My Innocent Baby Boy

By Mehersingh13

13.6K 751 95

Ever heard of those stories where the girl falls first but the boy falls harder? Yep. Exactly the same thing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
The End.

Chapter 19

273 17 2
By Mehersingh13

Hea woke up to the sensation of something licking her face.

She got startled and cursed, only to remember the puppy she adopted yesterday.

"Good morning, Casper." She whispered and kissed the animal's face.

"Wait here. I have to get ready for school, okay?"

The pup licked her hand, and she ran off to do her morning routine.

"Let's get you some breakfast, shall we?" She came out after 30 minutes fully dressed and ready.

The two skipped down the steps and went straight to the kitchen.

The place seemed foreign to her since she barely ever been in here. She always ate from outside once her father was home.

The girl gave the pup some dog food she bought from the store and made sure to follow the instructions Jin told her.

The two were finished eating when Hea put on her shoes.

"Alright boy. I will have to leave you now."

The pup who was sitting in front of her, looked up and tilted his head.

"Don't worry. I will be back soon... In a couple hours but please be safe. I really wish I could take you with me." She lifted the pup up and gave him kisses.

"Oh wait. I have to go get my phone."

Hea ran to the bedroom, grabbed her phone and came back.

She saw the pup still there and opened her door. Then she turned around, zipped her bag up and left the house.

She picked up Jimin and the two walked to school together as usual.

They sat in class like normal and Mrs. Lee came in grumpier than usual.

Today she glared at Hea the entire time, making Jimin ask the girl what's up with their teacher.

Even Hea didn't know.

During the lesson, Hea needed an extra pen and almost yelled when she saw inside her bag.

There was little Casper looking up at her!

"Jimin!" She whisper yelled.

He turned to her confused, but his eyes got wide as saucers when he saw white fur sticking out of her bag.

"How?" He also whispered, trying to keep the pup in the bag.

"I don't know! He must've crawled in this morning!"

"Well we gotta do something!"

The two were whispering aggressively while stopping Casper from climbing out her backpack for the third time.

Suddenly their teacher turned around.

"Excuse me!"

The two smiled innocently at her.

"What's going on?! I am hearing talking!"

"Nothing Miss." They chorused still smiling.

Hea subtly closed the bag beside her making sure not to injure Casper's fur.

Then there was a small but audible bark.

"What's that?!" Mrs. Lee asked, now livid.

Hea then started a coughing fit.

"Sorry Miss." She coughed. "I think my flu still hasn't gone away."

Jimin tried to control his laugh while hiding his face.

"I swear! If this is one of your pranks, I will get you expelled!"

"No need to worry. I am a changed person." The girl in question nodded and smiled innocently, earning snickers from some daring students.

The lady turned back to teach, still unconvinced.

Jimin and Hea started laughing quietly but when Mrs. Lee turned around, they returned to their innocent smiling faces.

She turned back to the board with an angry sigh.

The two heard small whining from inside Hea's bag and looked at each other with wide eyes.

"What do we do?" Jimin mouthed.

"I don't know! I am always the problem causer not solver!" She answered.

Jimin shook his head.

"Give him food to quiet him?"

"Ew! We are NOT putting food in my bag."

"Well, there's forty-five minutes more until class ends so you figure out a solution."

Hea groaned quietly. "Casper you naughty boy." She spoke to bag.

"Idea." Hea declared and told Jimin to act normal.

When Mrs. Lee turned around just that instant, Hea raised her hand.

"Uh... Mrs. Lee."

"What is it?!"

"I have an emergency." She said in a kind tone.

The lady squinted her eyes.

"A bathroom emergency." Hea said again in a very innocent tone, blinking.

"Go." Was all Mrs. Lee said while rolling her eyes. "I give you one minute or detention!"

The class "oohed" and Jimin looked at her worried.

One more detention meant expulsion from her uncle, and he knew that.

"Thank you, Miss." Hea got up seeming not at all bothered.

"Why are you taking your bag?!" The lady yelled, already running out of patience.

"I told you," She said pouting innocently. "It's a bathroom emergency."

"One minute. Starts now." The lady massaged her head, sighing.

Hea rushed out the class, not forgetting to give Jimin a mischievous wink.

The girl ran down the hallway, making sure her bag was safe and burst into her uncle's office after she made sure it was vacant.

Mr. Kang was startled but greeted her.

"Hey uncle! I might've caused another problem."

Before the man could speak, she carried on.

"You see what happened was. I saw this cute animal on the road yesterday and me, being the sweet and kindhearted person I am, took him home. But the problem now is that the pup didn't want to leave me this morning and climbed in my bag! So now he's here."

Her uncle barely caught on what she's saying because she was speaking so fast, but when Hea took the cute animal out, he made sense of the situation.

"I will keep him; you go to class now and collect him when you're done."

"Thanks so much Uncle. I have to get back to class in thirty seconds or Mrs. Lee will kill me. Bye!"

He laughed as the girl sprinted out of his office. Then he looked at the pup on his desk staring at him.

"Okay little man. Let's play some games, shall we? This old man is bored too."

"Alright Hea. It's time to put all those running from trouble and not getting busted skills to good use."

The girl told herself and sprinted down the hallways to her class.

Meanwhile the entire class was tense as the teacher looked at her watch; the most tense being Jimin.

He would hate for because of him Hea was expelled. She took in the animal because of him in the first place.

"58. 59." Mrs. Lee counted with a mocking tone.

But her smile was immediately wiped off when the door burst open and Hea waltzed in.

"Boom. One second early." She winked as she took her seat in front of the class.

"Let's just continue with the lesson." Mrs. Lee resumed teaching, angrily.

Hea looked at Jimin and gave him a quick smile before the two focused on the subject.


At lunch, Hea went for the puppy with Jimin and was surprised to see him on her uncle's lap while the man watched the television.

"Knock knock."

That caught his attention and Casper's too as he immediately began wagging his tail and barking.

He jumped off Mr. Kang's lap and ran to Jimin.

Hea who had opened arms, got a look of betrayal on her face.

She turned to Jimin while placing a hand on her heart.

"The audacity, Casper!"

Jimin giggled as he rose up with the pup licking his face.

"Well we know who he likes more." Mr. Kang said and chuckled.

The two thanked him and went to the rooftop for privacy.

Hea plopped down and Jimin did the same next to her.

"You owe me Baby Boy. Now my legs are sore."

"Uh." He looked at her cluelessly.

"I need a picture of me and you." She smiled teasingly.

"Oh, I thought you were going to ask for something else."

"And what's that? A kiss?"

'Aish why is this girl so straight forward?' Jimin thought as he stared at her in disbelief.

"Come here." She ordered.

Jimin went closer to Hea's side, and she wrapped her arm around him.

He smiled shyly and she clicked the picture.

When she was satisfied by how much pictures she got with the boy, she pecked his cheek quickly.

Jimin hid his face and continued his lunch with Casper playing around next to him.

Hea smiled as she changed her wallpaper to a picture of Jimin and Casper.

The two walked back to class then visited the library to study.

"You really improved."

"Of course. I had the best teacher." She sent him a flying kiss.

Jimin laughed.

"We just have one more topic to study and then syllabus over. For all subjects."

"Ah that's great. I can be free!"

"Nope. You still have to study for the exams, or this will all go to waste."

"Exams are like, in two months."

"It's always good to be prepared." He pointed out.

"Okay Mr. Smart Boy, when you study, I will study. Good?"


She chuckled.

"What about the book? Are you finished reading it?"

"Couple chapters left. But the MC is starting to get annoying."

She chuckled at his annoyed expression which she found cute.

"Really?" She asked amused.

"He's too scared to ask the girl out, I mean she's right in front of you! And it's clear she also likes him. He's obvious too but still he just chickens out all the time."

Hea watched him with a smile. It was nice to see him this open about something he liked. She liked it. She knew he never does this with anyone else. So for her to get to see this part of him, she loved it.

Without even thinking, Hea blurted out, "How would you ask a girl out, Jiminie?"

The boy blushed. "I don't know how to do that." He told her shyly.

Her face lit up. "I know how to! Want me to teach you?"

There was no answer from the boy who was red as a tomato. She laughed.

"If I was gonna ask you out for example!"

His head snapped to her; eyes wide.

Jimin looked on as the girl got closer and closer to him. Until their bodies were an inch apart.

"I'd say..." She had their eyes locked.

He gulped when his eyes caught her gaze travelling down to his lips and back up.

"Are you a fiction book? Cause I'd love to avoid human contact and only focus on you."

(bangworld_7 A/n:😉)

Hea ran her hand down the side of his face and along his jawline. Then she winked.

Jimin released a breath he didn't even know he was holding when the girl went back to her original seat.

She burst out laughing. "How was that?"

Jimin smiled while blushing then burst out laughing too.

Hea couldn't help but stare at him. His eye smile and his laugh. Her world stopped for a moment. It was like the best sight she's seen and the best sound she's heard.

Hea thought she was in Heaven upon witnessing such an angel.

"Beautiful." She whispered.

And at that moment, Hea realized what she's been feeling all along. She realized why she was so attached to him. Why she was always calm when he was around. She broke her oath. 

She fell in love with him.

She fell deeply in love with him. His smile, his eyes, his laugh, his personality. His everything.

She loves Park Jimin.

Hea came out her thoughts when Jimin snapped his finger in front of her.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Ah nothing. Just realized something." She smiled widely at him.

"What's that?"

"Jiminie. You don't worry about it." She told him. "Come on. Let's go home."

He nodded and picked up Casper who was asleep all this time under the table.

Hea walked with Jimin, hand in hand, her new habit.

When they reached his house, she hugged him.

He didn't object and returned the gesture with a smile.

"See you next week Park Jimin."

"See you too, Hea. Bye Casper." He waved the two off and went inside.

"Let's go, boy."

Casper walked beside her and immediately ran to curl up on her bed as they reached home.

Hea freshened up and collapsed quietly on her bed.

She closed her eyes then sighed. Then she smiled.

"Jimin-ah. You angel."

She turned on her phone and opened the picture with the two of them.

"I guess I really do love you."

"Not guess. I really do love you." She stared at his face with a smile.

Her hands tapped on his contact and she itched to text him.

"You know what, fuck it."

7:34pm.   Hea: Have a good night Baby Boy!

7:34pm.   My Baby Boy: You too Hea 🙃

Hea wanted to reply with a heart, but she did didn't want to overwhelm him. She was okay with them as friends for now.

The girl went to bed with a smile. Feeling happy that for once, something good or rather someone good happened in her life.

She would protect him forever and be there for him.

Because she loves him.


Soooo. Three updates and these are all filler chapters! Why?

Because as usual. Waterworks time is coming up! So grab your tissues and prepare yourself.

See ya soon!

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