{GxG} Sexy Time Oneshots

By God_Dionysus

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GxG Sexy Oneshots More

Carol's New Obsession
Carol's New Obsession - Part 2
Carol's New Obsession Part 3 Finale
"I don't think you're straight, Viola"
My teacher baught me my first vibrator
Risky sexcapades with my teacher
I woke up to my friend eating my pussy...
My friends boyfriend couldn't make her cum so I did
Made my therapist beg to cum
After reconnecting with my BFF, I slept with her mom
My BFF cheated on her BF with me, and he still doesn't know
I fooled around with a girl while my husband was downstairs
I love getting fucked against hotel windows


4.8K 11 0
By God_Dionysus

I read Megan's note three times before I was able to set it back down.

"I'd be happy to show you the city!" It read, followed by her number.

"Just the city, huh...? That's all you wanna show me?" I said sarcastically out loud to myself with a small laugh. Echoing in the bathroom ever so slightly.

I looked down at the clock, 7:15. I couldn't text her yet. That would seem entirely too eager...wouldn't it? But I wanted to. Well, I wanted to do more than text her. I wanted her here...back in my room. Back in my bed. Naked. Doing all those lovely things she had done to me.

I stood there looking in the mirror, at the counter in the hotel bathroom. The tile cold on my bare feet. I had woken up in the buff, but I found the white hotel robe before making my way into the bathroom. My long, dark red hair was a mess but I didn't care. I splashed some water on my face as I found myself recalling the events of the night before. It all happened so fast.

One minute we were sipping some drinks at a wedding. The next...well, she was pushing me down on the bed and putting on a strip show for me. Of course, I couldn't complain. I loved her petite, fit, frame. Over the past few years I'd started working out and I admired how good she looked. I tried picturing her naked and realized that the room was too dim, or it all happened in such a blur that I couldn't recall some of the more...intimate areas of her body. But I certainly remembered how she tasted, and I was dying for that again.

For me though, Megan's looks were quickly overshadowed by her confidence. I'm a sucker for a woman who knows what she wants, and Megan wasn't shy to take control. It made it even sexier to me that she was at least ten years my junior. Maybe even fifteen. It had been a while since I'd been with a woman so confident and so in control in the bedroom. But it was very welcomed.

I made my way back into the living area and sat down on the edge of the bed. Opening the drawer to the night stand and pulling out the room service menu. As much as I wanted to get out, I decided to order a bowl of greek yogurt and a side of berries to the room. Complete with a black coffee, of course. I looked down at the clock. 7:30. Could I text her yet? I sighed out loud to myself and thought no.

"8:00. That'll be good." I said out loud as I stood up and almost started pacing. "8:00. Yeah...that seems...reasonable." I tried to encourage myself as I walked across the room to open the curtains. I saw what I thought was my pair of panties from the night before, and then I saw a second matching pair on the chair in the corner. I smiled as I wondered whose was whose. She must have been in a hurry to get out of here. Do I return them or...?

"No you don't return them!" I said to myself out loud as I opened the drapes. I looked down to see plenty of people out and about. My room looked out onto the river and I saw a couple boats already going by. One looked like a guided tour of some kind.

I've always been somewhat of an exhibitionsist. For some reason putting on a show or the thought of getting caught has always excited me. I knew I was high enough up that no one could see me, but I found it thrilling to let my robe open. I stood there for a little while with all of me on display. Slightly hoping that someone had a pair of binoculars. It was only when I heard a knock on the door that I jumped slightly and turned around. Remembering the room service. I tied up my robe and made my way to the door.

"Thank you...thank you," I said politely as I let the younger man in. I quickly tipped him and he was on his way. I enjoyed my yogurt and berries, waiting for the coffee to cool. Some mindless tv on in the background. And then I finally saw the time. 8:02.

I picked up her note and pulled up my text messages. Typing her number in. My hands almost shaking in excitement. How had I not thought about what to say? How do I not seem too eager, but...eager enough? Wait, why would I be eager? Maybe I just play it cool..somehow. I was terrible at this.

Me: "Hey! I was worried I'd scared you off or something. Glad I found your note. Hope your morning is off to a good start!" Send.

There. That's innocent enough, right? I re-read the message a couple times after I'd sent it. Not that it would do any good. Just as I took a sip of my coffee my phone lit right back up.

Megan: "I'm glad too. :)"

That's all it said. So short. Maybe she was busy...? I wondered to myself. And then another one came in. Followed by one more.

Megan: "You get a workout in yet?"

Megan: "I'm booked most of the day but my 10:30 cancelled. You in?"

I sat there staring at my phone for a bit. I definitely needed to workout. Did she mean we'd workout together or...would she be my trainer? I guess it didn't matter too much.

Me: "Yeah! Of course. Just tell me where!"

Megan sent another message quickly with the name of the gym and the address. And then she added,

Megan: "Oh, and bring a change of clothes. The locker room is basically a spa. You might want to relax after."

I finished up my light breakfast and walked over to my bag. Pulling out a pair of black Lululemon pants and a fitted, pink tank top. Laying them out on the bed, I dug through my suitcase until I found my black sports bra. It was cute with thin straps in the back that criss crossed. I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled my pants on. I rarely wore underwear working out and today was no exception. Finally throwing on my pink top, I checked myself in the mirror and gave a spin. I pulled my red hair into a pony tail, and completed the look with a black Nike hat.

I decided to head down to the street and walk around a bit as I had some time. Checking out a few stores along the way, and making note of some that I wanted to come back to when I had more time. I made my way into a Nike store and bought a brand new pair of workout shoes just for this. I didn't want to look like I didn't know what I was doing.

Finally, I grabbed a 45 minute Uber out of downtown and to the gym.

It was huge, I was amazed. The biggest gym I'd ever been in by far. Two levels. It could've been a mall it was so big. As I walked in the front door I was almost in awe of how clean and inviting the environment was. Tile floors, granite countertops on the front desk, this place had to cost a fortune.

"Welcome to Life Gym!" The girl behind the front desk said with a smile. I think she could tell I was new as I wasn't simply scanning my key card and walking by.

"Hi! Thank you! It's my...I haven't been here before. I'm...working out with uh..."

I felt a little weird, not knowing exactly what to say. And I definitely didn't know her last name.

"Oh! You must be Jennifer!" She cut me off with a smile. "Megan told me to be expecting you. Welcome!" She motioned me by the front desk as she somehow radio'd to Megan that I'd arrived. "She should be down soon...if you'd like to have a seat over there.." She pointed over to a waiting area with leather couches. I smiled and thanked her.

I didn't sit though, I wandered around a bit to see what I could see from the big waiting area. It looked like all the machines were upstairs. And down the hall to my left was some sort of a hair and nail salon. "At a gym...?" I said out loud to myself. "I wanna go here..." I said under my breath as I turned to start walking towards it.

"You look like you could use a tour." I heard a familiar voice behind me.

Turning around I smiled, "Megan!!" We greeted each other with a small hug. She had a big smile on her face.

"I"m so glad you could make it! Welcome! This is....where I work!" She was beaming. And she looked so very good. She was wearing a pair of black and gray camo pants with a white, fitted sport t shirt. It looked like it might have had the gym's logo on it. Complete with a pair of black and white shoes. She looked so fit, almost intimidating. And so...hot.

She checked her watch, "We have about fifteen minutes if you want a quick tour before we get going? We gotta start at 10:30 if you want the full hour...that is, if you think you can handle an hour." She said with a twinkle in her eye as we walked together down a hall. Plenty of people around us. It was a very busy place but it was so big it didn't feel stuffy.

"Oh I think you know I can handle it...I hope.." I said, trying to sound confident.

"Sorry to leave and all..." She said a little awkwardly. I could tell she was trying to be somewhat secretive as there were people all around.

"No, no need to apologize at all! I totally get it." I tried to assure her. "I had a great time." I said sincerely. "Sorry that I just kinda passed out, I....feel bad I didn't get to....ya know..." I tried hinting at the fact that I didn't think she came.

"No need to apologize." She said right back to me, echoing my words with a smile. "I kinda enjoy that...role, if you get what I'm saying." She tried to say discretely.

I smiled back, feeling a little more at ease now. I didn't want her to think I was selfish and it sounds like we both had a great time. She wouldn't have invited me if she didn't, right?

"Okay, so...might as well start here so you get your bearings. Locker room. Here's ours..." She said as we made our way in. Beautiful gray tile floor throughout. I looked around to see many rows of lockers. I tried not to stare at the various women changing as I walked by, though some made it hard not to. I'd been in a locker room obviously, plenty of time. This one just seemed...classier. Maybe because it likely cost a fortune to be a member here. I picked a locker, threw my bag in, and typed in the code.

Across from the row of lockers was a very long countertop with probably ten sinks and all of the amenities I could ever ask for.

Back down the other way was a row full of private showers with frosted glass doors. And then I saw the doors for the steam room, sauna, and whirlpool area as I made my way back further.

"Wow, it's...geez...." I couldn't quite find the words as we exited. "Should've brought a suit for the whirlpool..." I added as we turned the corner out of the locker room and started climbing some stairs for the upper level.

"You don't need one for the tub in the locker room...if you're cool with that sort of thing..." She said openly. "But to each their own...it's about 50/50 here...some do, some don't. Same with the other rooms." She said as we made our way up the long flight of stairs. We started walking along and she was pointing out all the various rooms. Pilates, two aerobics rooms,

"Yoga, in this one..." She said as we were close to the end of a hallway. I peeked through the window. The class was dimly lit. Maybe about twenty people total. My eyes were locked on the instructor though. She looked to be maybe late twenties. A beautiful, tall, lean blonde. She was wearing dark, navy blue leggings and a white fitted top. I couldn't tell much more but she was absolutely stunning. I was obviously looking for a little too long as I felt a tight squeeze on my ass and jumped a bit,

"See something ya like?" Megan asked with a smile.

"I uh, I just....I've never done yoga--" She cut me off.

"You get so nervous! I'm just kidding with ya!" She looked around and saw we were the only ones in the hallway. Leaning in close to my ear she whispered, "That's one of the perks of working here. There's a lot to look at..." She teased with a smile.

"I just don't know HOW you do it..." I teased back sarcastically. Making sure we were still in private I gave her a gentle spank to tell her I was ready to move on with the tour.

"Okay, so!" Megan clapped her hands together, she was back in her normal speaking voice as we were walking down the hall. "We actually better start....down on the main level we skipped the pool. There are two lap pools and a hot tub, eight tennis courts....a salon! I don't know if you saw that!" She said as we walked. "And then up here I think we really just missed the basketball courts. But anyway! As you can see this...right here, is what we're here for." She motioned to a huge area filled with weights and cardio machines.

"Looks great!" I said with a smile on my face. "Looks like really nice stuff, better than my gym for sure." I added.

"So what are we training? What do you want help with? I know last night you mentioned....glutes?" I could tell she was trying to be professional. Last night I'd definitely said ass.

"Yeah! For sure...I mean I'm up for whatever..." I said casually. Not trying to sound too eager. I was actually really nervous. It was pretty busy upstairs and I didn't really like it when people watched me workout.

"Great...let's get you on this rowing machine here...two minutes of rowing, then twenty jump squats. You're gonna do that twice, okay?" She asked, like I had a choice.

And we were off. Before I knew it I checked the clock and we were thirty minutes in. She was so professional. And so helpful. It turns out I was doing my squats completely wrong, and probably would've hurt myself if I kept going. Before I knew it I heard her say,

"Alright...just five more glute bridges and you're outta here!"

I couldn't believe it. The time flew by and I was wiped. We started walking towards the stairs to head down. I saw her stop at the personal trainer's desk and grab a black bag as we walked.

"Wow, that....sucked!" I said with a laugh.

"Well it's not supposed to be fun!" Megan remarked as we made our way down the stairs. Slowly, since I was wiped. I was holding onto the railing for dear life. "But eventually, with some of the lifts...like squats, for instance, maybe you'll learn to find..." she lowered her voice and waited for a couple to pass us as they were heading up the stairs. And then she said softly, "...pleasure, in the pain?" With a smile.

I laughed a little, nervously. I'd never done anything sexually that involved any sort of pain. Sure, I had definitely watched porn involving some light bondage stuff and I found that highly erotic. But I'd never ventured into it. Was this her way of telling me that's what she's into?

As we walked down the hallway back towards the locker room she tugged on my arm to take me down a new hallway. We went into an open room that had the lights off. I read the sign on the outside of the room, "Massage Therapy #4." Did she get me a massage? She didn't have to do all that...

The room was dimly lit with a lamp in the corner. With the flick of a switch she turned on some light calming background music. It was just waves rushing into short and some light instrumental music behind it. Pretty, really. In the center of the room was a massage table as to be expected. All set up and ready. I saw Megan pull a book out of a drawer and looked at it closely.

"Okay good, I just had to make sure this room isn't booked..." She said softly. Walking to the door and locking it.

"Wanna know a secret?" She asked with a smile on her face.

I nodded in return, my mouth suddenly dry. What was going on here?

"Ever since I started as a trainer...I've had this very...unethical fantasy, of fucking a client." She was speaking so softly, obviously to make sure no one could hear. "And today....well..." She trailed off a bit as she walked around to the other side of the table. I heard her bag unzip.

"You wouldn't mind helping me out with that now, would you?" She asked in a domineering tone. She wasn't exactly leaving me a choice. Sure, I could walk out, but...workouts always leave me horny. She had to know this. There was a very long silence in the room. It felt like an eternity, but was probably no more than a couple seconds. I was looking down when I finally opened my mouth and said,

"No, no...I, uh...could....I mean I can..."

She cut me off, "Good. I don't have much time. I have a 12:00 client." She said rather matter of factly.

"I want you to stay standing...come over to this side of the table....hands here and here." She showed me exactly where to place them. I was standing at the foot of the massage table. My hands on the two long sides.

"Perfect. And bend at the waist more. More..." I bent as she told me to keep going until my back was parallel with the floor. It was like she was giving me directions moments ago in the weight room, but this was...obviously a bit different. She could've just told me to bend over in doggy style. But maybe this was more fun for her?

I felt her hands grab my ass. One on each cheek. She squeezed firmly and then spanked one. "Yeah that looks good....just like that..." She said softly and in such a sexy tone. I felt myself getting wet just knowing that she liked me like this.

"Go ahead and widen your stance a bit..." She said, as she had told me to do minutes ago on my squat. "A little more..." I widened my legs further, exactly as she had said.


And then out of nowhere her hand slipped lower, down, between my legs, and cupped my pussy through my pants. She held all of my sex in the palm of her hand and knew exactly how gently to squeeze me.

I let out a small moan, "Ooooafff....."

"Try to stay as quiet as you can..." she instructed. Continuing to squeeze me gently. Eventually finding my clit with her fingertips and rubbing it slowly in circles. "Remember, you can tell me to stop..." She toyed with me.

I heard her take a few steps toward her bag. She fished around for something...my mind racing on what it could be. I heard a faint buzzing noise fill the room and not a split second later, I felt it pressed firmly on my mound.

"Oh god..." I whispered. My face pressed down into the table.

"Feels good after a hard workout, doesn't it?" She asked in a whisper. My legs instinctively spread a bit wider. I nodded in response, unable to form any words as I couldn't believe what was happening. After a short period of time, likely not longer than a minute, I felt it shut off. And then I remembered she was on a time crunch. I was disappointed...did she have to go? The room was silent until I heard what I assumed was her putting it back in her bag.

I heard her footsteps come back across the room, and instantly felt her hands on my hips. She was pressed up against me from behind, like she'd be doing me doggy style. She playfully thrusted into me a couple times as she firmly held my hips.

"Wish we had enough time for all that..." She said seductively. "But anyway..." And then she grabbed the top of my leggings on each side, tugging firmly to pull them down over my ass, until they were down around my knees. I stood there motionless, bare assed and bent over the table.

"Jen, Jen, Jen...." She started out. "Going commando for the workout huh? I knew you were a little slut..." I loved her demeaning tone. I'd never been called a slut before but I certainly felt like one right now. And I didn't mind the feeling one bit. I spent my whole life trying to put on a professional persona, it was fun to let loose and just be bad.

She spanked me twice. Once on each cheek. And then her fingers quickly found my pussy again. This time, slowly and effortlessly sliding into my wetness.

"Oh Jennifer...." She said in delight. She found my g spot just as she had the night before. Wasting no time at all. "That's the spot...right there..." She commented as she flicked it with her fingertips. She leaned down and started whispering my ear as she flicked it, "Thaaaaaat's the spot that makes Jennifer cum, isn't it?" She teased. I nodded, biting my lip.

"Ask me to make you cum." She said softly. I was silent. I didn't know exactly what that meant.

"I can't hear you..." She teased, her fingers slowing down, along with my pleasure. I had to clear my throat my mouth was so dry. I didn't know what to say. What exactly was she wanting me to say? And then she pulled her fingers all the way out, and whispered in my ear again.

"Do you not want to cum?" She asked, and I stood there frozen. I heard her walk back across the room. My ass in the air, not moving. Step. Step. Step. Until I could tell right where she was. And I felt something much larger enter my pussy. It had to be a dildo. And a much larger one than I'd ever used.

"Ooooooammmmf...." I said under my breath. I went up on my tip toes in surprise as she slowly wiggled its way inside me.

"Fuck..." I said softly. "That's big..."

"Mmm yes it is...yeah, that's hot..." She toyed with me. Slowly sliding it in and out. For a few moments it was like everything reset. I was so taken aback by the size it was almost too much too handle. But as she picked up the pace I felt my hips slowly moving with it, loving every second.

"Don't stop..." I said softly. She slowed her pace. I realized she held all the cards now. If I was going to cum, it was at her will. Not mine. She kept slowing until it was barely moving. And I needed more. I needed a release.

"Fucking....I....Want you to make me cum...." I finally got the words out. Something I'd never said before. And she immediately picked up the speed ever so slightly as she added,

"...Like a slut."

I paused for a second and repeated the whole sentence.

"I want you to make me cum like a fucking slut." I said a little louder than I should've.

"Good girl." Was all Megan said in response as she picked up the pace with the oversized dildo. Her other hand reached underneath and started rubbing my clit in tiny little circles. In just moments I felt my orgasm building. Faster and faster. Until my legs started to shake.

"I....I..." I was quivering in delight as she didn't slow her pace. "Yes....yesyesyesyesyes......." She instinctively knew when it had happened. I could barely breathe. I stood there, bracing myself on the table as I felt her pull the dildo all the way out, walking over to the sink and washing it off. I was practically out of breath.

I finally stood up and saw her zipping up the bag. I never even got to see the thing with my own eyes. She threw the bag over her shoulder. My leggings were still around my knees.

"I have six more sessions today and then my night job tonight...gotta make money somehow, right? But uh....text me? If you want? Sometimes I'm slow to reply....and I'm open tomorrow night!"

I saw a clock on the counter, 11:57. I knew she had to go.

"Yeah! I uh...yeah!" I was standing there like an idiot half naked. "Thanks! For....everything! And for getting me in here!" I was trying to be polite but I was sounding dumb I was sure.

"Believe me...I had as much fun as you did." She said with a smile as she walked across the room. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and kept walking to the doorway. With a quick pause she added, "Locker room is down the hall to the right in case you're lost. Take your time!" And she was off.

I pulled up my pants and waited a couple minutes before choosing to venture down the hall and back to the locker room. Seeing people walk by with their headphones in, I felt like they all knew what had just happened. Surely they didn't, but it was such a weird feeling.

I finally found the row with my locker and saw a blonde turned away, down at the end of the row. My locker was about six down from hers. She was wearing a white sports bra. Strappy like mine, crossed in the back. Navy blue leggings that she so conveniently started to pull down just as I had opened my locker. Out of the corner of my eye I watched. I knew I shouldn't, but I did. Underneath was a very recognizable "PINK PINK PINK" thick, gray waistband with white letters, and a thong in the back.

As she stood up from taking them off our eyes met, ever so briefly, and I immediately recognized her as the yoga instructor from earlier. I pegged her for late 20's and I think I was right. We both exchanged awkward, innocent smiles.

"Sorry, do you know where the towels are?" I asked, trying to strike up any conversation.

"Of course...right at the front. Just head back down the aisle and they're on the right." She said with a smile.

"Thanks, I'm...I've never been here before." I said, dumbly. Making my way down the aisle and grabbing a towel. When I got back I saw her completely wrapped in one, closing her locker, and heading towards the spa area.

Shit...I thought to myself, did she keep those panties on? Do I need to put a pair on? I guess no one will ever know anyway...I'm not going to see these people again...I pulled off my top, bra, and leggings as quick as I could and wrapped in a towel just as she had.

I made my way to the steam room. I wasn't brave enough to try the hot tub nude yet. As I made my way in, the steam was pretty weak. I was able to see just fine, but the room seemed to just keep going and going. It was the biggest one I'd ever been in. I kept slowly walking towards the back until I saw a white, tile bench, and a figure in the corner. There she was again. I smiled even though she couldn't tell I'm sure. I sat a few feet away from her, keeping my towel wrapped as she had. After a few moments I couldn't help myself,

"I'm sorry to bug you but, did I see you teaching yoga up there?" I asked politely.

"That's me!" She said proudly. "Lauren." She added.

"Jennifer." I said back. "I'm just...visiting. Here for a week and figured I'd try a new gym." I left a few of the details out, of course.

"Welcome!" She said warmly. Maybe she didn't talk a lot, or maybe she didn't want to be bugged.

"Do you...teach, often?" I asked her.

"I teach three days a week. I'm a nurse, so...I work four days a week there, and three here. Helps to bring in some extra cash and get the membership for free."

"That's a great idea!" I replied. As the steam fell even more I saw in front of us in the corner was a little stall with shower. I didn't see any sort of curtain, but it looked like it's own stall. I'm sure only half the room or so could see it, but I certainly could.

"You like yoga?" She asked. Maybe she did want to talk.

"Honestly? Only done it once...I'm not the most....zen, person." I laughed a little to myself. That was a lie. I'd never tried yoga.

"Beginners class is tomorrow..." She hinted. "It's easy. Want me to give you the info?" She asked.

"Yeah, I...sure!" What the heck, I was all about trying new things.

"I think I saw which locker was yours....36, right?" She asked. And for a second I thought she was asking my age and then I realized it.

"Ye....yeah, 36." So she HAD noticed me...maybe I'd made a bigger impression than I thought?

"Okay! I'll slip a flyer in there. Hope to see you there!" She said as she scooted off down the bench and toward the shower in front of the both of us. I heard the steam kick on. And right before my eyes I saw her take the towel off and hang it up. The sound of the shower filled the room. My eyes couldn't leave her tight back side until the steam forced it out of my vision momentarily. She showered for a minute or so until I heard it shut off and she walked back towards me, sitting back down where she was.

"It's pretty surreal..." she started out. "The warm steam and the cold water...I've never felt anything like it. You should try it." She suggested. As she emerged from the steam I could see her perky breasts on display as she hadn't covered up yet. I could also tell she had a six pack but that was about it. I couldn't believe it, but my freshly fucked pussy from moments ago was beginning to tingle again. Not only from seeing her nude, but from the thought that....she wanted to see me. On display. Was she really wanting me to enjoy the shower, or was that her way to get me out of my towel? Little did she know, I had a thing for exhibitionism...I'd never really tried it until now. Mostly fantasized about it. But there's a first time for everything, isn't there?

I waited for the steam to go down a bit. I figured if I was going to do this, I'd do it. I slid off the bench just like she had. Tugging on my towel mid walk to the shower to pull it off. I wondered if she was looking at my ass. I hoped so. I turned it on, cold, just like she'd suggested, and hung up my towel.

Stepping into the shower I got my hair wet first. I faced towards Lauren. Arching my back and leaning my head back into the water. My perky, fake boobs on display just for her to see as the water wet my hair. It was so thrilling to me to know she was watching. Or at least I hoped she was.

"This is nice..." I said softly...wondering if she could hear me. I waited another thirty seconds or so before I shut it off and made my way back to the bench. "Thanks for the tip...it's wonderful." I said with a smile before I put my towel back on. Sitting back down she said,

"It's so relaxing. If I had time I'd do the hot tub, but I'm in a hurry today..." She said as she scooted off the bench. "Hope to see you tomorrow!" She said as she made her way out.

I sat there relaxing in the steam for a few minutes. Remembering the events that took place before this. Everything in the massage room...and the nice show I just got in front of my eyes. Was it on purpose? I started rubbing myself, pretending it was Megan, when I heard the door open again. I quickly stood up and made my way out to shower privately.

When I returned to my locker I opened it to see the flyer as promised. But at the top I saw a ten digit phone number, with "Lauren" written above it. And then below she wrote, "Nice meeting you. Hope to see you again!" With a little heart next to it. What did that even mean? Hope to see you again. Hope to see me....naked, again? I put the note in my gym bag and got dressed. Wondering just how to handle this situation.

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