{GxG} Sexy Time Oneshots

By God_Dionysus

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GxG Sexy Oneshots More

Carol's New Obsession
Carol's New Obsession - Part 2
Carol's New Obsession Part 3 Finale
"I don't think you're straight, Viola"
My teacher baught me my first vibrator
Risky sexcapades with my teacher
I woke up to my friend eating my pussy...
My friends boyfriend couldn't make her cum so I did
Made my therapist beg to cum
After reconnecting with my BFF, I slept with her mom
My BFF cheated on her BF with me, and he still doesn't know
I fooled around with a girl while my husband was downstairs
I love getting fucked against hotel windows


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By God_Dionysus

I woke up the next morning relaxed and refreshed. Saturday. Sitting up in bed in my dimly lit room, I stretched my arms to the ceiling. The covers falling and revealing my bare chest. I leaned over to the night stand and grabbed my phone off the charger. The first thing I noticed was the time, 7:15. The second thing I noticed was a notification from DocsApp. I hadn't messaged Dr. Brooke again after the shower. I hoped she wasn't upset. Quickly opening it, I saw the time stamp was from this morning. 6:45.

Hey! Sorry to bother you. I took off early this morning for a getaway trip to the beach. I think I may have left my stove on after cooking some breakfast. Would it be too much to ask you to check?

A getaway trip to the beach? We lived in a suburb of Chicago. What beach was she going to??

Sure! No worries at all. I'll get over there soon. Send.

I literally rolled out of bed. Standing up and stretching out tall like I always do. I pulled down my simple, black, bikini cut panties I usually slept in and tossed them in the hamper. Pulling open my dresser drawer to find a pair of Lululemon running shorts. Not the skin tight shorts. These have a little bit of room in them, and the fabric is silky smooth. Usually I don't like to draw a lot of attention to myself, but with a name like the "Hotty Hot" short, I had to have them in bright pink.

I checked the weather app on my phone to figure out my top. In Chicago, you never know. Looks like low 50s here this morning, and then up to the high 80s by early afternoon. I planned on running after checking on her house, so I pulled a black sports bra over my head. Along with a tight fitting, long sleeve, black workout top. I pulled my hair into a simple pony tail. Brushed my teeth. All good.

After I laced up my running shoes I quickly made my way upstairs and out the door. I skipped breakfast altogether, in case her house was burning down after all. I told my Mom who was in the kitchen I was going on a run.

It didn't take me but five minutes to jog there at a good pace. When I got closer I started typing,

I'm here! How do I get in?

I waited a second, but I didn't see any typing. And then, right before my eyes, the garage door started going up. I slowly walked in the garage, seeing only one of her two cars there. I looked around outside to see if someone was there too, but nothing. Finally, there was her notification.

Did that work?

Yeah! It did, I'm in. How did you...? Send.

I can just walk in? Any security system or anything that's going to send me to jail? Send.

She was already typing.


Haha...I kid...I had it installed a while ago so I can do it from my phone. In this case...from the plane.

Comes in handy!

There is a security system but I just turned it off...you should be okay.

This was crazy. So she was on a plane. I wondered to where! I walked through the garage and towards the door into her house. I left the garage up and made my way inside.

I'm in! Send.

I slowly made my way around the corner and into the kitchen. I heard the garage door shut after I took a couple steps inside.

"Well I guess she got my message..." I said to myself. I walked right up to the stove, clearly off. It looked like it had barely been used. Everything was so clean and tidy.

Everything looks good here! Looks like it's off. Send.

I waited a second, looking around to see if anything else was out of place. But no, it almost as if no one lived here.

Oh, I know. Her text came through. What? She knew?

I didn't cook this morning, I had a 5:30 flight. I grabbed breakfast at the airport.

I wondered what was going on. Wasn't I over here too...?

That was just to get you over here.

We were going to work on you being more comfortable in your own skin.

My heart started beating harder as I read. Where was this going? And she was typing all of this from the plane?

I figure it's not so easy for you to do that at home and all. With my house being empty for the weekend...it's the perfect safe place to start.

"Uhh...what?" I said out loud to myself in the empty home. I hadn't even turned any lights on.

So....better get out of those pink shorts. They are certainly cute, though!

My eyes widened. WHAT? How did she possibly...? I looked around. She had to be here. I walked over to the front window quickly to see if she was standing outside or something. How did she possibly know--

And don't worry...I only have cameras outside the house. I didn't mean to freak you out if I did.

I waited some time, not even knowing what to say. This was all so weird and progressing in such a weird way. I had to know.

Are you really on a plane?

I waited a couple seconds and a picture came through. It was a shot down the aisle of a plane with a flight attendant standing in front of her. Well well well...okay, then.

So...what exactly am I supposed to do? Send.

It didn't take her but a second.

Take your clothes off.

Actually....head into my room. And then take your clothes off.

I did just as she said. I kicked my shoes off by the door and slowly made my way into the living room, and down the short hall to her bedroom. What was even going on? This was all happening so fast, and for some reason I wasn't resisting. I was almost like a robot, and..it was kind of fun. Not having to think. She was so detailed with her instructions.

I walked right up next to her bed, tugging on the tie on my running shorts to undo them. Pushing them to the ground quickly. I picked them back up and laid them on her bed. These had built in underwear, so I was already bare from the waist down. It didn't take me but a second to pull my long sleeve shirt and bra over my head. Placing them on her bed as well.

I glanced at my phone and saw another notification.

And once you're done with that...go to the dresser. The big one. You can pick a pair of panties...but that's all. They're all in the top row.

Of course, I already knew this. I remembered the first drawer was all black. The next was all white. But what about the other four? I went straight to the third drawer now, pulling it open. Red. Pink. Everything in the spectrum, from dark maroon to a shiny hot pink. Any shade you could desire.

I shut it and went to the fourth drawer. All animal prints. Cheetah, leopard, zebra, everything you could desire. As I picked a couple pairs out and held them, I realized that there were even some floral and polkadot prints mixed in as well.

The fifth drawer was greens, blues, and some orange. Some neon colors of these as well. I closed it and went to the last.

The last drawer was mostly beige/nude/tan colored. Along with some shape wear mixed in of various colored.

Choices... Send. I felt like I needed to give her a small update. I couldn't decide. I wanted to wear them all. And then my phone buzzed.

I can never decide either. Hence, the selection...

Finally, I went back to the animal print drawer. Pulling out a couple different pairs, but finally I decided on the perfect one. Since I obviously wasn't going to be wearing much else, I chose one with a thick, black, lace, band. The front was small, but it was a classic brown and gold leopard print pattern. I stepped into it and pulled them up, wiggling them into place. They sat low on my hips but they were so comfortable, it was like they were barely even there. I'd always assumed thongs were meant to be uncomfortable...not these.

All set. Send.

So...I just, hang out? Send.

I walked out of her room into the living room. This was a whole new world for me. I'd never just...hung out like this. Sure, I slept in underwear...sometimes. But...most of my day I was clothed. Even in my private dorm room. I held my phone up as I felt the buzz.

Oh yeah? Prove it.

Prove. It? And just what exactly did that--

There's a tall mirror in the foyer.

Of course she'd call it a foyer instead of an entry way. I found my way back down the hall, walking slower than ever. I knew it was just me here, but still, I felt...exposed. Thinking someone was watching. My breasts weren't large by any means, and very firm, yet of course they still bounced ever so slightly with each and every step.

I turned the corner away from the living room and down the hall, towards the front door. Or at least I assumed it was towards the front door. And then I saw it. Along with the stairs to go up. The downstairs must be hidden somewhere else. As I got closer to the front door the large mirror came into view, and she wasn't kidding. It was almost floor to ceiling with a large, beautiful black frame. It was truly a statement piece.

I walked up closer, maybe a foot away. Taking a deep breath I clicked the photo button on the app. Part of me was nervous, and part of me felt alive and...risky. Almost excited knowing what I was about to do. I would've never, ever, done anything like this if it was my own idea. But with Brooke telling me to do it...that changed the story.

I stood at a 45 degree angle to the mirror. My left side closer to the mirror, stepping back with my right foot. I put my hand on my left hip, popping my hip a bit. Holding the phone with my right hand I smiled just enough. I made sure all of myself was in frame and snapped. Not even thinking twice, just sending the photo. Before she could even comment, I turned around with my back side to the mirror. Snapping one more photo of my ass and sending it. I didn't know when it happened, but I was undoubtedly horny.

I walked back to the living room while I waited for her message. Having a seat on the couch. The very couch she had been on last night. The leather was cold on my bare bottom, but I quickly got used to it. And there it was--

Very good.

Those are very flattering on you.

Very good? I guess that wasn't the exact response I was anticipating. But it was weird the way her approval made me feel. It took a second for me to figure it out, but it was actually...hot.

Where are you now? Her next message asked.

On the couch. I didn't really...I don't know I guess I didn't know what else to do? Send. I sounded so dumb.

Well that's what I'm here for.

Were we not done with the...instructions?

You hurried over there didn't you? Skip breakfast? Why don't you help yourself? Kitchen and pantry should be well stocked. Make yourself whatever you like.

My feet found the floor quickly. My bottom shooting up and out of the couch. I hadn't even realized it, but I was starving. I walked over to the kitchen slowly. My feet felt every step of her cold hardwood floors.

I opened the fridge slowly for some reason. Almost as if I was trying to be quiet. The entire bottom half filled with drinks. Cans, mostly. It looked liked mostly healthy carbonated waters and some teas. As my eyes went up the fridge I saw eggs, yogurt, many fresh fruits and vegetables, and so much more.

"Looks like breakfast to me." I said out loud to myself.

I pulled the eggs out of the fridge, turning around and setting them next to the stove that was positioned in the middle of a large, beautiful island. The granite had to be at least two inches thick. It was mostly white, with black swirls marbled in. They were shiny, almost reflective, and they looked lovely paired with the white cabinets and stainless appliances.

I found a frying pan in the cabinet beneath the stove. Turning it on a medium heat and cracking a couple eggs into it. I wasn't an amazing cook by any means, but I could certainly manage to cook some eggs.

As I whisked them up in the pan I realized it was far too quiet in here. I felt like I was trying to be quiet for absolutely no reason. Almost like someone was asleep in the other room and I was trying not to wake them. I could hear every single one of my foot steps, every stir of the metal whisk on the metal pan, it was painfully quiet.

So I grabbed my phone off the counter and opened Spotify. Finding one of my favorite country stations. It played all kinds. New, old, classics, everything. Thomas Rhett came on first with "T-Shirt". A song from quite a few years back, but it always got me dancing. I turned up the phone speaker as loud as it would go and started singing along a little as I stirred the eggs.

I found myself getting more comfortable as the music went on. As I waited for the eggs, I turned back around and opened the fridge, talking to myself,

"Now let's see..I know I saw some strawberries, annnnddd..." I pulled the strawberries out and set them on the counter behind me. As I turned back to the fridge I started digging around for other fruit, finding myself bending over at the waist to look far in the back. When I realized just how far my bottom was sticking out I had to laugh a little to myself. Imagining this would be quite the view if I wasn't alone.

"Oh, did you see something you like?" I said in a teasing phase. Looking back behind me as if someone were there. But of course...it was only me. "I swear I'm just trying to find some blueberries..." I laughed a little to myself as I turned back around to dig some more.

With my head back in the fridge I said, "Dr. Steeeeeevens..." in a playful and flirty voice. "Don't think I don't see that..." I stuck my bottom out further, bending over more now, and wiggled it dramatically back and forth.

"Don't do...what? This?" I asked an imaginary Brooke.

"Or...what?" I teased. My voice changed up it's tone when I pretended to hear her answer. "Oh reeeeealllllly?? Is that so?" I smiled to myself as I looked in the fridge to keep up the charade.

"Then I guess you'll just have to spank me..." I dramatically wiggled my ass in the air one last time before I grabbed the blueberries all the way in the back, standing up quickly.

"Too slow...maybe next time." I laughed a bit.

I plated the strawberries and blueberries along with a little yogurt, dancing a bit to the music as I did. After plating up the eggs I sent a quick picture of my creations to Brooke with a caption,

This is fun!

I grabbed the two plates and my phone, which was still playing music at full blast. With a bounce in my step I made my way over to the kitchen table and set them down, feeling my phone vibrate. I read the message.

Looks delicious. And healthy! Why don't you eat it outside on the back patio?

"Outside..." I said out loud, to myself.

"Like...this..." I looked down at myself.

I left the food on the table and made my way over to the back door. The door walked out onto a large deck that had a set of stairs down to the patio. On the deck was some simple outdoor furniture. Two chairs and a couch, along with a rug that they sat on. Just down the stairs and off the patio was the large, rectangular shaped pool and a circular in ground hot tub next to that. The pool had lounge chairs around it that looked exceptionally soft and comfortable, along with a couple umbrellas for shade. The whole back yard was outlined by a classy, black, metal fence. And the fence had tall trees all the way around the inside. It did look to be..mostly private.

I sighed. This was a bit much for me.

"They're just boobs..." I looked down at my almost nude body again. "Don't be such a pussy." I convinced myself, softly under my breath.

I opened the door to the deck and slowly took one step, followed by another, followed by another...until, I reached the edge. Looking back at the house behind me and forgetting all about the breakfast. I looked out as far as I could to the left. And then went to the other side of the deck and looked our as far as I could to the right. There really was nothing on either side. I couldn't see anything or anyone, even from the upper level of the deck.

At a much quicker speed this time I made my way back across the deck and inside, grabbing my breakfast and my phone, which was now playing "Doin' What She Likes" by Blake Shelton. Maybe not one of my favorites, but still a good song. I fumbled with the door, having everything in my hands and obviously no pockets, but I eventually prevailed and made my outside, down the steps, and to the outdoor table on the patio.

As I sat down I took a deep breath, remembering no one could see me. However weird this actually was for me, there was a certain amount of...empowerment and freedom that I had never felt before. I listened to the peaceful built in waterfall that the pool had and turned my music down slightly as I ate.

This is nice...very peaceful. Send.

I figured I had to let her know I did it. I turned on the camera and took a picture of my food on the table and sent it.

It is, isn't it? I like having my morning coffee out there when it's nice enough.

I took in the moment. Realizing this was certainly a first for me...and strangely enough I hoped it wasn't my last. After about ten minutes my eggs were gone. Followed by the fruit. I stood up and walked around the pool area a bit, dipping my foot in the water. Warm. Almost bath water warm. It had to be heated. After a bit, I picked up my plates and made my way back up the stairs to the deck, and then inside.

As I walked in I thought I heard a noise and froze. Closing the door behind me. With my plates in my hands I stood there for a second, wondering what it could've been. Motionless, I leaned forward with my neck only, thinking that would somehow help me hear better.

After a minute I decided it was nothing and continued through the dining room to the kitchen and set the plates down on the counter. Just as I did, I heard the garage door open and two soft footsteps followed. My eyes were fixated on the door. Who in the hell....I thought, she was out of town? Was she being robbed? And then the figure appeared. A fairly short in stature Latina woman came around the corner with a bucket and what seemed to be cleaning supplies. I didn't cover my chest in time and stood there, behind the counter.

"Hola!" She said, happily. She barely paid any attention to me as she went back out to the car, presumably for more cleaning supplies.

"Hi!" I said, dumbly. Standing up on my tip toes in surprise.

You have a cleaning lady? I texted Brooke.

Oh! Goodness, yes I do. Maria. I'm sorry, I should've said something. She's sweet...quiet, you won't even know she's there.

Well, I do know she's here. And she...saw me. And weirdly enough I suppose it didn't really bother me that much.

Not that it matters actually...you'll need to leave soon. You have a 9:30 appointment with Nicole.

I read the message a couple times.

"Nicole?" I said out loud, dumbfounded.

Nicole? Was all I sent back.

Ah, right. Nicole is my personal stylist. I don't know what I'd do without her. I told her you were starting a new job and needed some professional clothing to go along with it.

My eyes were glued to the screen, as it said Brooke was still typing.

Your appointment is 9:30 at Bloomingdales. Do you know where it is? Just ask for Nicole.

She was still typing, but I checked the time. It was 8:45, and at least a twenty minute drive. I'd need to get hurrying. I stood there, motionless in the kitchen as Maria came back in and started making her way upstairs. I wonder what she possibly had to clean up there?

In my closet, on the left side you'll see the dresses. Far on the left side you'll see a golden yellow sundress with white polka dots. Go ahead and wear that to the fitting. It'll look lovely.

I followed her directions closely, making my way into her room, through the bathroom, and into her large closet. Scanning through the clothes I quickly found it and pulled it off the hanger. I didn't even recognize the brand. But I suppose that's because it wasn't Nike or Under Armor or something sporty.

I pulled the dress over my head...thankfully no zipper. It was a full back, with a round neckline. Short sleeves. Very flattering and classy. I loved the way it hugged my curves from my bust down to the my waist. And the bottom was cut right above my knee, so I was comfortable in it.

I instinctively took a picture in her large leaning mirror in the closet and sent it to her. Realizing quickly she hadn't even asked me to do that.

We must be almost the same size! It looks lovely. Now, running shoes won't work. Sandals are your best bet. To your right, three rows up from the bottom, there should be a pair of tan Tory Burch. I hope they fit you.

I followed the instructions, and sure enough..exactly where she said. They fit a little snug, but I was happy to wear them. I didn't even know what these cost, but I was certain it was more than I could afford. Which made me wonder...how I was possibly about to go on a shopping spree?

Drive my car.

The keys are in it. Just put the garage door back down, Maria will lock up. And don't worry about the bill at Bloomingdales, it will all go on my tab.

I couldn't quite believe what was happening but followed the instructions carefully. Walking out to her beautiful crystal white Mercedes SUV, I found the key right on the dash. It was one of those push to starts, fancy. I backed out of the driveway, put the garage down, and was on my way.

As I pulled in, I figured I should let Brooke know I was on time.

Made it!

"I'm not sure...WHY I'm here...or how, but...whatever." I said to myself under my breath as I nervously shut the car door behind me and locked it. I was dumb enough to not even bring a bag, so I had my phone in one hand and the car key in the other as I paced my way through the parking lot and towards the huge building.

The automatic doors opened and I made my way inside at a normal pace. I was obviously out of my element. But at least Brooke was kind enough to help me look the part.

"Help you find something?" An older, kind woman asked softly as I walked by. I hadn't even noticed her.

"I uh..." I stammered. "I'm looking for a...Nicole? I believe? I think I should have an appointment..."

I saw her light up, "Yes! Of course...this way." I followed her down the tile floor, through a couple different departments, until we came to a section tucked away kind of in a corner. It didn't look like there was much this way until,

"Just one minute..." The older woman said, as she went into the back room and left me there. A few moments later she came out with another girl, much younger though. I'd assume late 20's or early 30's. She shared a similar build to myself. Maybe an inch taller. Long, chestnut, wavy hair, an average sized chest, slender waist and lean legs. She was very tightly put together, I absolutely loved her look the minute I saw it. Dressed in a fitted, white, button down blouse, tucked in to a short, grey, pencil skirt. Her shoes were black, open toe stilettos with a single ankle strap that I couldn't take my eyes off of.

"Elizabeth?" She asked with a smile as she came around the corner. The other woman walked away as I stammered nervously. My full name always caught me off guard.

"I...yes! Hi! You must be--" She cut me off.

"Nicole. So glad to meet you. Please, follow me." We shook hands briefly as we both walked back into some sort of a private room. I didn't see anyone else there.

"So I get to be your personal shopper today! Have you ever used a shopper before?" She asked with a smile as she motioned for me to have a seat on a couch. The room wasn't large by any means. Maybe 12x12 with a couch and a couple mirrors. There were tons of clothes hanging on hooks, and stacked up all around the room. It was honestly kind of messy.

"I uh...no! Never. I actually didn't know I...could?" I questioned, dumbly.

"This will be fun! Like, I am so excited. We're in absolutely no rush. We'll take our time. Dr. Stevens told me...some, about you." She paused, almost dramatically. Ugh. What did she possibly say.

"And I guess before I go any further, I totally should've asked and I apologize...Do you go by Elizabeth?" She asked with a smile.

"Ellie would be..preferred." I smiled.

"Ellie it is. So! Dr. Stevens said....you got a job? Law office? Exciting! I bet you're like, so nervous, but excited all at the same time." She spoke a little like a valley girl, but I was okay with it. She was full of energy and excitement, and something really drew me to her. She was engaging.

"Oh my gosh, I am just so excited for you. And starting Monday, correct?" She asked as her eyes glimmered.

"Monday! Yeah...so, gosh, two days away!" I said dumbly. Obviously she could do math. Or...well, I hoped she could.

"Well we will definitely get you looking the part." She stood up and motioned for me to do the same. "So, just so you know, it's just us back here. That second door we went through locks, so..." She trailed off a little. I looked in the corner and saw one of those big mirrors that had three sides to it. One in the middle, and then one in each side angled towards me. She motioned for me to step up onto the platform and I did.

"We're just going to start at the very beginning..." She pulled out a measuring tape and held it up. "We need to figure out your sizes! And then we can get to the fun part." She smiled.

"Now I'm just eye balling here...but I have a pretty good eye..." Nicole eyed me up and down, multiple times as she trailed off. I watched her eyes go from my neck...slowly down my midsection...all the way down my legs. And then back up again. It was intimidating, but I was honestly kind of enjoying the attention. And then she broke the silence,

"5'9?" She asked with a confident grin.

"Yeah! Wow, that's--" She cut me off,

"Haha...takes some practice..." She responded with just a hint of arrogance. She paused again and went for another. "...125?" She asked. I had to assume she meant pounds.

"Yeah! Wow! I mean...plus or minus a couple given the day, but yeah...right on." I said in disbelief and she kept her eyes on me.

"Looks like...roughly...24 on the waist, maybe 34 on the hip or so..." She said as she took a step closer with the tape measure finally.

She started by measuring around my neck. As she did, I watched in all three of the mirrors in front of me. My eyes bouncing from one to the next, nervously. She did my shoulders next.

"Arms out, like this." She modeled for me to stick out both arms, parallel to the floor and I followed suit.

"You're not wearing a bra, are you?" She asked, directly.

"No, I uh..no, is that--?" She cut me off again.

"Perfect! I would've had you take it off anyway." She wrapped the tape around my midsection and then slid it up under my chest. Tightening it, and lifting my breasts slightly as she did. I watched her get the reading and then loosen it. Lifting the tape measure a little higher now, she wrapped it all the way around my boobs, around my nipple line. Her fingers gently touching my breasts as she took her measurement.

"32....B...." She said confidently as she walked over to a note pad. Writing down a few different things from what I could tell.

"Anybody ever tell you you look like Natalie Dormer?" She asked, before I could even respond on the bra size. It was an incredible comment. I found her absolutely beautiful, but no one had ever said that. Before I could even respond she added, "Like, just in the face...and maybe your slender form...I mean, she's obviously a bit shorter and all." She added

"Actually, no! But that's...wow, a really nice compliment!" I said as I stood there motionless. She kind of moved right on past it for a second as she cinched the tape around my waist.

"24...right on the money..." She smiled, obviously proud of herself. "Yeah, she's cute, isn't she?" Nicole asked, leaving a nice pause. What was I supposed to say to that? And did that mean that she thought I was..? "I just think her little smile is infectious." She added, taking me off the hook I suppose. She moved the tape measure further down and around my waist. "Uh huh...34..." She said as she walked away and wrote everything down on a note pad. I let my arms back down and stood there relaxed on the podium.

"So! We have some options!" She smiled as she motioned for me to step down and walk over. "Actually, we have lots of options. You're basically an open canvas with your hour glass shape. Skirts okay?" She asked.

I nodded and mumbled a bit of a "mhmm...". I hadn't worn many skirts, but I wasn't going to argue.

"Perfect...let's start with a couple skirts. A couple dresses...maybe a nice pair of pants or two...this will be fun." She smiled as she walked towards the door. "I'll just be...fifteen minutes or so. You can hang out, I'll be back..." She started to walk away and I blurted out,

"I mean, I like what you're wearing!" I could feel my face get a little red. "It looks professional, I mean...that's all. Wouldn't something like that be good?" I asked, dumbly.

"I was thinking the same thing." She said with a wink as she opened the door and disappeared.

Well..I'm all measured! This is quite the experience! Send.

I looked around the room for a bit with my eyes. I think I was nervous and excited all at the same time. Standing up, I started pacing around the room a bit as I waited. Finding quite a wide array of clothing scattered throughout the room. Maybe leftover from a previous fitting? I saw everything from jeans, to underwear and bras, to what I thought was lingerie. All I could see was that it was tiny, black, and lace. I felt so out of my league, and then I felt my phone vibrate.

Great! Nicole is the best. Just trust her judgement. I just landed in San Diego. Going to get checked into my hotel and I'll talk to you soon!

Trust her judgement. I read that again. I waited about ten minutes, and then the door opened again.

"Okay!" She said with her bubbly voice. I saw about ten items in her hands. She set them down on a table, coming back with just a grey skirt. Almost identical to what she had on.

"Up on the podium, if you would please..." She motioned for me to step in front of her. And I followed suit, stepping up. Smiling a little, nervously.

"And...you can go ahead and step out of the dress." She said boldly and assertively.

I looked down a little, motionless. She left about three seconds of silence before she added,

"I promise. It's just us...you don't have anything to be nervous about. I've seen it all." She said with a laugh.

I started rambling like I do when I'm nervous. Slowly pulling the right strap of my dress down over my shoulder. Followed by the left. "No, no...I get it. I mean, we're both...ya know. I'm..." I was stammering as I had nothing left to do but push the dress down. Slowly...down over my breasts, down over my hips, until it fell to the floor. I stood there in my animal print thong. A little chilly now.

She didn't waste any time, and immediately started talking.

"Perfect. So..." So gathered her thoughts. "These are cute." I could tell she was referencing my underwear. Well, Brooke's underwear. "However...I think, for the office. you're going to want something a little different." She started walking away back to a dresser, opening the drawer, and pulling out a pair of something black.

As she walked back she said, "So...in the office, first rule is to never wear anything bikini cut or full backed. It's just a no no. You never want any lines showing, especially if you're wearing anything tighter. So...you're on the right track." She said with a smile. "But for your form...you're slender, leaner...athletic. The cut you have on isn't really doing you any favors. Do you see how it isn't accenting your form?"

Nicole moved closer and placed her finger tips on the lace of the waist band. Running her fingers along my hips, following the band. I felt myself tingle from my waist all the way up my back. Her fingers were so soft, and I loved the attention. I had never been touched like this so intimately by a woman. "See how this is going horizontal? It has to...to some point, but...you need something you can wear a little more high waisted. To accent your frame." She said with a grin.

"Try these." She said, handing me the pair. I stared at them a quick second. Was I supposed to put them over...what I had on? Or...before I could second guess myself, I pushed my panties down to the ground and stepped out of them. Boldly standing there in front of Nicole, completely naked now. My light blonde pubic hair was trimmed in a pretty wide landing strip. I kept my eyes down. I couldn't see if she was looking or not...but part of me hoped she was.

The satin fabric of the panties she handed me felt so good in my hands. And as I stepped into them, they felt even better on. They were beyond soft. I stood on my tip toes instinctively and pulled the waist band up quite a bit higher than the other pair had been. Wiggling a bit to make sure the fit was perfect.

"See!" She said with a smile. "There are your hips, girl." She said. She reached out and traced the line of the g-string from the front, up and over my hip, all the way back down the other side to my back. It was a simple string in the back. No more, no less. "Those are perfect for you....now!" She walked back and grabbed the grey skirt. Handing it to me to try on.

I stepped in and pulled it all the way up, pulling it together and fastening it. It surprisingly sat much higher on my hips than I was used to. But I liked it.

"Nothing to even say here...it's perfect. As long as you like it?" She asked.

"Absolutely, I...It's classy!" I didn't quite know what else to say. I looked in the mirror, getting more comfortable with the fact that my breasts were still very obviously on display. And my nipples couldn't be harder. Frankly, I found myself weirdly horny. Did I...like being on display? Did I...like the fact that it was a woman that was this close to me? Or was it just her touch? I couldn't figure it out.

I lost myself in the mirror admiring myself for a quick second, not even noticing Nicole had disappeared. Returning a minute later with a white bra. She didn't even ask, she just started putting it on me. Looping both my arms through the clasps, and pulling it up and around my shoulders. She reached from behind me and cupped both of my breasts from the bottom.

"Perfect fit..." She commented. All I could think of was how good her hands felt, and I never wanted them to leave. That, and how I had obviously been missing out on bras that fit this well. She spent some time behind me adjusting the straps and making sure it fit exactly how it should.

"God, I love these bras..." She commented. "Your boobs look a whole size bigger. If that's what you're going for, I mean...your cleavage looks...wow." She said with a smile as she stepped back and admired her work. "I bet the men in the office will be calling you into their office quite a bit..." she laughed as she walked back across the room to grab a white blouse. "Just make sure you remind them that they have wives...or..." she laughed a little, "Or maybe you're good at keeping secrets...No judgement here, believe me." She said deviously.

I giggled nervously. I hadn't even though about that. Being a...sex object for the men of the office. I guess that's just human nature though. I supposed I'd find out soon enough.

The try on continued with the white blouse. Tucking it in, I looked good. Very good. Ready to start my first real job. We continued for about another thirty minutes trying on various clothing items. Some pants, blouses, sweaters, and a couple dresses. I was having the time of my life. And then,

"Okay! Well that gets me a really good idea. I'm going to get a lot of this put together for you in a variety of colors. I think you should be more than set. I'll deliver it to Dr. Brooke's home a little later on today. I think that should be all I need from you today, unless....is there anything else I could do for you today?" She asked with a smile.

I didn't know what she meant by that. The way she said it certainly seemed to imply something. I wasn't daring enough to act on it. Definitely not. I smiled and and said no, thanking her tremendously for her time. I thoroughly enjoyed myself this morning. I put back on my yellow sundress, and kept the pair of black panties she had given me. Realizing I'd completely lost track of the ones I'd worn in. Whatever. As she walked me to the door she handed me her card,

"Just in case anything comes up...this is me. Let me know if you need anything." She repeated herself in the same way again. I glanced at the card, Nicole Miller, and her number was below.

"I certainly will, thank you again!" I made my way down the hall and out the doors of Bloomingdale's, getting back into Brooke's car. I took a deep breath, trying to figure out what exactly had just happened. All I knew was that I had fun, and I had a new wardrobe for...free? It felt like I was living in some other world. I texted Brooke.

All set! Nicole is the best, you're right! I can't thank you enough. I'm going to look great for my first day! Send. I turned the car on and started making my way out of the parking lot. About a minute later I felt my phone buzz. And then again.

I don't doubt it in the slightest. I'll be excited to see what you both came up with!

Are you still there? Drive to the back of the parking lot. I read it as I was about to pull out onto the main road. Quickly changing lanes, almost causing an accident, and pulling into the closest spot I could find. Maybe she needed me to pick something up for her?

Yeah. What's up? I sent it and waited.

Parked? She asked.

Parked I quickly sent back.

Anyone near? Uh oh...I felt a little uneasy reading the text. She obviously had something planned.

Not especially...some people driving by. But no one really near. I sent back.

Perfect...in the center console. Underneath my notebook. Pull out the small vibrator. It's black. I read the text twice. I'd never used one of these. Ever. And I already knew she was going to tell me to use it right here. Right now. Half way in public. Still, I reached in. Almost like a robot. Digging around and quickly finding the vibrator, pulling it out. I examined it for a quick second and saw that it really only had an on and off button.

It should be charged. I want you to use it right there in the car. Until you bring yourself to climax.

I read the message three times. Climax. Something I'd still not been able to do with my fingers, despite my best efforts the last two nights. I didn't even second guess it. I'd been dying to use a vibrator, but too much of a prude to ever buy one. I pulled up my dress and eagerly spread my legs. Leaving my panties on, just as Dr. Stevens had told me to do in her office. I flicked the vibrator on and it was surprisingly noisy.

Gently at first, I pressed it up against my mound. Feeling a jolt of pleasure rush through my body from head to toe. I didn't know my body could feel such things. "Holy..." I said softly out loud to myself. Taking it away for a quick second, before slowly pressing it against my sex again. My back arched in the seat, along with my neck, as my hips instinctively raised and pressed into the vibrator.

"Fuck me..." I said under my breath to myself. I rarely cursed. Ever. But something felt so natural about it in this case. The words just rolled off my tongue. I felt myself building already. Faster than I ever have before. I pushed the vibrator harder into my mound. Slowly moving it in little circles.

My mind quickly wandered, entirely forgetting where I was. Right there in the parking lot with people driving by. In my head, I was back in Bloomingdale's. Back in that room with Nicole. Standing there in front of her on the podium. Naked. And this time her hands were exploring me even more. Up and down my abs. Down my legs. She was touching me anywhere she pleased. I ran my finger tips up the inside of my legs, imagining they were hers.

"You can touch me there...it's okay..." I said softly to myself. Realizing quickly just how much I had enjoyed my time in the fitting room. I lifted the vibrator briefly and groped my own mound, pretending it was her hand.

"Mmm..." I moaned out loud to myself. "God Nicole, your hands..." I added, as I squeezed my pussy almost roughly. Finally bringing myself back to bliss and pressing the bullet vibrator up against myself again. I was so close now and it had only been minutes. Maybe less.

"Holy shit..." I said out loud with my eyes closed. I could feel myself building further than I ever had. I knew it was moments away.

"Oh God I think I'm gonna..." I trailed off, finding myself starting to lose track of my thoughts. I remembered the feeling of Nicole reaching from behind me and groping my chest, and it sent me over the edge. I felt my body explode in a rush of pleasure like I'd never felt before. My legs were shaking. I pressed down hard with my leg on accident, pressing into the accelerator and causing the engine to rev. Good thing I was in park. My hand was barely stable enough to hold the vibrator. And all I could say was, "Yes, yes yes...." As I sat there in the car. All thoughts slowly fading away to nothing as I finally let go of the vibrator and took a few minutes to come down from the pleasure.

After the fog went away and I could slowly begin to see again, I remembered where I was. I felt embarrassed. This wasn't like me. What was I doing? What if someone had....seen? Still, I felt compelled to be honest.

That was a rush. Send.

Did you cum? She asked so directly.

Oh yes. Send. The car was already in motion and I was heading back down the road to her house. I saw her message pop up as I pulled up to a light.

Good girl.

I read the two words a few times. So simple. Yet...something drew me to them. I felt myself tingle just reading them.

Finally, I pulled back into her garage. Maria's car was gone. Almost as if Brooke knew, she messaged me right as I was getting out of the car.

Take the vibrator inside and place it on my night stand. Maria will charge it later.

I read it and grabbed it back out of the console. Walking inside the empty house I made my way to her room and did just as she said. I took her yellow dress off and hung it back up. Putting back on my athletic clothes and running shoes. Seeing as I hadn't received any further instructions, I planned to head right back out and start my walk home when I heard the door to the back yard open.

"What?" I said softly to myself. My first thought being that I should hide. And then I walked out of Brooke's bedroom anyway, back into the kitchen. I was feeling daring.

"Hello?" I asked, as I came around the corner. Hoping to not scare them. As I came around the corner I recognized her immediately. It was Brooke's nurse from the clinic, Victoria. But this time she wasn't wearing her scrubs. She was naked from head to toe.

"Oh! Uh....hi!" Victoria said with a smile. She made no effort to cover herself, although she did seem to be a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't think...I thought, no one was here?" She finally got out.

"I was just running an errand for Brooke, that's all...don't mind me." I said with a smile as I started to make my way towards the garage door to leave. "Sorry, I didn't mean to catch you...like that." I added as I walked by.

"No worries!" She said, as she walked across the kitchen to the fridge. Helping herself to a beverage. Just as I was almost around the corner she added, "No different than if I knew you were here anyway..." which made me stop. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if she even recognized me actually. I turned towards her,

"You're...her nurse, right?" I asked. "I'm Ellie...from the other day. I think you were my nurse at least." I added.

"Oh yeah! Definitely! Sorry, it's so bright out there, my eyes need to adjust when they come back in. How are you?!" She asked with a smile. Standing there proudly in her birthday suit before me. She had a beautiful, curvy form. Wide hips, thick legs, and a generous chest with large brown nipples. I tried not to stare.

"I'm good, thanks! I was just...running an errand for Dr. Stevens. I'll be out of here now, but take care!" I said nervously, when she cut me off.

"No worries! I'd ask you to stay and lay out, but I'm on my way out for a date..." She started out. "I uh...I'm just gonna shower, but I'll be back tomorrow probably if you wanted to join. It's so nice and private out there." She said invitingly. "Really. Would be nice to have someone to talk with. But totally up to you."

I saw her look down at the phone in my hand. She grabbed hers off the counter and she walked across the room towards me boldly.

"Here...what's your number?" She asked. And I answered, without even thinking. I saw a text light up quickly.


"There ya go. Now you have my number." She said with a smile before she walked the other way towards the stairs. "Maybe I'll see you tomorrow! Sorry, I'm in a hurry...supposed to be to lunch at 12:15...I don't think I'm going to make it." She laughed a bit to herself as she made her way up the stairs. Still...naked.

I left the house and started walking home. Pulling Nicole's business card out of my bag I texted her.

Hi Nicole, it's Ellie. Would you be able to include a swimsuit as well? Whatever you think will look good on me. Thank you!

Right after that, I texted Dr. Brooke.

So...Victoria invited me over to lay out tomorrow. Is that okay?" Send.

I knew it would be, but for some reason I felt the need to ask.

Of course...just ask Nicole to find you something to wear.

Already done. :)

Wow! You're already getting the hang of this. :) Good. Hope you had fun this morning. I'm going to lay out by the pool...but let's talk on the phone later? I want to hear all about your time with Nicole. She should have your clothes there by this evening. I'd love to see some of the outfits as well. Let's plan on that.

I certainly wasn't saying no.

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