I never expected you to be not only intelligent but also an expert in violence! I want you even more in my ranks."

The king, who was glaring at me with an intent to kill just a moment ago, now seems to be in a very good mood, laughing heartily.

After finishing his laughter, he stands up from his throne and approaches with one hand in his pocket.

He stops Yamada-kun, who is trying to stand up, and makes him step back. It's probably his way of showing kindness.

"Alright, I'll take you on. And this will be the last invitation. If I win here and now, you'll join me. If I lose, I'll stop trying to recruit you. You can do as you please. Simple enough, right?"

"Do as you please. However, I don't think it's possible for you to defeat me, who possesses talent in all martial arts."

"You damn narcissist! There's no redeeming you!"

Ryuen-kun, who had attacked first, approaches me while cursing and extends his left hand to gouge out my eyes.

I grab his left wrist with my left hand to block the attack, and he tries to transition to a second attack.

He's putting force into his supporting leg, aiming for an attack with a kick. It's probably aimed at my groin.

Indeed, what he said about using any means necessary to win seems to be true.

However, it's just that much.

Compared to the relentless assault by the former Super High School Level Soldier, it feels like child's play.


His attack is stopped before it can be executed.

I pull his body closer while still gripping his wrist and use my left foot to tread on his right foot, preventing it from leaving the ground.

It's the same as before.

Using my left foot as the axis, I deliver a strong palm strike to his solar plexus.

He takes the blow head-on and is sent flying, rolling on the ground until he collides with the cushion where I was sitting earlier.


Ishizaki-kun rushes towards Ryuen-kun, who has fallen.

Ryuen-kun tries to stand up while clutching Ishizaki-kun's body.

"Haa... haa... This monster... intentionally used my hair as a diversion...!!"

"You're quite tenacious, huh?"

He can't get up on his own anymore. However, he holds onto someone else's body and tries to stand up despite being in a battered state.

His eyes show no signs of giving up.

"I'm impressed that you still haven't given up," I said.

"...I told you before. Even if I lose now... all I need to do is win in the end. I don't care about the process," he replied.

"It's boring," I said.

"Hah! Let me tell you something, monster. There is always a vulnerability that can be exploited in anyone. When their concentration is lacking in the morning, when they go to the bathroom, when they eat... You're done with recruiting me as you said earlier. But I will keep coming back. If I find an opening, I will attack immediately. So I'll give you a temporary victory. The battle to repay this humiliation has already begun. If you don't like it, try to stop me," he said.

"It's boring," I said.

"Hahaha, is that so? But I can't wait to see your fear. I want to know it soon," he said.

Indeed, it's boring. There is no mistake in what Ryuen-kun is saying. Humans have fears, whether they have a "heart" or not. It's ingrained in their instincts. But he doesn't know what real fear is, the kind that is repulsive to even think about and makes one question if their mind can recover. He can say such things because he doesn't know.

And he...

"Do you still not give up, even after all this?" I asked.

"...Didn't I tell you? Even if I lose now... as long as I win in the end. I don't feel any fear of losing," he said.

That's contradictory. Even if he's human, he should feel fear. It's really naive.

"You're still boring," I said.

"I'm telling you... but remember this. No matter how many times I lose, as long as I keep moving forward, I will eventually win. Regardless of what others say... you can make it somehow if you try," he said.

"...Can you really make it by trying?" I asked.

Today, for the first time, I'm interested in his words.

These are the same words she said to me, Kamukura Izuru. The words she told me.

Strangely, they are completely incongruous with him.

"...So that's how it is," I said.

There is no fixed form for hope. Maybe his attitude is one form of hope.

If I think that way, I can understand why I have expectations for him.

Well, well, this seems to be the same thought process as that pervert who loves "hope."

"...That's what it means," I said.

Hope can surpass my predictions.

I walk towards Ryuen-kun. Even though he is on the verge of death, his gaze towards me hasn't died.

"Let's give it a try," I said.

It's easy to say in words, but it's a different story in practice.

He still doesn't know.

So let's try it. When he faces true despair, let's see if he can shout the same words again.

Using the talent of the Ultimate Despair.



I directed clear hostility and killing intent towards him for the first time.

I'm sure it stunned Ishizaki-kun, who was holding Ryuen-kun. He fell on his butt.

"...Haha... So that's your... emotion," he said.

"There is no emotion in despair. There is only simple irrationality," I said.

"...How laughable," he said.

"That's despair. So I will thoroughly crush you now, for no reason. I will make you not want to have anything to do with me, not want to exist anymore, and make sure you can't say that you will definitely win in the end," I said.

Emotions that I couldn't see in Ryuen-kun's expression before are now starting to appear. Impatience, fear, and despair.

He has the eyes of someone who is seeing something they don't want to see.


Whether it was due to fear or confusion, Ishizaki-kun, who was supporting Ryuen-kun, fell on his rear.

At the same time, Ryuen-kun, who can no longer stand on his own, also falls. In that moment, he tries to avert his gaze.

But I won't let him.

I grab his collar, lifting him up to eye level. I bring our eyes close, showing him despair.

"Look, there it is. You also have fear," I said.

Now he must know. It was a misunderstanding for him to think that he was a human without fear.

"Tell me again. What will you do when you face true despair?" I asked.

He is now touching despair. He must have realized what true fear is, something that he cannot confront no matter what he does.

Now, quickly, let me hear your answer.

"...Don't make me say it again, idiot. No matter what, I will always achieve victory in the end. No matter how many times I lose to despair, I will be the one who wins in the end," he said.

Tongue sticking out, he puts on a show that tries to provoke me to the maximum.

It's just a bluff. His voice is trembling and hoarse. Yet he barks.

"It's amusing," I said.

I let go of his collar.

Even though he was defenseless, he falls on his rear once again.

However, he immediately looks back at me. He has the look of despair in his field of vision, something he should not want to see.

An undignified appearance. Despite that, I can no longer say that he's boring.

"Please take care of him," I said.

Ah, this is what it means to be entertained.

He is starting to understand the situation in just a few seconds. Then he starts to smile from the bottom of his heart.

"...Hahahaha! So I can join your ranks by surrendering?" he asked.

"Yes. Let's acknowledge you as the king," I said.

"Is it not boring anymore?" he asked.

"As long as you don't bore me, I will continue to lend you my power," I said.

"Hah! Really... feeling great... let's do it," he said.

It seems he has reached his limit and has lost consciousness.

"Please take care of him," I said.

Oh well, this is what it means to be entertained.

Let's see what happens to him in the future from the best seat in the house.

As I leave the karaoke place, I'm greeted by a beautiful sunset in the sky.

I return to the dormitory.

Somehow, my walking speed feels faster than usual.

The intimacy level with Ryuen Kakeru has increased!

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