Wenclair oneshots

Da urdemonix_child

157K 3.7K 3.7K

This being #1 in "whyamiwritingthis" is wild πŸ’€ I wrote these at 3am feel free to bully me, votes and comment... Altro

The Worthlessness of Grey
The Comfort of Rain
In Sickness and Health
Little Dragon
Start with Snow
This Moment
Even at Her Worst
Rules (Are Meant to Be Broken)
Words Unsaid
Beautiful and Scorned
Turning of Pages
Wounds, Murder Hornets, and Questionably Learned Skills
Wenclair Christmas pt1
Wenclair Christmas pt2
Wenclair Christmas pt3
Wenclair Christmas pt4
Wenclair Christmas pt5
Perfect Match - what a joke
Are you tired of me yet? (I'm a little sick right now..)
Don't Forget To (Bleed So Slowly)
And I Would Rather Be the Stray (Than Be Nothing To No One At All)
I Bite My Tongue (It's A Bad Habit)
how do you like your coffee? like i like my women
you're the only beauty i don't want to strangle
Cupid's Second Chance
sweet of twigs and twine
(Who says) I'm alone
When the Sun and Moon share the same sky
baby, you could be the death of me (literally)
please leave your earphones in so i can confess my love to you
Cute Aggression
you hold the key(s) to my heart
The indelible mark
Desperate measures
You have my heart (or, how to care for your Addams loved one)
Imperfect day
It's okay to be different (so am I)
Killer Teeth
Blood of the Covenant
I wasn't afraid before I met you
The babysitter
If you smell something burning, it's my heart
What is this feeling?
Addams & Co
You shine all through my rain
Bringing life
I just died in your arms
Silent night, cursed night
Where there are wolves, ravens will follow
Seasons in the sun
I'm home where you are
Summer's end
You're my favorite color
An addams reunion
You Make My Yuletide Gay
Green skin
Together we will see how lovely heaven will be.
Hershey's Kisses
Teacher's Pet
Tag, You're Hit
Old Books, Ink, with a Hint of Arsenic
The Cellist
Confession Via Taylor Swift
Gift of The Wolf
you've done your dirt and you've dug your graves
Sleep Schedules
After All These Years
Chocolate is the Best Way to Say 'I Love You'
Addams and Eve
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt1
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt2
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt3
On the Edge
Wednesday feels guilt
A Stand-Up Gal
Thoughts and Prayers
Sweet, Sweet Revenge
Cherry Flavored Conversations
A Prank Gone Horribly... Right?
Are You Going to Claim Your Prize?
50 shades of red
On a Valentine's Day (I used to be my own protection)
I Need You More Than I Want to
It's the Uniform, Isn't it?
Finding Rainbwoes
what am I to someone like you?
Breaking Down Walls
Hopeless Woemantics
hiding behind the truth
love will have its sacrifices
I want to sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you
some things hurt worse than dying
a little cowardice can occasionally pay off
choose your poison (it won't harm you)
a rather loose definition of allergies
a room to be yourself in
the hypocrisy of being in love with a thief
Dancing On My Own
but I stay when you're lost
why'd you have to go and make me like you
the dark's not taking prisoners tonight
i don't feel like going home now Pt1
i don't feel like going home now Pt2

It's just a dumb little kitty hat!

1.1K 47 26
Da urdemonix_child

Enid knits Wednesday a hat, someone points it out and a fight ensues

"What is this?"

"It's a hat, silly."

Wednesday stared at the newly knitted item, finally understanding the multitude of small cuts Enid had acquired along her palms. A small black hat with two distinct pointed edges, it appeared almost feline.

The bubbly blondes voice continued to carry explaining herself in a ramble, she pulled a matching pink beanie from her bed.

"I figured since everything that happened with the Hyde at the Gates manor, and you having to sacrifice your snood, why not just learn to knit you something else. And before you ask, yes I have one too~"

The young Addams glanced at the two matching hats, an thread of guilt in her eyes at the mention of the shredded snood. Perhaps one day she should return and see if any of its remains are intact.

The light tone of the pastel wolfs voice broke the concentration of her thoughts,

"I don't expect you to wear it, ya know. That would be asking too much."

Wednesday fidgeted the material of the woven fabric in her fingers, a quick glance out their split window reminding her the weather had begun to shift season, the harsh breezes of chilling wind becoming more aggressive as days pasted.

The stoic girl placed the gifted solid black hat on her head, a gentle snugness that didn't make her feel like her blood flow was restricted, how disappointing.

Her lip nearly twitched into a smile at how comically wide the blondes eyes had become,

"Enid, this gift is very practical for the oncoming season. Thank you."

"I-uh-yeah, you're welcome."


Wednesday would be lying if she said she didn't use the item regularly, having taken a liking to wearing it nearly always in their dorm whenever the bright wolf was present.

But right now, at the lunch table with her increasing cold mash potatoes, the raven as growing annoyed with the vampires constant giggling. Enid's silent begging each time she looked at the dark roommate as a mercy to not kill their friends.

She made no promises, yet was ready to break off a chunk of the splintering outdoor furniture and hand carve a stake, had the outcast not blurted her thoughts.

"Still can't believe all it took for Addams to go soft was a gift from her girlfriend."

Wednesday was use to awkward silences, her father adored them, but right now with the way the blonde froze mid chew as her wide eyes connected with the gorgons narrowing pair.

She knew this was escalating, consider her interest peaked with the notion of violence, the raven held her silence to see what would happen.

Surprising the stoner broke the barrier first, "girlfriend?", Ajax's tone rose as he stood up from the table, his palms coming to rest on its surface as he supported his weight in a slight crouch. "You told me we weren't breaking up!"

Wednesdays brows furrowed at the new information, Enid hadn't mentioned anything about any relationship issues with the boy, then again she was too good for him anyways. The pastel blonde deserved someone more committed, attentive, someone like- oh. Oh no. The Addams eye twitched at the realization, her trance broken by the roommate rising beside her.

"I know what I said!", Enid pointed a glare at her undead bestie for practically outing her to her crush in front of her boyfriend and the entire lunch population.

"I can make gifts for my friends, Ajax!"

"You never made anything for me! I wear beanies all the time but you make one for serial killer."

The bubbly wolfs claws extend at the comment, digging grooves into the table top, a low snarl falling from her lips in the ravens defense.

"Don't talk about her like that."

Ajax had stormed off, pissed at Enid and some of their friends assuming they were all in on some elaborate secret that wasn't even being kept.

The vampire apologized on her behalf, not thinking anything of her comment at the time. Enid of course didn't take her besties joke to heart knowing the girl so long as the only real friend she use to have.

Their lunch was mostly discarded, her huge appetite gone with the disheartened feeling clouding her head.

Wednesday wanted to stab the gorgon for the frown embedded on the sunshine girls face, hoping her words offered would come off as comforting, she had been practicing on reading social cues.

"Perhaps we could go somewhere to change the latest events. I was thinking it would be useful to return to the Gates house for some unanswered questions in my notes."

Enid's eyes sparkled at the unsaid help Wednesday offered and asked. A small smile at her lips as she thought about getting off campus grounds for a few hours, even if it was to that place.


Enid's agreement was cut off by the loud excited vampire,

"That sounds awesome! Our first girls night with Addams!"

Yoko received a light jab from her girlfriend at the interruption, clear understanding that it was a private event for two. Enid's happiness only increasing at the voice of Yoko's idea.

"Oh 'em Gee! Willa, please? Girls night is the best!"

As much as she loathed the vampire sitting a decent four feet away, she couldn't say no and crush the pups new found glee. Which is fine, it's not like her idea was meant to be a date or anything...

"I suppose if your friends aren't squeamish over some dismembered body parts in jars then they may join."

Yoko paused at the comment, clearly missing some information that both roommates seem to speak of like common knowledge.

"Disremembered what now?"

"Eeee! This is gonna be the best!"

"This. fucking. sucks."

Enid growled lowly, her steps in sync with Wednesdays as they wandered down the staircase to meet with the others by the campus gate.

What was suppose to be a fun outing became a jealous babysit when Ajax found out the girls agreed to enter the old pilgrim's house. Instantly stating him, Kent and Xavier would tagging along in case of anything. Enid knew the reality was that he was still in a petty mood because it was Wednesdays idea to go anywhere in the first place.

"We don't have to go if you're upset."

"No way! I wanna enjoy our night." Enid took the last few steps before continuing her words in a mumble. "I would like to see if your snood is still there. I could fix it..."

Although Wednesday thought the snood was weird, she did hold a value to it. It being the first gift she was given from someone outside her family for her birthday. Their fight that night however she wishes she could change.

"I want it to be there, too."

Enid didn't say anything further, her grin shrinking with each step closer to the NightShades.

Wednesday was the first to pipe up,

"If any of you slow me down I won't hesitate to abandon you." The group just nodded along like they expected nothing less. "Except Enid, she's the most valuable therefore sacrifices must be made." Once more the group held an understanding that didn't need to be voiced, Ajax letting out a huff at the statement.

The manor was bolted up a little more since the Crackstone incident, overgrown grass and wooden barricades on every window.

Entering the home was harder to accomplish this time around, some locks special branded to a specific strength. To which the group had to find a well enough hidden window to break through.

Each individual making a quick entry as the board clapped shut, crunches of broken glass unseen in the blacked out home.

Instantly everyone's phone lights were on illuminating the inside to see the destruction that was actually hidden.

"This place is a dump." Ajax said waving his light around what appeared as the kitchen area. The vampire stepping beside him to look for herself. "No shit."

"We'll cover more ground if we split up. I'm going upstairs."

Wednesday clicked her flashlight on, her body moving in accord with the destination in mind to which Enid instantly fell in sync with as they got closer to the stairs. Little to no direction or blueprint of the layout offered to help their friends.

"I was thinking we take the shaft back down since that's the only-"

Wednesdays arm was tightly grabbed, pulling her around was ajax, which the pastel wolf took personal as she shoved him away starting another fight. The young Addams took the opportunity to just continue walking away towards her ideal plan.

The shouts of Enid and Ajax echoing through the walls in adding to the already uncomfortable atmosphere. The raven didn't dare to involve herself, the pastel wolf giving her request before leaving to not say anything to set off the snake boy.

However, it wasn't like she exactly planning a detailed conversation with him either. A random creaking sound caught her attention at one of the distant rooms.

This time she drew one of her many hidden blades, not willing to risk the chance of being caught by another trap.

She was sorely disappointed to find nothing besides an empty room. No bed, chairs, or lights, completely secluded as if it was a hide-y hole. She can't recall seeing this room previously with Enid either, but perhaps the blonde could voice some input once she was done with her argument.

The young Addams made her way towards the only door in the room, while opening it she came to the conclusion that it was a closet given the only two coats hung to the side.

She closed the door, trapping herself in attempt to send her body into a vision. She set the flashlight down her hands coming to grab at each coat at the same time. Her body seized up, eyes widening as she jolted into what seemed like a memory of a secret conversation had between Tyler and Thornhill prior to the first time she came to the Gates property.

There was a folder being exchanged but she couldn't make out what was the writing on it, another language she couldn't translate but the way Tyler hesitated to offer it only proved it was serious.

Her vision instantly went black again as she was thrown back into her body with a small gasp. She felt the tight envelopment of a warm hug squeeze the life out her once more. The familiar strands of pastel hair recognizable as her arms returned the hold.

"Willa! Gosh, I thought you died on me for a second."

"Death doesn't dare. I had a vision with Thornhill and Tyler."

Enid gripped somehow tightened, her head nudging closer into the ravens neck trying to scent her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not here but I-"

Wednesdays words didn't fit past her tongue at the regrouped friends coming to find them, the vampire offering a small 'oooo' in the hall that earned a scolding from both Bianca and Divina.

The gorgon taking great distaste in the hold the two were sharing decided that downstairs wasn't enough and his dumb fights with Enid should've been more directly addressed to the dark roommate herself.

"Oh Shit! Sorry am I interrupting something." Ajax faked surprise at watching Enid pull back from her hug with the Addams, a huff leaving her lips as she didn't want to get into it with him again today.

Wednesday spoke up for her, keeping her vow to night fight the gorgon off campus grounds.

"It's getting late we should head back before it gets any darker. I still have to do my writing hour."

"So, is that what you call doing my girlfriend? A writing hour?"

Wednesday gawked at the gorgons delusional grasp of straws, clearly he was picking a fight just to pick fights.

"The hell is wrong with you?! Why can't you just believe me when I say that Wednesday and I are just friends."

"Because it's not normal friend behavior! you're obviously lying to me!"

Enid brows furrowed, her mouth opening and closing as she tries to find something to say but she can't. She honestly so tired of this petty argument he won't let go of. She nods once, humming for a second before turning to the small raven.

Enid takes a step closer, her hands gripping at the sides of the young Addams face, their lips colliding into a rough kiss as Enid pushes her tongue past the dark lips against the each divot and cress of her teeth. Their lips parting with a wet smack as Enid grabs Wednesdays hand tightly, knowing the gorgons brain likely just short circuited at the display.

"There happy?" The wolf tugs the stoic roommate along into the hallway. Wednesday was still processing daze of the feeling of Enid's glossy lips and tongue invading her mouth. Her heart pounds tightly in her chest as if it was being constricted on the verge of popping in her rib cage.

"Come on, Willa, we gotta see if your snood is still here."

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