{GxG} Sexy Time Oneshots

By God_Dionysus

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GxG Sexy Oneshots More

Carol's New Obsession
Carol's New Obsession - Part 2
Carol's New Obsession Part 3 Finale
"I don't think you're straight, Viola"
My teacher baught me my first vibrator
Risky sexcapades with my teacher
I woke up to my friend eating my pussy...
My friends boyfriend couldn't make her cum so I did
Made my therapist beg to cum
After reconnecting with my BFF, I slept with her mom
My BFF cheated on her BF with me, and he still doesn't know
I fooled around with a girl while my husband was downstairs
I love getting fucked against hotel windows


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By God_Dionysus

The few clouds that hung in the sky cast shadows over the land around the Dale household and provided the rolling hills with a patchwork of light and dark. The quarantine had come into effect for the Dale family some weeks ago. The family had self-isolated when they became concerned that they had been infected with the virus that was sweeping over the world. It had been a lucky escape for the family as the parents and two sisters experienced mild forms of the virus and then gradually recovered. They had each taken turns to catch, suffer, care, and recuperate but they were recovering into a world that was still disconnected. The Dale family had arrived on the other side of the danger isolated, but otherwise healthy.

They lived in a rural area so they were used to a certain separation from people yet with all of them bar the youngest sister commuting to the city to work, shop, and visit friends and family, the disconnect was still extreme. Still, they counted their blessings that they had all experienced varying degrees of continuity with earnings. Their employers furloughing them and continuing to pay a majority of their expected income. They were also all grateful it had come at a time after Ivy had graduated. Having their youngest away from home in a far off city would have devastated the close knit family, especially Holly, the elder of the pair.

The two sisters had always been close and that bond had only grown greater in the more recent years. Holly seemed to have missed her sister immensely. Mr and Mrs Dale noted many times that the sisters seemed to be closer than ever and taking every opportunity to spend time together and make up for lost time.

Shopping together, taking trips together, hanging out in each other's rooms. The pair were almost inseparable, even before the lockdown had limited access to alternative company. Ivy had even managed to encourage Holly to join her in her newfound appreciation for the gym, much to the exhaustion, but athletic betterment of the elder sibling. In general, university seemed to have suited Ivy and granted her an independence she had previously lacked. Her cooking had certainly improved and she now relished in the opportunity to cook for the family.

The Dale family often joked about how Holly's present from the previous Christmas, a detailed but decidedly "accessible" cookbook, had been the impetus for Ivy trying a lot harder to improve her skills. Ivy in return joked that she was simply happy to feed her adoring and supportive sister, as long as she continued to eat what she presented for her. Indeed, Holly herself helped out Ivy in the kitchen and Mr and Mrs Dale were exceedingly grateful that they had to cook fewer nights of the week, even if that meant to adhering to Ivy's policy of never entering the kitchen while the two were cooking.

Near paralysed by shyness about her skills and worrying about it ending in disaster, she preferred for only Holly to see her cooking progress. It was her way of alleviating the fear of judgement. The necessity of this became apparent during the early stages of their cooking together when it was discovered that they had tried and failed to hide certain cooking catastrophes. The fact that they had been forced to restart several meals because of accidentally burning them due to negligence, was highly embarrassing to Ivy. To their credit, they had improved that part of cooking and now managed to not get distracted in the kitchen, at least not to the detriment of the meal.

The family was more than content with this new arrangement and the ever-increasing closeness of the two girls. Mrs Dale had always been secretly worried, although she would never tell the girls, that the two of them would have a falling out and never reconnect like what had occurred with her sister. But with their bond stronger than ever, even when tensions were high and all the family was trapped together, her fears about her daughters were availed.

Seeing them rush out of their bedroom that morning to devour the cooked breakfast their father had made, their happy flushed faces, dishevelled but colourful pyjamas and messy but somehow naturally beautiful bed hair, Mrs Dale couldn't be happier. They laughed, joked, and teased while eating dinner and when they rushed upstairs giggling after they'd finished, Mrs Dale was proud of just how close her children had become.


Ivy and Holly rushed upstairs after the hearty breakfast to take a shower, as they both knew they needed one. Holly was amazed they had managed to get away without any questions, considering how they looked. As they raced up the stairs, the number of buttons that were undone on her own silky pyjama top let the cool rush of air form goosebumps on her chest. Her lower half was hidden by matching silky bottoms, but the effect of their morning fun had caused the fabric to cling to her skin.

Looking over at her sister, she was as always surprised that wearing only a spaghetti strap crop top and boy shorts was somehow an outfit their parents accepted. The younger sibling had definitely lived a life of fewer limitations and a more relaxed parentage.

The battles in which their parents had fought tooth and claw over with Holly, they had relinquished without any struggle with Ivy. Holly nearly laughed as she thought about it, who was she to judge her parents, considering how many times Holly had been unable to resist her sister and had given Ivy whatever she wanted? Even still, relaxed is one thing, but she was amazed they had not seen the deep, dark blue hue that the crotch of Ivy's pale blue boy shorts had taken. Looking at that mark, Holly couldn't help but grin. Giving someone exactly what they wanted, had a certain power of its own.

Ivy's top was off before they had even entered their bedroom and it soon disappeared into the ever-growing clothes pile that occupied the space next to her bed. Changing direction, Ivy grasped her sister's hand and pulled them both onto Holly's bed, where she pushed the elder sibling's head towards her now exposed chest. Holly dove in eagerly, carrying on from where they had been interrupted. Ivy's nipples had remained swollen and stimulated throughout breakfast thanks to the servicing she had been given before and she languished on the bed as her older sister stroked her sides and alternated from one nipple to the next.

Holly nibbled slightly on her right nipple before Ivy locked her hands into her big sister's hair. With a short groaning "No, here", Ivy pulled her up her body so they could kiss. It was sloppier and messier than the kisses that had come before breakfast.

The girls' morning kisses had been slow and relaxed, no thoughts of urgency or interruption. With Ivy laying on top of her sister the two had kissed gently, simply enjoying their intimacy. Their parents knew to knock before entering their room, as a sign of respecting their independence. A carefully arranged and meticulously organised agreement that required a lot of whining from Ivy and some private talks from Holly about how her sister needed to retain some measure of independence after university. Of course, it was mostly arranged so the sisters could steal away these private moments, these intimate mornings, without fear of sudden interruption.

The kisses the pair shared now however were far more desperate. Ivy could still taste the distinct flavour of those cooked tomatoes Holly loved so much. Her tongue fought with her older sister's tongue as Holly laid atop her, stroking her fingertips along the younger sister's jawline and collarbone. The two kissed for a few minutes before breaking apart, breathing heavily. They knew that their short make out session in bed was there only to give their interrupted morning kisses a hint of their natural conclusion. The two lovers instead set their sights on their ensuite bathroom.

It was almost inevitable that with their shared room under a "knock to request entry" policy, their ensuite bathroom and shower room would become a popular place for the two to play. While their parents were happy with their daughters' powerful bond, knowledge that they were showering together would have been suspicious and would have been unavoidable with a bathroom outside of their own room. Thankfully, the sisters had been blessed with this ensuite bathroom since the family had moved. A more than adequate consolation prize for not having separate bedrooms. In fact, the pair would have likely cried for days had they been given the other alternative.

With the shower connected to their room, the slightest hint of the parent's requesting entry could be answered by one of the sister's. Returning to their room, wrapping a towel around their probably highly aroused and sensitive body, they would state that they had just left the shower, while their counterpart had just entered. It had worked flawlessly multiple times although it was usually Ivy who left the warm shower to talk to their parents. It was well known by the duo that Holly struggled to retain a poker face or hide her arousal. Privately, the younger sibling didn't mind temporarily forsaking her fun or her progress to an orgasm. She knew Holly would desperately insist on making it up to her upon her return. Ivy enjoyed forcing her to make good on her promises.


The sun beat down fiercely on the garden but a cool breeze blew through frequently. The garden was a mix of chilly in the shade and boiling in the sun but the pleasant wind kept the warm weather enjoyable. The family was not there to bask in the heat, but to fix up their garden while they had the time, but the gorgeous weather did make the jobs far more enjoyable. Mrs Dale stayed inside and continued her endless list of household chores for the four of them while Mr Dale had already gotten to work in the garden. After a good spot of weeding earlier that day he had turned his sights to the shed and it was that job he had asked for the girl's help with.

The large shed occupied the back-right side of the garden and had a patio in front of its doors. That patio led towards the large covered pool in the centre of the garden. The left side of the garden featured a large winding border of many colourful flowers and climbing plants on trellises, that the parents were proud of. High fences and trees on the left side and the back wall prevented any of their neighbours from seeing in, a blessing for when the pool was in use. The walls and trees did not contain noise however, the girls were careful to remember that. Ivy and Holly's father was dressed in an old white t-shirt and baggy brown shorts and was already hard at work painting the near side of the shed and that was where the girl's spotted him when they stepped out of the sliding glass doors and onto the decking area.

They padded out towards the grass and towards the paint pots that their father had set out, both girls, supposedly, dressed in painting gear. Holly was dressed like her father. An old t-shirt of some pop culture reference she no longer cared for, over a pair of old jeans. Her old school plimsols crunched on the grass as she stepped down off the decking.

The younger sister leap past her and landed with a thud on the ground. Old Hi-Top trainers smashed into the dusty ground on an area with dead grass. While the older sibling had dressed comfortably and sensibly after being fully sated, their shower had done nothing to dampen the fires inside the needy younger sibling. Knee high sports socks capped with blue and red bands rose from the girl's trainers and were the probably the item of clothing that covered the most skin. Above them, framing her exposed thighs between the two articles, sat frayed and ripped jean shorts that seemed to be bursting at the seams. The only way they possibly fitted over the younger sibling's butt, which had grown considerably since these shorts had been bought, was to have the front fully unzipped, suspiciously not exposing underwear underneath. Pale white flesh seemed to continue on forever beyond the faded blue.

Eventually Ivy's skin was covered by a faded pink tube top that struggled to contain both the upper and lower portion of Ivy's breasts. The younger sibling had smaller breasts than her sister but never let a fact like that get in the way of displaying them in enticing ways.

Her chest bobbed in front of Holly's view as Ivy regained her balance after the jump and then jogged off to join their father. Holly watched her father's eyes go on an expressive journey as he looked in slight shock at Ivy, relaxed when he saw Holly's outfit, then looked back and accepted Ivy's continual dedication to wearing as little as possible. She managed to shock him from time to time but it was still long past the point which Mr Dale would argue with Ivy.

She had never seemed to have a boyfriend and seemed to be smart enough to take care of herself so he really had very little to worry about. He thought this as Holly rolled her eyes looking at Ivy's bare bottom, exposed by one hand pulling the back of her shorts down while the other pointed ahead, distracting their father. Holly briefly looked back at the dining room where they had just exited but their mother was nowhere to be seen, having last talked to them in the front room while ironing.

Arriving next to her sister, who was still engaged in conversation about the back fence, she grabbed a handful of ass cheek and used her little finger to tickle her little sister's plump pink lips. Holly had assumed that was the only way she was ever going to get her sister to cover up, an assumption that was proven right only seconds later with the shorts returned to their proper place and a smug grin appearing over Ivy's shoulder.

"So, if you two could start on that side and use these paintbrushes that would be great. Just nice slow even strokes, there'll need to be a second coat so don't worry about it not looking great yet just make sure there are no globs or anything and-"

"Dad, we get it," Ivy interrupted, "Trust us. We can be gentle and clean and smooth. We can handle this."

Holly did spend a lot of her time rolling her eyes as Ivy always took any conversation as a chance to make a double-entendre. 'Gentle, clean and smooth?' That was barely worth the effort of a groan from Holly so she resolved to stay silent and not look at her sister to see the inevitable smugness. Instead Holly grabbed a paintbrush and dipped it into the bucket.

"We got this Dad, you do that side, we'll manage this side. It's longer than yours but between the two of us we can handle it." She almost cursed out loud and started blushing as her mind, and undoubtable the mind of her sister, inevitably switched to thinking of their double ended dildo rather than the long side of the shed. She did her best to carry on regardless as her father thanked her.

She could feel Ivy grinning behind her as she started to get to work, images of what was it, two nights ago? Yes, two nights ago she mentally agreed was the last time the two had positioned themselves crotch-to-crotch, braced against either end of the bed as Ivy moved the dildo back and forth between them. That level of connectivity, of mutual enjoyment, was something even their strap-on sessions sometimes lacked.

"Great," Holly thought to herself, "now I'm thinking about last Thursday."


They made good progress initially on the shed and the painted section began to take on a nice brighter shade of blue. Having all started at the same corner, the girl's father started to move away from the girls and along the side towards the house, his daughters disappearing behind the corner as they too moved away from the starting corner. This was when Ivy's teasing picked up.

Away from the corner, the sisters now had their backs facing the rear fence of the garden and although they faced towards the house, they could no longer see it behind the shed. Crucially, no one could see them.

Holly first noticed the changes with her top. Ivy had been vigorously painting for some time. Rather than Holly's careful and cautious painting, Ivy had been doing many overlapping, broad, fast strokes. Holly assumed she was simple making up for her impatience with enthusiasm but it was not the painting she was energy into.

The lively painting she was doing was encouraging her breasts to jiggle from side to side. Underneath the tube top and without a bra to restrain them they were free to move. Normally this would not have been too terrible of a problem for someone of Ivy's bust, the top would allow them some movement but still restrain them. Today however, the younger sister wouldn't let something like that stop her plans. The extreme force and speed she was putting into her brushstrokes along with surreptitious adjustments by hand had finally paid off. The bottoms of Ivy's breasts, all the way to the edges of her nipples, were now hanging below the line of her top having wiggled themselves free.

Ivy to her credit, at least had the decency to keep a stony-faced look of concentration staring straight at the shed, even if her eyes seemed to investigate the middle distance. She was of course aware of Holly's gaze watching them, and maybe even her slightly open mouth, but she kept her own gaze fixed on that elusive middle distance. Holly licked her suddenly dry lips and the wiped sweat from her forehead and her cheeks. The heat of the sun had been intense before but now Holly was acutely aware of the cool salty liquid rolling across her face. She attempted to return to her painting but she still stole fugitive glances at the breasts she loved so much.

The movement of the breasts that hung and swayed as the younger sister painted was hypnotic to Holly and the slight change in skin texture and colour as her little sister's areola came into view was addictive. She could not however, make any more indication that she had noticed. Not because of their father mere steps away, he had long since been forgotten. No, Holly could not make any advances on her tantalising sister, because that would mean she had lost.

Ivy was of course doing all of this to tease her sister, to extract a submission from her at the moment she was too overwhelmed by her seductiveness to resist her for any longer. That was Ivy's goal. For Holly to claim victory, she must resist, at least until they were back in their room. Ivy delighted in not knowing what would happen. Would her sister hold off and then ravish her once released in their bedroom? Or would she simply be unable to control herself and need to touch her, feel her, pleasure her, out here in the warm sun? Ivy hoped she could win, she was competitive after all, but she knew either way she did not truly lose. Thinking of that, was about the moment when the first nipple freed itself. It was the right one of course, the one closest to Holly, the one most teasingly close. That suited Ivy just perfectly.

Holly hadn't seen Ivy put sun cream on her breasts due to dressing quickly and then going to help their mother but now as she watched, Ivy's breasts glistened and shone from swell to nipple in a delightfully delicious way. Ivy loved it. Holly could barely keep her lips off them let alone her eyes.

The elder sister was seriously struggling to continue any pretence of painting. She was managing to keep up the charade of painting but for a good few minutes many of her strokes lacked any paint on her brush. She repeated a cycle of wresting control of her mind so she could crouch down and dip her brush in the paint, then standing up to paint the wall before promptly getting absorbed in her sister's exquisitely seductive visage and running out of paint again. When she caught herself painting with a dry brush but a drooling mouth she shamefully and hurriedly begin painting again. Ivy loved those moments.

For her part, Ivy was struggling to maintain focus as well. Exposing herself whilst acting so innocently was a not too well concealed kink of hers and unbeknownst to Holly, those tiny denim shorts were rubbing against a very sensitive and excited set of lips. That fact wouldn't stay hidden for long.

Despite her arousal Ivy was aware that her legs were starting to ache. The two had decided to split the shed into an upper and lower part so as not to interrupt one another and for a while Ivy had been doing the lower section. Resting her knees upon a foam kneeling pad she could easily reach the paint pot behind them but the strain on her legs was beginning to be too uncomfortable.

"It's time to switch," Ivy declared and Holly dutifully agreed. No matter either sister's sexual arousal or their games, neither wanted to cause the other pain. At least not without a paddle or their fluffy cuffs in play.

Ivy stood, stretched, and moaned as she was freed from the kneeling position. Her arms reaching far above her head was finally enough to free the second nipple. With both nipples free the tube top slipped easily above Ivy's breasts and both stood proud against her chest, shimmering in the sunlight. Ivy permitted herself an internal grin as she saw Holly bite her lip as she knelt herself. Her thoughts drifted to how many times they had been in this position. Ivy's shorts unzipped, her top pulled free and Holly on her knees in front of her. It was a favourite of hers.

"All good over there?" A deep voice called from the other side of the shed. The sisters both looked in surprise towards the corner of the shed but no face emerged around it. Their father seemed to have been curious about the noise and their progress, but not enough to investigate.

Holly peeked around the side and briefly chatted to their father as Ivy held her breasts in her hands. She had gotten lost in their teasing and forgotten about how easy it would have been to be discovered. Inside there was a deeper fire lit as she realised that he could still look around the corner at their progress yet she had made no moves to cover herself. Instead her fingers absentmindedly began kneading her breasts and then pinching her nipples. She gave more fuel to the fire, and that inspired her next action.


The sight that Holly turned around to after having spoken to their father was truly a magnificent one. Ivy's bare breasts hung as free as they had before, framed at the top by her pink tube top, nipples standing proud and hard. She'd played with them, behind her back as she talked to their father, Ivy had played with her nipples and Holly knew it. But it was looking downwards that inspired so many thoughts of what was to come. That smooth, toned, athletic stomach was tensed as Ivy reached over to paint. Her strokes were slower and gentler than before. Ivy gave her sister time to take in the sights.

It was the view further south that caused Holly to start sweating. The bottom of those tiny, ripped shorts had shifted. Had she moved it on purpose or had kneeling relocated the crotch? It didn't truly matter and Holly did not care. All she cared about was the fact that one of Ivy's pussy lips, the right one specifically, was now exposed to the air.

Ivy's exposed pussy lip was clutching around the corner of her shorts. It tickled her greatly as the edge was frayed but the breeze stroked her in a phenomenal way. Past it Holly could see the deeper pink, the reddish colour that was truly the inside of her sister's pussy.

Holly could imagine where her sister's clit sat, hidden above where the lips disappeared under the shorts. It was a sight she could recall from memory. A place with which she held such an in-depth spatial knowledge of that she could touch and pleasure that intimate spot without seeing it at all. Blindfolded, disoriented, half-awake or half drunk, her sister's vagina was a place she could always find her way around. She knew the buttons to press and she knew the order to press them.

The two sister's vaginas were different. There was a cliché in a great deal of the naughty, incestual fiction that one of the two sisters shyly enjoyed so much, and the other teased and indulged her with. The oh-so-often cliché they came across was that of sisters always having such similar centres of pleasure. Identical even. That was not the case for the Dale sisters. Similarities were there certainly. But the way Ivy's lips hungrily grabbed at things, how her inner lips would clench around any invading digit or toy or apparently clothing, that was uniquely Ivy.

Holly's lips, were neat, pursed. At least until you pleasured them thoroughly, at which point they would splay open lewdly, making her centre extremely exposed and her vulva would be surrounded by a bright red flush. Ivy always thought it suited her personality. Holly could be quite the little slut when you got her going, and if Ivy ever had a skill, it was getting her sister's juices flowing.

She did an expert job of that in the next few minutes. Holly tried to return to painting but it was immensely difficult and she kept being distracted by the stretches and movement of her little sister that uncovered more or less of her secret core periodically.

In an ironic twist, Ivy's dedication to feigning ignorance and Holly's complete distraction meant that Ivy, although initially the one not painting as carefully, had soon finished her upper section of the shed, with Holly only three quarters through. Sweat ran down Ivy's head matching the sweat covering her shining chest. Between the thoroughly aroused woman's legs liquid streams flowed over the sodden denim crotch and then rolled uninterrupted down her thighs.

Ivy sat back and admired her work, both her newly painted shed and her horny crouched sister who tried admirably to get back to work. Ivy decided it would probably be best for her to join in and start painting from the far end and meet Holly in the middle. She was the one to have distracted her so after all. It was only natural for her to help out. So of course, Ivy sat down, faced Holly with her feet flat on the floor and legs bent, and started to finger herself.

Holly could do nothing but stare, as her sister pulled the frayed edge of the shorts to the side properly and then filled the hungry and open pink insides with her fingers. Ivy pried her lips apart and then began an accelerating pistoning of her two digits inside herself. She was more than ready.

The exhibitionist fun she had been conducting was easily sufficient foreplay for Ivy and she knew she was already very close to a climax. Her sister's eyes, the hungry, dazed expression they held, spurred her on rapidly. There was a squelch coming from her lips as they hugged the fingers that passed them, imparting juices upon them or letting juices flick onto the grass beneath her.

She built her speed and used her free hand to clasp at her breasts. Exposed as she was to the warmth of the sun and cool of the breeze she was aware of every bit of revealed skin. The smooth sensitive places that did not see the light so often were delicate to touch and she trembled gently as she did. The liquid she splashed onto her fingers and her pussy lips only highlighted that delicate balance of warmth and cool.

The younger sibling's eyes clenched shut and she bit her lip fiercely to hold inside what Holly knew could be titanic screams. Ivy had had plenty of practice keeping quiet and she bit down savagely, the pain and slight taste of blood only causing a further explosion of pleasure. The act of trying so hard to conceal her moans of pleasure only heightened the exhibitionist experience she was having. The sounds caught in her throat in a near gulp and then her head flew back. Face scrunched, toes curled and fingers paused she hovered with an arched back. Then her fingers flew out from her pussy and a great jet of pussy juices followed them. It squirted out from her and onto the ground between her legs as she shook and then rubbed her clit to extend the heavenly feeling.

The light splatter sound that accompanied the juices hitting the ground nearly made Holly groan. She watched as Ivy came down from her orgasm then shook herself, the sensitivity of her body shocking her for a second. Ivy admired the quantity she had squirted absently before sucking on her fingers, tasting her sweetness and then hiding her crotch from view. When her fingers and thighs were satisfyingly cleaned the younger Dale sibling pulled her tube top back over her heaving chest and finally covered herself properly. Her clothes were in their place yet her hair was slightly more tousled than it had been and the lingering flush on her cheeks and stomach was a delight to see. For now, the show was over, but the artwork still consumed Holly's mind.


The Dale sisters headed inside after finishing painting and telling the cover story of a spilt drink to explain the copious amount of fluid that Ivy had squirted. Their father was happy with their work and stayed outside to "finish off a few more bits and pieces". That left the sisters to go upstairs and get cleaned up. They washed the paint off themselves under the warm water, taking their second quick shower of the day. Quick only in the sense that the time they spent actually washing was relatively short.

By the time they had finished and were ready to get dressed it was nearly evening. The two decided to change straight into sleep wear rather than any short-lived outfits they would wear during the day. Mrs Dale had already started cooking dinner while they had been washing and she watched from the cooking area of their open plan kitchen-diner as the two bounced into the room.

Ivy entered first in a tiny lilac spaghetti strap top and a purple thong. Mrs Dale wasn't sure she approved of the amount of lacy decoration around the top of the thong and the fact that she was not actually able to see the piece of material at the rear, it having been swallowed between her daughter's cheeks. The reaction of resigned annoyance that Mrs Dale expressed with a sigh would likely have been different had she known that just before entering her daughter had been briefly eaten out on the stairs. Ivy had declared that the tax for Holly's entry into the dining room. However, for now the puffy and excited pussy lips sat behind a relatively thick gusset and were completely hidden from view.

Holly followed Ivy, still licking her lips and whipping her cheek slightly from where Ivy had ground herself on her face. It was an acrobatic manoeuvre both for Ivy to have one leg up on the banister and for Holly to be able to bend down and reach her sister's lips without pushing her down the stairs. She had been briefly tempted to push her but had decided she wanted another taste after all. The elder sister entered the room with a long blue nightdress on and a small untied pink silk robe over her. She had been wearing knickers underneath that outfit but they had been stolen as she had bent over on the stairs by the roaming hands of Ivy who had insisted they were "only there to hold on". They had been pulled down and Holly had been forced to feign reluctance as she stepped out of them.

Where were those stolen knickers hidden when the pair arrived downstairs? Partially inside Ivy's pussy of course, soaking up the juices that she knew would otherwise leak into her thong. She couldn't afford to have such a blatant sign of arousal visible, she thought, looking eagerly at her sister's legs for any hint of liquid rolling down them past the hem of the nightdress.

A wonderful dinner of Spaghetti Bolognese was presented to the girls and their father and it was consumed with extreme enthusiasm. The hard work all the family had done fuelled quite an appetite and luckily, the Dale family rarely skimped on food. "Healthy but plenty" was a common phrase around the house and words to live by. Ivy often cheekily parodied that saying when her face was buried between her sister's legs.

During dinner there was a relatively innocuous moment. A moment that, unbeknownst to her, would seal Holly's fate for the rest of the night. It was teasing certainly, for her to have licked that piece of tomato juice off her sister's cheek, but it was a mostly innocent act. Innocent enough to be suitable and even comical for Mr and Mrs Dale to witness. Holly saw the opportunity to be playful and took it. Ivy saw her sister's actions and moreover her own intense reaction as a declaration of war. Arousing the younger sister to such an extent with only a lick felt unfair. Especially since sitting with Holly's underwear inside her had felt like a mark of dominance to the younger sibling. Soaking that pair of underwear with such a simple act lit a vengeful fire inside Ivy, one she knew she could make good on the moment their Mum spoke.

"By the way girls, we are going to video chat with Grandpa and Grandma tonight so stay downstairs."

Ivy nearly grinned at the announcement. Time for payback.


Mrs Dale had been the one to bring peace to the discussion. It had been a long time since Mr and Mrs Dale had seriously challenged Ivy's outfits, or often lack thereof, but they took a stand that night. While they could tolerate Ivy's wardrobe around the house they were adamant that Ivy could not wear such skimpy attire in front of their grandparents, no matter the time.

Ivy had resisted of course, on principle and simple because she was being challenged. Eventually Mrs Dale had come up with a solution, a blanket over her while she sat on the sofa. It would cover her inappropriate clothing but still allow her to wear it. Ivy faked resistance for a moment or two longer asking why she had to cover up but Holly could tell that the vigour of her protests had dropped. Ivy had gotten what she wanted, and that worried Holly, because Ivy then threw the blanket over the both of them.

The girl's mother got her iPad set up ready to record the whole family. They would sit in the corner sofa, Ivy and Holly under their blanket on one length, Mr and Mrs Dale along the other. This way the whole family could be seen by Mrs Dale's parents. It didn't take long for the two grandparents to answer the call they had been expecting.

They answered with all the skill of one who had been told how they should conduct a video call, without having conducted one before. The framing was all wrong. They often only showed themselves from their eyes upwards and the girl's grandmother consistently had her fingers over the top of the camera. Soon however, with careful direction from the younger generations and some comedic exasperation from the youngest generation, the whole family was communicating and enjoying a happy discussion of life in quarantine.

The grandparents had been remaining indoors and had been very careful with deliveries. Ivy's hand pulled Holly's nightdress above her breasts under the blanket. Grandpa Tom had been doing gardening, much like the rest of the world and he and Mr Dale had a long, lightly competitive conversation about what they had achieved. Holly bit her lips and nodded along as Ivy played with her clit. Grandma Alice had been keeping up with her volunteering, recording news extracts for the hard of hearing.

For someone unfamiliar with video chatting and cameras, she was an expert with computers, recording and sending her audio to provide news to her community. Holly herself was an expert. She easily removed her sister's thong and slid it down to her knees, letting hang off her toes, still hidden by the large blanket that pooled around their feet. She played with the fabric of her knickers as they stuck out between her sister's lips before pushing them in and out a few times.

Both the sisters were struggling to converse with their grandparents and follow what their own parents were discussing but they managed to disguise their actions and reactions with extreme talent. Their faces were a mix of bitten lips and fluttering eyelids, disguised by fake yawns and nods that covered faces with hair.

When Holly finally pulled her knickers out of her sister's vagina, she found them delightfully sodden in a way that sent shivers down her spine. She used one hand to sneakily pull them up and tuck them between her breasts under the one roll of fabric that covered her. Her other hand played with the bottomless sibling she sat next to. The sisters pleasured each other thoroughly, both basking in the enjoyment and exhibitionism of their playing. Many times, one of them nearly gasped, or the squelching of fingers began to sound just loud enough to be heard. They were playing a dangerous game and both wanted to win.

In the end, both did.

Holly's chest tightened. She had been on edge since the incident in the garden and could hold it no longer. Her sister's fingers thrust in and out of her pussy as a thumb toyed with her clit, another hand pinching nipples. Holly struggled to maintain silence and bit her tongue hard as wave after wave of pleasure forced its way through her body. Her hand clutched at her sister's thigh, unable to pleasure her further, the juices on her fingers drooling into Ivy's skin.

Ivy for her part, squeezed her thighs together tightly. With Holly sitting limply beside her, experiencing her powerful orgasm, Ivy could do nothing to prevent herself from joining her. Even without external stimulation her mind was alite. Her parents across from her, blissfully ignorant. Their grandparents, barely able to see the screen but with technology recording the two siblings at their most intimate. Most importantly, thigh to thigh, skin to skin, her fingers inside and upon the flesh of her sister. With her thighs pressing together Ivy focused all of her thoughts and sensations between her legs. Red hot pleasure caught fire from there. It was not long before it shot along every nerve and to her very fingertips, fingers still being ridden by her sister. Their orgasms erupted and burnt them throughout.

They both let out deep breaths, which focused all attention them.

Holly, in her post-orgasmic, comatosed state had the good grace to yawn. That was likely what saved the pair. Ivy, always one to recover quicker, yawned alongside her sister and then brought a hand up to her mouth in mock embarrassment. The sudden movement of that hand away from Holly's breasts to above the blanket caused a slip that could have been disastrous but the exposed chest of Holly remained covered by the blanket thanks to the still sodden left hand of Ivy. She held the blanket high without exposing what were undoubtably shiny fingers.

"Sorry everyone. I think it has been a bit of a tiring day."

"Oh my dears, don't you worry. I know you've been working hard out in the garden." Was Grandma Alice's kindly reply. "We should be getting to sleep too. Your Grandad doesn't do well late at night. He needs his beauty sleep!"

Grandpa Tom huffed and grumbled in protest and a round of laughter circled the family in response. That comedic interlude allowed Holly, still barely functioning, to pull her nightdress down to her waist and Ivy to pull her knees to her chest and retrieve her knickers. She glided them up her damp legs as the family all said their goodbyes. The video chat shut off only a few moments later.

"Honestly, girls." Their mother complained, turning to them. "You only did a bit of DIY. I'm not sure why you were so sleepy during that."

The sisters did not have much of a response to that. Ivy was distracted by how damp her thong and thighs now were and Holly was, still in orgasmic bliss and no help to anyone.

Their cover story emerged from the voice of their father. "Did you girls put enough sun cream on? You look a bit red in the face did you happen to get too much sun?"

"I think you might be right Daddy. I do feel tired and out of sorts. I think we'll just go to bed straight away and not cause any issues."

Ivy always knew Mr Dale liked being called "Daddy". It made him feel as if his little girls were still little, and still his. Ivy also knew that Mrs Dale would jump into action at the slightest hint that they were unwell.

Both leapt to it just as predicted and scurried to grab the things they needed. Mrs Dale called upon her husband to grab after sun lotion and she herself rushed to grab glasses of water. That was the instant Ivy had been waiting for to drag her cum drunk sister up the stairs and throw on a pair of sleep shorts to cover that soaked thong. As their parents approached their room Ivy hurriedly pulled the saturated pair of knickers out from where they still rested between Holly's breasts. She slung them to the clothes pile near her bed just in time for their parents to return with all that they needed.

Big glasses of water were deposited and after sun was applied generously. They stayed to check on the girls for a little while but soon established that while they sported a little red glow and were a little disoriented it was nothing a good rest wouldn't cure.

Never let it be said that Mr and Mrs Dale did not take good care of their children. They took immense care of their precious daughters and no harm would befall their family while the quarantine lasted. What's more never let it be said that the Dale sisters did not take good care of each other. The sun would rise the next day on the pair cuddling sweetly. Soft warm glows would force their eyes to flicker and wake and they would roll to face one another. Gently tracing each other's lips with juice covered fingers, the pair would gaze into each other's eyes. Isolated from the rest of the world? Nowhere to go? That suited them just fine. They had all they needed right there.

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