Run with ME! (Haiji Kiyose X...

By YukoZuo

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A 3rd year Health Science's student who enrolled in Kansei University have living her normal life quite the s... More

Morning Jog
Track and Field Club
New Sparks
First Training
Her Past
Future Job
Honest Confession
My Story
Training Camp
A Little Bit Different
Another Chance
Ouji Conquered Time!
Win and Then...?
The Beginning
The Middle (Part 1)
The Middle (Part 2)
The Ending
After Story
The Match and The Deal
Nira's Story
Bonus (Part 1)
Bonus (Part 2)
Married Arc (Part 1)

Married Arc (Part 2)

56 0 0
By YukoZuo

Six Years Later

"Haiji, have you locked the house yet?", (Y/N) yelled from inside the car, waiting for Haiji to load the last box.

"Yeah, I did! Okay, that'll do it. We're good to go", Haiji confirmed, shutting the boot and was about to enter the driver seat when he noticed his wife already claimed it. "Huh? I thought we have agreed to let me drive the car?", he asked, proceeding to sit at the passenger seat.

"I changed my mind. Not when there are kids. You also need to rest, after staying up last night, right?", (Y/N) stole a glance at him then focused back to the road. Haiji let out a relief sigh, small smile adorning his feature as he tilts his head to the passenger seat behind. Two small figures are sleeping soundly, warm blankets covering them as it is still early in the morning for children to wake up. His gentle gaze lingers to his dear wife and shuts his eye. He is glad that (Y/N) noticed him waking up after an hour of shut eye yesterday. He wants to hug and nuzzle into her neck, showering her with kisses and love but for now... let's get a shut eye.


Haiji stirred, feeling a hand shaking his hips quite fast. Voices start filling his hearing as the noisy and cheery high note of kids continue disturbing him. Soon, he opens his eyes, blinking a few times to meet two pairs of brown eyes desperately trying to get his attention.

"Tou-san, wake up! Come on, we're here already!!", the oldest 6-year-old brother exclaimed, shaking Haiji's legs a few times. Then, came his 4-year-old sister persistently slapping Haiji's thighs as many times as she could with that pair of small hands.

"Tou-chan! Wake up! Kaa-chan waiting!", the little girl shouted, slightly fumbling on her own words.

"Yes, yes, I'm up now. Come here Kazemi!", Haiji called out her daughter's name, taking her up on his lap. "Did you sleep well?", he asked, stroking Kazemi's plump cheek as she leaned on her father's gentle touch.

"Yeah, Kaa-chan drive good!", Kazemi replied, thumping her hand on Haiji's chest happily.

"Good to hear!", Haiji ruffled her short hair, chuckling at her cuteness. "Right, Hayate, look after your sister. I'm going to meet the team. Where's Kaa-san?", he asked his young boy, getting out the car and place Kazemi on the seat instead.

"Kaa-san said she is checking in the hotel first. Don't worry, I can take care of my sister!", Hayate said smugly, holding onto Kazemi's left hand.

"Good! Then, Tou-san go first. Tell Kaa-san to wait in the hotel, okay? I'll be back in the afternoon", Haiji said, patting his son's head then start heading to the stadium where he had scheduled with the track team for their last meeting before the race tomorrow.


"I'm back!", Haiji yelled from the door of their hotel room as he took off his sport shoes and set them aside neatly.

"Tou-chan, up!!", Kazemi screeched loudly running straight up to Haiji and jump high to let him catch her midair. Haiji reflexively caught the little girl into his arm which was then followed by cute giggle from Kazemi.

"Don't run off, Kazemi! You haven't finished dressing yet!", (Y/N) appear from the bedroom with a messy hair and a frown on her face, frustrated by how fast her daughter ran off as soon as she heard her father came back. A pair of polka dots pants in her right hand as she stomped towards Haiji who is carrying Kazemi. Kazemi squealed in reaction at her stressed mother, intending to hide by climbing up to Haiji's shoulder. Haiji only chuckled at the playful act Kazemi always done whenever dressing up, seeing his wife frowning also tickled his heart too.

"Come on, Kazemi. We don't want to see Kaa-san sad right? Tomorrow, we can watch people running so be a good girl, okay?", Haiji pat Kazemi's back to asked her to loosen the tight grip on his shoulder.

"Yay!! Running! I wanna run!!", buying on Haiji's suggestion, Kazemi immediately let go of Haiji and was brought down to wear the pants with (Y/N)'s help. Then she went off running back to the bedroom while chanting her favorite phrase, 'Run fast' repeatedly. Letting out a sigh, (Y/N) finally greeted Haiji with a smile.

"Welcome back, how is the team doing?", she asked, fixing her hair from the mess caused by her daughter's naughty habit. Kazemi has a lot of energy, she is much more hyper than her brother which honestly requires more patience and encouragement.

"Yeah, they're doing good. I have briefed the timing strategy and Kakeru look especially calm and collected", Haiji answered, walking closer to (Y/N) in an attempt to hug her but was stopped by her hand. He cocked his head, questioning her action as she usually wouldn't mind receiving a hug.

"Wait, I need to check up on Hayate. He has been in the bath too long, I worried he might have...", (Y/N) eyes hardened by the thought crossed in her mind whenever his son stayed too long in the bath. Both Haiji and (Y/N) make their way to the bathroom and exchanged a nod before opening the door. Instinctively, they let out a long sigh, seeing Hayate already submerged his entire upper body inside the water-filled tub while wearing his swimming trunk. A few seconds later he pops his head out from the water and catches his breath.

"Yosh, a new record!", he exclaimed, proud to have a new time recorded for how long he could hold his breath underwater. "Oh, Tou-san welcome back. Kaa-san, I got the longest time underwater. Look, 1 minute 45 seconds! Haru-nii told me the best way to practice at home is stay in the bath and it worked!", Hayate flails his arm around to self-celebrate after getting a fruitful result by following Haru's advice. (Y/N) couldn't help but sigh the second time. She shouldn't let Hayate hang out with Haru again.

"Okay okay, I'm impressed. Now, let's give Tou-san some space. He just came back and needs a good bath", (Y/N) wrapped the towel on Hayate's body and ushered him out. Just before she could close the bathroom door, Haiji stopped her.

"Hey, I need a good bath, right? Why don't you join-", he didn't get to finish when the door shut closed in front of his face. "Haha, guess I need to wait for another time!", Haiji said amused by his wife's cold response as he finds it cute. It's not like (Y/N) rejected him completely so there will certainly be next time.


The crowd cheered wildly as the first runner finished a total of 42.195 km in the Fukuoka International Marathon held in November this year. This would be his last race under the coaching of Haiji and as payback for last year's third place in the group category. Haiji wanted to give him a chance of participating in this year's race as an individual, and Kakeru has proven himself worth the effort. Kakeru never felt a slight regret for deciding to sign up under Haiji's coaching after graduating from Kansei University and pursue his profession as a professional athlete. Now, he can finally accept the invitation to train under a well-known oversea coach for a year in the international camp held for chosen athletes worldwide, respective to the type of sport.

Back hunched, sweat wildly poured down his forehead, dropping down to the ground. He took a few moments to regain his normal breathing and made his way to his teammate who had been cheering and congratulating him for his achievement for getting the first place by one second.

"Congrats Kakeru! Great performance, I know you could pull it off!!", Haiji excitedly said, approaching him with a big grin. Kakeru's gaze shifted to the boastful child sitting in the first line of the audiences' seat behind where their team stationed at. He instantly smiles back while waving his hand back. Haiji only chuckled at the kind gesture Kakeru would pull whenever Kazemi and Hayate are there. He indeed has a soft spot for kids though it was awkward on his first interaction. It is satisfying to be in Haiji's team and Kakeru will be forever grateful for meeting with Haiji since his first year of college. He has learnt many things about life, experiencing the beauty of friendship, and properly stand on his own to search for the meaning of running.


Closing the bedroom door with a click, (Y/N) let out a relieved sigh that her children finally fell asleep after spending time with Kakeru, playing around inside the hotel room. They will check out tomorrow's noon, so she decided to let the two kids have their share of time with their close brother, Kakeru-nii. Haiji just finished seeing Kakeru off at the door and noticed (Y/N)'s tired facial expression. He knew how much (Y/N) had sacrificed her time and energy for the past three days just to give Haiji a chance to focus on Kakeru's last race and to analyze the next candidate to be the ace of his team. Truly, he is thankful for her being by his side.

"(Y/N), why don't I give you a treat? As a thanks for the past days", Haiji started, meeting her gaze.

"A treat?", she questioned, tilting her head on the soft couch.




"Err... Is this-", (Y/N) was cut short as Haiji placed her head back gently on the soft mattress, asking her to keep on lying comfortably with her back facing him. She just finished taking a clean and hot bath then was told to lie on the bed of their room. Her hair is up in a bun and wore a simple shirt instead of the bathrobe as she is not into that type of clothing.

"Relax... I'll massage you as a treat, like what you always did to me during rehabilitation. I also need to focus on my beloved wife, right?", Haiji said, starting the massage with her shoulder first. (Y/N) only hummed in answer, liking the pressure of Haiji's finger on her tense muscle with every movement. The way he applied enough force on the sore spot of her shoulder, arm, back, and leg is making her melt and feel refresh than before. It was as if Haiji knew exactly which joint needed to be let loose from all the work she had done.

"How was it? Do you feel better now?", Haiji asked, sitting beside (Y/N) who just shifted around to lie on her back. She only nods with the biggest smile, only showing a thumbs up. (Y/N) is now in her most relaxed mode, too lazy to utter a single word.

A moment of peaceful silence passed as the married couple relaxed in each other's company. Haiji slither his hands onto (Y/N)'s slender one and intertwine their finger together, no resistance from (Y/N). Haiji took this chance to scoot closer to her, completely engulfing her in an embrace from behind. He rests his head in the crook of (Y/N)'s neck, taking a whiff of her pleasant smell, exchanging heat through their clothing. (Y/N) shook her shoulder when she felt Haiji's lips planting butterfly kisses from her nape all the way to her shoulder blade. When she noticed that Haiji is going to continue peppering kisses on her back, (Y/N) decided to interrupt.

"U-umm, Haiji wait... are you going to continue?", she asked, almost to a whisper as the kids are still sleeping. Perhaps, the mood is getting into her too that she might lose her voice.

"Can I? It's been a long time and I promise, I'll take countermeasure. See?", Haiji replied, taking out a small plastic packaging from his pocket and show it to (Y/N) without missing their warm contact. (Y/N) stared at the protector for few minutes, considering her decision while making a short calculation of her period cycle. It should be safe...

From behind, Haiji could see (Y/N) giving a subtle nod which cause a smirk to grow on his lips as he starts shuffling his position, intertwining their leg while snaking his hand under her shirt. Usually, (Y/N) would give a remark or two but seeing her submissive side amused him. He couldn't help but wanted to be dominant and a bit of a bully.

A quiet gasp and sigh from his wife are enough to make him feel excited as he proceeds on grinding their hips together while working on her bare chest.


"H-Haiji.. Pl-please, stop being a bully- Hnn!", (Y/N) threw her head back when she felt a warm solid finger on her private part, where she couldn't escape as Haiji still had her back glued to him.

"Sorry (Y/N)... I like you too much, seeing hmm- you like this turn me on hahhh... I might want to see you hmmm- being done in clothes too...", Haiji managed to say through grunts, already starting his handiwork, leaving (Y/N) a blushing mess, gasping and vision foggy.

She admits, it's been a while since they last had sex due to both being busy with work and taking care of two children. (Y/N) also only read a few erotic manga to release her sexual frustration which sometimes accumulate at a time but yet couldn't find the right time to let it out on Haiji.

"(Y/N), your inside is clenching my fingers tightly... Don't worry, I know you have been reading erotic manga behind my back. Sorry for not being able to find the right time, so- Hahhh.. -so tight... just come whenever you want, don't hold back (Y/N)...", Haiji continued thrusting two finger at a faster pace while the other hand keep pressing on her little bud. The intense simulation from his hand and voice from behind send her mind to blank. With a sudden bite on her neck, it sends (Y/N) to the edge, and she quickly muffled her voice with the pillow while her back arch slightly.

"Hahhh... Hahhh... I can't think.... hahhh sorry Haiji...", she tried to apologize for dirtying his hand and letting out her sexual frustration on manga but even her words are a mess.

"Don't apologize, I don't mind but I didn't know you had a thing for neck bite. That was so intense and erotic... Ne (Y/N), you don't mind if we do a roleplay right?", Haiji asked, shifting behind her to get to position.

"Eh, what do y- Haiji?!", (Y/N)'s heart thump at the sudden change of sight. She no longer facing the other side of the room but a headboard of the bed with Haiji still behind her. This position reminds her of one thing.

"The play this time is Omegaverse"

"Eh? Wait, Haiji- Hnnnnff!", (Y/N) quickly muffled her moan with the pillow when she felt his warm and slick tongue teasingly licking her pussy. He gave a long lick before prodding her wall as if poking for entrance. Her hips is shaking from the stimulation that she slowly trying to close her leg but Haiji sees through it.

"You're not going to control this situation because I'm the alpha here. Now, be a good omega and trust your instinct", Haiji said in a seductive manner, clearly having fun playing his role as the alpha. He grip on (Y/N)'s hips, not giving her chance to resist his erotic touch. Without warning, he playfully graze his teeth on her sensitive bud that is now hard and tense, before shoving his whole tongue inside her aching hole. The clear and sticky liquid flowing out of her pussy mixing with Haiji's saliva drip down his chin and some stained the sheet. (Y/N)'s eyes shut tight and her grip on the pillow tighten with deep red hues paint all over her face. She could feel it. The way Haiji's toungue stroking her inside, nudging her wall with each stroke, every movement of his tounge send shivers down her spine. Then, she felt it. The one spot that only Haiji could find.

"Haiji- please, I-Hnn! I'm at my limit, you'll get dirty- AHhh!", (Y/N) managed to speak between short breath. She had warned Haiji, not wanting his face to get dirtied by her own cum. But Haiji did not pay any mind to her plea, he end up pinching on her swollen bud after making sure (Y/N) is too drown in her pleasure to notice how she spread her leg wider.

"I can't hold it in anymore, Haiji- AHhNnngghhh!!", she moaned out, biting her lips as she accidentally lift her head up and arch her back. The wave of electricity shot up from her core left her mind blank as she reach her climax.

Haiji hummed in satisfaction, wiping his  face and mouth with tissue, as (Y/N) always remind him, after witnessing and tasting her beloved wife's cum. He raise up, loosening his pants down to see his erected member already hard and leaked of pre-cum. His brown eyes clouded with lust stare over (Y/N)'s hunch back, breathing heavily from the previous release. Haiji then inch closer to her form, hovering from behind and position his throbbing dick right in front of her wet hole.

"(Y/N), I want to do it bare. I want to mate with you and filled you with my cum, what do you say?", Haiji asked, his lips close to her right ear. Every words he said laced with ardour, yearning for connection with her without boundary. If not for their current situation, (Y/N) would have laugh her ass off from the line he used in their omegaverse roleplay. Ironically, she felt aroused from his question.

"M-me too, I also want to m-mate with you, Haiji. You can cum i-inside...", (Y/N) answered, embarrassed with herself for saying such vulgar words.

"Thank you, I might not be able to control myself but I'll make sure you feel good. Prepare yourself, (Y/N)", Haiji finished, before planting a kiss on her lips down to her chin and neck. With a bite on her nape, he thrust his whole length with ease from her overflowing fluid, filling her inside to the brim.

Tonight's going to be a long, pleasant night for the married couple, keeping each other company with both heart and body.


"Hmmm? Kaa-san still sleeping?", Hayate asked, rubbing his eyes as he woke up from sleep only to see his mother is still asleep at the front passenger car and his dad are driving, which confuse him. Usually, his mom would stay awake to guard his dad sometimes reckless driving, but this time, it's different.

"She must be tired, let her rest for a bit okay Hayate?", Haiji flashed a smile to his son from the rear mirror reflection.

"Okaaayy", Hayate answered, resting his back on the seat and throwing his glance outside.

Meanwhile, Haiji only chuckled softly, glancing at the sleeping figure beside him. Haiji has done quite a number on her last night which left (Y/N) exhausted today. Still, he loves and treasures her.


"(Y/N), did you know that Haru liked you?", Haiji asked his wife, still nuzzling his head on the crook of (Y/N)'s neck. Her neck is now covered in deep red marks all over the skin.

"Hmmm, no. I never notice. Why?", she replied, feeling sleepy from the rough activity because Haiji's switch went off.

"He told me on our wedding day and I was shocked. I start to wonder if he had told you earlier, we might not be here right now. I was kind of jealous thinking of the previous days both of you spent together but I'm content now. It terrified me imagining you in someone else's embrace but, Haru convinced me. He said '(Y/N) can be herself when she's with you so, protect her no matter what'. So... I will never leave you, I'll stay with you till the end. Definitely", Haiji finished, slightly tightening his arm around (Y/N)'s figure. He waited for any reply but only a faint steady breathing could be heard. A gentle smile tugged on his lips.

"(Y/N)? Sleep already?", he whispered, trying out his luck if (Y/N) listens to him or not.

"Hmmm... what? Ahhh... yes, yes... Haiji, you really have a nice face, soothing voice, and warm embrace... It's comforting, I like it very much...", she mumbled in half asleep while turning around to face Haiji then snuggle into his chest with both arms engulfing his frame. Haiji had a surprise expression for the honest compliment. (Y/N) tends to be clingy when she's tired and sleepy, seeking for a cuddle. Reluctantly, he pats her head gently and wraps her back with the other hand.

"Good night, I love you (Y/N)"


Author Note:
With this, 'Run with ME! (Haiji Kiyose x Reader) has officially ended!! A big special thanks for all readers who have support me from the first chapter till the end, and your votes make my day brighter, not gonna lie. Haiji Kiyose played an important role in my life, no matter in anime, manga, live action movie, he has become my emotional support. I am glad to have the chance to write this story although I have gone through up and down in life, and some mistakes here and there, or unsatisfying storyline. Again, thanks everyone and have a good day wherever you are. If you guys are interested to watch the live action movie, I have dropped the link below so just copy and browse it. 👇

(The server in my country lagged a lot but it was worth the wait. The whole length of the movie is 2 hours and 12 minutes. Hope you enjoy!)


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