The Babysitter

By noni185

248K 10.9K 1.1K

After being unemployed for almost six months, Mon finally was hired, as a babysitter. However this wasn't an... More

Meet the Characters
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Final Part!
Special Chapter

Part 5

5K 229 20
By noni185

Mon's POV

I immediately pulled my hand away from Khun Sam after coming to my senses and realizing what was going on. I now understand why Sarai made me promise to stay away from her mother and not fall from her. I was also starting to understand why Khun Sam was acting this way toward me; given this was just my second day working for her.

Khum Sam liked girls! Sarai was aware of it, so much so that she was scared that if I was to fall for Khun Sam - which by the way will never happen- she would lose me, her newest friend/babysitter, and most importantly, her mom.
She was too protective of her mother because she was the only person in her life. Giving the fact that she's adopted makes her feel that anyone that comes around Sam, will try to take her away from her. Though I think this will never happen, Sarai is Sam's entire world and I notice it as soon as I saw her hugging and talking to her daughter! Nobody would ever be able to come between those two!

However, I do not quite fully understand why Khun Sam was being nice to me. I was hoping it was just because I'm Sarai's first-ever babysitter or maybe because Sarai and I got along pretty well!
Khun Sam has always been portrayed by the media as this "cold, heartless woman" and that all her employees were afraid and highly respected her. But with me, she was showing this new side, sweet, flirty, and loving. Not that I don't like it, it's just... this is my second day here and it's my first time meeting her. It's confusing! Maybe she should've waited a few weeks. Am I seeing too much maybe?
Maybe that's just how she is and the media is just fake news. Well, I feel that Nita would've told me differently!
I don't think she likes me in that way either, it would be too soon. We just met... unless... unless she's trying to use me?
No, that would be too cruel of her, right?!

It took me a while to realize that Khum Sam was still waiting for me. I looked up and saw confusion and annoyance. I don't think she liked the fact that I pulled my hand away. She frowned her eyebrows, probably still waiting for me to say why I pulled away. However, I didn't! We locked our eyes, she was looking at me intensively. Again, that weird feeling in my stomach, I tried to look at Sarai, and the little girl was just as confused. Come on now!

Sam; Is there something wrong Mon? - why does she keep looking at me that way? -
Mon; N...nothing is wrong Lady Sam! - she rolled her eyes -
Sam; I told you to call me Sam! - I nodded, but she was still not satisfied with my answer - Is there something wrong, Mon?
Mon; everything is fine... Sam! - she smiled after hearing her name but then looked at me all seriously. -
Sam; Then why did you pull your hand away from me? Did you not want to join us for breakfast?
Mon; That's not it! - I sighed -
Sam; Then, what is it? - she got closer to me and my heart started beating fast. What is she doing? I'm telling you, this lady is confusing me - Why aren't you answering... - I interrupted her -
Mon; I would just rather walk on my own! - I said quickly and clearly and that made her back up a little - Thank you for being so nice, Lady Sa..- she interrupted me -
Sam; It's Sam to you Mon, this is the last time I'm reminding you! - Okay, I think my actions have woken up the beast. She's mad. I can see it!
Mon; I'm sorry, Sam! - She sighed and looked at her daughter who was just absorbing everything. Gosh! I just know Sarai will question me later. I know this little lady's head is filled with questions by now.
Sam; Okay, if that's what you want. - I nod my head and she looked at me annoyed. - I think Sarai still wants you to join her for breakfast.
Sarai; Yes, I do! - she finally said something!
Mon; Yes, of course.
Sarai; Mama, put me on the ground. I will walk myself! - Sam did as she asked and Sarai came and held my hand, smiling. Her mother on the other rolled her eyes at me. She started walking and me and Sarai followed her!

The breakfast went smoothly, well, mostly it was me and Sarai who talked. Khum Sam just nodded her head and smiled at her daughter whenever she would talk to her. She didn't look at me much or direct any words to me.
I think she was upset! Again, I'm not quite understanding why?

After breakfast, I continued my routine with Sarai, piano, ballet classes and we did outdoor activities; checked the garden and she had someone coming in to take care of her hair. Such a princess!
Her mother, on the other hand, was stuck in her office all day! Sarai wanted to have lunch with her but she was on a business call and she couldn't join her, so Sarai invited me to eat with her instead.
Mai prepared the table and I helped her. Me and Sarai sat on the big dining room table and we started to eat. She was in her world and I just knew the questions would be coming soon!

Sarai; Mon! - There it is! she was staring at me -
Mon; Yes, Sarai! - I gave her a soft smile -
Sarai; Do you have a boyfriend? Is that the reason you didn't want to hold my mom's hand earlier? - she looked very serious -
Mon; No! - she raised her eyebrows waiting for more of an answer and I sighed - I don't have a boyfriend. And I said earlier the reason I didn't want to hold your mother's hands. - she rolled her eyes back at me and put her fork down -
Sarai; I think that's a load of crap! - WHAT!
Mon; Sarai! That's not a nice word to say - I looked shocked - Where did you learn that word? It's not a nice thing for a four- years old to say!
Sarai; I heard my mom say it - she said it like it was nothing while taking a bite of her food.
Mon; But you shouldn't say it, it's an ugly word. Do you even know what it means? - I was afraid of her answer -
Sarai; No, but... - I interrupted her -
Mon; No buts, just don't say it anymore. Do you promise? - she nods her head - Great!

I decided to finish my lunch but she was just staring at me. She's just like her mother, they both will shamelessly let you know they are looking. I sighed and locked eyes with her as well!

Mon; What is it now, Sarai?
Sarai; Nothing - she let out a soft smile -
Mon; Please, do tell me - I did my puppy eyes and she let out a cute giggle -
Sarai; Where were you born?
Mon; In Britain.
Sarai; So given your looks, I'm assuming you're mixed. Am I correct? - I'm still not used to the fact that she's four. I don't think I will ever be!
Mon; Yes, you are correct! - she smiled and went back to eating her food and so did I.
Sarai; You are beautiful by the way!
Mon; Thank you, and so are you! - she smiled and looked into my eyes, again!
Sarai; Just be careful though, my mom has a weakness for beautiful girls!

Just like that, she told me everything I need to know! However, I was still shocked to hear it from her!


The rest of the afternoon went okay. It turns out that Sarai doesn't play much with dolls and other kids' toys. She would rather read, stay in the garden or talk with Ms. Mai and me.
She wasn't like any other four-year-old you would see. It scares me a little bit! No wonder how smart and advanced she is for her age.
The girl was so smart it makes me feel dumb sometimes!

I was the one putting her to bed today. She asked for her mother and was Sad when I told her she was busy with work, which wasn't a lie. She was understanding and didn't complain much, instead, she told me it was pretty common; and that made me feel bad for her!

2 days later...

It was finally Friday, which mean I would be going home to see my bestie. I missed Yuki so much and not seeing her every day was hard for me. She calls me every day before she goes to sleep but it wasn't the same.
I can't wait to share with her how my first week as a babysitter went, it's supposed to be private but I trust Yuki. She would never tell anyone where I was working!

Me and Sarai got closer these past few days, she's the cutest and I'm loving spending my days with her. So much so that I'm starting to get used to her intense grown-up questions. She's opened up a lot and shown me this playful side of hers.
We've spent most of our days outside in their big yard doing all kinds of activities. Swimming was one of them. I forgot to mention the big pool they had but it's not a surprise, right?!
Sarai is a great swimmer by the way!
As for her mom, I have been trying to avoid her as much as I could. But it was starting to become impossible since she decided to stay and work at home this whole week.
In her defense, she said she was "supervising" me, but Ms. Mai let it slipped that that's very unusual for her to do since she spent most of her days in the company working.
She was still low-key flirting with me and ever since Sarai let it out that her mom liked girls I couldn't see other than that, even if I tried!

I got my little bag ready with the stuff that I would need over the weekend. I was done for the day and Ricky would drop me off at home. I had already said my goodbyes to Sarai before leaving her in the TV room watching Animal World documentaries. That's right, the little girl would rather watch documentaries than cartoons, she's so different.

I decided to stop at the kitchen and grab some water while I waited for Ricky. Ms. Mai had already left to go see her friends and would be back later. It was only seven, and because it was Friday most workers were off already. The mansion felt empty, not that it was always full.
I grab me a glass of cold water and placed my phone on the counter while texting Yuki. She was asking when I would be home so she could prepare my favorite dinner. I smiled and drank my water. The next thing I felt was someone whispering my name in my ears, it made me jump and I spilled all the water I had over my white shirt. WTF?
I turned around and I saw Sam softly laughing at my reaction but she suddenly stopped and looked at my chest and gulped. I looked down and realized that my shirt became see-through.
I immediately put the cup on the counter and covered my chest with my hands and I heard Lady Sam's sight...

Sam; I'm sorry if I startled you - I nodded and tried to break the eye contact - why are you avoiding me?
Mon; I am not!
Sam; yes you are! I know when someone is trying to avoid me. Do I make you feel uncomfortable?
Mon; No, I... I... you don't make me feel uncomfortable Lady Sam! - I saw her taking a deep breath while closing her eyes and opening them looking straight at me. -
Sam; If you call me Lady Sam one more time I won't be able to prevent my actions, Mon. Do you understand? - I gasped -
Mon; I'm sorry!
Sam; Stop apologizing! - uhh I made someone mad again - and stop avoiding me and don't say that you weren't because I know you were!

My heart was beating so fast that I think Sam was as able to hear it. Why do I get so nervous around her?

Sam; Do I make you nervous? - she smirked and took a step closer to me. I didn't answer since my mouth was betraying me by not making any sounds - It could mean a good thing... you know - she licked her lips and smile. WHAT IS GOING ON WORLD? WHY CAN'T I TALK? - but I think for now you should change your shirt. It's not helping me and Ricky will be here soon and I wouldn't want him to see your bra. - She caressed my cheeks and smirked before pulling away. - I will see you Monday - she winked and left!

WTF just happened? Did Lady Sam just shamelessly flirt with me, again? Am I imagining things? I think I am...

Authors Note;

Hello dear readers, I'm alive hehe! I know y'all are desperate for another episode, so here it is. I wish I had the time to post every day but I'm a busy young lady and my job requires a lot of my time unfortunately 🥲 It's a long weekend here in the US (for some of us)  I will be going away but I will still try to upload while I'm there!
Anyways, hope you enjoy this episode. Khum Sam is a little bold here? What do y'all think?
Comment and vote as always, I love seeing them. It makes me super happy! 🥰

As a reminder; English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar errors, thank you!

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