Cupid's Heartbreak (Completed...

By Evaviolet31

612 160 18

"You bitch" someone screeched behind me before yanking at my hair. What is with them and my hair? I stood up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 28

31 6 1
By Evaviolet31

I watched as my hair fell on each sides of my face, my back is to the mirror and I’m trying to keep reading my magazine. Our company made it there and I’m on it too.

I got a call from Lew a bit after. "Hey Lew."

"I’m home." He chirped.

"Already? You still have two weeks to go."

"I know, I just really wanted to see you. I need to tell you something and it’s very important." He said and the tone and edge in his voice got me worried.

"On a scale of one to twenty, how important?"

"A thirty." He replied without pausing. Goodness, it is important.

"Okay, I’ll be home in an hours time."

"Good." He replied and I could hear the nervousness in them.

"Kendal?" I called to her from my stiff position.

"Hmm." She replied from her sit.

"Lewis is home and he has something really important to tell me so I have to leave soon."

"Okay, just be very careful."

"Yeah, sure." I replied and once my hair was in it’s short length, I took my leave I can always bleach the tips later.

Getting home, I went and hugged Lew. "Lew, hey. Am I to worry?" I rushed at him.

"Let’s go to the garden." Was his reply so we left to the garden.

"What is it Lew? You look worried."

"It’s because I am. I know for sure you will hate me after this." He assured.

"What is it?" I demanded.

"I want you to listen carefully and good….I’m the reason Kal broke up with you." Did I just hear correctly?

"What?" I could not help but ask.

"Orla, after you got out of detention two years ago, I went to see Kal, the time I told you to leave with Alfie." I do remember clearly, that was the day Kal told me loved me. How could I forget? "I didn’t want Kal to take you away from me, I didn’t want anyone to take you from me and as a brother, Kal understood. He knew how it felt so he did me the favour of leaving you. He might have told some lies to break your heart but it was all my fault. My fears and insecurity caused all of it and I’m so sorry."

You know that moment where you’re in a dilemma, double dilemma even, that's what is happening now. 'Should I believe him or not?' 'Should I cry because he broke my heart or I trusted him'.

Tears ran down my face as I looked at the lawn below me. "It’s been two years Lewis, why now?" I asked. "That's if all this is true." I added then he sighed.

"You were and are broken. You refused to move on. He was everything to you, I realized. Kal didn’t let go easily we exchanged words and he told me how much he loved you and would never break you in such a way. I challenged him that if he truly loved you he should leave….he did, he accepted the challenge."

"God, Lewis." I cried crumbling to the ground. Kendal was right, it is all a lie.

"I’m so sorry, Orla. The guilt ate at me all this while. I realized you were happier with Kal, brighter and more of you but since he left…you’ve just been…pretending. So, I rectified my mistake. I talked to kal to come back I’m in total support of you guys together."

"So why isn’t he back?" Even though I was shaking in tears I was still able to hold my voice.

Lewis looked to me. "I don’t know, I really don’t. All I know is that I’m a very horrible brother and I don’t deserve your forgiveness but please Orla, forgive me." He begged.

"I need to be alone now." Was my reply and he respected my request.

Once he was gone, I cried out and had time to think. All in all, I didn’t have a good night’s rest. I didn’t know if I should be happy or not but I definitely found out about my undying love for Kal.

Being the chief bride's maid is a lot of work. Helping to lift the gown, holding the bouquet, adjusting the veil, attending to special guests and fixing the brides make up, and that’s just a handful of what I had to do.

Ray has been there to help me but how many could he do? He also had guests, including his best friend that he’s planning to ask out, I know, cute.

To top up all of my work I have to worry about Kal, if he’s coming or not. We’re down to the reception dance and I haven’t seen him, not that I’ve had much to look for.

I took this opportunity to look but then again the only bright light in the hall is directed on the couple. I stopped. I don’t think he’s here or I’ll just wait till he pops up.

After the dance, they cut the cake then we took pictures. Lo and behold, I set my eyes on him when Kendal’s family stepped out. He’s in a black tux with a bow tie that matched the colour Kendal picked. I think he’s grown taller too and his hair is in curly waves, black, shinny and down to his shoulders. His shoulders are hugged tightly by the tuxedo. After trailing down his tall frame, I finally looked at his beautiful face. His browd seemed to be trimmed and his very straight nose and thin pink lips in a straight line, he also has a light stubble on his beautiful chisled jaw then my eyes met his eyes. He wasn’t looking at me though, he was staring at the camera, his lips curving and splitting into a beautiful smile I missed so much. I just kept staring at him till I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

I turned to face. "I guess he made it." Ray smiled. "Are you going to keep staring or you will go and speak with him." Ray suggested and I laughed.

"I don’t know, should I?"

"You should! If anything, you need closure at least or you guys make up. Oh look on the dance floor." I turned to look and he really was smiling and dancing with Kendal, the both of them talking quietly.

"C’mon, let go dance." Ray barely said before dragging me on the dance flour. After a few twirls and turns we got really close to them and I started to pant, loosing my breath.

We stopped for a while then Ray asked. "May I cut in?"

"Yes, you may." Kendal replied leaving Kal and I alone to pair up. He hesitantly offered his hand and I gave mine to him. He gently placed my hand on his shoulder, took the other and placed it on his other shoulder then he slipped his hands around my waist before finally meeting my eyes.

The dance was slow and awkward, very  awkward. "Breath Orla, you’re going as blue as your dress." He said quietly and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. "You look gorgeous and I like what you did with your hair." He complimented but I said nothing just stared into his electric blue eyes.

"Why did you lie to me?…and break my heart like that?" The question just….came out of me.

He sighed. "I’m sorry I lied to you…I take that Lewis told you everything? I just wanted him to know how much I loved you." He said.

"Loved? You don’t love me anymore?" I asked then he sighed closing his eyes. "Are you married?" I asked again then his eyes opened.

"No! No I’m not married. Why does it matter if I said love or loved? Cause it doesn’t."

"It does!" I snapped quietly.

"No, it doesn't you moved on already and you’re happy." What is he saying? "I got back about three months ago and I wanted to come to you but I saw that you’ve already moved on with that guy." His head leaned towards Ray's direction.

"What? Ray? I didn't move on with him. Maybe I tried to move on but I couldn’t. I could never move on from you." I met his eyes dead on. "You were everything to me. You showed me what love and true happiness was....and you thought I was happy?" My brows raised in question. "You know me happy and you think this is happy? I stopped knowing true happiness the day you broke my heart." I informed him and we fell quiet again. The music changing in the background.

"I'm so sorry I did that….buy if you didn’t move on with him, why was he everywhere with you?" He  asked sheepishly. I

"t’s because Ray is my contract manager and the only male friend Ellis tolerates with madam over there." I said to him. "Besides, Ray’s trying to hook up with his best friend." He now sighed, relieved.

"So...he’s just a friend then."

"Just a friend." I confirmed.

"I thought I was too late. I had to be watching you from afar and the times he pecked you just ticks me off." He growled out.

"They meant nothing, will you answer my questions now?" I replied.

"If you’d answer mine." He added.

"Okay." I replied.

"I really want to know. Upon how much I broke you, why didn’t you just…move on?" He asked then I stepped closer, interlocking my fingers behind his neck.

"It’s because, I was nothing without you, even though I tried to….  Only you completed me, only you gave me true happiness, I realized I belonged to only you, even when I tried not to be in anu way in contact with you, I find myself coming back to you and falling deeper and deeper. It’s because I loved you, Caleb." He gave a slight smile.

"I still love you, Angel. I never once stopped. I promised you hating you was impossible on this earth. I’m crazy about you. I love you so much. Do you still love me?" He asked nervously then I broke into a smile.

"I love you, Caleb. So much that it hurts."

"Touche." He whispered in my ear before twirling me and I grinned like a Cheshire cat. He caught me holding me by my waist, literally pressing me to him while my arms are around is neck. Our faces inches from each other. "Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"This is the first time you’ve ever asked permission to do that." I gasped out already short of breath.

"Yes, it is." He met my lips hungrily and I obliged. His arms tightened around me and mine around his neck. It was slow and passion filled. Then he withdrew, placing a kiss on my forehead.

Out of nowhere my fist met his chest very hard. "That’s for lying and breaking my heart, do you know how much, I hurt without you?" I snapped.

"Hey!" Kendal yelled. "This is my wedding, my love story. Could you take yours somewhere else? Please?"

I easily slipped out of the hall feeling all giddy and happy. "Angel, c’mon. I thought we made up." He whined.

"Made up?" I snapped turning to him and throwing my first at him. "You left me to suffer! You lied to me! You broke me! You said a lot of hurtful things…"

"I know and I’m sorry. I regret every single word I said." He caught my wrists stopping my attacks. "I’m sorry, okay. I was also hurt without you, guilt of what I did to you killed me but the thought of you not even taking me as someone you hate and as someone who’s dead to you worsened the pain. When I saw you with that Ray guy it hurt a lot more. I’m sorry Angel." He released my wrists allowing me to lift my palm to his face.

"I'm sorry I hit you." My voice a little over a whisper. I caressed  his face with my thumb pads.

"It’s okay, I deserved it." He smiled.

"I love you." I said.

"I missed you." He replied, holding my hands on his face then brought it to his lips to kiss both my palms.

I leaned into his touch. "I missed you more." I said through a breath, leaning into him. He instinctively traced my body to my waist and brought me closer before wrapping his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his waist.

I look so small in his embrace. "You changed your shampoo?" He asked after sniffing in my hair like he always does when we hug.

I chuckled lowly. "Yes, while I was 'trying to forget you'. I even cut my hair as low as a pixie cut." I told him.

"Really?" His chest vibrated as he spoke. "I’m so sorry."

"It’s okay. You’re here now that’s what matters." I assured him but he only withdrew.

"I promise you today Angel, I will never leave you ever again or break your heart, okay?" He began suddenly. "I promise with the love I have for you." He quipped.

"I’ll really like that." He just sighed and we stayed in each others embrace afraid either would disappear if we let go.

"Wanna go to Iris?" He asked.

"That’s where you’re been, isn’t it?" I asked back in reply.

"Yeah." He replied with a chuckle, pulling me towards the car park.

"I know, want us back there. It’s where everything started. Plus I want to see you in my clothes, not that you don’t look absolutely stunning and boner worthy, I with just want us to go back and start afresh with you in my clothes." He ranted.

"Fine you little pervert. I miss Iris anyways." I said and we walked, arms around each other.

"You really rock your bob, and I love the white tips." He complemented.

"Thanks, I like you in a nice tuxedo too." I added.

"I love you, Orla-Singh."

"And I love you more Caleb Meier." We sighed happily heading to our Cabin, together.


                                     Authors Note

    And with this we come to the end of Cupid's Heartbreak.

Thank you all for the love shown towards this book so far.

  A thousand reads for the sequel of Cupid's Heartbreak... We can do it💪🏻.

Please vote★, comment and share 😊.

                                                          Lots of love,

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