{GxG} Sexy Time Oneshots

By God_Dionysus

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GxG Sexy Oneshots More

Carol's New Obsession
Carol's New Obsession - Part 2
Carol's New Obsession Part 3 Finale
"I don't think you're straight, Viola"
My teacher baught me my first vibrator
Risky sexcapades with my teacher
I woke up to my friend eating my pussy...
My friends boyfriend couldn't make her cum so I did
Made my therapist beg to cum
After reconnecting with my BFF, I slept with her mom
My BFF cheated on her BF with me, and he still doesn't know
I fooled around with a girl while my husband was downstairs
I love getting fucked against hotel windows


7.5K 11 1
By God_Dionysus


The powerful "crack" sound of her fingers slipping past each other reverberated around the kitchen.

I realised Jessica was smirking.

"What...what is happening?" I asked.

"This is fascinating. I can't believe it. I've never had a trance persist for so long." She peered at me and moved her head from side to side as if she would see something she couldn't already see.

"You've hypnotised me? When?"

She laughed. "When? Three days ago. Don't tell me you've forgotten. It's impressive that the suggestion has remained. Did we get interrupted I wonder?"


I grasped at myself and fought back a moan.

"To be honest," she continued, "At this stage I'm not sure whether it is hypnosis or just trained behaviour. Is it truly just the trigger still working on you? Or is your mind now expecting a reward regardless, like Pavlov's dog, drooling at just the ring of the dinner bell?"

"How...?" I croaked out.


She giggled and continued her teasing and gloating as I clutched my chest, feeling it beating hard.

"Are you wet? Are you aroused?"

She clicked her fingers again. I cried out in response, with excitement and frustration.

"Listen, I'll make you a deal. If you can survive until we get home without cumming in those cute knickers in front of everyone, I'll undo the suggestion and bring you out of the trance properly. Would you like that pet?" Her words rolled over my mind.

"Or maybe," she pondered, "you are so far gone you wouldn't object to being mine forever?"

My mind was foggy as her breath licked my ears but somehow, I managed a nod. For a moment however, I was confused. I wasn't entirely sure as to which option I had agreed to.



To Jessica's credit, she was gifted at hypnosis. That's my excuse for what happened. I'm not entirely sure if there is any way you can have a natural aptitude for something like hypnosis, but Jessica certainly had a devastating combination of traits that she had worked to develop. Firstly, her demeaner was the epitome of "cool, calm and collected" and anyone could notice that after spending just a few moments with her. From time to time she will get stressed, just like anyone else. Being her flatmate, I have certainly witnessed her flip out if the dishwasher isn't done "properly". However, even her anger, agitation and annoyance have a calm, accepting tinge to them. She was a relaxed person and that atmosphere spread to others. Many times she had easily calmed me down from my daily stresses from work or relationships, and that was before she ever attempted to put me in a trance.

Her voice helped with her calm demeaner. Soft and light most of the time, her voice could take a on a heavy weight when she used deeper tones and those were brilliant for starting the process of putting someone under hypnosis. The softness of her voice was also matched in the softness of her appearance. Her slim but smooth frame and unblemished skin sometimes made you feel as though you had caught the ear of a supportive goddess or angel, rather than any normal friend.

Despite her softness and despite her calm, the confidence she expressed was, as they say, key. Her confidence is the part of her I might dare say edged into the intimidating. There was an expectation of success, the inevitability of it. On a less kind individual you may have called it a haughty or arrogant attitude, yet on Jessica, it was so attractive. It drew people to her and, when she told you to do something, you couldn't help but feel willing to do it. If it was so expected for you to do it, why ever should you resist? It would be improper to refuse such a fullness of confidence, correct? She could do all of this, even before she had started sending you deep into a compliant, pliant, and malleable state.

Some might say I am being overly complimentary to her, but I know I'm just making excuses for myself. I'm just trying to explain that while doing what she wanted, falling under her spell, was something that I could have attempted to resist, she made it very hard to ever want to. And thus, we come, naturally, to the inciting incident.

"So what? You want me to become your guinea pig?" I asked.

"Would you prefer to be a lab rat? I think guinea pigs are far cuter but I'm sure I could accommodate your wishes." Jessica replied with an impish smile as she lounged at the foot of my bed.

"Gee thanks." I said with false gratitude. It wasn't that I was particularly upset about helping Jessica but still, it was an odd request.

"I just want to test a few routines on you, make sure they are working and see if there are any things I need to work on. I can't change it after I post it so I must make sure it is perfect before I publish it."

"I'm sure you will do amazingly."

She smiled gratefully, she managed to simultaneously project both a dire need for my help and complete confidence in her own abilities. She had told me previously that she recorded hypnosis videos on the internet for people to watch. It had been a slight surprise at the time, but far from the strangest admission I'd heard from a friend.

It was only a hobby of hers now, but she had told me of her time at university entertaining people with her skills and developing them. In many ways it reminded me of the career stories of those who attempted stand-up comedy during their student years. Going to clubs, performing, being awful at the start but gradually improving, and then eventually giving it up for safer, more lucrative jobs rather than attempting to be one of the few that made it big. Jessica was continuing a passion of hers in her own way while maintaining her steady office job. It was admirable.

"Come on, Adena aren't you just a little curious as to what it feels like? To have certain parts of your mind affected by a simple performance and words?"

My eyes flicking to her had given me away. I was interested and the warmth spreading across my cheeks and neck confirmed that for her.

She knew that when she had first told me about her experience with hypnosis, my mind had instantly gone to sexual places. She had quickly clarified for me that, although that was the portrayal in the media, alongside clucking like a chicken, hypnosis had far more usage and activity in calming people and helping to tackle trauma. The same science used in hypnosis was used in therapy after all. It was all just about making connections or breaking them.

She had done her research and could talk ad nauseum about it, especially at parties. And discussing it at parties would always lead to either invitations of a performance or a performance itself. She always sat with a smug smile when people asked her to perform, sat and waited, silently. It was only when they were either begging or making accusations that she couldn't do it that she would bring out whatever object she had kept on her for hypnosis that day. She was able to manipulate people even before any watches started swinging back and forth.

I had never been a recipient myself, but it was quite an experience to watch someone else lose their sense of balance or attempt to stifle giggles at the utterance a randomly chosen word. She was very good at what she did. That was what worried me.

She hadn't responded after I had started blushing. We were both aware of the warmth on my face and she knew she simply had to wait. Sit and wait patiently, like she always did.

I sighed, "What would it involve?"

Her face beamed and her eyes fluttered closed. Success!

I rolled my eyes and sat up by my pillow, pulling my knees up to my chest. Jessica continued to lounge on her side with the duvet underneath her. I knew she was imagining the next steps she was going to take.



Entering Jessica's room was more or less like entering most young women's rooms, the ones who tidied up that was. Our apartment wasn't particularly large but Jessica, our other flatmate Megan, and I all managed to make do. Jessica's room had the most floor space out of the three of us but our rooms had been assigned by lot so there was no bitterness about that. I didn't need much space anyway.

Light flooded into Jessica's room through large bay windows that opened out onto the road and were currently framed with the ruffles of deep red curtains. In front of the windows sat Jessica's large desk with her laptop and papers neatly arranged. Even the few papers and books that were out of place were neatly turned to face Jessica's chair. It was clear to even a casual observer that any "mess" in Jessica's room was simply to aid the efficiency of her productivity.

A purple and white striped duvet cover laid over her bed, folded halfway to expose the pinker bedsheets to the air and light. The faint sent of flowery perfume wafted from around the room and mixed with recently sprayed air freshener.

I sat upon Jessica's bed and looked at the other side of her room where her large bookshelf was fixed to the wall above a blue, wooden chest of drawers. The bookshelf was a focus of the room no doubt.

Upon the bottom shelves were books, as one might expect. Some in the corners were indeed books of psychology research kept over from her university days but others were fiction books for personal enjoyment. These books however, had remained stationary and unmoved for a long time. The books on the middle shelves however were not arranged by height, neatly and orderly, like their compatriots below. Unlike those static books below and indeed unlike the rest of her room, these shelves were chaotic.

The books were different sizes and heights, all jumbled together, and there were gaps in the shelf causing them to lean against one another at odd angles, hinting at the frequency with which books were removed from the shelf and reorganised. Post-it notes peeked out from the tops of many and some, uncharacteristically for someone of Jessica's neatness, even sat with their covers against the wall and their white pages facing outwards, the books almost unable to contain the vast amounts of Post-it notes jutting out proudly from them.

The titles on the covers of all these books gave away their contents, and explained the favouritism they experienced. From "Hypnotic Suggestions and Prop Usage" to "The Art of the Trance" these books were clear in their usage. There were books on sciences I had never heard of before and words like "neurolinguistic programming" bombarded me with their near incomprehensibleness. There was even a new looking book that seemed to discuss the use of yoga poses in hypnosis and made a mental note to ask about it later.

I was briefly aware of my own double standards. Titles like, "My Voice Will Control You" and "Transforming their Minds" would have sent alarm bells ringing if I had been entering any date's house and seen a similar collection, but to see the books that Jessica used in her skilful shows was like seeing the art teaching books your favourite painter had poured over. I could imagine the many hours and days that Jessica had taken to build and hone her techniques and it made me all the more impressed with her dedication. Hypnosis was a skill, not magic, trips to Jessica's room always reminded me of that.

In the shelves above the books the items became far less uniform. A wonderful silver jewellery stand in the shape of a tree held many different pendants and shining objects above its dish base. A novice would imagine these were simply necklaces but many had no large loop of string or chain customary on jewellery. Many only possessed a single thread and small loop at the top that allowed it to hang on the tree. These were not pieces of a young woman's jewellery collection but the tools of a hypnotist. Swung back and forth as a focal point for the subject's mind and gaze they blocked out visual distractions, or so Jessica had told me when I had inquired as to their actual usage.

Elsewhere were many grey objects, some pulsing with light from hidden LEDs. A rough grey cube always caught my attention. Colours rolled across its uneven surface and emerged from the electrical light inside through cervices and fissures. There were smooth spheres of various sizes that glowed and faded with different colours while they sat in their cradles and what looked like scaled up versions of glow sticks that laid across the length of their shelves. Finally, upon the uppermost shelf sat perhaps the most extreme, and dare I say intriguing item. A long, black riding crop.

Jessica had told me before that it was not used physically to hit anyone during shows and was simply part of an outfit for a certain routine she had once done. Still, its prominent position, on display but out of reach, indicated to me that Jessica enjoyed possessing and presenting it. I wondered to myself if privately, whether when not performing for a crowd, she had used it. Had she enacted out the role that the riding crop and her unstoppable confidence seemed destined for? I had never dared ask to have that curiosity satisfied.

I had of course seen her bookshelf before on previous visits to her room but it never failed to astound and intimidate me. Jessica was typically unphased by any interest I had in her collection and busied herself around her room, shuffling shoes into their correct positions and clearing some wires away. In moments, the spacious area in the centre of her room was clear. The soft carpet inviting me in down.

Jessica unfurled a thick mat and unrolled it on the floor. It lay neatly and provided a small cushion for my head and lower back. Jessica straightened up and smoothed out the short green dress she was wearing. Black and white thigh-high socks ran up her legs and between them and the hem of her dress a tantalising flash of skin could be seen. Staring at the socks, I wondered if their repeating, layered pattern was also a part of her attempt to hypnotise me.

I suddenly felt underdressed in my casual blue tank top and grey shorts, wishing I had worn something flashier. She looked around upon the shelf and grabbed a headset. She pushed a button on it and I could see the screen turn on, holding it in one hand she used her other hand to broadcast a video from her phone to the headset.

"In the video I post the viewers will see the same visuals I'm going to show you now, I will just edit my audio over the top", she explained to me "and I encourage them to use a headset if they can, to make sure they focus on the words I am saying. You can pick up cardboard VR phone cases these days and it really helps me create the right atmosphere."

"So, I'm getting the same experience as your viewers?"

"Hmmm, yes," She said pausing, as if the answer was actually not a 'yes' at all.

"The only difference is that I will be saying the words directly to you rather than you listening to a recording of me. Which admittedly might skew the effectiveness a bit."

I looked at her blankly. She sat down next to me to explain, fiddling with the headset as she talked.

"People tend to respond better to a physical voice in the room rather than a recording as they are aware of the location of the speaker. Additionally, a hypnotist will be more effective as... well a trained hypnotist will be able to alter their timings and pacing when witnessing their subject. They can adjust their routine based on little things like breathing, facial movements, swallowing of saliva and shifting their body. Their responses can guide the hypnotist and, to be honest I'll likely do this with you instinctively. Because of that, this might be a bit more intense. But probably only slightly."

"Oh." I said quietly, gulping audibly without meaning to and shifting my hips.

Jessica grinned at me from across the bed, no doubt imagining what she would have done if I was in a trance right then and had made those same responses. Her explanation done, she stood and gestured to the floor and the mat upon it.

"Time to lay down. Make yourself comfortable."

I slipped off the bed and onto the floor, affording myself a quick glance up at her before I slid onto the mat. She grinned the entire time and held the VR headset in front of her as though she couldn't wait to put it on me.

"So remember, this is just a simple relaxation hypnosis. I'm going to start by talking about calming things and make you focus on my voice. This will be the groundwork. Gradually your breathing with slow and your tension will fade and then we will switch to the clicks."

I lay back on the mat and slid my head on top of the upper pillow and my lower back resting against the lower pillow.

"For each click you'll go deeper and deeper into a trance. This will only last about twenty minutes and then I will slowly bring you out of the trance state, removing the power of the clicks and making you more aware of your surroundings. Then a simple countdown to bring you out of it fully. How does that sound?"

My brain couldn't entirely follow all the instructions but I nodded and murmured my agreement. Just a hands-free massage Adena. Nothing strange about it.

Jessica knelt next to me and slipped the Virtual Reality headset over my head and suddenly all light was blocked out. The strap was comfortable against the back of my head and soft foam prevented it from rubbing against my nose or the sides of my head.

"Can you see?" Her voice floated to me. She had shifted tone now; I was certain of it. It was light, but somehow heavy. Playful, in a way that you could sink into. She was like quicksand and without my eyes to see her, her voice let me sink down to my waist.

"No. I can't see." It was a slight struggled to respond. My mouth and head felt heavy, my eyes could not discern whether they were open or not.

Suddenly light grew in front of me. Dim whites and purples began to emerge with black between them. They swirled and then spread out until they formed a series of rings. These rings were not complete and in the corners the lines that made them up flowed out of the screen. The spiral swirled in front of me and I knew it would never end.

"The pattern should have started now. Can you tell me that you see it?"

"I see it." I replied.

"Good. What are the colours you see?"

"I see purple, and white, and black."

"Good. What are the colours doing? Are they spinning? Are they swirling?"

"They're swirling."

"Good. Very good. Keep your focus upon them Adena. Keep your eyes focused on them. For now."

Her use of my name sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't quite locate her but her voice sounded like it was around me, close, whispering in my ears.

"Now that your eyes are busy, I need your ears, and your mind, to focus on me. Focus on my voice. I'm going to tell you how to relax. Would you like that?"

It was rhetorical. I knew I didn't need to answer but I murmured and smiled anyway. My smile made me face lose its tension. The nervousness began to fade away.

"Good. Now let's start with those cheeks. Let them go, let them relax, a neutral smile. Good. Now those shoulders. Roll them back for me, there we go, and now release."

For the next few minutes, she unfurled and calmed every part of my body. My shoulders dropped to the mat. My back followed and my limbs lay limp against the floor. Soon I was putty. Content, and ready to listen. Listen, and go deeper.

"Okay, very good Adena. Now, each time you hear me click my fingers, you're going to do all that again. You're going to unwind and sink deeper into my voice, into this calm. Now-"



I didn't feel a noticeable difference straight away but before I knew what was happening, the hypnosis started to have an effect. My body was flat against the carpet and she clicked occasionally while she talked, each click and each word made me feel as though I was sinking right through the floor. Thoughts of my stresses and my problems flickered across my mind but they came and went quickly, I had no time to focus on any of them.

At some point my eyes had closed but they flickered open from time to time. Every time they hesitantly opened, I was met with those swirls from the headset and my mind almost seemed bored with them. Without anything interesting to watch my eyes closed once again my body relaxed into Jessica's voice.

I felt little shudders go through my body every now and again. I had always been a bit of a fidget and sitting still felt unnatural. Nevertheless, those shudders passed quickly and did not shake me from my calm. My heavy arms and legs seem to build a resistance to the movements and soon all that was left was tingles that occasionally passed through them.

It was over before I knew it. Gradually she brought me out of whatever trance I had fallen into and slowly a countdown made me more aware of my surroundings. Finally, she asked me to take off the headset and I blinked through the sudden brightness at her.

"How was that princess?" She joked.

I clicked my shoulders, suddenly aware of a small ache between them.

"Good," I replied "I feel a little achy but still, that..." I trailed off for a moment. How did I feel? I realised the word had been missing from my life for a while. Between studying, working and being out of a stable relationship I had been missing an important thing.

"I feel so calm."

Jessica uncharacteristically shook herself and afforded herself a wide, child-like grin.

"Perfect!" She yelped. She struggled to retain her normal teasing and in control demeaner.

"I'm so glad. It worked perfectly. You were a natural and slipped into it fantastically. There were a few hiccups in the middle where I thought I might lose you and you got too excited but for your first time going into a trance you maintained it perfectly. I'm so proud of you!"

I flushed slightly at the compliment but most of her post-session analysis had washed over my head.

"I'm happy the routine worked well." I replied.

She grinned and I felt some small barrier between us come down, as if sharing her hypnosis with me had allowed me a better window into her life.

"It is going to be great. I'm going to add a bit more focus on releasing tension on the legs earlier on as yours definitely were out of sync with unwinding of the rest of the of your body but I think with a few tweaks..."

I let her carry on in an excited creative fervour as I stood up and straightened out my clothes. Laying on the floor for so long had taken its toll on me and whilst I was partially supported by the mat and the cushions, aches had started to develop over my back and between my legs. Still despite the aches I felt rested and comfortable.

"Well, that was certainly odd, but I enjoyed it a lot. Feeling so calm like that was...unreal. Thank you, truly. Any time you have another routine you are worried about, let me know okay." I smiled at her and gave her a small hug.

"You mean that! Oh, I am so glad it helped you." She replied, looking at me as if suddenly being refocused in the room rather than her future recording of the routine.

"I am too. Now I am going to take a hot shower. As much as that relaxed me, I do have a few aches over all these bits so I am going to take care of those." I said, trailing hands over my body and feeling the aches.

To my surprise, Jessica blinked a few times while following my hands as if stunned by my movements. I almost swore I could see her blush.

"Um, sure, go ahead. Take- care of those aches I guess." She laughed nervously then looking a little curiously at me and flicking her eyes to my hands.

I wondered if she was embarrassed by getting carried away in her love for hypnosis. This embarrassment was very unusual for her, but I didn't think much more of it.

Instead, I slipped out of Jessica's room, got changed in my own room, and slinked into the shower. The hot water allowed me to unwind all the tingles and aches that had built inside me since the session. It was magical and between the feeling of calm, and pride at helping a friend, I couldn't help but take the showerhead off its hook and move it lower.

Stress had ruined my libido for some time and a lack of a permanent romantic partner had not helped with that, but after my session with Jessica, all that stress seemed to fade away. The stress out of the way, my supressed libido seemed eager to return. With stifled gasps in the steamy bathroom, I brought myself to a most wonderful climax. It was a truly calm, sensuous, and erotic experience. As I came, I audibly thanked Jessica for granting me the peace of mind to have it.


The next week or so passed in a blur because I was pretty busy with work, but things never seemed as overwhelming as before. I was rushed off my feet but I had gained a sense of calm that returned whenever I arrived home. My more relaxed atmosphere seemed to garner a more positive mindset and others seemed to notice. I started to receive more compliments as I put a little more effort into how I looked and felt more comfortable in my own skin.

Jessica too seemed to enjoy my more relaxed atmosphere and we joked around a lot more. I no longer hid away from her because of any feelings of tiredness and I also stopped hiding my body. Jessica and Megan had never been particularly shy but I hadn't been brought up to be so comfortable. However, since the hypnosis session I had felt more relaxed and trusting towards my flatmates.

Walking to and from the shower in a towel, as they often did, was no longer an issue and working out in my underwear with the door open happened more frequently. Jessica mentioned it a few times, with slight concern which I can hardly blame her for. Normally, it would have been out of character for me however recently I had returned to a mindset I had lost for a long time. I thanked her profusely.

My new level of calm had other effects too. My libido, once killed by my tiredness and tendency to overwork, had returned in full force. I had even ordered a new rabbit vibrator that I had been using nightly since it had arrived. I did feel slightly guilty however, for I had a secret.

The level of calm that I had felt after my session with Jessica had allowed me to orgasm so easily in the shower. I wanted that feeling again, but I wasn't quite at all comfortable with asking her to do it with the goal of orgasming right afterwards. Instead I did the next best thing, I listened to her audio.

She had shared the link to her audio with me a long time ago when she had first let me know about it but I hadn't listened to any. Oh what a waste that was! I hadn't gone much further in the weeks that followed our session but I had found the video that featured the routine she had tested on me. It wasn't quite the same as having her in the room with me or having the headset on me blocking out the light, but with her practiced and refined routine and my earbuds I was able to reach a level near that phenomenal calm I had felt before. I felt so relaxed after listening to it some nights that I almost forgot to masturbate and nearly feel right to sleep. Something inside me however, could never quite let me go to sleep without an orgasm. No matter how relaxed I was, after listening to her words my body gained an ache for touch that wouldn't go away.

Once I even forgot that I hadn't had dinner before listening to her audio. It was only a rumbling stomach that forced me to leave my vibrator behind and rush with stiff nipples and a sodden crotch to cook dinner. I don't think I have ever eaten as quickly as I did that night, and I had certainly never touched myself at the table the way I did then. I was grateful that Megan and Jessica were not around to see me but I was shocked that simply their absence would permit me to do such acts in the communal space. I made sure to wipe the dining chair down when I stood up, just in case.

By the time I had made it back to my room I was a mess and practically ripped my clothes off as I dived into bed. With my flatmates out and my vibrator pushed far inside me, my screams rang out throughout the whole flat. That night I didn't even put my vibrator away before falling asleep. I simply let the calm warm glow take me into deep dreams.

It was about two weeks after that first hypnosis session with Jessica that she talked to me about it again. Jessica sat upon the kitchen counter as I stood and cooked us eggs and bacon on toast, as a Saturday morning treat. We had started a tradition of cooking for each other at the weekend early on in our time as flatmates. The meal changed but the ritual persisted. Still today, something felt different. Not bad-different, but it was like I was finally relaxed enough to take note of things I had been too stressed to appreciate.

I couldn't help but notice how good she looked perched on the counter, calm, self-assured and very attractive. A white crop top confidently displayed to me a hint of underboob above her toned abs and the swell of her ass had spread out on the counter, barely contained by her grey leggings. Her body was the epitome of curvaceously athletic.

She swung her legs as she watched me work and licked her lips.

"Adena, I wanted to tell you. That hypnosis routine you helped me with, people really loved it. They have been saying it's the most polished my work has been."

"Really? That's great news. Happy I could help." Of course, I knew all that. I'd been reading the comments after all.

"Yeah. Lots of views. Which is surprising considering it is one of my normal ones."

"Yeah? Good to hear!" I flipped the bacon over to start cooking the other sides. What did she mean normal ones? Were there abnormal ones?

"Have you ever seen my videos?"

I looked up at her. Did she know? "Um, well, I did check out the one we worked on together when you said you'd uploaded it but I haven't watched anything else." I decided to go with the truth, although not the whole truth. I wasn't about to tell her how often I had watched that one video, and what I had done just after each time.

"So," She paused, "you haven't seen my orgasm videos then?"

I nearly flipped the frying pan; it's clattering against the hob gave away my surprise.

"O-orgasm videos? Is that allowed on Youtube? I didn't know you did that sort of thing! Not that I have anything against it I'm just surprised-"

"You're misunderstanding me." She said calmly, hands held up to stop me. Most people would probably be flustered at this point but instead she stopped my ramblings with ease and without even a hint of a blush.

"I don't post videos of myself orgasming. That, I expect, would not be allowed on my Youtube channel. What I do post however, is hypnosis videos, like the one I tested on you, except instead of the goal being to relax the listener it is to make them orgasm."

I was blushing intensely now from both my misunderstanding and as the understanding of what she actually did dawned.

"Oh- Really... Y-You...get people to cum by hypnosis?"

"Well, that's the aim. I know a lot of people get excited by it but don't properly have a hands-free orgasm. I'd love them all to, but it just isn't easy to do and not everyone can. But, getting them close and letting them finish themselves off is a pretty good compromise. People are very happy when they can, I have a lot of regulars."

"Wow, that's- wow."

She was smirking at me from atop the counter. "A lot to take in huh? Careful, the bacon's still on."

I cursed and checked on it. It didn't seem to have burned but it was more than ready. I started serving our breakfast onto plates and Jessica laid the table.

We sat and ate while only making small talk about the food. Jessica lavished on the compliments so much it seemed like she was teasing, playing with her food. She would take a long-time slipping food between her lips and would make exquisite noises as she enjoyed her meal. Or maybe it was just me, I was starting to wonder if my newly returned libido was giving me a dirty mind.

My mind was also clouded as I wondered why she had brought up her orgasm videos. Was she simply curious? Did she know I had been watching her relaxation one and masturbating? Did she wonder if I had watched her others? Or was she leading up to something? I got my answer surprisingly quickly.

She patted her lips with a napkin and sat back, relaxed and content, watching me eat.

"I want to test another routine on you, a hands-free orgasm routine."

I struggled not to cough and instead audibly gulped my mouthful down. She waited patiently for my answer, as she always did.

"You, want feedback on it?"

"I want to use it on you."

I gulped again, "Won't that mean that, I might, maybe, you know..."

"Orgasm? I might make you cum?" I shivered at her words, "Maybe. It's possible." She paused for a moment, looking off to the side, but only to consider her words. There was no space in that long pause for me to interject.

"Maybe you won't but... making you cum for me and whilst under my control is exactly what I would hope for. My ideal situation." Her eyes locked back on mine and she licked her lips, "To test out the routine, obviously."

That obviously wasn't the main reason! It was so obviously wasn't the reason and the way she said it made it clear she was well aware of how it seemed. For whatever reason, Jessica wanted to make me cum through of her hypnosis. Or, was it even to do with the hypnosis? Did she simply want to make me orgasm, by whatever method suited her? Was she attracted to me? Was she coming on to me? Surely this was flirting!

Thoughts and confusion filled my mind and every question came up with a blank answer. My lips answered without consulting the rest of my body, or maybe they just consulted my pounding heart.

"Of course, I said I would help you with anything you wanted to test."

She smiled and somehow her eyes looked even more predatory, hungrier. "You did say that didn't you, hmmm," she sighed.

She stood collecting our plates, I hadn't even realised that she had waited for my last mouthful to ask the question.

"Well it won't be today, I'm busy. But how does next Wednesday evening sound? Around six? I'm free then." She quickly deposited the plates in the dishwasher and then started to walk out of the room.

"Sure." I answered, without even considering my schedule. I would later figure out I had nothing planned, but even then, I doubt I would have refused Jessica's invitation. Especially after what she said next.

"It's best if you go to my room in a towel or robe. Nude is how I expect most people to listen to my audio so it would be good to have you the same. Besides, we don't want to get any of your clothes messy, do we? See you then!"

With those words she left the room and left me to ponder how I had just signed up to allow my confident flatmate to prove she could make me cum, with nothing but her words.


My mind was abuzz throughout the weekend and through Monday and Tuesday. Jessica didn't even have the decency to be shy or not mention it. She repeatedly told me how she couldn't wait and how it was such a great help. She didn't want me to forget. How could I?

I masturbated to her recording every night. Yes, to, not after. I know it wasn't what they were for but I couldn't help myself. Curiously however, she always managed to force me to stop touching myself as I fell into the trance. But for the earlier stages, before I became unable to move my hand, my juices flowed to the sound of her voice and the air outside my headphones was thick with my own sounds. Whenever she released control over my body, and I lay in that calm state she created, the arousal I had built up previously returned in a wave and a sweet and long climax was not hard to bring about with my toys or fingers.

Even without her audio I found my libido to be intense. Seeing Jessica and knowing what was to come. Hearing her teasing voice all around, I couldn't help but wish to touch myself more often. Work had even calmed down and I found myself with more free time at the office. Free time that often led to sodden knickers and plenty of time in the office toilets. The shower at home was also a frequent location for that release of my tension and arousal and it never failed to remind me of our first session together.

Regardless of whether I was dreading or eagerly awaiting Wednesday evening, it arrived inevitably and I soon found myself outside Jessica's door, in only a towel.

I was nearly naked, and wet. I had done my hair in a comfortable double braid, and my pussy was soaked. I had shaved everywhere, my pussy was smooth and soft, and dripping.

The anticipation was killing me.

I knocked. She told me to enter.

Everything started much the same as last time, except for the nudity. I sat on her bed in only that soft towel and stared at all those hypnotic instruments and books. All the items that filled her room that revealed little details about who my flatmate was. Fun loving, driven, confident, interested, interesting and incredibly persuasive.

I allowed my muscles to relax as she cleared a space for me in the middle of her room, just like last time. I felt my breathing hitch as instead of ignoring me, she kept peaking at me sitting on her bed, in only a towel. As she laid that same thick, comfy mat onto the floor, I managed to relax my tight grip on my towel and allow my fear to drop. But I couldn't help but squeeze my thighs together as she placed a towel down on the lower third of it, to protect her mat and her carpet from me, just in case. Her sly grin as she saw me staring sent unusually delightful shivers rustling through my body.

"Would you like to lay down?" Her voice was alite with teasing tones hidden behind kind and considerate facades.

"Um, sure. Are you going to tell me what to expect? Like your routine?" I asked standing up. Being invited to lay down straight away was putting me on edge. I wasn't sure I was ready; I was clinging to any hope of a delay. My excitement was mixing with anxiety and churning into a confusing mess.

"Oh, I'll tell you that once you're laying down. Do you want to take your towel off now too? I'll put it on my bed."

She asked it so casually but it didn't quite manage to slip past me unnoticed. She was asking me to strip for her, to remove my towel and get on with what we were both there to do. That was the reason she would be telling me the plan after I had laid down. So, I could be naked and exposed to her for as long as possible. So that she could have me naked in her room for a period when it was just me and her, no hypnosis, no work. Just the two of us. I noticed her ploy and despite my fear, granted her request.

I untied the small knot above my breasts that was holding the towel around me. I didn't quite let it drop dramatically to the floor, despite being tempted to, but I peeled it away from my body and handed over my only garment to her.

My body was flushed and excited, and I was breathing heavily. But I had spent the time to wash and shave and I felt that all my preparation had allowed me to feel truly confident in what I would be showing Jessica. Still, those eyes of hers...

Mustering up what little courage remained after being under her piercing and examining gaze I strolled over to the mat and laid down, placed my butt on the top of the towel she had placed down for me. With my head on the pillow and the soft towel beneath me I felt relaxed once more. This was a comfortable place. That feeling of safety allowed my legs to loll open a little, however I was met with the sudden coolness of the air against my wetness and despite myself I closed them once again in embarrassment. That action of opening and closing did little to stop the stimulation I felt growing inside me. Or the butterflies and throbbing I felt throughout my body.

I tried to risk a look down at my crotch but I couldn't see past my chest without lifting my head high enough to be noticeable. I tried to dismiss my fears about my wetness being discovered. I was here to orgasm, wasn't I? What would be the harm in letting her know I was ready?

Oh shit, I was here to orgasm, wasn't I!

My body shivered in nervousness and shameful arousal. The throbbing was growing by the second. If this was how it felt before any hypnosis how would I survive what was to come?

She fiddled with the headset and set about broadcasting the video onto the screen inside it.

"So, we're actually going to do something very similar to last time except instead of only relaxing you, the aim is to turn your body and mind on so much that you inevitably orgasm at a completely scheduled time."

She really had a knack for saying insane things completely naturally.

"Lift your head up." She said as she knelt above my head.

I took in the time to notice her outfit. A small pair of white denim shorts, the bottoms frayed and skin poked through cuts and splits in the material. It was as if her sexuality couldn't be contained by the material. On top a large brown jumper, I could see furry insides through her hood but a complete lack of any other material underneath. It wasn't all she was wearing was it?

Darkness started to slip at the edge of my vision as she pushed the headset over me. Soon, just like last time, I was separated from the world. The floor, mat and towel beneath me. Her presence around me.

I suddenly realised she had put the headset on without telling me what was going on. Was this part of her seduction, so I would focus on her words even more? Or perhaps she simply liked seeing me naked and with a headset on?

I heard her move around me, I was certain she was now standing at my feet. I could only picture the view she had of me.

"So, to start with I'm going to ask you to breathe deeply..."


She was right, we did start very similarly to last time.

She told me to breathe deeply and I did. She asked me to relax my muscles and I did that too. Her first session and my repeated usage of her audios seemed to allow me to slide into it so easily. I felt myself going deeper than I had before and felt my limbs and body melt into the floor.

The swirling pattern from before was absent but instead the screen was filled by a recording of her grey, glowing cube sitting on the same floor I laid on. Its rhythmic pulsing had the same effect as the swirls and soon led to my eyes glazing over and closing. The few times they did flicker open, the image and cocooning effect of the headset encouraged me back into my daze just as quickly.

I'm not sure at what point she started to change things but I became aware of it as she encouraged me to imagine heat building inside me.

"...let it tingle throughout every nerve. We're going to have it stretching right to your fingertips. Okay and each click is going to now send that wave of heat through you again."

She snapped her fingers and I felt warmth roll over my body, not only to my fingertips but across my chest and my legs. I don't know if it was incidental or if she had commanded it at some point but I knew that the bulk of the heat was split between two areas. It was flowing out of my extremities, my fingers and toes, and building between my vagina and chest.

She continued her calming directions. The heat, the electricity she described, I felt it all. My body began to tingle and I lost any sense of how long it had been. Twenty minutes? Longer? Were we almost finished or just starting?

"That's it, keep that warmth building and moving about your body. So calm, so warm."

The feeling of arousal was welling up inside of me. I began to fidget as she talked but she made no attempt to stop me. My body was relaxed but it was as though my muscles couldn't help but clench and move. My legs tensed and rolled and my arms slid around in miniscule ways on the mat.


"Good. Good girl, there we go. It's so relaxing in this warm space. Heat curling around your limbs. It's building inside you," She breathed out slowly, and exiting your body."

My own breathing was starting to come in pants and I could tell that soon we would be approaching the countdown. She had told me a countdown was coming, not a countdown to coming out of my trance, a countdown to my orgasm. When would that happen? She had told me these feelings would get intense but that her countdown would build that anticipation so I was pushed over the edge at the proper time.

But the edge seemed so close and she hadn't even mentioned counting down!

My hips and legs wriggled with the pleasure and warmth I could feel and my heart jackhammered in my chest. I felt like I was driftwood on a rough sea. I wasn't worried about sinking but I didn't think it possible I could remain still. Her voice caught me and dragged me back into the trance but at the same time it sped me onwards.

"That's it, just relax and feel that warmth caressing your skin slowly. It's like little kisses, it starts on your chest, just brushing the bottom of your stomach before rising up to your nipples. So warm and tingly."

I flickered between calm and frantic. In each breath I slumped into relaxation before switching into tense ecstasy. My stomach muscles clenched hard with each breath and the air felt hot in my throat. Was this the true intensity of Jessica's hypnosis?

I felt it glowing inside me, white hot and burning pleasure was waiting to be released. It had risen to an insane temperature.

"Okay- good," She sounded uncharacteristically concerned. Like she was not totally in control. She was reassuring us both. It was endearing.

"Just continue to focus on my voice as you sink slower. Sinking into a warm comfy blanket as you slowly feel that pleasure gently growing. Soon, it will explode out of you."


I couldn't stop it. Regardless of her control it was all too much, I was overstimulated and my mind was racing as fast as my heart.

My eyes shot open and were greeted with a bright pulse of the cube's colour in the darkness of the headset. The pre-recorded light that was so dull before seemed to grow brighter than it ever had and I felt it flowing into me. Her voice was outside my little cocoon but somehow surrounding me, the sound of her click seemed to resonate and reverberate against every wall. The white-hot flame filled my whole body and my fingers and toes curled and clenched. I felt that heat rush downwards to my core and explode as my orgasm hit.

My back arched off the mat and my butt pushed into the soft towel below me, my shoulders delightfully rubbing against the floor. I shut my eyes and felt my chest tighten as I rode the waves of pleasure. It burnt every nerve in my body and then flooded out of me like I was deflating.

Shuddering and all of a sudden, my body flopped back onto the mat and I lay still, my heart still thumping inside my chest. I lay there for a few moments feeling my body still twitch slightly before becoming irritated by the glow inside the headset. I pulled if off me and squinted at the light from the room. My eyes adjusted as I blinked and out of the fuzziness her figure emerged.

I knew my body was flushed and I could feel my face grow a deeper shade of red as I knew what had happened. Looking up I saw Jessica, her mouth open and her hands frozen in place, mid gesture. Her eyes were focused directly on my crotch that I could feel was still clenching through aftershocks. I was too tired to move so I did nothing to hide my body, she had already seen so much, what harm would leaving her to view me do?

"So..." She started, moving her hands to play with her hair.

I sighed, "So..."


There was some lingering awkwardness, that much was inevitable. We had been heading that way ever since we set up this session but we must have both been avoiding thinking about it. How was such an erotic situation ever going to be brushed off so easily? Regardless as to whether it was a method of seduction by either of us or not, we had crossed a line whilst still beating around the bush about our intentions. Going so far whilst concealing so much was never going to work in the long term. The fact that things had not gone quite to plan had made things even more awkward.

Jessica, the one who usually would handle such a situation, had seemingly been taken by surprise and was quite untalkative. She didn't tease me once as I regained my senses.

Not about orgasming so suddenly, before her command, not at the liquid that had poured out of me and soaked the towel she had thankfully placed down, not even at the state I was in with my eyes half lidded, chest flushed and heaving, and legs lewdly still spread. I didn't have the strength to make myself look presentable. After a long time she checked I was okay and then rushed out of the room to get a glass of water for me. I'd never seen her run away like that.

When she returned it was even worse. Babbling replaced her silence and she fell over her words, explaining how she would have to refine the script or maybe test it on those in the community she had met online. She put up many excuses about how everyone reacts differently and that it could have been anything that tipped me over the edge well before she was ready.

She was surprised. I didn't blame her. A woman, so certain of her own abilities and control, had found herself completely overwhelming her quarry in a way she never intended.

I'll admit a lot of what we discussed in that half an hour or so washed right over me but the general idea stuck. No matter what we talked about, we were both avoiding the obvious answer to all of this. It wasn't that I was easily aroused, it wasn't that her routine was flawed, there was no rogue arousing stimuli. Nothing had gone wrong, not on her part. What had happened, plain and simple, was that I was too turned on by her and what she was doing to me to last long enough for her to complete her seduction.

Between another pair, this might have been a triumph. An early step, affirming our connection. A chance to drop the façade. But for us, taking it so slow and teasingly, both playing around the idea of what we could be and how much control we had over the other, it stopped both of us in our tracks.

Thinking back on it, it really is fortunate we went to the party. Otherwise, who knows if we would have ever recovered. If the after effects of that session had appeared while we were alone in the flat I doubt we would have acted the way we did. Not going to that party might have ruined us.

We had already agreed to go before anything had happened so I'm sure both of us, now overly self-conscious, felt that backing out would acknowledge that something really was amiss. So, for three days we acted as though there was no problem with me orgasming in front of her or for her to have tried to coax an orgasm out of me with just her voice..

Our relationship did not progress at all as we both acted as though it was all perfectly normal. Still, at least for me, the feelings still lingered.

I forced myself not to watch her hypnosis videos but that seemed to make little difference to my libido. It was as high as ever, if not higher, and I felt as though I was constantly on the precipice. My mind was so eager to return to that warm comfortable room with that voice I heard all around the house. As we walked to the house party our friends had set up, I couldn't help but wonder how I would get through such a night and seem positive and happy, when so much remained upon my mind.

As it turned out. I needn't have worried, Jessica had no such issues and captivated all of us as usual. As I drank and watched everyone laugh, I even started to believe that maybe there was no need to change things. It wasn't everyone's normal but I'm certain we were far from the only flatmates who had messed around once before in their lives. I was attracted to her, no doubt, but it wasn't like I wouldn't be able to remain friends with her. My libido would fade again, over time and as long as I didn't agree to get hypnotised again, Jessica would eventually become un-entangled with my lust. That would be fine. It would be how it should be.

Those were my thoughts just before she did it.

"I know right! The month seems to have gone by just like-"


My hips rolled forward and my eyes fluttered. I stopped myself before I moved much more.

She caught it straight away. I know she did. Her click had been thoughtless but now she was very conscious of her two fingers. Maybe the act itself had reminded her or maybe my reaction was just too similar to what she'd seen before.

The others were all still laughing and joking, agreeing on the apparent rapid pace of the month but Jessica looked at me with a curious expression and for both of us, time seemed slower than ever. Her focus has shifted, her mind had left the role of entertainer far behind even if her body continued telling her story for the benefit of our friends. Politely she excused herself and walked towards the kitchen, beckoning me with a finger. I followed behind her without a moment's hesitation.

We got into the kitchen and she turned to me grinning.

I decided to start the conversation as nonchalantly as possible, "What's up -".


I pushed my legs together, hunching slightly before I relaxed once again.



This time I whimpered and my eyes fluttered rapidly, as if struggling to remain open. They felt so heavy. And inside...there was this warmth and calm. I released my shoulders which were lighter than they were before, the tension of the party had disappeared.

I realised Jessica was smirking.

"What...what is happening?" I asked.

"This is fascinating. I can't believe it. I've never had a trance persist for so long." She peered at me and moved her head from side to side as if she would see something she couldn't already see.

"You've hypnotised me? When?"

She gave a short laugh. "When? Three days ago. Don't tell me you've forgotten. It's impressive that the suggestion has remained. Did we get interrupted I wonder?"


I clutched at my leg but ready for it this time I resisted the urge to let loose a groan. Heat inside of me fought to get out and my body wished more than anything to relax and let it escape.

"To be honest," she continued, "At this stage I'm not sure whether it is hypnosis or just trained behaviour. Is it truly just the trigger still working on you? Or is your mind expecting your reward, like Pavlov's dog, drooling at just the ring of the dinner bell?"

"How...?" I croaked out.


I bit my lip as my body clenched hard with pleasure and the desire to experience it.

"How? Well my dear, you were just too sensitive last time. You popped off with that little orgasm before I had finished and well...maybe I forgot to bring you out of the trance. There was a whole countdown that needed to be done but listening to my voice was just too overwhelming for you wasn't it? You couldn't help but cum before I had finished. I wonder what all this stimulus is doing to you right now. If I never brought you down from that highest point, the strongest intensity, logically that means you never left. That means you're still there, on that cliff top."

At some point I had closed my eyes and that had let her approach without me realising. With her mouth next to my ear, her whispers caressed me in a way hands never could.

"Are you wet? Are you aroused?"

I was, and from that moment that sensation of damp fabric against my lips became more noticeable than the sound of the music that thumped dully in the other room. But even that dampness was not more noticeable than that damn sound she made. Nothing could ever be as all-encompassing as that-


"O-oh." I let out a tiny cry. A tiny whimper of excitement and frustration.

"Listen, I'll make you a deal. If you can survive until we get home without cumming in those cute knickers in front of everyone, I'll undo the suggestion and bring you out of the trance properly. Would you like that pet?" She smiled sweetly at me as the worlds she spoke rolled over my mind.

"Or maybe, you are so far gone you wouldn't object to being mine forever?"

My mind was foggy as her breath licked my ears but somehow, I managed a nod. For a moment however, I was confused. I wasn't sure as to which option I had given my agreement to.



She didn't make it easy for me, not that I expected her to.

She found so many opportunities to click her fingers that I think even our friends started to be a bit confused. They brought it up at one point and Jessica tactfully brushed it off. It wasn't the strangest thing, it wasn't like anyone but her could tell I was writhing in pleasure each time she did it.

It did only seem to be her. The others clicked a few times when it was brought up but I felt no reaction to the sound when they produced it. Jessica smiled secretly at the confusion that must have been evident on my face. How was it possible for her to link the pleasure to her producing the sound and not to the sound itself? It wasn't like I had seen her behind the headset when she had clicked. How had she associated it with herself? Or, more worryingly, was it I who had subconsciously linked the two?

I kept mostly quiet for the rest of the party, which I suppose wasn't unusual. As the alcohol flowed, the laughter grew and I sat on the sofa feeling out of place. My mind was so far away from the merry atmosphere, it was on Jessica, it was on our flat, it was on what she would do to me when we returned. I felt so disconnected because while they all partied, I sat aroused beyond belief, waiting for my- for my lover to relieve me.

Blood throbbed through my body and I felt my vision become hazy. Lover? No... No? Why not? Why shouldn't I think of her that way? Afterall, when I raised my eyes, I truly couldn't see anyone else. If that isn't a sign of my feelings, what else would be?

I don't remember saying goodbye to anyone. It's possible I didn't. It's possible I was rude and simply left without a word. I'm sure Jessica covered for me. Maybe she had told them I was drunk. Maybe I was, I could barely stand on my own two feet and I clung to my friend as my only support.

My legs were incredibly weak from arousal and I was disorientated but I was conscious of my hand in hers throughout our journey home. I looked at her cheek as she walked slightly ahead of me, it looked smooth to the touch, could I touch it like I was touching her hand?

My mind skipped through time and I only became aware of where I was when I found myself on the floor of her room once more. I suppose it's common to sober up when you realise you're home. There was a towel under my waist again, it felt soft on my skin.

"You know...", came her whisper, "...I usually refrain from touching during a session. I worry things will go wrong, or I'll jolt the subject out of their deep, deep, calm trance."

A pillow under my head supported me and let my eyes relax and close all on their own.

"But I think you deserve a reward, you held out so gallantly. You wriggled and squirmed but I don't think you let out a peep. Which is a shame, because I like the sounds you make."

I felt sharp nails pinch and scratch gently along the skin on my leg. Sparks ignited along their path and I felt a heat start building. Tinder was being piled up and she was blowing on the fledgling glow.

"Touching has risks," she whispered as fingertips danced across my stomach, feeling each muscle, "it could overwhelm, it could surprise, a voice is so much softer."

The moisture of her breath on my ear caused a groan to emerge from my throat. Fingers traced the edges of my breasts.

"But to be honest, I'm not sure you'd mind if we failed again. If we failed to bring you out of this trance. You don't mind being mine do you? You don't mind feeling like this."


I murmured. I was a murmur of agreement, and assent. Of pleasure, and permission. I then felt her fingers on my lips. My lower lips. The lips she had never touched before and the lips that had never felt so good before.

"You feel the heat building, so calming and warm, so relaxing and welcoming."

She said it, and it was true. I shivered but not so much as to move and dislodge myself from her pressure. Her body was so close and her voice bore into my mind as she spoke.

"It builds, faster than last time, just as strong."


Each click sends you deeper and makes you more aroused. You're feeling so wonderful and warm and sensitive."

I groaned and squirmed but she held me firmly in place with only her fingers rubbing gently over my lips.

"Now, soon I'm going to count down from ten. When we hit zero, you're going to orgasm. It's going to be a beautiful orgasm you can barely wait to have. As you orgasm you will feel yourself rising up, becoming more aware, leaving the trance. Just as relaxed, but more aware. Are you ready?"

She didn't wait for a reply and instead pressed forward with her fingers, slowly pushing past my folds and entering me, moving around in my wetness. I moaned and clenched in a late response.

And so, she counted down.

"Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven..." She punctuated each with a movement of her fingers, never the same type of movement but always constant.

"Six, Five, Four..." Her voice caressed me like a chilly breeze and my ears burned in response.

"Three, Two..." She left me hanging on the precipice, fingering me gently and I felt lips upon my neck. My mouth was hanging open and sometimes sounds would escape it although I had no control over what they were.

"One..." I was ready but I recalled her words, precisely. My mind was so in her control that subconsciously I knew that I was not waiting for one, I was waiting for...


No other words, no encouragement or begging. She didn't need to. The flames she brought about rushed towards my centre in one go and chased her fingers as they retreated out of my pussy and to my clit. A torrent of juices was carried by the heat and jetted out of me and onto the floor, likely onto her too.

My eyes desired to see her in such a state so they flashed open but the feelings were too intense for my vision to find anything to hold onto so I closed them tightly once again and rode the pleasure. Her fingers on my clit, her presence beside me, her kisses trailing on my neck and onto my cheeks. They tasted tears of ecstasy that leaked from my eyes as if they were mirroring the flood from my lower half. Eventually the pleasure became more manageable and I felt my senses start to sharpen. I was rising from the fog ever so slightly. It was like pulling yourself up from wet mud, it clung to me still and tried to pull me back.

"Good. Good." I could tell her face was above me but my eyes refused to give me more than flashes of her through my eyelashes.

"Now," She brushed her wet fingers over my chest, leaving trails of my own juices on my stomach, "let's go again."

"Whaa...?" I managed to express. Again? Did she mean another orgasm? Didn't she say I would come out of the trance with that last one? Oh god, I wasn't fully out was I? Orgasming was my route out and I needed far more than one to rise to the surface.

"I can't..." I struggled to tell her my fears but I could barely say a word let alone put a sentence together. Or was it just this sentence? Was there some part of the hypnosis that made me unable to refuse? Or did my mind simply know that saying I could not orgasm again so soon, would be lying?

As my mind grappled with these thoughts a part of me became aware that she was counting down once again. What number was she at? It was so difficult to pay attention with the pleasure throughout me and her fingers- oh!


My body exploded again and my back lifted off the floor like a body shocked by defibrillators. My legs wriggled as fluids once again poured from me, although less explosively than before. My eyes opened as the after effects started and I searched for her.

She gazed down at me, hair falling about her. Pale, but beautiful in the half light of her room. Her face dipped down to kiss my nipples and with her fingers still toying with my lips I gasped, letting the sound reverberate around the room and my own head.

Without a break she started again. "Good, good girl. And once more. When I finish this countdown you'll come out of your trance, relaxed, and content, and orgasming hard. Ready?"

It wasn't a question she was expecting, or requiring an answer for. All the same I bit my lip and attempted the slightest of nods. What would be the point in acting as though I couldn't, it would neither be true, or be enough to stop her.

She counted down and as each number hit I felt my blood pump like a clock ticking. Steady, and weighty. My body hummed with pleasure as she reach the final numbers and her fingers thrust ever faster.

I felt the area above me darken as her hair cut out the light and she closed in. I knew where she was headed. I licked my lips.

"Zero." Jessica said, once again but I don't think even my subconscious heard. All I felt was pleasure and her lips upon mine, her tongue begging for entry. My hands, which had felt like they were weighed down before were finally free to move and I grabbed at her like a cliff edge, my only safety net as I tumbled over.

I found smooth skin underneath my fingertips and for the first time this evening I realised she was as naked as I was. Soft and slightly wet from sweat, I gripped onto her wherever I could as we kissed and groaned. The last vestiges of my orgasm were long gone by the time we came up for air.

We looked into each other's eyes as we panted and grinned at each other. Something about the atmosphere was curious. I saw her in a way I never had before, not before that first session nor in the confusing time between then and now. I said the only thing that came time mind.


We giggled and laughed and I was certain there were tears in my eyes at the sheer emotion I felt. I kissed over her face and stroked her back as she laid atop me but soon she started to move again.

I attempted to hold onto her, to grab at her with my hands but she pushed my hands back. I persisted until a whack resounded through the room and a sharp, but not unbearable, pain burned my hand. I looked down at her in shock and saw a long black object in her hand and a teasing grin on her face. The top of her bookshelf was bare, her riding crop had been brought down to play. When had she even had the time, or presence of mind, to grab it? Regardless, the message was clear, let her go about her business, I would get my turn later. I just needed to sit back and relax. I realised she was relishing this as much as I was.

Slowly, ever so slow, she slid herself down. I didn't try to tell her to stop this time. I could have, the sting on my hand had an interesting warmth to it, but I didn't want to stop her. I let my hands instead tangle inside her hair. Her warm breath on my lips felt exquisite but nothing compared to the sight of her, between my legs, with her tongue darting out. Her eyes flashed up to me and I think for all my life, I'd never seen something so captivating.

The riding crop appeared again and slowly traced the lines of my legs and my lips. Her tongue made contact with my lips and dove in, her mouth making the seal complete. For a time I writhed and wriggled on the floor, completely lost in her. The few times I attempted to push her away slightly, not for a desire to stop but because the sheer pleasure was too intense, the riding crop was brought down upon my thighs. Each sharp pain brought a new warmth to me and I even began to desire it. Pushing her slightly to feel its sting an extra time. Her cheeks were coated with my own wetness, her mouth hidden between my legs. Looking down at her as I cried out I saw her joy through her eyes. The pleasure, and our happiness, was all consuming. Never in all my life, had I met someone so hypnotic.


It was less of a scream, and more of a roar. Frustration, anger, annoyance. I looked up from the table and paused eating my cereal. The sight before me was no real surprise.

Jessica stood, with her hands on her head, in utter dismay as she stared at the dishwasher.

"How many times...!" Here it comes. "If you put the bowls on the right side they don't wash. There isn't enough space, the racks are too close together. Plates can go there no problem. No problem with that! But..."

She rambled on for a few more minutes as I finished my breakfast and she moved the contents of the dishwasher around to their "correct" positions before she set it going.

She came over to the table and sat down in a huff as I finished. It was a rare sight to see her angry and I couldn't help but tease her a little.

I pushed my finished bowl forward towards her, "Have you set the dishwasher going or can you put this in there? It looked like there was some space on the right."

It wasn't the best joke but her eyes narrowed all the same and it had the reaction I had been aiming for. Still, as old adage says, be careful what you wish for.

Her barely concealed anger softened in front of me and her face soon morphed into a grin. Not a friendly grin, but a playful and evil grin. As I watched she slowly raised her hand. Her fingers were already in position, pressed against each other, poised.

"You wouldn't..." I said, disbelieving. "You can't surely, I mean, you brought me out of it days ago...right? You're bluffing."

I was certain it wasn't possible, she had kept to her word right? Still even as I watched her I knew what was going to happen. The sound was called up from my memories, my breathing sped up and I had no choice but to press my thighs together.

"Hmmm, want to do a psychology experiment my dear? I call it 'Pavlov or hypnosis?' I think it will be really fun, for me at least. What do you say? Want to be my guinea pig once more?"

Even as she said it, I knew it would be far from the last time. The uncertainty, the concern, the confusion, none of it could stop the grin from spreading across my face.

Her fingers slipped past each other and our kitchen echoed with the sound.


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