
By Artemisia738

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She got alerted hearing the same footsteps approaching her. Crawling backwards she shook her head vigorously... More

Chapter 1- Abducted
Chapter 2-Ruined
Chapter 3- Why?
Chapter 4- Handwriting
Chapter 5- Escape
Chapter- 8


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By Artemisia738

Dawood didn't go to school for the next week. He was depressed and ashamed to go to school. He was nervous to face Rubab and her gang. However, his mother forced him to go to school again. He was determined to not go to that school but two slaps from his mother's hand were enough to make him get ready for school.

Entering the school the first thing he faced was weird looks from all the students. He also noticed the students whispering and gossiping while looking at him. The mocking stares and some insulting remarks didn't go unnoticed by Dawood. He didn't know why all of them were looking at him like that. 

After surviving all those nasty glares Dawood finally reached the classroom.

" Strike," a loud male voice echoed through the whole classroom the moment he stepped inside the room.

Dawood closed his eyes when the banana peel got stuck into his face. His ears almost bleed by the loud clapping and whistling sound. 

Dawood removed the banana peel from his face having a pissed-off expression. He looked frontwards and as expected there were Rubab and her friends. It was Saad who threw that banana peel on his face. Dawood's eyes met with Rubab who was already grinning at him sheepishly. Letting out a sigh Dawood took his seat because he didn't want another problem. He decided to ignore Rubab and her friends.

After 3 periods, the school bell rang. It was leisure time so the maximum number of students left for the canteen including Rubab and her friends. However, Dawood didn't leave because he wasn't feeling like eating anything. Taking out his diary he started writing something. Dawood has a habit of writing a diary. He writes down every important detail of his life.

Dawood's concentration was broken by a huge shadow on his dairy. He raised his eyes with curiosity and found Ruhi standing. She forwarded a piece of cake to Dawood.

" Aren't you hungry?" Ruhi questioned taking a sit in front of Dawood.

Dawood shook his head in the negative and concentrated on whatever he was doing. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. He refused the piece of cake she offered.

" I am sorry, Dawood," Ruhi apologized. " One day they will be punished for whatever they did," she sounded angry but still Dawood didn't react.

Ruhi added," I was disgusted by them when I saw that video on the school group." Dawood's eyes snapped at her with shock and horror.

He questioned blinking his eyes," School group? What do you mean?"

" Rubab uploaded a video of yours in the school group. You were struggling to swim in that filthy pond," Ruhi sounded upset while informing Dawood who was on the verge of crying. Dawood hardly uses social media platforms so he didn't what was happening. 

Looking at his face, Ruhi grabbed his hands," A lot of students condemned that video though a few students made fun of yours. The video was taken down by the authority after a lot of reports."

Dawood didn't say anything but fat drops and tears kept escaping his eyes. He felt miserable. He wished he was a strong boy like his brother Darwish. He wished he could stand up against those bullies.

" Don't cry, Dawood," Ruhi wiped away Dawood's tears with her fingers. " When I first came to this school I was bullied too. Since I am a little bit chubby, people used to call me buffalo, elephant and pig etc," She started to narrate what happened to her.

Dawood frowned his brows with confusion. Isn't Ruhi a friend of that bully gang? If they used to bully her then how did she befriend them?

" I swear I starved myself to lose weight but due to PCOS, I couldn't lose my weight. I became depressed by all those ugly remarks," Ruhi looked down. Her whole face got clouded with sadness.

Dawood questioned," How did you become their friends?"

" Friends!" Ruhi let out a sarcastic remark. " Well, I am just Tania's cousin. The rest of them don't consider me as their friend. They bully me till now but not like before. Because of Tania, they don't bully me to the extreme level," Ruhi said. Dawood didn't know what he should say. He was disgusted by Rubab and her friends.

Ruhi said," Can I advise you something?" She looked downwards and bit her lower lips. She was hesitating.

Dawood just nodded his head slightly. " Just focus on your study and ignore them. When they will understand that you are untroubled by them, they will be bored and leave you alone," Ruhi suggested. 

Ruhi's words triggered a strong nerve inside him. She was right. He is here to study, not to get involved in childish fights. Instead of focusing on those bullies and wasting his precious time on them, he should focus on his studies. He is a bright student and he shouldn't let go of his talent go in vain.

" You are a good person, Ruhi," Dawood smiled at her. " You are the first person who helped me in this school. Thanks," Dawood meant every word he said.

Ruhi smiled nervously. She felt her palms sweating due to nervousness. She has no idea why she was feeling like that. She didn't understand why her stomach was twisting inside her belly. She was clueless about why she was nervous. Dawood's genuine smile moved something inside her. Since the day she saw him first, she started feeling weird about him. She smiles unknowingly whenever she starts thinking about him. Dawood might not be a handsome and dashing boy but there was innocence in his face that can touch other's hearts.

" I like your personality," Dawood said making Ruhi blush. She tried her best to keep her face straight but she couldn't. She was embarrassed about her own reaction.

Dawood told her," If you don't have any problem then we can study together. I will help you with the topics you don't understand and you will help me with the topics I don't understand." 

" Group study?" Ruhi sounded excited. She straightened her back.

Dawood chuckled," Yup. Only us."

" Let's top the exam together," Dawood smiled taking out a book from his bag.

After two months

It was a busy day in the 'X' school as always however the students of *th class were looking distressed.

A few days ago they participated in the term examination and the result will be published today. Today's result will decide which students can participate in the final examination. Those who will fail won't be eligible to participate in the final examination.

Rubab's friends were discussing random shits as always but Rubab was sitting there silently. She was scared shitlees thinking about the results. Her friends weren't that nervous because none of them failed before and are average students. Among them, only Rubab was weak in studies. Rubab was scared imagining her father's reaction if she fails again.

While Rubab was almost shitting her pant due to fear, Dawood was assuring Ruhi that she will do well this time. Ruhi was extremely nervous about the result. If she fails this time then her uncle will marry her off and she doesn't want to get married so early. She wants to establish herself as a financially independent woman.

In these two months, Dawood and Ruhi became friends though Ruhi has a secret crush on him. She doesn't dare to confess because she is scared of rejection. Moreover, she was insecure about herself. According to her, Dawood will never like a fat girl like her.

Ruhi was right when she suggested Dawood to ignore Rubab and her friends. In these two months, they tried their best to provoke Dawood but he just ignored them. He was least interested in those filthy people. 

" Dawood, what if......." Ruhi was interrupted by Dawood. He shoved a candy inside her mouth. " I am tired of hearing the same thing again and again. Just relax," He sounded annoyed.

Soon the teacher arrived with the result cards. Placing the papers on the desk she gestured for the students to take their seats which everyone obliged. At first, she will announce the student's name who topped the exam and then she will proceed to announce the 2nd and 3rd place. 

" Total pass- 40, Total fail- 15, A+ -25............." the teacher started announcing the result.

Dawood seemed absolutely fine since he was confident that he will top the examination. Ruhi was biting her nails so was Rubab. Most of the students were wiping away the sweat from their foreheads.

" And, The student who topped this examination is..........." the teacher stopped and looked at Saad who already stood up with confidence. Every time he tops all the examinations so he thought today will be no different. 

But, the teacher diverted her eyes at Dawood and announced," Dawood Ibne Yazdani."

Dawood stood up keeping his head high. Ruhi almost danced with excitement. She was so happy that she almost forget that her result was yet to be announced. She felt like pulling Dawood into a tight hug but she controlled herself.

The smile and confidence from Saad's face vanished in the air after hearing the result. For the next few seconds, he kept standing like a wax statute. He didn't know what the hell just happened. How can someone ditch him behind? That too a boy like Dawood! Saad was in disbelief just like the whole class. Everyone including Rubab's eyes was on Dawood now.

" Good job, Dawood. I hope you will top the finals too," the teacher sounded proud while handing over Dawood's report card to him. 

It was time for announcing the name of who topped the second place. Everyone thought it will be Saad this time but another shock was waiting for everyone. 

" Ruhi Azmi. You topped the second place," the teacher announced.

Dawood looked at Ruhi with excitement. He thought she will be dancing with happiness but he found her sitting like a frozen doll. She was way too stunned to react.

She looked beside her and asked Dawood," This isn't a dream, right?"

" Yes, you fool," Dawood pinched her hand making her yelp. 

She almost ran to the teacher when she realized what she has done. Receiving the report card she returned to her desk. She checked all the numbers she scored in different subjects. She couldn't believe that it was her result. It was the first time she did so well. A drop of tears left her eye while trailing her fingers on the card.

" Why are you crying now?" Dawood questioned. " I don't understand the girls' philosophy. Whether it's happiness or sadness why do you guys always celebrate it with tears," Dawood was genuinely curious.

Ruhi slapped Dawood's arm playfully making a pouty face. Dawood chuckled looking at her fluffy cheeks that turned red already.

While Dawood and Ruhi were celebrating their success, Rubab and her friends were upset and angry about the result. Saad and Rubab's other friends passed the examination but the result wasn't satisfactory. They were upset about their result but they seemed more upset about the fact that Dawood has topped the examination. And, Ruhi? That girl who couldn't even get good marks in the class tests is now holding second place in the term examination. They were wondering how the hell this miracle happened.

Rubab was observing everyone with scared eyes because she wasn't on the list of those students who cleared the examination. She could feel tears soaking her cheeks already. She started rubbing her forehead wondering what will she answer to her father. How will she tell him that she has failed the term examination and is not eligible to take part in the finals?

" Baba will kill me," Rubab mumbled fidgeting her fingers.

Rubab was startled by the teacher's voice. " Rubab," the teacher called her name. She raised her sweaty and tear-stained face at the teacher. 

" Come to the principal's office. Your father is already waiting for you there," the teacher said. 

Rubab stumbled backwards. Her stomach twisted and she felt her soul leaving her body already. She knew that she was done for sure. 

Note- So, how is the chapter? What's your opinion about the characters? 

The next updates will turn the story's direction. What do you think will happen?

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