{GxG} Sexy Time Oneshots

By God_Dionysus

639K 1.4K 37

GxG Sexy Oneshots More

Carol's New Obsession
Carol's New Obsession - Part 2
Carol's New Obsession Part 3 Finale
"I don't think you're straight, Viola"
My teacher baught me my first vibrator
Risky sexcapades with my teacher
I woke up to my friend eating my pussy...
My friends boyfriend couldn't make her cum so I did
Made my therapist beg to cum
After reconnecting with my BFF, I slept with her mom
My BFF cheated on her BF with me, and he still doesn't know
I fooled around with a girl while my husband was downstairs
I love getting fucked against hotel windows


11.5K 30 0
By God_Dionysus

Despite being fairly exhausted from the day's college courses, Natalie still made an effort to workout at the university gym. She needed it. Frankly, she was the worst player on the softball team.

Sure, she was in good shape already, but compared to the other girls on the team, she simply wasn't good enough and it was a miracle that she even made the team at all. The team required a minimum amount of players and Natalie was that minimum.

After performing a push/pull routine with various machines, she took a breather before hitting abs. She did thirty reps in quick succession on a bench, rested for a minute, and then repeated the set two more times.

When she struggled on the last set, she looked up to see a face blocking the light. A woman randomly stood over her with a sweaty face, a messy ponytail, and a towel wrapped around her neck.

"Come on, reps, reps, reps!" the woman encouraged jokingly.

Natalie instantly recognized that it was Coach Taylor. She pushed through a few extra reps on her abdominals as if to prove her toughness, then stood to greet the coach.

"Hey there," she smiled, taking deep breaths from the workout.

Coach Taylor smiled back. "Sorry to disturb your workout. You needed a boost."

"Yeah, I'm trying to get in better shape."

"I'm glad to see you're working hard," the coach replied.

"Speaking of which, were you here the whole time? I hadn't seen you."

The coach wiped her face with a towel. "I was in the sauna for the past half hour. Before that I did an hour of cardio on the treadmill."


"Are you a runner, Natalie?" she asked. "How often do you run?"

"Not as much as I'd like. I run more often when there's no school. Maybe 3-5 miles."


"Obviously I don't have results like you do," Natalie replied, noticing the coach's muscles ripple when breathing. "I mean, my god, your physique is amazing."

Coach Taylor flexed a bicep. "Thanks. Plenty of hard work."

"I mean, seriously. You have great genetics."

"In some ways, but in all honesty, I'm smart with my routine."

"Any secrets?" Natalie inquired. "I'd kill to have a body like yours."

"First of all, thanks, that's sweet. Second, be proud of the body you have. Women are too hard on themselves. I think every woman is gorgeous in her own unique way. Be yourself and rock what you've got."

Natalie nodded. "Oh, I definitely agree with that sentiment. But not every girl is on a sports team. In fact, I'm on YOUR team, and our odds of winning games would exponentially increase if I was in better shape."

For added effect, Natalie batted her eyelashes and the coach laughed.

"Tell me your typical workout routine and diet. Then I'll give you some thoughts if I can."

Natalie gave a quick rundown of her usual fitness regimen and nutritional plan; everything from how she liked to run and what exercises she did.

"I think I found your problem," Coach Taylor said in a conclusory tone.

"What is it?"

"You've likely reached a plateau. That's when your body is so used to the same routine that it stops adapting, thus you aren't making gains anymore."

Natalie pursed her lips. "Hmmm... Interesting. I've used the same routine for years, so you might be right."

"Maybe lift heavier weights or try more explosive exercises. Switch things up, find something fun."

"Any recommendations?"

"Personally, I like swimming," the coach replied. "It's low impact on my joints, high intensity, and it gives me a feeling of freedom when I'm in the water."

"God, I used to love swimming as a kid. Less when our family moved to a different place. I haven't gone swimming at all since moving for college."

"There you go. Problem solved. Try swimming. Swim hard, swim fast, but don't make yourself too sore, or else you won't be able to practice softball properly. If you couple that with a good diet, you'll notice big changes in your body."

"The problem is that all of the nearby pools are always busy," Natalie moaned. "Especially the university pool."

"True, which is why I always arrive to campus early and swim alone. The schedule works perfectly for me."

"Swimming alone? That must be nice. I can only dream."

"Am I sensing jealousy?" the coach teased. "Yes, I have the pool all to myself. It's therapeutic for me, both physically and mentally. It's a great way to start a busy day."

"I'm totally jealous."

"You're welcome to join me, as long as you keep it a secret."

"Are you sure?" Natalie asked, taken aback by the offer.

"Why not? Will you be uncomfortable?"

"Depends. Are you a serial killer?"

Coach Taylor shook her head. "No, but I may be a serial killer who kills other serial killers, like Dexter."

"Works for me," Natalie replied, before pausing to think. "I'm not bothering you, am I? I mean, I don't want to disturb your private time."

"Nonsense. I'll be at the pool at 6:45 Monday morning. If you're interested, be on time, and bring a towel and swimwear. We'll have an hour alone."

"It's a date," Natalie smiled.

The coach gave a quizzical look. "Interesting choice of words. Anyway, I must be going and I need a shower. Sorry to interrupt your ab workout."

"No worries. My abs suck anyway."

The coach poked Natalie's belly. "Monday morning. I'll show you a few good ab routines in the pool."

"Do you think that'll work for me?"

"It's worked for me," the coach replied, rubbing her own flat stomach, feeling the tight muscles.


In all seriousness, Natalie was blown away by the chance to workout privately with the coach. After all, this coach was an awesome person and in fantastic shape.

Deep down, Natalie always dreamt of being that girl. The girl who'd hit the winning shot, then the whole team would hoist her up on their shoulders, so she could be paraded around the field as a hero. It was unlikely, but a fantasy nonetheless.

Monday she arrived on time and greeted Coach Taylor. After unlocking the pool, switching on the lights, and turning on the heat, they went to the locker room to change. They put on their swimwear in different locker areas so they wouldn't see each other naked.

They met at the pool area where they took a moment to admire each other's swimwear.

"Is that new?" the coach asked.

"Yep. I bought it over the weekend."

"Nice. Looks like you're ready to go."

They did their warmups and loosened their limbs for several minutes. When their bodies were warm, they dove into the pool and swam laps. Normal pace at first. Then they quickly swam back and forth between both ends of the pool, working on their strength and cardio endurance.

After ten laps with very little rest in between, they leaned against the side of the pool with their arms on the concrete.

"That was intense," Natalie huffed with a heavy breath.

"It was. And I love it."

Natalie's heart rate moved toward normalcy. "I'll definitely be sore tomorrow."

Coach Taylor raised an eyebrow. "So you think we're done already?"

"Aren't we?" Natalie replied.

"Your abs, remember? Didn't you want to work on them?"

"I think I've gotten enough of a core workout from swimming those laps."

A sadistic smile came over the coach's lips. "Nonsense. We're already in the pool, so we might as well do what we came here for. Follow my lead. Put your back against the wall, hold on to the concrete with your arms, and do leg raises. Like this."

Coach Taylor led by example, putting her back against the wall, resting her arms on the concrete, then doing leg raises so that her feet would plop out of the water. She did several reps. Natalie did the same but struggled after the third rep.

"This is hard," Natalie sighed, putting her feet back down. "It's so much harder with the water adding resistance."

"That's the point."

"I can't go on."

"Sure you can, just a few more reps."

Natalie stuck her tongue out. "Ughhh....can you help me at least?"


That was when the coach put her hands in the water to assist Natalie by pressing below her lower thighs, allowing more reps to be done.

"Now, this is what I call working out," Natalie smiled as the coach helped to lift her legs for a few more reps.

"I'm surprised I haven't scared you away yet, to be honest."

"From the workout? I'm not the best natural athlete, but I'm not a quitter either. Even though I tried to quit a moment ago. I'm persistent when I need to be."

Natalie continued doing leg raises in the water while the coach assisted her movements.

"I mean the other thing," Coach Taylor said. "You don't seem like the type. That's why I'm surprised."

"Now I'm totally confused."


Natalie put her legs down and they looked at each other. "You alluded to something last week about not wanting to workout with me. Now you're implying something again. Is there something I'm missing? I mean, are you a serial killer or what? I promise I won't tell."

"You don't know?" the coach asked. "I'm a lesbian. I guess you're the only girl on the team who hasn't heard yet."


"Didn't you get the memo?"

"I didn't know there was one," Natalie shrugged.

"I get that it's 2017, and I'm not suggesting you're homophobic or anything. But some of the girls on the team come from religious backgrounds, whose parents contribute a lot of money to this academic institution. It's a tricky thing."

"Are they blackmailing you?"

Coach Taylor shook her head. "No, nothing like that. It's a long story. But basically some of the girls on the team saw me kiss a professor in the locker room."

"A female professor?" Natalie asked, hiding her surprise.

"Yes, a female professor. It was a short-lived thing. The teacher couldn't wait and came in and we kissed. I thought we had enough privacy so I allowed it. Anyway, they saw it and were just as shocked as you are. We talked and they agreed to keep it a secret for me. However, girls will be girls, and I know they spread information about me. I've noticed some of the players on the team giggle when they see me. Hey, that's life, right?"

"That sucks."

"What can I do? I'm not in a position of advantage here."

"It's 2017, you can be as gay as you want," Natalie stated.

"I know. But the stigma will be there, and I don't want to make things weird because I'm around prominent members of this institution a lot. Members who, shall we say, are far more traditional than us. Not that it's a bad thing. That's just how it is."

"For the record, I have no problem with your lifestyle. I think you're gorgeous and awesome. And I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart."

"That means a lot," the coach smiled. "Anyway, I wasn't sure what your views were. That's why I was hesitant about us working out privately."

"How do you know which way I swing?"

"Your eyes tend to gaze at my muscles. Not at my breasts, legs, or lips."

Natalie smiled. "I guess that's a good gauge."

"Well, we better get out of the pool before we turn into prunes from being in the water for so long."

"I'm not done with my leg raises."

"Aren't you?" the coach asked, knowing where this was headed.

"I'm sure I can squeeze out a few reps. God knows my core needs all the help it can get."

"I'm assuming you need assistance."

Natalie pressed her back against the wall and held onto the concrete. "I can't do these leg raises in the pool without your help. I'm clearly not as strong as you."

"I think committing to your fitness is plenty strong."

Coach Taylor reached in the water and placed her hands beneath Natalie's thighs again, helping her do the leg raises in the water. The mood between them had changed. It was like they became closer from the information they shared. Bonding tends to happen that way.

"How does it feel?" the coach asked. "Burning yet?"

"Are you talking about my core or your hands near my ass?"

Coach Taylor gave a mock sigh. "Answer that however you want."

"They both burn. In a good way."

They smiled at each other, and after a few more of the assisted reps, Natalie begged to stop as her stomach muscles ached. The coach let go and Natalie put her legs down on the pool floor.

"You're a good sport," the coach said gladly. "I like your work ethic."

Natalie tensed suddenly. "Can I ask you something? It's kind of embarrassing, but I want to ask you anyway."

"Sure, anything."

"When did you know? I mean, you know what I mean. But when did you know?"

Of course the coach understood the question. "I've always known. Why? Are my instincts wrong about you?"

Natalie shook her head. "No, well, I don't know. It's complicated."

"Hmmm..." the coach hummed underneath her breath. "You're an interesting one."

"Why? Because I'm weird and don't fall into the stereotypical boxes?"


"Well that's reassuring," Natalie replied..

"It's okay to be curious. It's perfectly natural. But I'm not sure if I'm the right person you should be talking to. I'm an employee of this school and I'm bound by ethical guidelines."

"I'm an adult."

Coach Taylor took a deep breath. "If you're curious about something, then I'm here for you. I know you're at a challenging time in your life, being a young woman in college."


"Was there anything specific you wanted to talk about?"

"How did the first time happen?" Natalie forced herself to ask. "I mean, did you pursue the other person? Or did the other person go after you?"

"It was mutual, to be honest. My first time was about your age when I was in college. I was roommates with this girl. I'll spare you the details. But I knew what I was. She was on the fence about things. The one thing we had in common was that we really hit it off. We had great chemistry together, and surprisingly, she was attracted to me."

"I don't find that to be a surprise at all. You're hot."

The coach smiled, "Thanks. But that was my first time. It kind of just happened one night when we were studying together. I'll spare you the sexy bits."

"Studying then kissing. That sounds pretty cool."

"I still can't believe my instincts were wrong about you."

Natalie shrugged. "I keep certain things about myself closely guarded. I'm good with secrets. I've never had this discussion with anyone before."

"Well, I'm flattered. Now, why are you asking? Did you have someone in mind? Anyone you're interested in dating?"

"Gosh no. I'll admit, I do think about some of my friends like that, and I wouldn't mind kissing them, but no one has made a move on me yet."

Coach Taylor laughed. "Is that how you live your life? Waiting for others to make the first move?"

Natalie nodded.

"That's not a good life strategy," the coach replied. "In fact, it's a terrible life strategy."

"What's the alternative? Go around hitting on girls at the local bar? Find a lesbian Tinder app on my phone? I wouldn't know what to do."


"What does that mean?"

The coach shook her head. "Nevermind."

"No, tell me."

"Nothing. I was just thinking that since you can keep a secret, we get along, and you were curious, I could have helped you with your little dilemma. Of course, that would be a violation of ethics."

Natalie's eyes widened and she made no effort to hide her emotions. Could such an offer really be on the table? Just thinking about it made her legs cross in the pool. She made no attempt to hide that either. In fact, she was certain that Coach Taylor could smell her arousal emanating from the pool using superpowers.

"I can keep a secret," Natalie squeaked.

"Rules are rules. I shouldn't have mentioned that."

"So you never drive above the speed limit?"

"That's different."


Coach Taylor thought for a moment. "Do you swear to never tell anyone?"

"I swear. When it comes to secrets, I'm dependable."

"If you breach this promise, the punishment is death."

Natalie batted her eyelashes and nodded. "Triple swear."

"Close your eyes."

And that was when everything changed. Natalie kept her eyes closed, felt the flow of the water around her, then felt a pair of lips press against her own. The kiss felt nice, soft, and passionate. It was how a good kiss should feel. It was much more tender than any other kiss she had ever felt. The sensation of their lips touching sent a pleasant feeling up Natalie's spine.

When the coach slipped her tongue in, Natalie felt her pussy clench, hard. Her legs crossed tighter and her toes curled. Their tongues wrestled for a few seconds before the coach pulled away.

"You can open your eyes now," the coach said.

Natalie opened her eyes to see the beautiful smiling woman. "That was..."

"Now you know what it's like. Curiosity gone."

"Did you like it? I mean, doing it to me."

Coach Taylor nodded. "Honestly, you taste good. Delicious, even."

"Thanks," Natalie blushed. "You too."

"We must be going now. I have class in about half an hour. This was nice. We can never do it again though."

"Why not?"

"No hard feelings, okay? I'll see you at practice tomorrow."

When the coach attempted to exit the pool, Natalie's instincts and hormones kicked in, and she grabbed the coach around the waist and pulled her close so they kissed again. Natalie surprised herself when she did it. She was even more surprised that the coach didn't slap her across the face.

Then the kiss ended and they looked at each other.

"I'm sorry for grabbing you like that," Natalie said with a hint of regret. "I don't know what came over me."

"You're young and you enjoy kissing. I get it. But don't ever play dominant with me. This is my gym. I'm your coach. I'm in charge."

Now it was the coach's turn to exert control by pulling Natalie in for an even deeper kiss, showing how this was done. Showing a true sense of control over the situation, the coach even slipped her hand below, pulled Natalie's swimsuit bottom to the side, and plunged two fingers in, not stopping until Natalie came.

And Natalie came in no time.


It was all she could think about, really. After an experience like that, why think about anything else?

That's why it was a big surprise to Natalie that the coach seemingly gave her the cold shoulder at practice the next day. Once again, the coach played favorites and spent most of her time communicating with the top players and providing general instructions. It was understandable given the pressure for the team to win.

But still, you don't kiss a girl, make her cum in the pool, and pretend it never happened. That just isn't right. At the very least, Natalie expected a smile and a wave hello, but she didn't even get that.

Worse, the coach even asked her to put the equipment away by herself, since it was her 'turn to clean up.' She became certain she was being punished for her overly aggressive sexual behavior in the pool, and this was the coach's way of letting her know who's boss.

By the time Natalie was finally able to hit the shower, she took her time and used the opportunity to relax. The other girls had already showered, left the locker room, and poor Natalie was all alone. She scrubbed herself and shampooed her hair. All she could think about was how she had this beautiful experience with the coach, which somehow got screwed up.

When the shampoo washed away and she pulled her hair back, she saw someone in the corner of her eye and turned to see Coach Taylor standing there, still dressed in a simple tshirt and sweatpants, leaning against the wall staring at her.

Natalie turned the shower off and let the water drip from her body. She had no problem standing butt naked in front of her coach. Maybe it was because she was already so exhausted; physically from practice, and emotionally from her perceived mistreatment. Or maybe because it was arousing letting her coach see her bare like this.

"You look cute this way," the coach said with admiring eyes.

"As in naked?"

Coach Taylor smiled. "Yes, your tits are pretty, like I imagined them to be. I love the way that water coats your perky breasts, and those pink nipples are to die for."

The reassuring words caused Natalie to hold her chin high and point her chest forward.

"Keep going."

Coach Taylor examined further. "You have a lovely figure. Soft skin. A nice shape. And a nice round butt that I wish I could bury my face between."

Natalie clenched her butt cheeks at the mere mention of its roundish shape.

"Maybe I'd let you play with my butt if you weren't so dismissive of me today. Did our pool thing mean nothing to you?"

"First of all, you're absolutely delicious," Coach Taylor affirmed. "Second, the reason I assigned you to clean up is so we'd be alone right now."

Natalie's pussy clenched. "Oh."

"I'll be honest; I can't stop thinking about you. But at the same time, I don't want to lose my job or reputation over this."

"I can keep a secret," Natalie said.


"I swear."

"Good, because I need a shower," Coach Taylor replied. "Will you start the water and help wash me?"

Natalie's heart skipped a beat. "Sure, anything."

Natalie ran the shower water again while watching the coach remove her clothes in an ever-so-casual way. Underneath the coach's tshirt was a black sports bra that covered small breasts. The coach removed her shoes and socks, standing barefoot on the floor; then off came her pants, revealing her panties.

The craziest thing was that Coach Taylor undressed like she was alone. Not looking at anyone. No hesitation. Nothing sexy about it. When she removed her sports bra and panties, she revealed her naked body with a bikini tan line around her breasts and crotch. Her breasts were small but her brown nipples were large and already stiff.

Natalie remained frozen as her coach approached her and got underneath the water to rinse herself. Then she stepped aside.

"Shampoo," the coach said with her back turned. "Then use your scrub on me."

"Yes, Coach."

With eager hands, Natalie put an adequate portion of shampoo in her palms and rubbed it on her coach's hair. She caressed and massaged until white foamy bubbles were everywhere. It was fun and strangely erotic washing another woman's hair.

Next came the fun part. Natalie washed her hands in the shower water and then put gel on a scrub.

"Everywhere?" Natalie asked.

Coach Taylor turned around to face Natalie, so that they were face-to-face, naked.


Natalie took a deep breath and went to work on Taylor's body. Starting with the 'safe' spaces first, like the shoulders and arms, feeling the lean muscle tone. Then she moved onto her breasts. Her eyes admired the tan lines. Natalie desperately wanted to pinch those large brown nipples, but she didn't have permission, so she avoided doing so. Nonetheless, she used the scrub to press over the nipples and breasts, watching them jiggle slightly. The legs were done last.

"Now, put the scrub down," the coach said. "Rub my skin. That's how bodies get cleaned, don't they?"

"Yes," Natalie replied.

It was pure delight when Natalie rubbed her bare hands all over the coach's soapy skin, feeling the tone and flesh. She finally got to feel those breasts, even rub those nipples (though she still couldn't muster the courage to pinch them). She even rubbed the coach's athletic thighs, calves, and firm butt.

"Everywhere," Coach Taylor said, turning her back toward Natalie. "Rub my clit."

Natalie gasped. "Aren't you afraid someone will catch us?"

"At this time of day, no one should be back here. Either way, it's best to hurry."

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"Make me cum."

Natalie gulped. "Right. You want me to return the favor from the pool."

"Smart girl."

Natalie pressed the front of her naked body against the coach's naked backside. It felt electric. Then she reached forward with her right hand and touched the coach's crotch and outer labia. It felt like lightning. Then she rubbed the coach's clitoris. Oh God...

It was fairly simple. Natalie implemented her normal masturbation routine with two fingers on the coach's pussy and the reaction was instant. Coach Taylor moaned and leaned her head back from the pleasure.

"You're so good at that," the coach groaned. "Where have you been all my life?"

Natalie kept on rubbing her clit. "Now I can be your assistant coach."

"Exactly. Unofficially, that is. Perfect for stress relief in any circumstance. Don't stop, I'm going to cum."

Hearing those words only lit a fire under Natalie. She held the coach's naked body tight and rubbed furiously.

Suddenly, the coach's body tensed and she leaned her head back further. She breathed in deep and held it, as if her heart had stopped, then she exhaled everything. All of her stresses for the day were gone in an instant, replaced entirely with pleasure.

"That was a delight," the coach breathed.

"You know, if my hands weren't covered in soap, I'd lick my fingers right now."

Coach Taylor turned around so they faced each other. "Is that what you normally do after you masturbate?"

"If I'm in the right mood."

"Good girl."

They giggled and kissed each other on the lips. Then they stepped into the shower water together and let the soap flow down the drain.

When they shut the water off, they kissed some more, and then suddenly, they heard it: talking and laughing. Two or three girls had just entered the locker room.

"Oh, fuck," Natalie whispered in a gasp. "We have to get dressed."

"No time. Follow me."

Coach Taylor grabbed Natalie by the wrist and pulled her out of the shower while grabbing her own clothes in the process. They tiptoed to the back of the locker room where the coach tossed her clothes on a bench and put her finger to her lips to say, 'Shhh....'

They stood there silently, naked, their bodies dripping with water as they listened to the girls talk. It was three players on the softball team. Ironically enough, it was the same group of religious girls who had discovered the coach's lesbian secret a while back.

That twisted sense of irony only made Coach Taylor smile and admire Natalie's beauty up close, while Natalie's back was pressed against the locker.

"Don't make a sound," Coach Taylor whispered.

As the girls talked loudly amongst themselves, the coach tongue kissed Natalie, and Natalie kissed right back as silently as they could.

But it wasn't just kissing that Coach Taylor was after. No way. The coach dropped to her knees and looked up with a devilish gaze in her eyes. Instantly, this made Natalie nervous. She knew that if she was being eaten by her experienced coach, there was no way she could contain herself. There was no choice.

Coach Taylor lifted one of Natalie's legs and placed her foot on the bench, leaving Natalie with a spread, wet pussy. The coach made the 'Shhh....' gesture again and began to eat, pressing the lips of her mouth against the lips of Natalie's pussy.

For her part, Natalie clenched her jaw shut. For good measure, Natalie pressed both of her palms over her mouth to suppress any noise which may escape. She forced herself to be silent as the coach delivered an expert oral performance; feeling the tongue plunge in and out, feeling her labia being sucked, and occasionally, feeling the hot tongue flicker across her clitoris.

It drove her mad, especially listening to the players on the team make crude jokes about their sex lives. It was also arousing to eavesdrop on those players while having a secret lesbian encounter with the coach.

The feelings built up inside Natalie and she knew she was going to burst. She was terrified of screaming because they'd be caught.

She tapped the coach on the head and mouthed the words, "I'm going to cum so fucking hard."

Instead of stopping, the coach only looked more aroused, and made the 'Shhh...' gesture again.

Coach Taylor went back to eating Natalie's pussy, with more vigor this time, and plunged two fingers inside the aroused hole. It was enough to drive Natalie crazy. And it made her cum.

Natalie covered her own mouth with two hands, doing everything she could to avoid screaming. She felt a rush of fluids shoot into the coach's mouth, and for an instant, she wondered if the coach would get up and slap her. Instead, the coach kept on sucking. Clearly the coach enjoyed drinking it.

When it was done, the coach stood up and hugged her new favorite player on the team, their naked bodies and hard nipples touching. They stood there, looking each other in the eyes, while listening to the other girls still talking. There were fluids all over the coach's mouth.

Finally, the other players left and they were alone again.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Coach Taylor asked.


"This is actually a huge fetish of mine. Doing girl/girl things in the locker room like this. It's a huge adrenaline rush for me. There's nothing like it. I'm glad I got to experience that with you."

Natalie sighed, "Fuck, that was so freaking hot. I think I found my new favorite hobby."

"Welcome to my world. You're the first player on my team who I've ever fooled around with, and I don't know what to do. We'll figure this out as we go along, assuming you want to continue. In the meantime, it's getting late, and we better get dressed."

They kissed on the mouth again, but this time Natalie tasted her own squirt on the coach's mouth. When the coach ended the kiss, she grabbed her clothes and walked away.

"Wait," Natalie said before the coach could go. "Sorry for squirting in your mouth like that. I didn't mean to."

Coach Taylor smiled, "Like I said, you are delicious."

The session was over and the coach walked away, clothes in hand, with her bare butt swaying with each step for Natalie to admire.

The End

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