The Ultimate Eternal (MCU X H...

By Monster-Zer0

61.5K 1.6K 520

Hyperion is one of the 11 Eternals who came to Earth to protect the inhabitants from the predators made oppos... More

Avengers (1)
Avengers (2)
Avengers (3) (Finale)
New Arrival (1)
New Arrival (2) (Finale)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (1)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (3)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (4)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (5) (Finale)
Hyperion and the Sentry (2)
Hyperion and the Sentry (3)
Hyperion and the Sentry (4) (Finale)
MARVELous Adventure (1)
MARVELous Adventure (2)
MARVELous Adventure (3)
MARVELous Adventure (4) (Finale)
- Squadron Supreme Members -
Captain America: Civil War (1)
Captain America: Civil War (2)
Captain America: Civil War (3)
Captain America: Civil War (Finale)

Hyperion and the Sentry (1)

1.8K 54 15
By Monster-Zer0

The Sentry is played by Alexander Skarsgard

Both Dave and Robert arrived at an abandoned factory outside of New York with some money that they took from the lab and the serum they are ordered to get. Dave was getting excited to buy more drugs for him to use not knowing something is happening to Robert. Robert started to sweat as he could feel something burning inside of him. He kept coughing their way to the facility but paid it no mind.

Dave: "I can already taste them!"

A few moments of waiting, they heard cars approaching and stopped a few feet away. Men walked out of the car as one of them opened the car door. Then a man wearing a suit with white skin and hair walked out. He is tall with a muscular physique as he towered everyone. It was the notorious boss of the gang that runs Harlem's criminal organization, Tombstone.

Tombstone: "Do you have it?"

Dave nodded and showed the serum to Tombstone. It was a replica of the Super Soldier serum the same as Captain America but 5x stronger. Tombstone grabbed the serum and inspected it before giving a smile.

Tombstone: "You have done well. Here's the rewards you yearned for."

Dave got excited expecting it to be the drugs that the criminal promised but he got a bullet to the head instead as Tombstone grabbed a gun from his jacket and shot Dave on the forehead killing him. Robert stared in shock as he just saw his friend die in front of his eyes. He was about to run away but he got grabbed by two of Tombstone's gang members.

He struggled to get out of their grip but to no avail as Tombstone walked towards him gun in hand as he aimed it towards Robert's forehead ready to kill him.

Tombstone: "I don't want any witnesses. Thank you for your service."

Robert just accepted his way knowing death would be his escape from the world. Tombstone was about to pull the trigger but noticed Robert started to glow. Robert felt it too. The burning inside his body started to get hotter and hotter as he started to yl in pain. His eyes glowed golden as well as his body as Tombstone and some of his gang members walked back. The two gang members started to panic and went to ran away but it was too late as Robert suddenly exploded in golden light killing the two gang members holding him.

Tombstone and his gang covered this eyes from the bright golden light as it started to diminish. They then saw Robert standing there with a whole new look. He is now wearing a yellow suit with a blue cape.

He was starting at his hand feeling different. He can feel the power coursing throughout his body.

Robert: "W-What happened?"

Tombstone watched in surprise as he was confused on what just happened. But he won't tolerate this man from killing two of his gang.

Tombstone: "Kill him."

More of the gang surrounded Robert and opened fired. Robert covered himself with his arms and was surprised to feel nothing. The gang were also surprised as well as they just their bullets bounce off of him. They fired once again as Robert started to get irritated. His hands glowed and with a shout, he threw them forward releasing a blast if energy hitting two of the gang as they got vaporized turning into dust.

In a burst of speed, Robert appeared in front of another one before grabbing him and splitting him in two with his bare hands as blood sprayed everywhere. He turned back only to see the retreating gang members. He blasted them with his new found powers killing them instantly. He was busy killing some of the gang members as he didn't notice a missile fired towards him as it hit him making it explode and got sent towards the abandoned factory. Tombstone set his missile launcher down as he ordered his men to get out of here.

Tombstone: "Let's go before the maniac gets back up and kills us all."

They entered their cars as they drove off living the area. Once they are gone, Robert bursts out of the factory and landed on the ground looking for them but they are nowhere to be seen. He was confused on why he suddenly got powers. His eyes glowed in anger as his body emits all the energy in his body. With a shout of anger, he exploded in bright light destroying everything that got caught by the blast. Once the light disappeared, we see him in the middle of a large crater as he stated at his bloodied hands.

Robert: "W-What have I become?"

He shot up into the sky as sonic booms can be heard.

The Realm of Nyx

We see Hyperion walking on a field of grass with Nyx walking right beside him. They are having a talk of what has been happening outside of her realm. Hyperion is wearing his signature black coat with civilian clothes underneath it. It's been months since the Ultron incident.

Nyx: "Thank you for having the time my son."

Hyperion: "Anything for you mother. I'm free for a few days. I just let Steve handle the new team."

Nyx: "Ah yes, Tony retired from being a superhero."

Hyperion: "He is now focused on having a normal life with Pepper but he still helps when he has time."

Nyx: "I'm happy you are doing good things out there my son. I'm also glad that Arishem has no hold of what you do."

Hyperion: "Severed ties with him centuries ago when I found out of the truth. I'm not letting him destroy this world. Even if he has to send more Eternals to stop me like Arkus."

Nyx: "And I'll be there to help you my son. Now you should go."

Hyperion: "Why?"

Nyx: "Seeing what you are wearing now, I supposed you are going on a date."

Hyperion: "Oh right, almost forgot about that."

She laughs and gives her son a hug goodbye as she had to be on her tiptoes to reach his height. Hyperion hugged back as Nyx made a protal for him back to the mortal realm.

Hyperion: "See you again soon mother."

Nyx: "See you my son and goodluck with your date."

Hyperion: *chuckles* "Will do."

He stepped into the portal and he is now back in the mortal realm. He's in an alleyway as he flew up and towards where his date is going to be. South Korea. He flew high above the skies as he can see South Korea ahead.  He landed far from peopley eyes and walked along them. Some people stared at him for he is a foreigner making him smile and greeted them as they greet him back.

Hyperion: "South Korea is a nice place."

He went towards the restaurant they are going to meet at and saw his date already there sitting and reading the menu.

Hyperion: "Sorry for being late. Just visited someone before coming here."

Helen: "Oh it was no worries. I just got here myself."

Yup. He is on a date with Dr. Helen Cho. The two really got close and decided to go on a date. This is there first ever date. Hyperion can't help notice the stares he is receiving from the customers inside the restaurant making Helen laugh.

Helen: "Just ignore them. It's rare to see Americans here this days."

Hyperion: "I'm just glad that nobody recognizes me. Then I don't have to wear some silly disguise."

Helen: "Like glasses."

Hyperion: "Yup."

The two had a fun time on their date as Hyperion was about to take Helen home, his phone started to go off. He grabbed from his pocket and saw that it was Fury calling.

Helen: "Fury?"

Hyperion: "Yeah. Sorry about this."

Helen: "It's alright. You can go. I'll just grab a taxi."

Hyperion: "Thanks Helen. Don't worry, I'll make it up to you."

He waved and shot up flying towards where Fury is. Helen waved back at the retreating figure of Hyperion flying away before sighing with a smile.

Helen: "Such a big softie."

We see Hyperion flying towards where Fury is and it was outside of New York. Once he is in view, he was surprised of what he saw. A large crater with men in protective suits from the facility checking the area. He also saw Steve and Natasha there as he landed next to Fury.

Fury: "Sorry to pull you out of your date. You see we have a big problem here."

Hyperion: "What happened?"

Fury: "I just got this report and it was a few months back. Apparently something made this crater. We don't know what or who made it as you can see we are outside of New York and there are no people or cameras around except this broken down factory."

Hyperion could see that some of the men are using devices that tracks radiation as it started to make noises.

Fury: "It's like an atomic bomb was set off here as you can see, this place is filled with radiation."

Hyperion: "And why aren't you in protective gear."

Natasha: "We just found out that the radiation is harmful."

Hyperion kneeled down and touched the ground. He somehow learned how to sense energy and this one is all over the place.

Hyperion: "This is-"

Steve: "You found something?"

Hyperion: "This radiation, it's solar radiation but that can't be possible."

Fury: "Well the only one that has that kind of energy is you or you know someone else with this kind of power."

Hyperion: "I wasn't around New York for months now and I know you guys always have eyes on me. I also don't know anyone with this kind of power."

Fury: "So whatever made this is like you then?"

Hyperion: "No. Probably worse. Judging by the size of the crater, whoever made this can't control it."

Steve: "Then we have to find out sooner or later. From what me and Widow found, there's been a shoot out here seeing there are some stray bullets from the walls of the factory."

Hyperion: "I'll help. Whatever this is, this will be a problem later on. With how much radiation here, I don't know how much power this thing or whatever has."

Fury nodded and walked off with the other men leaving Nat and Steve with Hyperion.

Steve: "So what have you been doing this past months?"

Hyperion: "Oh you know, helping Helen out back at her place since what happened with Ultron really trashed the lab."

Natasha: "I heard you too just had a date earlier."

Hyperion: "I'm not gonna question on how you knew that but yeah."

Steve: "The Strongest Avenger finally started to date again."

Hyperion: "Maybe. You should do it too."

Steve: "I don't know if I'm up for that yet."

Hyperion: "Suit yourself. We'll it was fun seeing you guys again. I'll probably visit the facility to help on this possible new threat."

Steve: "See you tomorrow buddy."

Natasha: "And treat Helen well."

Hyperion: "See you and of course."

Hyperion gave them a two fingered salute and flew off leaving multiple sonic booms in the night sky.


It was the next day as we see Hyperion flying towards the Avengers Facility. He saw some of the staff working as he landed on the open field with them greeting the Eternal as he greeted them back. A blur stopped in front of him as it revealed to be Pietro in a new suit.

Pietro: "Glad to see you old man."

Hyperion: "You too kid."

The two gave each other a hug as they walked through the hallways of the facility. When Hyperion would have the time to visit, he would always check in on the twins from time to time. He view them like his own kids seeing as they are only teens need of guidance and since he is the oldest of them all, he took the liberty to look after them.

Hyperion: "How are you and your sister?"

Pietro: "We're doing good. Training and all."

Hyperion: "I hope you're not having trouble. Steve sometimes gets overboard with training."

Pietro: "And so is Widow."

Hyperion: "That's no surprise."

They walked towards the open hall where the Quinjets are being stored and see Rhodey there talking to some crew.

Rhodey: "Well look who it is. The big guy has arrived to bless us with his presence."

Hyperion: "I'm not a God you know."

Rhodey: "You should be seeing how you're so overpowered."

The two gave each other a hug as they separated.

Rhodey: "Good to see you man."

Hyperion: "You too Rhodey."

Rhodey: "How have you been?"

Hyperion: "Doing good. How's everyone?"

Rhodey: "They are doing fine. Cap's been training the three but they are doing well."

Hyperion: "That's good to know."

Pietro: "I don't know about you guys but I'm starving."

He disappeared in a blur as he ran straight towards the kitchen to find something to eat. Rhodey shook his head as he and Hyperion follow.

Rhodey: "I heard from Cap that you guys are investigating something. Is this another threat?"

Hyperion: "I don't know yet but seeing as how this unknown person has solar energy like me."

Rhodey: "That's quite scary."

Hyperion: "You have no idea."

They arrived at the kitchen area to see Pietro eating with Vision watching TV with Jasmine and Wanda.

Wanda: "Hyperion!"

She stood up from the couch and approached the Eternal who gave her a hug.

Hyperion: "How are you kid?"

Wanda: "I'm doing fine. I've been practicing with my powers and got some new tricks."

Hyperion: "Good."

Jasmine: "What brings you here?"

Pietro: "Another threat."

Jasmine: "Really?"

Hyperion: "I still don't know yet. But this unknown person left a giant crater filled with radiation."

Wanda: "Want some help?"

Hyperion: "Me and.the others handle it for now. You guys focus on training so that after all of your training, you are one of us."

Steve then arrived in a hurry as he approached Rhodey and Hyperion.

Steve: "I have news about the individual. Follow me."

Hyperion: "See you later."

Wanda: "Okay. Take care."

Hyperion: "I will. Watch over your brother. We know how he finds trouble wherever he goes."

Pietro: "I'm right here you know."

Wanda giggled and hugged the Eternal once again feeling his warmth.

Wanda: "See you later......Dad."

Even though she whispered the last part, Hyperion still heard it with his super hearing. This made him smile and pat the girl's head before following Steve with Rhodey. They arrived inside the monitor room to see Natasha in front of a big screen.

Steve: "One of the cameras in Central Park caught this last night. I think this may lead to our suspect of investigation."

The replayed what the camera found and saw a man with long blonde hair walking around wearing a hoodie. He was then cornered by three things trying to mug him as they held his arms. What surprised them is how the man just threw away the two who are grabbing his arms with ease as one hit a tree and the other landed on the water. The last one just watched in fear as he staggered back and ran away but the man didn't let him go as his hands started to glow and fired a beam disintegrating the last one into dust. He then looked at his hands shocked and fell down on his knees.

Man: "N-No! Not again!"

He then kneeled down and flew into the night sky leaving behind a crack on the concrete floor.

Rhodey: "I think we just found our suspect."

Natasha: "I got a good scan on him."

Natasha then some buttons as a file of a man came out on the screen.

Hyperion: "Robert Reynolds, 32 Years old, lives in Uptown, New York. Drug addict. Has a wife but they divorced years back."

Rhodey: "What's the plan Cap?"

Steve: "Let's go and meet this Robert Reynolds."

To be continued.....

Sorry if I got held up on publishing. Just graduated college. I'll publish more chapters from now on until I can find a suitable job but it will be a little slow. Even though I don't have a job right now, I still have obligations at home. So Yeah.

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