The Summoners' Heir

By Lasanai7

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Born to both light and shadows, I'm respected but feared. I have lived many centuries and served as a general... More

Chapter 1: A New Timeline
Chapter 2: A First Lifetime
Chapter 3: A Lifetime ago
Chapter 4: The Golden Thread
Chapter 5: Not Today, Babushka
Chapter 6: Mission: Sol Koroleva
Chapter 7: Thank you, Genya
Chapter 8: Alone, But Never Lonely
Chapter 9: Yes, Mother. Yes, I will.
Chapter 10: A Corporalki's Insight
Chapter 11: Dining with the Darkling
Chapter 12: A Promise to Ravka
Chapter 13: Baghra's Plea
Chapter 14: The Sun's Announcement
Chapter 15: Your Queen Awaits
Chapter 16: Your Queen Awaits Part II
Chapter 17: A Family Reunion... Almost
Chapter 18: For the Love of a Daughter
Chapter 19: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 20: My Princess is Perfect
Chapter 21: We're Finally a Family, Father
Chapter 22: Everything I Do, I Do For You
Chapter 23: It's Like Looking In A Mirror
Chapter 24: Never Let Me Go. Ever
Chapter 25: Moya Rebe, Moya Luna, My World, My Everything
Chapter 26: You Are Not Alone, Not Anymore
Chapter 27: Like A Father
Chapter 28: Spill The Tea
UPDATE!! (Not a chapter - sorry y'all)
Chapter 29: The Sweetest of Realisations
Chapter 30: Till Infinity Runs Out
Chapter 31: Only Love Could Hurt This Way
Chapter 32: Irreplaceable
Chapter 34: You'll Never Walk Alone
Chapter 35: The First of Many Eclipses
Chapter 36: Gathering The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 37: Paying the Price
Chapter 38: Two Faces Of The Same Coin
Chapter 39: The Heart of His Storm
Chapter 40: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 41: Only Know You Love Her When You Let Her Go
Chapter 42: This Meant War
Chapter 43: Losing Myself
Chapter 44: Eya Fyela Chi, Moi Korol

Chapter 33: Precious Gem

655 25 205
By Lasanai7


"Aleksander, I can't seem to find my..."

It took her a second.

"ALEKSANDER! For Saints..."

Before she finished her sentence, there was a flash of light, rendering us all blind. I then realised I could breathe. Once my sight came back, I saw the Grand Palace split in half. An ominous silence spread across the room. A testament to the fact that only one person could put the Darkling in his place.

The Sun Queen had arrived. Mother.

"ALEKSANDER! What is the meaning of this?"

Another flash of light appeared. Although, this one was smaller and quicker, striking the tsar across the face with a sharp smack. It wasn't every day the Darkling was humbled. And there was only one person who could get away with it. Of course, he did not respond. I suppose there really was nothing to say.

"Aleksander," she began, "Why are you STRANGLING OUR SON?"

This time blades of light burst from her palms with those last words, hitting everything in their path. I even saw the Darkling flinch. Sometimes, with the Darkling's reputation and his use of Merzost, I forget how powerful she is.

They really are equals.

"Alina, please..."


"Mother," I interjected.


She rushed over to me, caressing my cheek.

"Healer, we need a healer."

"Mother, it's no big..."

"No big deal? Seconds more, I would have only had one child."

"About that..." I began.

"I think your father and I need a little conversation..."

"Leksi is missing," the Darkling announced.

This silenced the Sun Queen. She turned to me, searching for answers of which I had none.

"What do you..."

"Alistair, if you could so kindly give your Mother and me some privacy. I will send a healer to your room."

The closest thing I would get to an apology.

I knew I better not trust my luck. And yet...

"How long?"

"I don't know. Alistair just arrived with the news. He said that Leksi summoned, and then she just disappeared."

"How is that..."

"I don't know."

"You don't think..."

"It must."

"But how?"

"It is definitely possible. There has never been any Grisha with that kind of power. Not even Ilya. Her power has no bounds."

"But what could this mean?"

"It could mean many things, Lina. Merzost is magic, unpredictable. I'll have to read..."

He seemed distracted at this moment, a look on his face only Mother could read,

"Aleksander," she beckoned.

No response.

"Aleksander, look at me."

He turned to face her, his true emotions surfacing. The worry, the fear in his features could not be mistaken.

"Alina, I can't..." he whispered, "I can't lose her. I cannot."

She took his face in her hands, bringing him close to her. She then reached up to place a kiss on his forehead. He closed his eyes at her touch, relishing the comfort.

I wonder how long it took Mother to gain such trust from him.

"We will find her, Aleks. We will. She is the most powerful Grisha in all of existence, with centuries of experience under her belt. A few Fjerdans..."

"But what if it's not Fjerdans..."

"She will be found. She will come back to us. I guarantee it."

The Darkling kissed Mother's head and pulled her close, finding comfort and safety in her embrace.

"My Alina," he whispered, a quiet confidence between the two of them.

Mother pulled back first, and for a second, I saw a glimpse of the dread that haunted him.

"Aleksander, when will you realise you have two children?"

A puzzled look was the answer he gave.

"Why must you be so hard on the boy?"

"He is a soldier who serves the Ravkan kingdom like any of our generals. He does not need validation..."

"And Aleksandria does?"

"Alistair is a formidable summoner..."

"So is our daughter. What difference does it make? You had no right..."


"No, listen to me! You were completely out of line for what you did in that throne room, and if I ever see you lay a hand on him in such a way, I will..."

"You'll what?" The Darkling snarled, "You'll cut the palace in half. You'll create a new fold. You'll take my Grisha..."

"I'll leave you," she threatened, "I'll leave you to rule this Saints forsaken kingdom. Alone."

"Eternity is a long time to be alone."

"There are worse fates than loneliness, Aleksander."

It was then that the Darkling caved. He grabbed Mother's hands, clasping them tightly and holding them to his chest.

"Please, moya koroleva," he kissed her hands, "do not leave me. I cannot do this alone. Alina..."

"Then it's about time you acknowledge Alistair as your son."

He nodded.

"So answer me this. What is the difference? Alistair is a formidable summoner like you said. A competent soldier and general who has served the crown with unwavering loyalty. He honours our family."

"Of course," the Darkling agreed.

"Aleksandria has done just the same. She has served our country in wars and survived the most perilous conditions. And she has done so for centuries. Only she has the gift of shadows and the sun.

"And much more," the Darkling added.

"Is that what it is, then? Her power? Is that all she is to you? A Weapon?"


"Then what is it, hmm? Tell me. Why is there a difference if it's not her power? I do not understand. Why must she be protected at all costs? Why do you try to shield her like a precious gem?

"It's like you said."

"I don't follow."

"A precious gem," he murmured.

"She's not a trophy."

"Alina, stop this!"

"No, Aleksander. She is competent - like Alistair. She is a formidable summoner - like Alistair. Even more so because of her giftings. And she has lived centuries, fought for centuries. Why is Alistair..."

"Because Alistair is Alistair! And no matter how many centuries go by, Leksi... Leksi is and will always be my little girl."


"Time will never change that." 

Hi Guys, 

I know it has been a hot minute since I last posted, but the wait is officially over and this story will continue. Thank you so much for reading so far and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always, let me know what you thought of the chapter and would love to hear name suggestions for the chapter too. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! :)

And thank you to @lovebeyondwords for naming the last chapter. You're a legend! But you know that already ;)

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