
By niallsthumb

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Dire (of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent. "dire consequences" Similar: terrible, dreadful... More



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By niallsthumb

There was an eager knocking on my door. I rushed over "who is it"

"It's Ed open up"

I open the door "you're back!" Giving him a hug he didn't hug me back so I pulled away looking at him confused when I noticed his hands were behind his back. And a huge smile on his face.

"Whatcha got there Ed?"

He told me to go sit on my couch and close my eyes I did just that.

"Don't scream." He laughed

"Ed if you put a spider in my hand I'm going to smash all your legos."

He gasped "you wouldn't"

I laughed "I will I'll start with the.."

"Stop I don't want to know I can't it hurts."

"Well then it better not be a spider."

Suddenly I felt something small and fury I open my eyes "OH MY GOD" a tiny kitten was now in my hands "who are you?" Speaking to the kitten

"Dorito" Ed smiled sitting next to me scratching the kittens head. "I found him outside our warehouse."

"Oh my god he's adorable."


"How was your trip?" I asked as I played with the kitten.

"Good. Paul barely lifted a finger again so I had to pull his weight."

I shook my head listening to ed.

The kitten jumped off the couch to the floor. "Dorito" I laughed as he ran under the couch.

I got down on the floor. Sitting on my knees Trying to get him to come out.

Next thing I know I hear "what the fuck"

I sat up looking behind me to see Harry standing there.

"Hi baby" I smiled

He looked angry. Why does he look angry?

I look at Ed and realized I was on my knees in front of Ed.

Ed immediately putt his hand up "it's not what it.."

Before he could finish Harry was rushing over and pulling his gun on Ed.

"Oh my god Harry stop!" I stood up in between the gun and Ed

He immediately move the gun from pointing at me "Move Alexis"

"no Harry put the gun away!"

I felt hands on my waist moving me roughly out of the way I realized it was Ed.

Harry now putting the gun back on ed

"Just look" I grabbed the kitten and showed him. "I was getting the cat from under the couch"

Harry's eyes flicked from the kitten to me realizing he fucked up.

Ed spoke "mate I wouldn't do that. Plus my jeans are done up."

Harry stepped back from Ed his hands going to his head mumbling "Jesus Christ" turning around

I sat with the kitten on my lap

Harry turned back around looking directly at me a saying "what the hell did I say about putting yourself in front of a damn gun Alexis."

"you had a gun to Ed Harry!"

"I don't care. don't ever put yourself in that position."

Ed spoke "yeah lexy you could've gotten hurt."

I looked between ed and Harry "Did you actually think I would.."

Harry looked speechless

Ed said "lex it did look bad.."

I kept my eyes on Harry "But why didn't you question if you would have take 1 second you would see nothing was happening. Harry do you not trust me?"

"Lex you know I trust you."

"Harry you pulled a gun on Ed ..action speak louder then words."

Ed spoke "I'm just gonna.."

"No ed stay. Harry please leave."

Harry stepped closer "baby.." Reaching for my hand I took my hand away.

"Leave .. oh wait you don't trust me being here alone with Ed"

"I trust you" and walked out

Ed sat there awkwardly

"Sorry that was probably awkward."

He laughed "yeah it was but lex it did look bad."

"But Harry should trust me." I sighed

He nodded "yeah I get that too. Harry is just a good mate of mine and I know how much he cares about you."

"Exactly you guys are friends he should trust you too."

"He's never been in a relationship before he's still learning."

"Ed if you're just going to stick up for him then"

Ed nodded "right ok we're friends too I need to be there for you too so fuck him"

It made me laugh "Ed your a good friend and appreciate you sticking up for Harry I just need Harry to understand he need to trust me. I can't be in a relationship with someone who thinks I'm going to cheat."

He said "you are absolutely right."

Next day.

Niall knocked on my door.

"Harry isn't here."

"I'm here for you." he smiled "Do you want to go get food? Like McDonald's"


"I'm hungry" he shrugged

"Ok but why with me?"

"I thought we were friends?"

"We are but you never come around so why?" 

"Do you want food or not?"

I nodded following him.

Later that night

I was in my apartment folding laundry I heard a soft knock I opened it to see Harry.


"See I trust you."


"Niall and you went out to lunch together. Alone."

"So you set that up? And why does that mean you trust me?"

"Ever since that night you and niall .. went back to his .. I had this jealousy hatred of you and niall even being near each other." He paused
"But I trust you. Not so much him but you."

"Harry." I sighed

"I'm trying lex. You're right if I would have taken a second I would have seen everything was fine but I didn't I saw something that looked bad and reacted.." he paused "Lex I expect for everything good in my life to fall apart so when I saw that it was immediately anger. I'm built on act first ask questions later."

"Have I ever given you a reason to not trust me. For fuck sakes Harry you slept with probably every girl in dire but you don't see me pulling a gun on them every time they check you out."

Harry smiled "does that make you jealous"

I shoved him "yes Harry and it's not funny you actually fucked them ive never even thought of Ed that way."

"I fucked them yes but I've never cared for them like I do you. Knowing me I probably didn't even get them off. Being I'm a selfie prick who only cared about himself."

"Wow I feel so special Harry."

Harry rolled his eyes "I'm sorry." He placed his hands on my hips kissing my jaw

"Harry I'm still mad at you."

He continued to kiss my jaw "I know. But I did warn you that i was going to fuck up in this relationship a lot so I mean you kinda signed up for this shit."

"Hmm did I?"

"Yep. did you not read the fine print?"

"Must have missed it" I giggle as he dug his finger into my side

"Hmm it was right next to will give the best make up sex along with my apology." Dropping to his knees looping his fingers in my pants. Looking up at me waiting for me to give him the play like always

"Are you asking for permission?" I laughed "you always have my permission Harry."

"Always want your consent." He licked his lips pulling my shorts down along with my panties his head dipping forward. Before he could go any further I grabbed his hair pulling him back. He looked up at me confused.

I smirked down at him "beg"

He's eyes flickered "beg?"

"Yes if you want to lick me and fuck me." My hand sliding down his face to his jaw "beg for it."

He licked his lips "that's how you want to do this."

I looked down at my nonexistent watch "I have to go to work Harry."

He's tongue swiped across his cheek
"Baby please let me taste you. I fucked up and I want to make you feel good. Please."

"Carry me to my bed" without another word he scooped me up. He sat down on the bed with me on his lap.

I tilted my head "how are you going to."

He leaned backwards taking me with him. "Sit on my face." I looked down at him he smiled "please please please please." He begged

I crawled up his body him squeezing my ass before I could reach his face. I hovered over his face looking down at him he leaned forward meeting my core softly licking before pulling my hips down I immediately pull back up. Looking down at him with a smirk "please sit now." I slowly sit on him as he starts sucking and Fucking me with his tongue. Leaving me a panting mess. His fingers dug into my thighs holding me down. Until I finally hit my high begging him to stop.

I fell onto my back when Harry pulled me to him hovering over me. "You're so beautiful."

I bit my lip grabbing the collar of his shirt pulling him closer. "What about me is beautiful."

His eyes flicked all over my body like he was answering with his eyes. "You want a list."

I unbuttoned his jeans "yes" he helped me take them off him. Wrapping my legs around him pulling him closer so he was pushing on my entrance.

"Your pussy baby. It's beautiful." Pushing into me. A small moan leaving my lips. "You're moans." He panted. Your lips he kissed them. You're nose he kissed me. You're freckles, your eyes, your hair. Oh fuck your red hair is so fucking beautiful" he panted thrusting faster into me. "Your patience. I fuck up so much and Your so Fucking patient with me." He kissed down my chest. "Your tits" he moaned dropping his head pulling one of my nipple into his mouth "so beautiful." He flipped me over so I was on top. Kissing my stomach "this too especially when you let me put a baby in there. You're going to be such a beautiful pregnant woman." I smiled shaking my head. "Don't get me started on your smile." He's hands traced down my legs squeezing my feet. "I don't have a foot fetish but you definitely make me question that" he panted "shit you made me question everything about myself."

"Harry" I panted dropping my head to his shoulder. He held me closer thrusting up into me faster and harder. "You're so beautiful so fucking beautiful baby."

With that he froze letting a groan leave his throat. I laid on top of him as we both were coming down. "The way you smell is beautiful."

I laughed sitting up a bit looking down at him. "You can stop now."

He kissed me "baby I can go on for days. I don't think I'll ever run out of things."

I laughed kissing him. I pulled away leaving our foreheads connected "The way you love is the most beautiful thing about you." Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Do you forgive me?" He asked looking into my eyes

"I guess but have you apologized to Ed that was fucked up."

"Yes I spoke to him before I came here."

"Point a gun at ed again ill hurt you."



Harry pov

I called lex earlier asked what her plans were she mentioned Sarah wanted to go to go out for a drink and asked me if I wanted to tag along.
I declined

I've had something in my head I wanted to do.

I'm now sat at the back of the bar waiting. Then I see her.

The hottest girl. her smiling lighting up the room. I watched her talk to her friend. She was captivating

I texted Aston if he could distract her friend. Once she was I made my move walking behind her almost touching her but resisted. "Hi" I spoke lowly but loud enough for her to hear me.

She turned around smiling "I thought you said you were busy."

I ignored her "I saw you from across the bar and thought I would buy a pretty girl a drink."

She glanced around confused "I'm Harry and you are?" She tilted her head still confused "you do have a name darling don't ya?"

"lexy" she spoke slowly and confused but interested.

"Lexy that's a pretty name is it short for something?"

"Alexis" she laughed

"Even more beautiful" I smiled.

"Thank you" she giggled taking a sip of her drink

"Has anyone told you you have the most adorable laugh"

She bit her lips smiling at me.  "Yeah I think I've gotten that before"

"So are you here by yourself?"

"No came here with my friend"

Hmm I looked around. "I don't see her"

She squinted at me

"Maybe I can keep you company. is that ok?" Touching her arm lightly


"Do you play pool?"

"Yeah I do."

I put my hand out she took it as I walked us over

The tables were being used but I looked at the men and they cleared a table.

"You seem powerful the way the just gave you the table." Shaking her head

"Us. The gave us the table. And yes I am" I smile

She rolled her eyes at me

As she finished setting the table. "Lady's first" I smiled my eyes traveled down to her thighs as her skirt rode up I stepped behind her feeling my protectiveness not wanting any man to sneak a peek

"she smiled  I don't need help." Looking at me over her shoulder

My hands squeezing her hips "hmm" I yanked down her skirt to cover her up a bit.

I could see her face turn red realizing "did anyone see my underwear?"

I chuckled "just me"As I backed away
I watched her take her shot before I took mine .

"If I win i get to take you home with me."

She laughed "and if I win?"

"You won't."

She bit her lip "that's bold of you to assume"

"I'm a bold guy."

She laughs shaking her head "so Harry tell me about yourself."

"I'm an entrepreneur. Some may say i can be a bit of an ass but i just don't like to bullshit. I also can and will kill someone who crosses me"

"Seems like someone I would avoid."

I laugh "smart girl. Tell me about you."

She hit the ball into the pocket smiling at me "for one im decent at pool. I also love art in all forms painting, clothing, and music. I guess I love people expressing themselves."

I look at the pool table seeing that I'm losing. Fuck. I place my pole on the table. Walking up to her "music like dancing? Would you want to dance?"

She looked at me surprised I take her hand into mine walking her to the dance floor we sway to the music.

I lean down towards her ear "you're really pretty." She looks at me with those doey eyes before hiding her face in my chest

I pull her chin towards me kissing her softly which surprising starts to get more heated

I pulled her outside kissing her against the wall my hand traveling under her skirt. Dipping my fingers into her panties. Her head falls to the wall as a small moan leaves her lips

The door flings open immediately cover her she she grabs my shirt pulling me towards herself.

I look to the group of people ready to bite all their heads off when she grabs my chin.

"Do you have a car Harry?"

I smirk at her leading her to my car. I push her against it kissing her fiddling with the handle once I open it I pull her in with me.

Falling on top of me giggling she sits up shutting the door. Biting her lip we just watch each other in silence.

I curl my finger indicating for her to come closer. She climbs on tops of me. I can help but whisper "you're so pretty." My hands tracing her body pushing her most against me. Kissing her. She pulls away slightly but I kiss her neck.

"Do you have condoms?"

I chuckle slightly "condom?"

"You know since we barely know each other."

I groan slightly because now that I don't use a condom I find them annoying.

"I'm clean"

"I would feel more comfortable." She smirks

"You're being serious right now?" I look at her

She nods with her pretty fucking head.

In the glove department I sigh she reaches up and grabs one.

"Why do you have condoms in your car?"

"Old habit don't worry they don't get used" i turn us over so I'm hovering over her pulling her panties down.

Grabbing the condom from her hand I pull myself out rolling my eyes as I slip it on.

Pushing into her thrusting softly before picking up the pace. Definitely doesn't feel as good.

She giggles "is it that noticeable"

"Very." I thurst again "I can't feel you." Which comes out in a whine

"I feel you and you feel amazing."

I thrust harder "keep talking baby I think it's the only way I'll cum."

"Fuck Harry right there." Her fingers lace into my hair pulling me down she kisses me fuck I'll never get enough of her kisses she bites my lip which lights a spark in me

"Fuck baby I can't I can't."

I lean up pulling the condom off sinking into her both the feeling and her moan putting me over the cliff

"Harry I'm gonna.." I tilt her chin up kissing her throat "cum with me"

Nothing will ever compare to this. No matter what high I chase this one right here is the best.

I swap us around again so she laying on my chest.

"Why did you do this?" She looked at me curiously "pretend we didn't know each other."

I shrugged "wanted to give you the experience of meeting me without being forced."

She kissed me. "I don't care how we met but remember I chose to love you."

I kissed her "well I can't say the same because I didn't even see it coming."

"Harry that's not how you would have been if you met me." She laughed resting her chin on her hands

"What do you mean?"

"You and everyone talks about how you were a man whore."

I laugh

"Next time can you chat me up like you did with other girls give me the Harry man whore experience."

"Absolutely not."

"Why not"

I laugh because she sounds genuinely offended "Because you're not a random I just wanted to get my dick wet with. I have respect for you."

"But Harry please"

"It wasnt anything special. It was hey you wanna suck me off?, hey can I fuck you and your friends in the bathroom. Don't kiss me and don't talk to me after, use your teeth like that again I'll blow your brains out."

"Such a gentleman."

"Exactly why I'm not going to treat you like that I already treated you like shit in the beginning."

She Scrunched her nose "you did. I was nothing in your words"

"Nothing I've ever felt before" I smile before I drop it "I hope you know how sorry I am for the way I treated you."

"You've apologized a hundred times harry."

"It'll never be enough."

"I think you need to forgive yourself."


"You deserve to forgive yourself. You proved to that you are nothing like the man you use to be."

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