Love Will Thaw

By OneArtsyGamer03

61.3K 2.8K 1.1K

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... Republishing of Love Will Thaw <3 ... Elson has been isolated and alone hi... More

Frozen Heart
An Accident
Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?
For the First Time In Forever
Love is an Open Door
Coronation Disaster
Let it Go!
Kristoff and Sven
In Summer!
Fixer Upper
Battle at the Ice Palace
Love Will Thaw
Frozen Fever
Frozen Fever Anniversary!
Olaf's Frozen Adventure

The Storm Inside of Me

2.9K 148 102
By OneArtsyGamer03

Third Person P.O.V

The people all shivered and struggled to keep warm as they scavenged for what little wood they could get to that wasn't wet or frozen.

"No, no! You've got the bark facing down. It's got to be facing up!" A man scolds another man, flipping the wood.

"Bark down is dryer!" The man snapped back, flipping it back the way it was.

The two men begin to fight about the bark, trying to yank it from the other as a young boy sneaks around them, grabbing a pile of wood and racing away.

"Papa!" He calls out, showing the wood proudly as his father sighs in relief and ruffles his hair with a smile.

"Cloak? Does anyone need a cloak?" Hans calls as guards follow, carrying stacks of wool cloaks.

A shivering old woman approaches and gratefully takes one as Hans smiles sadly.

"Arendelle is indebted to you, Your Highness," she squeezes his arm and takes the cloak as he nods and continues.

"The castle is open. There is soup and hot glogg in the great hall!" Hans addresses the rest of the shivering folk, handing off his stack of cloaks to another guard, "here, pass these out."

"Prince Hans!" An angry voice shrieks, making him sigh.

The Duke and Duchess approach, rage evident on their faces.

"Are we expected to just sit here and freeze while you give away all of Arendelle's tradable goods?!" Duke demands, his sister angrily nodding in agreement.

"Princess Anna has given her orders--"

"And that's another thing!" Duchess cuts Hans off. "Has it dawned on you that your princess and her little friend may be conspiring with a wicked sorcerer?!"

"To destroy us all!" The Duke agrees as Hans firmly glares at them.

"Do not question the Princess or (Y/N). They left me in charge, and I won't hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason," Hans warns, taking aback the Duke and Duchess.

"T--Treason?" The Duchess whimpers as their guards glare at Hans.

A horse whinny catches their attention, and (Horse Name) comes stampeding through the town, bucking up and neighing as people gasp and yell.

Hans gasps and rushes to the horse, but that only seemed to aggravate him more as he tries to calm him.

Faunus, who had been watching in concern with his love, rushes to the horse, grabbing the reigns and gently shushing him, "Woah, boy! Easy... Easy." He gently coos at the horse, stroking his muzzle.

(Horse Name) calms with his presence, snorting softly as Hans looks towards the way he came.

The woman shivers violently as she hugs her arms, rushing over to Faunus, along with Kai.

"Nice job, sunshine," she softly says and smiles, her teeth chattering lightly.

Faunus' expression brightens to a smile as he focuses on her, his arms wrapping around her as he pulls her into an embrace to help warm her up.

"This is Lady (Y/N)'s horse..." Kai mumbles, making the people gasp and all exclaim indistinctly.

"So... Where are she and the Princess?"

"Where could they be?"

"Where are they?" The folk all whisper amongst themselves in concern.

"Princess Anna and Lady (Y/N) are in trouble," Hans decides after looking at the mountain for a moment, and he faces the crowd. "I need volunteers to go with me to find them."

Kai takes (Horse Name) from Faunus, bowing gratefully and leads him to the stables as people and guards volunteer.

(Y/N) sneezes and rubs her clothed arms quickly as a gust of wind attacks them, Faunus grimacing at the cold as he begins to lead her back into the castle with him.

"We volunteer two men, My Lord," the Duke calls, making his guards look at him in confusion.

"Be prepared for anything," Duchess whispers to the men. "And if you encounter the King..."

"... You are to put an end to this winter. Do you understand?" Duke finishes, and the men nod with grim faces.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Well... Avoid the walls," I warn, looking at the dangerous ice spikes in concern. "Elson must have been really distressed for these to be like this..."

"Huh," Kristoff mumbles, "you know him well?"

"Well, yeah. I've known him and Anna all my life," I reply, glancing at Anna.

"Oh," he nods, "so it makes sense you love him. You've known him for more than a day," he directs the end towards Anna in a loud tone, who scoffs and ignores him.

"I don't..." I trail off, rolling my eyes. "Why does everyone think that?"

"Ehh... Not for me to decide I guess. I'll leave that to my friends," Kristoff shrugs and speaks casually, making me snort.

"Oh, yeah. The 'love experts'," I tease with amusement, rolling my eyes. "Come on, Kris. No one is a love expert."

"These guys are, and don't call me that." Kristoff huffs, looking around at the ice spikes. "So... How exactly are you guys planning to stop this weather?"

"Oh, I am gonna talk to my brother," Anna states sternly with a humorless chuckle, smugly smiling.

"Yeah, talking to him sounds good," I agree, and Kristoff looks at us in concern.

"That's your plan? My ice business is riding on you guys talking to him?"

"Yep." Anna nods, Kristoff not paying attention as he walks.

"Kris!" I urgently call, making him halt as his nose presses against an ice spike.

"S--So you're not at all afraid of him?" He squeaks out, swerving around the spike and walking besides Sven.

"Uh. Nope, why would we be?" Anna questions, me nodding in agreement as Olaf skips ahead, walking and prancing backwards.

"Yeah! He seems to be the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever. And did you know he loves--" Olaf was cut off by being stabbed by an ice spike, his lower body running into the wall as his coal-button pops out.

He looks down, "oh. Look at that," his hands touch the spike, "I've been impaled."

Olaf cackles, making me chuckle and shake my head before Anna and I help him.


"Shoot," I mumble as we come to a dead end, none of us noticing the small gap between the two cliffs.

"What now?" Anna sighs, and we both watch as Kristoff examines the rocky wall.

"Mmm..." Kristoff trails off, looking in his bag as Anna and I both nod to each other in determination. "It's too steep. I've only got one rope and you two don't know how to climb mountains."

"Uh, excuse me, check your facts." I grunt, mocking offense as Anna and I slowly climb the wall. "We can climb just fine."

"Yeah!" Anna chuckles, and I hear a small 'whack'.

"... What are you two doing?"

"We are..." I grunt, pausing, "going to see Elson, duh! Come on Kris, where have you been?"

"You both are gonna get yourselves killed," I could practically see Kristoff's face of disapproval.

"Anna, don't step there--" I warn, only for her to do so and nearly slip.

"You are distracting me!" She replies, balancing herself.

"Or there," Kristoff adds as she slips again.

"Yep. This was a bad idea, no upper body strength," I sigh, resting as Anna struggles to continue from below me.

"How do you know Elson even wants to see you guys?" Kristoff calls, making me scoff.

"Of course he does!"

"All right, I'm just gonna block you out," Anna replies to Kristoff with a soft grunt as she climbs, making me snicker softly.

"You know, most people who disappear into the mountains wanna be alone," Kristoff continues casually, making me shake my head.

"Not Elson. That was always his fear... being alone," I quietly reply, making Anna pause for a moment.

"Elson..." She sighs sadly and shakes her head before addressing Kristoff, "See? No one wants to be alone." I gasp, reaching for her as she slips and stables herself. "... Except maybe you."

"I'm not alone. I have friends, remember?" Kristoff defends, making me look back at him and Sven.

"You mean the love experts?" Anna sarcastically replies, not facing Kristoff.

"Yes! The love experts," he folds his arms as I scoff.

"Pretty sure they're a figment of your imagination that your lonely mind made up, Kris!" I reply, making him chuckle and roll his eyes.

Anna places her foot on the ledge just above me, panting.

"Please tell me I'm almost there," Anna pleads in exhaustion.

"Uh. Anna... You barely caught up to me," she snaps her head and looks at me with wide eyes before whining and sighing.

"Really?!" She pants out as I chuckle, slowly climbing down and plopping into a pile of snow on my rear with a grunt.

"Can you help her? I can't feel my arms or legs," I pant, making him snicker.

"The air seem a bit thin to you up here?" Anna pants, making me exhale a breathy laugh and lay down in the snow.

Kristoff chuckles and shakes his head, reaching in his bag as he approaches her.

"Hang on," he calls, Sven trotting to me and sniffing at me in concern from my spot on the floor.

I use him to help me up as Olaf gains our attention.

"Hey, Sven? Not sure if this is gonna solve the problem, but I found a staircase that leads exactly where we want to go," Olaf nonchalantly calls, peeking around a small gap.

"Seriously?!" I grin in excitement.

"Ha-Ha! Thank goodness! Catch!" Anna suddenly lets go of the cliff, making me gasp loudly as Kristoff catches her bridal-style.

Anna chuckles and pats his chest, "thanks!" She hops out of his arms and follows after Olaf, "that was like a crazy trust exercise!"

I watch Kristoff as a love-struck grin appears on his face, clearing my throat as he watches after Anna.

He quickly shakes his head and clears his own throat as Sven grunts in confusion.

"Don't... Say anything," Kristoff mumbles in embarrassment, making my grin widen.

"What? Who, me? I would never, Kris!" I tease, making him huff. "Don't worry," I say more seriously and he pauses. "I won't. We both know she is... Engaged," I struggle to finish.

"... Yeah."

And with that, we followed after Anna and Olaf.


"Oh... My... Gosh! This is..." I admire, looking up at the ice palace in awe.

"Amazing!" Anna finished in disbelief and amazement.

"I never knew what he was really capable of," I exhale a bitter laugh. "I wish we didn't have to hide it."

Olaf chuckles and starts bouncing up the stairs as Kristoff stands there with his mouth agape, eyes watery.

"Now that's ice," he breathes out, "I'm gonna cry."

"Go ahead... I won't judge," Anna replies, following after me as I approach the stairs.

Sven follows after in excitement, and I gasp as he slips on the stairs from his hooves. He struggles to stand, grunting and moaning.

"All right, take it easy, boy," Anna goes ahead as I wait for Kristoff, watching in amusement as he carries Sven down the stairs. "I gotcha. Okay. You stay right here, buddy."

"We'll be back soon, Sven!" I try to cheer up his pout before racing up the stairs.

"Flawless..." Kristoff sniffles, making me pause and laugh before joining Anna.

We both approach the door, looking at each other with nervous faces. Anna slowly raises her hand before pausing, her face showing fear.


I slowly raise my own fist before pausing, also nervous.

What if... Elson doesn't want to see us?

"Just knock."

What if he kicks us out, or becomes mad and--

"Why aren't they knocking? Do you think they know how to knock?" Olaf poorly whispers to Kristoff.

Anna gains the courage and knocks on the door, both of us yelping as it opens by itself.

"It opened!" I breathe out with a grin.

"That's a first," Anna bitterly adds, making me pause.

"Maybe... You should wait out here with Kristoff," I suggest, making her look at me in confusion.

"What? But--" Anna starts.

"Last time you and him were together you both blew up and got into a heated fight. I don't want a repeat of that," I sternly reply, "I just want to check out inside and while I do that, you calm down."

Anna was silent for a second before nodding with a sigh, "you're right. And not to mention, last time I introduced him to a guy he froze everything."

"I'll give you the okay to follow me after a few seconds," I continue, and notice Kristoff looked displeased.

"B--But, but... Oh, come on!" Kristoff exclaims, "it's a palace made of ice. Ice is my life!"

"Bye, guys!" Olaf happily waves.

"You, too, Olaf," Anna stops him, making him pout.


"Just for a minute, and then you can come in," I softly reply, kneeling down and squeezing his hand before rising, entering the palace.


Third Person P.O.V

"She's very nice," Olaf comments. "No wonder Elson is in love with her!" He poorly whispers to Kristoff, making Anna perk up.

"What?" She demands, startling Olaf into a squeal.

"You can read minds?!" Olaf yelps, making Anna sigh and chuckle, kneeling down as Kristoff does the same.

"No," Anna laughs, "but... What you said. He loves her?"

"Well, yeah!" Olaf leaps and sighs happily, "I heard it just after he made me! He yelled," Olaf clears his throat, imitating Elson in a deeper tone, "I love (Y/N)!"

"Really? Huh," Kristoff chuckles and nods, "well... Good for (Y/N)."

"Oh, I knew it! Even though he denied it, I knew!!" Anna laughs, leaping up and squealing. "This is like a fairy tale! Oh, they're going to live happily ever after together!"

"Ah... Maybe," Kristoff slowly says with a hint of concern, rising as well. "Assuming he even comes back with us."

"Of course he will! It's true love!" Anna firmly replies, and perks up when she hears (Y/N) call her.

"Okay, one minute guys!" She whispers, and slowly enters.

"One... Two... Three..."

"Four," Kristoff joins with a pout, sitting next to Olaf.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

(A few moments before)

"Wow..." I mumble in awe, entering the beautiful palace Elson created. "Elson! It's me, (Y/N)!"

I walk forward a few faces, yelping as I slip and I nearly fall backwards. I manage to stable myself, shaking my head as I laugh and grip the stair railing.

"(Y/N)," a familiar voice calls, making me gasp and look up.

Elson slowly peeks out and emerges from behind a set of ice doors, his eyes a bit wide and his expression shocked. He snaps out of it and a small smile on his face as he walks to stand at the top of the stairs, his eyes never leaving mine.

My eyes widened at how different he looked. His hair, his clothes... Him. He looked so much happier.

"Elson!" I smile up at him, and hear the door behind me. "Wow, you look... incredible."

His smile falls for a moment in surprise before a wide grin graces his features, a small blush on his face.

"Anna," I yell towards the entrance before turning back to Elson, noticing his smile instantly fall. He looks away from me with a frown, and he sighs in guilt.

"She's here, too?" He meekly asks, making me nod with a concerned smile. "And... Is she alright?"

"She is. She misses you... I miss you," I reply softly, making him look at me with a sad smile.

His fingers lightly drum on the railing of the stairs, a sigh leaving him. "I miss you, too."

The doors were quickly slammed opened and the sound of boots were heard on the icy floors.

"Elson!" Anna eagerly calls, rushing towards me.

I yelp and laugh as she squeals, slipping backwards before tumbling forward. I manage to stable and catch her as Elson watches with wide eyes and a grin, chuckling and shaking his head.

"Whoa! Elson! You look... Different," Anna notices as I help her stand straight. "It's a good different! And this place..."

"It's absolutely amazing," I finish as he chuckles and looks around.

"Thank you," Elson fondly looks at me, "I guess we never really knew what I was capable of."

"We didn't..." I trail off with a small sigh, taking a few steps towards him. "You shouldn't have had to hide your gift like that. I'm sorry I didn't say anything before..."

"And I'm so sorry about what happened. If I had known--" Anna starts up next to me, and I hold my arm out as Elson's demeanor began to change from confident to terrified as he tucks his hands away.

"No, no, no. It's okay, I'm okay," he quickly says, backing away as he looks down. "You both don't have to apologize. But... you guys should probably go. Please."

"But... We just got here." Anna nervously laughs, frowning as she comes to a stop.

Elson looks at us before shaking his head.

"You both belong down in Arendelle."

"So do you," I firmly reply, making him shake his head.

"No, (Y/N), I belong here. Alone," Elson bitterly mumbles, shaking his head. "Where I can be who I am... Without hurting anybody." He looks away from us as he grips the railing, his eyes holding pain.

"But... don't you want to come back? You-- I... Elson, come back with us, please. Come back with me." I quietly speak, making his eyes widen slightly and flicker towards me.

He shifts his weight on his feet, his eyes averting down. "I--"

"... Fifty-nine, sixty!"

Elson pauses, his brows furrowing at the voice. "Wait, what is that?"

"Olaf..." I breathe out as Olaf comes racing in, happily skipping.

"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Olaf greets cheerfully, rushing to our side.

"Olaf...?" Elson questions in disbelief, staring at him.

"You built me," Olaf quietly replies, "remember that?"

"And you're... Alive?" Elson breathes out, continuing to watch Olaf in wonder.

"Umm..." Olaf wiggles his hands, "I think so."

Elson looks down at his hands in amazement as Anna kneels next to Olaf.

"He's just like the one we built as kids," Anna fondly smiles as I join her.

"Yeah," Elson chuckles, bringing his hands to his heart.

"We were so close," Anna continues, "we can be like that again. You, me... (Y/N)..."

Elson's smile was instantly wiped to a look of fear and panic as he seems to look off in a distant memory, blinking rapidly and shaking his head.

"No. We can't." He looks between us with unshed tears, "Goodbye."

"Elson, wait!" I call, starting up the stairs as he turns.

"No! I'm just trying to protect you!" He firmly replies, his voice breaking slightly.


Third Person P.O.V

"You don't have to protect us!" (Y/N) yells back reassuringly, rushing after him. "We're not afraid! Please don't shut us out again!" (Y/N) pleads as she and Anna follows after Elson.

"Please don't slam the door!"

"You don't have to keep your distance anymore," both chase after him.

"Cause for the first time in forever, I finally understand," Anna tries to reassure as she and (Y/N) race up the stairs.

"For the first time in forever, we can fix this hand in hand!"

"We can head down this mountain together!" Anna calls as they finish the flight of stairs.

"You don't have to live in fear!"

Elson clenches his hands in front of him as he listens to the two people he cherishes most, breathing deeply.

"Cause for the first time in forever... We will be right here," (Y/N) offers her hand as Elson turns, making him back away with a fearful look.

"No-- please, go back home. Your lives await." Elson smiles bitterly and shakes his head, gesturing with his arms. "Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates!"

"Elson--" (Y/N) tries, only to be cut off by Elson dismissing her with a gentle wave of his arm.

"I know! You mean well... But leave me be... Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free!" Elson hadn't noticed (Y/N) followed him to the terrace, making him jump as she gently places a hand on his arm. "Just... stay away!" He pulls from her and rushes back inside as Anna joins (Y/N) near the terrace. "And you'll be safe from me..."

"Actually, we're not," Anna begins, making (Y/N) wince at her approach.

Elson frowns as he looks back, his brows furrowing. "What d'ya mean you're not?"

"I get the feeling you don't know," Anna continues hesitantly.

(Y/N) rubs her neck as Elson turns and fully faces them, his eyes narrowed and nose crinkled in confusion.

"What do I not know?" He demands as Anna and (Y/N) glance at each other.

"Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep... Snow..." Anna nervously explains, making Elson's eyes widen as his face falls.

"What?!" He breathes out in disbelief, his body posture becoming rigid.

"You-- your magic... when you were upset. You accidentally froze over the fjord in Arendelle," (Y/N) tries to calmly explain, to not upset him more as she reassuringly smiles.

"Yeah... and, um, it's-- it's... you kind of set off an eternal winter... everywhere," Anna finishes with a wince, offering a strained smile.

Elson's face falls as his eyes widen, his mouth agape. "Everywhere?!"

"It's okay! It's okay," (Y/N) walks forward a few faces with her hands slightly raised, as if trying to calm a frightened animal. "You can unfreeze it."

"No, I-- I can't!" Elson shakes his head, backing away as his body trembles lightly. "I don't-- I don't know how!"

"Sure, you can!" Anna smiles at her brother in determination, taking a step forward.

"I know you can," (Y/N) breathes out with a small, sad smile.

"Cause for the first time in forever..."

"Oh... I'm such a fool! I can't be free!" Elson turns away from the two as a light flurry begins to stir around them.

"You don't have to be afraid," (Y/N) tries to calm as she walks a few more steps as Anna follows, some paces away.

"No escape from the storm inside of me..." Elson grips at his heart in devastation.

"We can work this out together," Anna calls out to her brother, wincing as the snow around them picks up.

(Y/N) presses against the chilling wind as it becomes more agitated and harsh, her eyes focused on Elson as she pushes forward.

"I can't control the curse!!" He looks at his hands with horror, shaking his head.

"We'll reverse this storm you've made," Anna yells over the raging wind, staggering and catching herself as the two continue to approach Elson.

"Oh... please, you'll only make it worse!" Elson yells frantically, facing the two as he backs away and grips at his hair.

(Y/N) shakes her head quickly, her hands outstretched. "Don't panic--"

"There's so much fear!"

"We'll make the sun shine bright!"

Elson gasps as (Y/N) reaches and grabs his sleeve while he was facing his reflection, his eyes wide as he jerks away with a helpless look.

"You're not safe here!" He desperately says, pulling from (Y/N)'s grip as she looks at him with pleading eyes.

"We can face this thing together!" She encourages as he tries to back away from her, the storm around them lashing out as she draws near him.


"We can change this winter weather!" Anna agrees, nearly to them.

"I..." Elson shakes his head as he cradles his clenched his fists to his chest.

"You and I could be together!" (Y/N) tries to desperately calm him, shaking her head as she notices his distress growing. "And everything would be alright--"

"I can't!!" Elson screams out, the ice storm swirling and entering him and shooting out of his broken heart.

The magic strikes (Y/N) and Anna's hearts, sending an icy blast through them. (Y/N) yelps and grips at her own heart as it seems to tremble, Anna doing the same as the powerful blast strikes at both of their hearts.

(Y/N) lets out a pained gasp as she collapses to the floor on her knees behind Elson, Anna kneeling as she whimpers softly while grasping at her chest.

Elson calms down before hearing her yelp, spinning around with wide eyes. He gasps softly with fear as he swiftly drops to his knees besides (Y/N), his hand trembling violently at his side as he holds himself back from reaching for her.

"Anna! (Y/N)!" Kristoff yells as he spots Anna on the ground, racing to her and sliding on his knee to her side. "Are you guys okay?" He questions urgently, helping Anna up as (Y/N) manages to rise on her own, her breathing slowly calming down.

Elson swiftly rises and backs up a few steps, looking down at (Y/N) before wincing as he turns away from her.

Olaf quickly joins them, looking sadly at Elson.

"Yes... I-- I think so," (Y/N) places a hand on her heart, feeling an odd feeling inside of her as she shakes her head to clear her mind.

"We're fine," Anna firmly says and glares at Elson as (Y/N) slowly joins them, Elson looking between the three.

"Who's this...?" He shakes his head, "wait. It doesn't matter just... You have to leave."

"But... you love..." Olaf quietly and sadly starts as he trails off, making Elson look at him before he shakes his head with a panicked look.

The once beautiful blue ice began to crackle and become a darker shade, almost black.

"Elson, we can do this together, if only you'd let us!" (Y/N) yells as Elson shakes his head.

"Yeah! We can figure this out together!" Anna agrees as Kristoff looks around in concern.

"How?! What power do you two have to stop this winter? To stop me?" Elson demands, his face full of pain and anguish.

Kristoff and Olaf look around as (Y/N) steps forward.

"(Y/N), I think we should go," Kristoff grabs her arm, making her yank it away.

"No! Elson, please! We're not leaving without you!" She pleads, making him sigh sadly.

"Yes... You are." Elson grunts, using his magic before quickly fleeing as his magic forms.

Kristoff wraps a protective arm around Anna as a low growl could be heard. The creature forms, standing at an astounding height. Olaf watches with a wide smile while the others in fear and concern.

"... Oh no." (Y/N) and Anna nervously laugh.


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