Love Will Thaw

By OneArtsyGamer03

61.3K 2.8K 1.1K

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... Republishing of Love Will Thaw <3 ... Elson has been isolated and alone hi... More

Frozen Heart
An Accident
Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?
For the First Time In Forever
Love is an Open Door
Let it Go!
Kristoff and Sven
In Summer!
The Storm Inside of Me
Fixer Upper
Battle at the Ice Palace
Love Will Thaw
Frozen Fever
Frozen Fever Anniversary!
Olaf's Frozen Adventure

Coronation Disaster

3.3K 146 114
By OneArtsyGamer03


Elson softly sighs, making (Y/N) frown when she counts this as the fourth time in two minutes he has done so.

"Maybe you should talk to Anna... Maybe... tell her the truth?" She quietly suggests, making Elson look over at her as she offers him a comforting smile.

Elson considers it for a moment, shaking his head with defeat.

"I... can't. I wish I could, but... I'm just... afraid," Elson whispers shakily, looking down at his gloved hands.

"You don't have to be," (Y/N) gently replies and slowly takes one of his hands, making him gasp and quickly pull away before hugging himself.

(Y/N) watches him with a soft frown of concern, stepping away to give him space as he breathes deeply, slowly relaxing.

"Um..." Elson clears his throat and looks (Y/N) over with a small smile. "You... You look beautiful, by the way. I-- I don't think I got to mention so earlier."

(Y/N) was taken aback, looking over at Elson with a light blush as she begins to smile.

"Oh! Um... Thank you. You look-- very... handsome," she compliments back as her heart races, making his smile widen as he stands a little taller.

(Y/N) grins as she rubs her neck, her eyes glancing over the table of food and spotting something.

"Be right back!" She grins, making Elson jump and look after her as she disappears into the crowd.

She was gone for a moment before reappearing, holding something behind her back.

Elson looks at her with a questioning smile as she presents something from behind her back, showing a piece of chocolate.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"You didn't get to eat yours earlier, so..." I trail off with a grin, making him smile.

"Thank you," Elson chuckles, and slowly takes it from my hand, careful not to touch me.

He pops it in his mouth and grins, finishing it with a sigh.

"Reminds me of when we were little..." Elson looks down with a grin.

"Oh, man... We got so sick eating all the candy from the kitchen that one night," I laugh, cringing at the memory of throwing it all up.

"Whose idea was that again?" Elson chuckles, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"A certain little white-haired boy's idea, if I recall correctly," I state back bluntly with a grin, looking accusingly at Elson as he playfully gasps.

"Blaming your King? How dare you," he playfully replies with a mock serious expression, making me laugh and sigh.

"I missed you," I admit, making him gently smile back as he lets out a soft chuckle.


"Elson!" A voice calls, making Elson and I look over at Anna as she appears from the crowd with the same man from earlier.

What was his name? Mans... Cons... H something... Hans?

"I mean, King, me again, uh..." Anna curtsies quickly and looks at me in excitement, making me tilt my head. "May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles."

Elson politely nods his head to Hans, his eyes looking down at their loops arms in confusion.

"Your Majesty, Milady," Hans greets, bowing slightly.

"We would like--" both start before giggling, my eyebrows slowly furrowing as they act like two children in love.

"Uh, your blessing," Hans continues, hesitating as he looks to Anna. "For..."

Anna hugs his arm tightly.

"Our marriage!" she finishes, squealing softly as she rests her head on Hans' shoulder.

My jaw drops and my eyes widen, Elson doing the same as he sputters in disbelief.

"Marriage?!" We both exclaim at the same time, Anna eagerly nodding.

"Yes!" She squeals, making me frown.

"Wait, didn't you like... Just meet him?" I slowly say, making Elson look at me with furrowed brows.

"Wait-- I'm sorry, I'm confused," Elson stammers lightly, looking back at Anna as he shakes his head.

"Well, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. I'm sure (Y/N) can help me though. We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony," Anna grins, already seeing it in her head as I watch her with wide eyes. "Of course we'll have soup, roast and ice cream, and then..."

She suddenly gasps, startling me.

"Wait, would we live here?!"

Elson and I look at each other with wide eyes as she mentions Hans living here, his expression mortified as he blinks rapidly.

"Here?" Elson stammers with wide eyes.

"Absolutely!" Hans agrees enthusiastically, making Anna smile.

"Anna!" I try to interrupt, but she doesn't listen.

"Oh! We can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us!"

"What?! Anna--" I start, but Anna wasn't listening as she continued to speak.

"Of course we have the room!"

"Wait, slow down!" Elson firmly interrupts, making Anna look at us. "No one's brothers are staying here, and no one is getting married."

"What?" Anna questions, a frown on her face as she looks at me. "(Y/N), help me out!"

"Uh..." I trail off awkwardly, glancing at Elson quickly.

"May I talk to you, please? Alone," Elson urges softly and saves me, making Anna scoff.

"No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us," Anna replies firmly, hugging Hans' arm again as he looks at Elson with uncertainty.

"Fine," Elson lowly says, straightening up with a hardened expression. "You can't marry a man you just met."

"You can if it's true love!"

"Oh, Anna..." Elson sighs softly, shaking his head. His eyes shift to me for a moment before they move back to her, his expression softening. "What do you know about true love?"

"More than you!" Anna snaps, looking at me for a moment before looking back at her brother. "All you know is how to shut people out!"

Elson was taken aback, gasping lightly as she continues, "I mean, you even shut (Y/N) out, too! Do you know how hurt she was when you--"

"Anna!" I cut her off quickly, making her look at me with sadness and confusion as I shake my head.

Elson doesn't speak for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing as he looks at Anna sternly.

"You asked for my blessing... And my answer is no," Elson lowly speaks, his voice wavering a bit as he exhales softly and turns to walk away. "Now... Excuse me..."

"Elson--" I reach for him as he starts walking away, concern evident on my face.

"Your Majesty, if I may ease--" Hans starts.

"No, you may not," Elson firmly cuts him off, sharply looking at Hans. "And I think you should go," Elson glares at Hans, intimidating him as he walks past Kai. "The party is over, close the gates."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Kai bows, going to inform the staff.

Anna's eyes widen as she rushes after Elson, her tone desperate. "What? Elson, no, no, wait!"

I gasp as Anna yanks Elson's glove off, making him gasp sharply as his eyes widen in fear.

"Anna!" I urgently speak, rushing over.

Elson tries to snatch his glove, but Anna holds it away from him.

"Give me my glove!" Elson demands firmly, gritting his teeth.

"Anna, listen to him. We should have this conversation somewhere private!" I glance around at the crowd, noticing their eyes were all on us as I try to grab Elson's glove.

She pulls it away from me, looking at me with tears.

"I don't get it! You're hurting too, (Y/N)! Why do you take his side?!" She yells, gaining the attention of some guests. "Elson, please! Please, I can't live like this anymore! We can't live like this anymore!"

"Anna, stop!" I urge her softly, my eyes shifting to Elson with concern.

"Then leave..." Elson mutters, making my heart sink as I blink rapidly.

Anna's face falls as her eyes gloss with tears, my own expression no doubt hurt. Elson looks at me with tearful eyes before sighing and shaking his head, turning and walking away.

"What did we ever do to you!?" Anna demands loudly as her voice breaks, Elson walking towards the doors.

Elson's fists clench at his sides as he breathes shakily, continuing towards the doors. "Enough, Anna."

"Anna, we should let him have a moment to--" I try to calm her, making her shake her head in anger.

"No! Why?! Why do you shut us out? Why-- why do you shut the world and love out? What are you so afraid of?!" Anna screams as the guests watch, Elson's body visibly tensing. "Are you really that scared of admitting you have feelings for (Y/N) that you feel like you have to shut her out like that?!"

I blink rapidly at her words, but before I could react--

"I said enough!!" Elson screams, waving his arm in anger as he spins around.

Magic shoots from his hand, the jagged, frozen but beautiful ice forming a barrier around Elson as the crowd of people all gasp and scream, shrinking back.

My eyes widen as I softly breathe out, watching as his face melts from rage to absolute horror. His eyes look around the room as he starts to panic, his breathing uneven and coming out in gasping breaths as he leans back against the door.

His eyes meet mine and he softly whimpers in fear, clutching his fist to his chest as unshed tears form in his eyes.

"Elson... it's okay, it's--" I stammer lightly as I step forward, my hand outstretched.

"Sorcery!" Duke Weselton gasps, grabbing his sister and pulling her to their guards.

"I knew something dubious was going on here," she hisses out in disgust, scowling at Elson.

"Elson..." Anna breathe outs with shock, staring at Elson with wide eyes.

Elson trembles violently before he turns, yanking the door open and dashing out into the hallway as his cape flows behind him.

"Elson!" I shout after him with concern.


Third Person P.O.V

Elson slams the doors open to outside, his heart racing in his chest with fear as he descends the stairs, opening another set of doors leading outside. He halts in his tracks with wide eyes, a large crowd of people outside waiting to joyously greet him.

"There he is!" Someone in the crowd yells in glee.

His heart sinks further when he sees the large crowd between him and his escape, before hearing people running after him behind him in the halls.

Elson breathes shakily and rushes into the crowd as people cheer and applaud for him, his eyes wide and panicked as he looks around.

"Oh, it is him!" A man gasps in awe as Elson stops in front of him, the man blocking his path as he bows. "King Elson!"

Elson flinches and shakes his head, shoving through the people as someone else yells, "our magnificent King!"

A woman holding a baby stops Elson as he looks around with wide fear-stricken eyes, his hands shaking violently.

"Your Majesty... Are you alright?" She gently asks him as her baby giggles at Elson, making him slowly back up with his exposed fist clenched to his chest.

"No..." Elson shakes his head, continuing to back up as he looks frantically between the people, his posture that of a panicked animal cornered.

He bumps into the large center fountain, his hand reaching back to steady himself. His hand unintentionally freezes the water, making the crowd gasp and cry out in disbelief as Elson spins around with wide eyes, looking at the sight with horror.

"There he is!" Duchess Weselton yells, gaining Elson's attention.

"Stop him!" Duke Weselton shouts, his guards by their side as they ready themselves to go after Elson.

"Please, just-- just stay away from me," Elson urges desperately, gently waving his hands and backing up as they approach, "Stay away!"

A powerful blast of ice shoots from his hand involuntarily, covering the floor and area around the Duke and Duchess with ice and spikes, and they and the guards slip backwards.

"Monster... Monster!" The Duke gasps out, pointing firmly at Elson.

Elson struggles to breathe, looking down at his shaking hand in fear as the crowd gasps in horror and recoil away from him. He looks back at the mother, who flinches back in fear while holding her crying baby to her chest protectively as the crowd starts to panic.

"Elson!" (Y/N) yells out with worry, gasping as she slips on the ice near the Weseltons, falling to her knees and hands with a grimace.

Elson reaches out to her before stopping himself, shaking his head wildly before softly whimpering and turning to flee as the crowd parts for him.

"Elson!" Anna shouts after him, helping (Y/N) up as the two of them and Hans chase after him.


Elson runs away as his heart hammers in fear, his body violently trembling with anxiety as he descends a staircase.

"Elson!" He hears (Y/N) shout after him, making him run faster as he breathes frantically. "Come back! It'll be okay!"

Elson skids to a stop when he comes to a dead end, the fjord's waters blocking him from running any further.


He turns around in fear at Anna's voice extremely nearby, making him back up a few steps before gasping as the water freezes under his feet.

"Wait, please!" (Y/N) desperately calls, making Elson look back at her with sadness before fully stepping down on the water.

It completely freezes, and he deems it safe to walk on. He takes off running across the fjord, nearly slipping a few times before he makes it across.

"Elson, stop!" Anna yells after her brother before slipping on the ice due to her heels.

"Anna!" Hans gasps, and kneels at her side, wrapping an arm around her as comfort.

"No..." She whimpers as (Y/N) helps her to her feet, looking after Elson with pain.

"Elson..." (Y/N) whispers to herself, clutching her hand to her heart in sadness as she shakes her head.

"The fjord..." Hans breathes out, and the two girls notice the fjord completely freezing all the way around the waters.

The wind howls and the temperature drops, the waters freezing over and trapping all ships in the harbor.


"Snow?" A woman questions as flakes begin to fall from the sky.

"Snow?" Another breathes out in disbelief.

"Yes, snow!"

Anna and (Y/N) swiftly walk through the crowd as Hans follows, both girls shivering and rubbing their exposed arms.

"Are you alright?" Hans stupidly asks.

"No!" Anna snaps, leaning into (Y/N) as she wraps her arm around her.

"Did you know?" Hans demands, (Y/N) looking away with a blank expression.

"No," Anna mumbles sadly, (Y/N) deciding not to answer as she continues forward with Anna.

"Snowing! It's snowing!" Duke cries out in fear, gripping his sister.

(Y/N) rolls her eyes at the dramatic man, rubbing her freezing arms as her and Anna approach.

"The King has cursed this land!" Duchess shrieks, clutching the arm of one of their guards, who grunts and sighs in annoyance.

"He must be stopped. You have to go after him!" His guard grunts and tries to pull away as the Duke grips him roughly.

"No!" Anna and (Y/N) yell at the same time, startling the Duke and Duchess.

"You!" Duke hisses, him and his sister hiding behind their guards. "Is there sorcery in you too? Are you a monster too?!"

"Elson is not a monster!" (Y/N) snaps at the Duke, making him yelp and hide behind his guard as his sister glares at the girl.

"What about you?!" The Duchess demands, her gaze on (Y/N) as Anna scowls. "You were awfully friendly with the King, you could be a monster!" Duchess yells, making Anna grunt in annoyance.

"No! She isn't, and I'm completely ordinary!" Anna firmly replies as Hans joins her.

"That's right, she is!" He agrees, placing a hand on Anna's shoulder as she looks up at him with a raised brow. "I-in the best way."

She smiles at him for a moment before looking back to the two nobles, "Elson isn't a monster."

"He nearly killed me!"

"Oh, please!" (Y/N) scoffs, folding her arms and rolling her eyes.

"You slipped on ice," Hans nonchalantly replies, his gaze firm on the Duke.

"His ice!" The Duchess scowls, leaning forward.

"It was an accident," Anna intervenes, sighing heavily.

"He was scared... He didn't mean for this," (Y/N) agrees, looking towards the way Elson ran off.

"He didn't mean any of this ," Anna nods, shaking her head with a frown.

"I have to go after him. He needs me," (Y/N) nods to herself, looking at Kai. "Bring me my horse, please."

Kai bows his head and rushes quickly to the stables to retrieve (Horse Name), the Stallion.

"I'm coming, too!" Anna steps forward, "tonight was my fault. I'm the one who pushed him, so I'm going, too."

"What?" Hans shakes his head as the Duke and Duchess agree, not caring for the safety of the two girls.

Kai returns with (Horse Name), handing off the reins to (Y/N) and giving her a cloak.

"Ready, Anna?" (Y/N) calls, leaping onto her horse and steadying him.

"You guys, it's too dangerous," Hans intervenes as Anna tries to get on the horse.

"Elson isn't dangerous," (Y/N) firmly replies as Kai wraps a cloak around Anna.

"We'll bring him back and make things right," Anna, with the help of (Y/N), climbs onto her horse and faces Hans as (Y/N) looks forward in determination.

"I'm coming with you two," Hans tries, making (Y/N) sigh.

"That really isn't necessary--"

"I need you here to take care of Arendelle," Anna interrupts (Y/N), making her eyes widen before she sighs and looks away, clearly displeased.

"On my honor," Hans smiles with a nod.

"I leave Prince Hans in charge!" Anna yells to the crowd, making them murmur to one another.

"Are you sure you can trust him? I don't want you getting hurt," Hans frets over Anna, gripping her hand.

"Elson would never harm her," (Y/N) replies, glaring slightly at the man.

"Exactly. He's my brother. He wouldn't," Anna agrees, moving her hands from Hans' and wrapping her arms loosely around (Y/N)'s waist.

"Hyah!" (Y/N) yells, over the conversation and wasting of time.

Her horse neighs and leaps into action as Anna hangs on, and the two race after Elson, leaving Arendelle behind.


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