By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24

229 20 46
By BangtanArmies

Sora's POV

The overcast of lurking evil had entirely consumed the once-sacred ground of the elite institution, traumatizing every living soul with its menacing energy once they set foot inside the dead quiet premises. The crime scenes had been scrubbed and covered to polish the blood-soaked tiles and walls. But the chemical substance and intensive cleaning did not erase the lingering proof of death from the sites.

I sat unblinkingly at the back of the new lecture room after the principal shut down the previous room. He didn't want us to feel uncomfortable, and it definitely wasn't helping because the alphas knew... there was an imposter amongst them; any location could be the next crime scene.

My world remained dim after the encounter with the Silent Killer.

It was as if someone had installed a dark tint over my life. I felt hollow. Devoid of emotions. Yet... I was terrified. It's as if I'm walking blindfolded on the edge of a cliff. Ripples.. after ripples... of chills would sweep my skin as I sat in my seat with my empty gaze glued on the gloomy sky. I feel cold but not from the external atmosphere. The chill is seeping from within me.

My neck hair suddenly rose again at the subtlest sound of the soft whistling from the hushed corridor. Blinking out of my thoughts, I glanced at the alpha-packed class as they focused their gaze on the professor at the front of the room. I keep hearing the dreadful whistles. The death call. Gripping my desk nervously... I turned toward the transparent door to find... Jae Yangcha... passing by with a bag swung over his shoulder.

My heart skipped a beat at his ominous presence- I could... literally feel my temples pulsating as he sideways turns to smile at me... quietly... passing by the lecture room without being detected. I fearfully glanced at Taehyung as he sat at the front of the class with Seokjin. But... no one seemed to notice... the sheep. How is it that he could move... in silence?

"Shit-" I gagged, quickly clasping my hand over my lips when I felt the urge to puke.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked from the desk beside mine. I nodded at him and tried to stay quiet until a rush of discharge shot up my windpipe. Thud. I quickly got up from my seat, rushed out of the classroom without permission, and bolted as fast as I could... toward the bathroom.

Blurp. I frantically vomited into the toilet bowl in distress as my stomach rejected the heavy lunch I digested earlier in the canteen. My chest throbbed in discomfort as my head swayed from side to side until I emptied my system. Everything around me is out of focus again. Softly panting with my tearful eyes closed, I shakily straightened my back and flushed the toilet. Sora, you have to notify someone! I quietly washed my lips over the sink and lowered my face to recollect my cluttered mind in absolute silence. Should I tell Taehyung? Or Jungkook? I don't think I'm capable of handling this matter on my own. Slowly, I lifted my face to stare at my dreadful reflection with a troubled look. I am liable for the kills.

"Are you feeling unwell? I got you this," A voice spoke up. I immediately froze by the bathroom doorway after I stepped through the door frame to find someone waiting for me. My soul briefly expelled out of my body as I slowly... turned to find Yangcha leaning against the wall with a small bag in his hand. He weakly smiled at me as I tried my hardest to contain my shaken state.

"Thank you," I nodded, avoiding his attentive gaze as I reached out to accept his gift with shaky fingers. He suddenly grabbed my hand and firmly placed the bag in my palm, causing me to stiffen in place.

"You don't look too well. I'll take you for a refreshing breath," Yangcha suggested, brightly smiling at me in the vacant corridor. I gulped at his innocent energy but didn't get the opportunity to speak when he tugged my arm and led me away from the lecture room. I pursed my lips and fearfully turned to look at the empty corridor as the silent killer took me toward the emergency back exit and... I found myself standing on the windy rooftop with him. Yangcha carefully closed the door behind my back, so I turned to stare at a small wooden bench by the wall.

"I set up the bench myself because I know Seokjin hyung likes to spend his time here," Yangcha informed, proudly patting the bench. I nodded and sat down without looking at him. The alpha deeply exhaled and sat beside me with a broad smile. He didn't speak much, but I could sense his... obvious excitement.

"Is Seokjin your next target?" I asked, quietly staring up at the gloomy sky.

"Of course not. I made a promise to you, so I won't break it," Yangcha shrugged. I felt my head pounding intensely as I struggled to stay composed beside him.

"Okay," I nodded in defeat and leaned back with my eyes closed. I wish I was dead. I don't think I can bear to live like this.

"Are you still upset with me?" Yangcha asked. I didn't reply and calmly inhaled the soothing breeze beside him. Will he throw me off the rooftop if I express my dissatisfaction? I opened my eyes after a while to find Yangcha admiring my face with a fond gaze. His cheeks are rosy red.

"Why did you do it? The kills?" I asked, side-eyeing him with my head tilted against the wall.

"Seo Jangwook. A creep who stalks people. Especially the top alphas. He leaked all the videos and information related to the top heirs. He was my bully before Seokjin took me in. He'd shove me around and call me hurtful nicknames. Chung Yoona. The foul lips. She gossips. The nasty rumors about you were initiated by her. She's the mastermind. Don't be fooled by her timid behavior... she's nothing but a jealous bitch. She loves to defame you. And finally... Choi Seungho. The skinny alpha with the ugly wristband. His family runs the tech industry. Remember the platform I showed you? He invented the media to torment the alphas because he resents the higher ranks. Unfair treatment... that's what he claimed. He's the owner of the software," Yangcha calmly explained. I quietly listened to him talk in a dull tone, as if he was not interested in speaking about their existence.

"You dealt with Seungho too?" I asked. Yangcha scoffed and shook his head.

"No. Didn't you hear? He hung himself, noona. He killed himself because he was terrified of his dirty hands," Yangcha chuckled. I quietly examined his weak smile as he intensely stared at me.

"Dirty hands?" I whispered.

"He stores... a wide range of... nonconsensual sex tapes. He secretly films intimate moments and uses them to blackmail people. He wanted me to help him film you and Taehyung hyung together," Yangcha shrugged.

"What?" I turned to stare at Yangcha in disbelief.

"Yup. The filthy lower ranks aren't as gullible as you think they are. The trinity... is the most powerful lower rank. Everyone feared them, and I was the alpha they targeted from the very beginning because they thought I was weak. I did my research and figured I should... infiltrate their walls... so I promised them to share the top alphas' confidential information. They foolishly took me in because I had the top alpha's favor," Yangcha nodded. All those times... Yangcha whimpered... showed up with bruises... and appeared ill... it was all an act to appear vulnerable and defenseless. He had his motives. The alpha was never helpless. Even I had completely fallen for his pitiful performance.

"Why the kill?" I asked. Why did he choose to kill them now?

"They made your life a living hell. And mine too, but mostly you, noona. I wanted to stop them from slandering your prestige with their filthy intentions. That's why... there were no rumors about you once I successfully joined their team. I diverted all the society's attention to the other alphas. Minah. Haerim. Minho... and Mira... I leaked their information to seek revenge for you and Jungkook hyung. My mother's side runs... an infamous media outlet, so we employ... spies within the society to collect and distribute the information. Our family never intended to defame your household though. My parents intended to... leak the confidential information to your household as an offer to gain your parents' approval," Yangcha shrugged.

"So... are you aware of anything related to my family's affairs?" I asked keenly. Yangcha didn't respond right away and smiled at me.

"Of course. Your household... is the most corrupted... stained with the dirtiest blood. But you're the innocent soul. Jeon Jungkook... is a half blood. No one knows that, right? I really like Jungkook hyung because he's good at everything he does. And your parents and alliances... They betrayed Park Jihyun. The infamous explosive incident was a stunt to murder the supreme alpha. Your mother... seized all of his power after he passed. And Taehyung hyung? He killed his uncle back in Busan to save his household. Haerim noona said so when she was drunk. And you? You're the purest of them all. It must be suffocating to live... with your sinful family. I've witnessed... the mistreatment you endured," Yangcha shrugged. I was speechless. He knows everything.

"What's stopping you from ruining my family?" I narrowed my eyes.

"You. I told you. I worship you," Yangcha smiled, tilting his head backward to gaze at the gloomy sky.

"You didn't tell your... former friends-"

"I promised to help them, but it was obviously a lie. They were eager for me to spill... your household secrets but I gatekeep everything. Jang Wook... he got frustrated after I refused to speak about your affairs... so he tried to convince the others to kick me out of their so-called secret group. I couldn't let him ruin my plan, so I killed him with rat poison," Yangcha smiled. I gripped my hand at his confession.

"R-rat poison?" I blinked.

"Yup. I couldn't bother... wasting my time killing a pig like him... so I grabbed the cheapest rat poison from the shelf. Honestly, I didn't think it would kill him right away, but he somehow choked and died on the spot," Yangcha giggled. I frowned at how pleased he was speaking about murdering his friend. I opened my mouth to speak but was abruptly cut short when the rooftop door suddenly swung open and Taehyung appeared with a dark expression. I froze in my seat as Yangcha wildly turned to Taehyung with a startled look.

"The nerve to defy my order!" Taehyung stormed towards Yangcha, who was cluelessly sitting beside me. Did he hear everything?-

"Hyung-" Yangcha tried to explain but was greeted with a rough blow in the face. Taehyung roughly grabbed the alpha's collar and hurled him onto the ground.

"I told you to stay away from her!" Taehyung snapped in anger as Yangcha whimpered on the roof with a bruised cheek. The alpha slowly crawled onto his feet with a pale expression... as if he was terrified of Kim Taehyung. I wasn't sure if it was an act or if it was his authentic reaction to Taehyung's... intimidating presence.

"Noona wasn't feeling well! So I escorted her- URGH!" Yangcha tried to explain himself but was cut short when Taehyung threw a hasty punch, striking the alpha right in his jaw. I stiffened in my seat as Yangcha tumbled against the railing for support.

"Taehyung! That's enough!" I snapped. He shouldn't irritate Yangcha! The alpha might hurt him- My eyes widened as Taehyung wildly turned to attack Yangcha again... but the boy only defended himself and tried to shove Taehyung away.

"I will fucking kill you if Sora gets in trouble- ARK!" Taehyung gritted fiercely, suddenly tumbling backward in shock. Yangcha accidentally headbutted him in the nose. Taehyung gripped his nose in irritation and stumbled to the side, so I quickly rushed forward to support him.

"Oh!? Hyung!- Are you alright!- I didn't mean to hurt you!" Yangcha's eyes widened in shock. The three of us grew hushed as Taehyung lowered his hand to find bright red blood on his fingers. My lips parted in disbelief as the blood dripped from Taehyung's nostrils.

"Fuck off!" Taehyung snapped his head toward Yangcha's frightened face with an annoyed look. He angrily yanked his arm out of my grip and stormed toward the railing as I stood between the alphas and looked up at Yangcha, who was still staring at Taehyung with an apologetic look. Slowly, he shifted his puppy eyes to me... and my heart dropped when the guilt in his eyes vanished... replaced by a glimpse of dullness. I pursed my lips in fear as I watched Yangcha neutralize his expression until a faint smirk formed on his lips.

"Take care, noona," He blankly smiled at me as Taehyung cluelessly leaned his head over the railing, attempting to stop his nose from bleeding. He was unaware of the alpha's two-faced nature as I remained cemented in my place. Yangcha weakly scoffed under his breath with a slight smile and turned to jog down the rooftop stairs. Why is he exposing his true nature to me and only me? And how can I be so foolish? The alpha was never... defenseless. Jae Yancha purposely countered Taehyung. The head-butt was intentional.

"Why are you crying? Are you seriously still upset over the bracelet?" Taehyung turned to frown at me with a sour expression. I blinked out of my thoughts once realized I was unconsciously sobbing on the rooftop.


"I told you to avoid the alpha! There's something wrong about him, and I need you to stay safe until I figure it out-" Taehyung fully turned his body in my direction and tried to snap at me but was immediately cut short when I rushed forward to hug him. I sobbed in distress, tightly clenching his hip as Taehyung unsurely stared at my random outburst.

"I need to tell you something," I bit my trembling lips and lifted my tearful eyes to stare at his confused expression. Taehyung didn't speak but stared at me without blinking as the mild wind grazed against our skin. The anger in his eyes... eventually subsided upon my soft whimper. He finally emitted a deep sigh and pulled me into a crushing hug, so I gripped his shirt with my face pressed against his pulsating chest.

A moment later.

"Does it hurt?" I asked while dabbing a napkin against Taehyung's nose. Taehyung drove me home after I insisted on leaving the school because I felt super light-headed. We both separated our ways to shower, and I hurried towards Taehyung's bedroom to assist his wound. I should tell Taehyung the truth! Yangcha might butcher another person, and I can't stop him alone!

"Why did it bleed so much? The kid is pretty rough," Taehyung muttered, slightly touching his swollen nose in discomfort.

"He's not a kid," I muttered, quietly placing the first aid kit aside. My biggest mistake was to perceive Jae Yangcha as a harmless soul.

"You said you wanted to tell me something. Is there something you're guilty about?" Taehyung asked, shifting his dark gaze to me. Should I tell him? I'm restless. What if he storms off to murder the alpha? It will induce a dangerous misunderstanding between our households and Seokjin's. I've got no evidence to back my claim. Only Yangcha's spoken words.

"You're right. There's something about Jae Yangcha-"

"He likes you, doesn't he?" Taehyung interrupted me as I sat crossed legs on his mattress.

"H-How did you-" I stuttered, unsurely staring at Taehyung's dim stare.

"It took me a while to notice it, but he follows you around often. He'd sometimes creep around the mansion on his own and would... watch you from afar," Taehyung shrugged. I pursed my lips. What? Taehyung knew?

"You knew? Why didn't you tell me?" I frowned at Taehyung. He quietly scanned my pale expression.

"It didn't seem like he wanted to seduce you. I'm sure it's a hopeless unrequited love, so I figured he'd get over you someday. But he only got closer to you. That's why I was so pressed on keeping you away from him," Taehyung muttered. I tried to process his words, but nothing came to mind.

"He confessed his feelings," I admitted, nervously studying Taehyung's composed expression.

"That's why he used Haerim," Taehyung whispered.

"What?" I stared at him with a slight frown.

"He took something from Haerim. I figured it was the contract Namjoon confiscated from Seokjin. That's why she was so pressed on getting it back and kidnapped you. Although I was uneasy about his attachment to you... I figured he'd turn in Seokjin's power to you. He would have benefited us... if we got our hands on the contract," Taehyung shrugged. I blanked out for a solid second.

"You stayed quiet regarding the matter... because you thought he'd snitched on Seokjin to assist me?" I repeated his statement. Taehyung quietly watched my baffled expression.

"Sora. The child... probably still has Seokjin's contracts. We'll be untouchable... if we secure the contracts. Remember my words? A desperate soul will crawl," Taehyung suddenly grabbed my hands with an eager look.

"What are you trying to-"

"The kid will grow restless if we deprive him of your attention. He will do anything... for you. We can get our hands on-"

"You want to seize Seokjin's power?" My jaw dropped at Taehyung's devious smile.

"I can't seize it instantly... but we can use it to force the Kims and his alliances into submission," Taehyung nodded. I slightly widened my eyes at his absurd declaration to seize Seokjin's power with little to no shame.


"We can use the alpha. Sora- He'll help us-"

"No. Are you crazy?! You can't use Yangcha to snitch on Seokjin! Haerim died trying to obtain the contracts!" I gasped. Taehyung suddenly stopped smiling and stared at my refusal with a disappointed look.

"Is it because you still care about Seokjin-"

"I don't! But it isn't right to play dirty! How can you be this greedy!?" I stared at Taehyung in disbelief. Taehyung pursed his lips at my stubborn opposition to rob another alpha's power and slowly released my hand. I blinked in a panic as he quietly studied my unfavorable reaction to his request. Sora. You've earned nothing from opposing Taehyung, but it doesn't mean I should submit to him and his ridiculous schemes?!

"Do as you wish," Taehyung sighed, unexpectedly dropping the topic. I stared at him with unsettled feelings as he softened his gaze on me.

"I'm tired of fighting with you-"

"I'm not trying to pick a fight-"

"I'll do anything for you! I promise! Please- we've always stood on different sides in every fight we were involved in. Why does it have to be me versus you? Oh? Why can't we stand on the same side and face the problem together?" I gripped his hand desperately. Taehyung sucked his inner cheek and shook his head.

"Believe me when I say I've always wanted to stand on the same page. Sora, I've tried so hard to please you, but you keep-"

"I won't do it again! Please? I'll stand by your side. On one condition! That is... you let me deal with Seokjin when the time comes," I begged Taehyung. I thought Taehyung was after the silent killer, but it was his primary motive to pursue Seokjin's power.

"What do you mean-"

"I know you want to conquer the council. I'm aware. But right now... Seokjin isn't a threat to us. Not to you and me. We'll be the leaders in the council once we're married, so why do you have to shatter the Kims? You'll only assemble more enemies against us... and it will jeopardize your position in the game in the long term," I gently squeezed Taehyung's hand with my pleading gaze on his discouraged face.

"We're never safe. The seat as the supreme alpha... is dangerous... Sora-"

"You can use me against Seokjin but not Yangcha. Leave him alone. I'll do whatever it takes to sway Seokjin for you," I stared at Taehyung's dark expression.

"You might have to slay him... if he betrays you. Can you really do that? Because if you can't wield the sword... then... it's best if we use another player to get rid of him," Taehyung sighed.

"I'll do it. The entire council heard my words when I said I'll end Seokjin if he backstabs me," I nodded sternly. Taehyung released a deep sigh and nodded, so I leaned forward to embrace him.

"I'll do it for you if you can't do it," Taehyung whispered, tightly coiling his arms around my waist. I felt super uneasy but didn't dare express it.

It's best if I earn Taehyung's trust and follow him around... because no matter what cards I play... He'll always fire a better strike. I'll obey him for now.... so I can quietly crack his motives in the game. And Yangcha? I wanted to tell Taehyung about his crimes... but it was too risky. Taehyung claimed he intended to use the alpha against Seokjin... so if he uncovers... Yangcha's deadly identity... Taehyung will definitely send the silent killer after Seokjin. I'm afraid the boy will shed blood for my household.


Third Person POV

Flash Back

Jae Yangcha anxiously perched in his wheelchair at the far end of the corridor to watch Kim Taehyung argue with Jang Sora within their soundproof mansion's walls. He has witnessed more fights than affection between the couple. Kim Taehyung... usually storms off first... leaving Sora sulking by herself.

The alpha sadly watched Sora rub the glistering tears from her damp face until she entered her room to console her misery. Restlessly sighing, the alpha turned his wheelchair and rolled away with a stuffy chest. Despite... her continuous discomfort and heartbreaks... Jang Sora would appear before him with a radiant smile. She'd always embrace him so warmly as if she's got more than enough comfort to provide to others. Maybe that's why she's so miserable. Only giving her love to others but never herself...?

The alpha would blush every... time the supreme alpha held his hand with so much tenderness. He couldn't help but admire Jang Sora's amiable nature. Her smile... would immediately add color to his dim world. Her warmth... numbing his aching body. Her voice... hushing his crazy thoughts. Every time he studied her delicate gestures... he couldn't help but long for her divine presence.

She was a goddess in his eyes. A pure entity... with a tainted soul. Jae Yangcha was the first to see Jang as a scarce soul. A glory surrounded by darkness. It wasn't her darkness that was taunting her. Yangcha knew the soul was enclosed by her family's greed and bloodlust. And yet, Sora refused their corruption. Even if meant... she'd suffer the consequences.

Every step she took... and every gesture she made... It was surrounded by a sacred glow. Almost... like a halo.

He wanted to cheer her up with every drop of tears she shed... and with every weak whimper that escaped her lips.

He desperately wanted to end her suffering.

"Noona?" Yangcha carefully pushed Sora's bedroom door open to greet her, but she was nowhere to be found. The alpha curiously rolled inside her room with a weak smile.

"She was a chubby child," Yangcha grinned as he reached out to grab a small picture frame from her shelves. The alpha quietly admired Sora's youthful chubby cheeks with a warm smile. Sighing, he placed the frame back in its position and turned his wheelchair around to scan her room. He rolled over until he entered her closet.

"Her scent... it's everywhere," Yangcha muttered as he glanced around her wardrobe and slowly rolled back toward the closet door when he heard footsteps approaching the room.

"Sora- Listen to me-" Yangcha's heart leaped in a panic... so he quickly shut the closet door and switched off the lights. The alpha sat in the darkness with a racing heart as Kim Taehyung chased the supreme alpha to her room.

"Can you leave?!!" Sora snapped from behind the door. Yangcha worriedly bit his lips as he listened to the couple's argument.

"I'm sorry! Alright? I'm really sorry-"

"You always say that!-" Sora whimpered, causing Yangcha's heart to ache at her broken tone. Cautiously... the alpha opened the door, curiously peeking between the gap to find Taehyung hugging Sora as she quietly sobbed against his chest.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung gently patted her head. Yangcha watched Sora lift her tearful eyes toward Kim Taehyung with a troubled look. She held back her tears and finally nodded in defeat, so Taehyung gently kissed her lips.

Sora's tense body eventually... eased at his love strokes, permitting her lover to roam his fingers over her curves as he pleased. Their kiss deepened... and slowly... Taehyung guided her toward the mattress. Yangcha pursed his lips as he watched the man lay her down while unbuckling his belt. An eruption of unexplainable anger surged through his body as he watched Kim Taehyung exploit the supreme alpha's vulnerable condition.

"I love you," Sora quietly spoke between their kisses, causing Yangcha to stiffen in his wheelchair.

"I love you too," Taehyung replied as he undid his clothes over her. Yangcha didn't feel comfortable watching the couple, but his curiosity got the best of him. There were still tears in Sora's eyes... but her cheeks were flushed... and her body was extremely sensitive to her lover's touch.

Kim Taehyung gently slipped his hand under her dress to pull down her panties and slipped his manly hips between her legs while kissing her lips to relieve her body. Sora moaned softly as her lover pleasured her on the mattress. He took off her dress and tossed it aside as she lay on her pillow, entirely exposing her naked body to her man. Yangcha tilted his head with his curious pupils on her feverish body and her troubled expression as the man steadily thrust between her legs. It was strange.

The alpha assumed the supreme alpha only got together with Kim Taehyung for power. But there was this... fondness in her eyes. She was angry at him not too long ago... but at this very moment... she was craving for his touch. The supreme alpha would tug her lover down to kiss him with so much thirst and hold onto him so possessively... bright red scratches began to appear on Kim Taehyung's muscular back.

The anger inside Yangcha's chest subsided as he watched the couple from the darkness of the closet room. Unlike Kim Taehyung's intimidating and forceful nature... he was holding onto his lover's naked body with so... so much... tenderness. It was as if he was afraid he'd break her bones. He'd submit to her every tug while dominating their bodies. It was as if he knew all her needs and desires because with every touch... kiss or thrust... Sora would express her satisfaction with a sensual moan or intense eye contact... as if to beg him for more. They didn't speak much during their intimate moments... but Yangcha could feel the scorching heat inside the room.

"Can we switch positions?" Sora panted, pushing her sweaty body off the mattress with her elbows. Taehyung didn't complain and rolled onto his back on demand. The supreme swung her leg over her lover to sit on his crotch and reached down to readjust their position until her moist spine arched with the surge of pleasure between her soaked thighs. Yangcha's lips gradually parted as he observed her divine figure on the bed.

He wasn't aroused by her naked body... instead... he was hypnotized by her ethereal beauty. The way she perched on her lover's body... rubbing and moving her firm hips at a... sensual pace as her wild and wavy black hair dangled messily all over her body. She would tilt her face upward with her eyes closed and lips ajar to moan in satisfaction as she humped her man's crotch with her hand pressed over his hard abs for support.

Yangcha drifted his eyes down to her peachy buttcheeks, unblinkingly staring at her youthful breasts with his mouth wide open. A halo glow kept... radiating around her divine body. Her moist skin... glowing pearly under the dim light. He couldn't help but feel intense stuffiness in his chest as she lost herself to the smothering pleasure. With every pant... moan... and breath... Yangcha would feel his body hair standing. His eyes glimmered with admiration as he watched the supreme alpha remain on Taehyung until he sat up to embrace her body. They started kissing again as she hugged his neck while riding him on his thighs until Taehyung pulled away to fondle her perky breasts between his palms.

A moment later.

Yangcha stopped watching the couple and remained in the dark room until the couple fell asleep. Carefully, he pushed the door open to find Jang Sora sleeping peacefully in Taehyung's arms. They were both covered in sweat, and her pale skin was glowing red from being manhandled by her lover. The alpha rolled his wheelchair to the foot of their bed to stare at the couple. And even in her sleep. She was possessively holding onto Taehyung's sturdy body. Yangcha glanced at her exposed feet under the blanket and slowly reached out to cover her. Sighing, he spun his wheelchair around and left to reside in the medical room.

Fast Forward

He did not detest her lustful nature after watching her make love with her boyfriend. Instead. Yangcha would catch himself recalling the heated moment until his face flushed red. He couldn't focus on his studies and would think about the supreme alpha every second of the day.

"Yah. Jae Yangcha!" Someone rudely smacked Yangcha's head, causing him to snap out of his thoughts. He turned to find Jangwook, the chubby lower rank smirking at him as his two other friends sat beside him.

"Oh?" Yangcha blinked, straightening his body cluelessly as his friends narrowed their eyes on him.

"You promised to share the supreme alpha secret with us!" Yoona snapped in annoyance.

"He's probably lying to us! Are you a spy? After all, you're also an alpha and not a lower rank! Why did we even accept the fucker inside our circle!" Jangwook sneered, grabbing a handful of Yangcha's hair, causing the alpha to wince in pain but didn't dare react.

"Yah! Don't be mean to him! Seokjin is his guardian!" Choi Seungho snapped at the chubby kid.

"Did the supreme alpha threaten you to stay quiet?" Yoona curiously leaned forward. Yangcha gulped unsurely after his friend released his hair and rubbed his throbbing scalp.

"No. but-"

"Yah. If you refuse to provide us useful information by today- I'll kick you out and beat the shit out of you! The rumors about the other alphas aren't as mainstream as the supreme alpha!" Jangwook threatened, lifting his hand to smack Yangcha, who immediately shielded his head with an anxious look.

"I do have something! But it's not about the supreme alpha! It's about Gae Haerim! Her parents eliminated Song Jae-il to pursue Seokjin's contract!" Yangcha blurted, causing his friends to gasp in shock.

"The Gae murdered Jae il?! Huel! That's hot news!" Yoona shrieked, quickly grabbing her phone to type on the platform.

"You're not so useless after all!" Jangwook shrieked, roughly patting Yangcha's back. The alpha weakly smiled at his enthusiastic friends as they excitedly created a post about Gae Haerim's household affairs. The alpha... has been feeding his friends the other alpha's dirt to keep Sora away from the spotlight. But the distraction he created didn't last long because people seemed to care more about the supreme alpha's welfare than all the others.

Fast Forward

"Yah. We were too busy leaking the other alpha's deeds... we failed to notice you," Jangwook smiled as he stuffed a fat sandwich inside his mouth. Yangcha lifted his face to stare at the lower rank's puffy cheeks unsurely.

"Notice me?" Yangcha asked, blinking cluelessly at his friend.

"We thought you weren't popular amongst the alpha, but who would've guessed you're seducing a top rank?" Jangwook smirked at Yangcha.

"What are you talking about-"

"Don't play dumb with me! You've been sneaking into Gae Haerim's place! Wah~! Why didn't you tell us?! Did she invite you over to fuck?" Jangwook glared at Yangcha's persistent oblivious reaction in annoyance, rudely throwing a wet cabbage at the alpha's face. Yangcha didn't react and calmly dabbed the sauce off his face with sanitary wipes as he chewed the remaining food in his mouth.

"She only wanted to help me study. Haerim noona is the top academic achiever in the university," Yangcha shook his head. The chubby face rolled his eyes at Yangcha.

"Don't fuck with me. I saw you sneaking off with her at the university too! We found you afterward with lipstick smudges on your face!" Jangwook sneered at his friend. Yangcha causally turned his head from side to side to observe the other students as they chatted over their lunch meal and glanced back at Jangwook.

"You've been stalking me too? I thought we were friends," Yangcha sighed.

"Yah. I wanted to welcome you sincerely, but you've contributed nothing to us! I'll keep everything a secret. If you tell me about your profane relationship with Gae Haerim. How big are her tits? Hmm? Tell me!" Jangwook aggressively slapped the spoon out of Yangcha's grip to grab the alpha's attention. Yangcha glanced at the mess on the table and calmly cleaned the splattered rice grains. He turned to grab a milk carton from his bag and placed it on the table.

"You promise you won't tell anyone?" Yangcha asked, nervously staring at the chubby face as the lower rank stuffed more food into his puffy cheeks.

"Did you fuck her raw? Was he pussy tight? Did you face fuck her? And where did you get this milk? It looks nice. Thank you for the gift~!" Jangwook chuckled, spitting the unchewed food from his mouth. The lower rank suddenly reached across the table, grabbed the milk carton without Yangcha's permission, and drank it with a smug expression. Yangcha quietly watched the chubby face drain the milk with a neutral expression.

"You can have it. I got it for you anyways," Yangcha smiled, gently wiping the mess on the table with the tissue again.

"Wah! What is this?! Why is it so sweet?" The boy chuckled, lowering the milk to inspect the label.

"Seokjin has a personal farm for milk production. The Kims produce organic diaries for themselves," Yangcha nodded, smiling at the chubby face.

"That's why it tastes so rich! Anyways- was Gae Haerim as rich in flavor? Did you suck her titties? Or finger her wet pussy??? Hmm?" The boy chuckled, smugly lowering the empty carton with stained lips.

"You shouldn't speak harshly of her. Haerim noona... is a very graceful woman-"

"A graceful woman who invites a young dick over to fuck? No shit," Jangwook laughed, lowering his face to stuff his mouth with food again.

"She likes Seokjin hyung," Yangcha shook his head. The chubby face snorted but immediately halted as if he had choked on his food. The lower rank started coughing in distress and pounded his chest as Yangcha calmly watched the boy from across the table.

"Fuck! Give me the water!" The chubby face snapped, placing out his hand for Yangcha's unopened water bottle.

"Oh, sure. Are you alright?- OH!" Yangcha quickly grabbed the water bottle to open the cap for his friend when it suddenly slipped out of his hand and tumbled to the floor, splattering the mineral water all over the table and chairs.

"Yah! Get me another- Fuck- Why is my stomach hurting!?" The chubby face glared at Yangcha's clumsiness.

"Jangwook! Are you alright?!- YAH! YAH?!" Yangcha gasped as soon as the boy grasped his neck in discomfort, suddenly collapsing onto the ground with a pale expression. The other students immediately turned to look at the commotion.

"I can't breathe- f-fuck-" The lower rank gasped as he sat on the floor with sweat beads all over his forehead. Yangcha hurriedly circled the table to knelt beside his friend with a pale expression.

"Yah!? Are you okay-" The alpha was cut short when his friend suddenly puked the fresh lunch from his poisoned stomach, splattering the gooey substance all over Yangcha's clothes.

The other students immediately got onto their feet to surround the duo as the lower rank twitches uncontrollably. His face... turning blue and purple... as he jerked intensely in Yangcha's arms until his eyes turned bloodshot. The alpha dramatically screeched his friend's name until pretentious tears rolled from his eyes... deceiving those around him with his desperate calls to dodge the crime he committed.

He... slaughtered a pig with rat poison.

Fast Forward

Yangcha softly hummed as he strolled down the dark corridor with his bag swung over his shoulder and pushed the top alpha's lecture room open to find... someone searching through the unattended bags on the chairs.

"Kamjagiya! What are you doing here?! You scared me!" Yoona screamed in a panic when she found Yangcha watching her in the dark room.

"What are you doing here? You'll get in trouble if the alphas catch you here," Yangcha sighed, calmly dropping his bag on an empty chair.

"I killed the generator! They won't detect me here- I'm going crazy! Why is the supreme alpha's bag empty?! She only brought stupid files with her!?" Yoona frantically rummaged through Jang Sora's bag with her eyebrows furrowed.

"You should head home. It will rain soon," Yangcha dawdled, glancing at the gloomy sky as he sat at an empty desk, calmly watching his friend tear Jang Sora's bag apart.

"Where have you been?! I couldn't contact you after Jangwook passed!" Yoona darted Yangcha a sharp glare, who was now searching through his bag for something.

"I've been mourning his death. You don't even seem to care about him," Yangcha shrugged, drawing out a fresh raincoat from his bag.

"That fat pig? I knew he'd die one day stalking the alphas! The killer is one of the top ranks! Why else is everyone muted about the matter?!- She really didn't pack anything?!" Yoona whined, finally slumping on the chair beside Yangcha in irritation.

"You can ask me... about Sora... noona... if you're so curious," Yangcha smiled in the dark. Yoona turned to glare at Yangcha's weak smile in irritation.

"So that's what you're after?" Yoona rolled her eyes, turning to face Yangcha with her arms crossed.

"After?" Yangcha lifted his eyebrows unsurely. Yoona scoffed at Yangcha's smug expression and slowly lowered her hand to unbutton her shirt.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch, huh? Fine. If you leak... Jang Sora's secrets... I'll consider letting you have sex with me," Yoona smiled, smugly settling her tempted gaze on Yangcha's zipper. Yangcha quietly watched her exposed cleavage and slowly stood up.

"You should head home. Take the raincoat... and leave," Yangcha smiled, handing Yoona the folded raincoat with an unbothered look.

"Yah! Are you playing hard to get!? If you want me... then say it-"

"I don't want you. Why would I want you?" Yangcha sighed. Yoona frowned at Yangcha, rudely slapping the raincoat in his hand aside.

"Yah! How dare you-"

"The only woman I desire is the supreme alpha. Every man... wants her for themselves. Not a pathetic loser like you," Yangcha chuckled.

"Yah?! Are you nuts!" Yoona screamed in distress, suddenly launching onto her feet and shoved Yangcha backward. Still. The alpha didn't react. He slowly regained his balance and turned to look at Yoona's fuming red face with a weak smile. He stood... towering over her petite body.

"I'm just joking. Why are you getting so worked up? You are the prettiest," Yangcha smiled, gently placing his palm on her red cheek. Yoona's face suddenly flushed at his tender touch.

"You asshole," She huffed, turning to slump in the chair, uncomfortably clenching her stuffy chest. The lower rank tried to calm her fuming anger in difficulty as Yangcha bent down to grab the raincoat from the floor.

"Wae? Is it your asthma attack?" Yangcha asked as he listened to Yoona's uneven breath.

"Shit. This is because of you!" Yoona glared at Yangcha in annoyance.

"Your bag is in the other building, so you might collapse on the way back. I'll get the inhaler for you, on one condition. Let me become the admin on your secret platform," Yangcha sighed, slowly pulling on the raincoat from the bag.

"Why would I give you the admin access?!-"

"So I can erase everything related to Sora noona. All the dirty... tales you published about her. I want to wipe it clean," Yangcha calmly replied. Yoona tried to speak but wheezed in difficulty with a contorted face. She was hyperventilating.

"I'll get the medication myself- Argh!" Yoona gritted, shakily rising to her feet but lost her balance and tumbled to the floor. Yangcha turned to look at Yoona in surprise as she struggled to stay focused.

"You once told me your asthma attacks are deadly," Yangcha dawdled, slowly pulling the raincoat over his head. Unbothered by his friend's condition.

"Stop fooling around! Get me my inhaler!" Yoona demanded as she struggled to sit up but ended up collapsing again.

"Hand me the video," Yangcha darkly stared down at Yoona in his black raincoat.

"W-What are you talking about-"

"The video. I know Seungho gave it to you!" Yangcha snapped in irritation. Yoona suddenly burst out laughing amidst her struggle to contain her ragged breathing rhythm.

"So it is you in that video! I wasn't- sure- because only a section of your body was shown! But Seungho was right about you! Your fucking crazy obsession with the supreme alpha!" Yoona laughed in tears as she sat on the floor.

"Where is it!?" Yangcha pressed. Yoona coughed in distress while crawling onto her feet but failed and rolled onto the floor with her pained chest.

"Jerking off in the fucking toilet to the picture of Jang Sora- Fucking pervert!" Yoona sneered at Yangcha, whose face turned pale at her mocking smile.

"I will never do anything inappropriate to her-"

"What a pity. I wonder how the supreme alpha will react? If she knew... the alpha... she favors... intends to rail her womb with his horny cock? If you like her so much... then why don't you show her your dick? It's a massive cock for a young man like you- I'm sure she'll let you fuck her since she's a whore!" Yoona laughed, causing Yangcha to tense up at her offensive statements. Yoona started hyperventilating again until her face turned pale.

"How can you call her a whore when you're... the one selling your body for information? Did you think I'd get myself infected with your STDs?" Yangcha chuckled, causing Yoona's face to ashen in dread. She did not expect him to know about her sexually transmitted disease.

"Y-Yah! This isn't funny- Help me!" Yoona snapped, reaching for Yangcha's assistance, but he refused to help her until she collapsed onto the floor with her hand clenched over her tight chest. The lower rank wheezed in distress until sweat beads formed on her face as Yangcha pulled on a pair of black gloves. He calmly strolled toward the professor's desk to grab a few sharpened pencils as his friend wheezed on the floor in a helpless condition.

"I didn't want to kill you because I pity you... but I guess... not everyone is worth saving," Yangcha chuckled, slowly approaching Yoona, who was sprawling helplessly on the floor. She tried to focus her gaze on her friend but couldn't see anything but his black raincoat. Yangcha sighed, slowly crouching over her head to brush her soaked hair strands from her face.

"Y-Yangcha- Stop- playing- please- get my inhaler-" Yoona weakly begged.

"Sure. I'll put you out of your misery," Yangcha smiled.

"P-Please- Yangcha- ARGH!" She whimpered in pain but screamed in shock when she felt a sharp object stabbing her left eyeball. The lower rank wailed in distress as she grabbed her injured eyes. A jet of blood splatting... viciously onto Yangcha's face as he watched her scream for help.

"Shut up," Yangcha laughed, roughly jamming the pointy end of the pencil through her open mouth, stabbing it deep inside her throat to hush her. The lower rank immediately grew hushed as she gagged on the wooden pencil. She could no longer scream. The room suddenly grew quiet, replaced by silent muffles and shaky breaths as the lower rank gripped her wounded throat. Squelch. Squelch. Squelch. Yangcha smiled, aggressively stabbing her eyes... and throat with the remaining pencils until she stopped thrashing over the floor. Thud. Her hands suddenly fell to her sides. Yangcha giggled at her mutilated face and reached out to grab the pencil... punctured deep into her left eyeball. Snatch! [Edited]

"Shut up," Yangcha laughed, suddenly jamming the pointing end of the pencils through her open mouth, stabbing it deep inside her throat to hush her. The lower rank immediately grew hushed as she gagged on the wooden pencil. She could no longer scream. The room suddenly grew quiet, replaced by silent muffles and shaky breath as the lower rank gripped her throat. Squelch. Squelch. Squelch. Yangcha smiled, steadily stabbing her eyes... and throat with the remaining pencils until she stopped thrashing. Thud. Her hands fell to her sides. Yangcha giggled at her mutilated face and reached out to grab the pencil... That was punctured in her left eyeball. Carefully... He yanked the pencil... causing... her bloody eyeballs... to rip out of the socket.

"You make me sick," Yangcha gritted, hastily yanking the wooden pencils with all his might, causing her eyeball to tear from its tissues. The alpha slowly stood up with the bloody eyeball stuck at the end of the pointy lead and tossed the slimy organ aside.

He hummed softly and stepped over her lifeless body as blood spilled from her open wounds. The alpha made sure to cover up his footprints and left in a hurry with his bag. Thud! The door suddenly opened, and an alpha came strolling into the dark space. Park Jimin.

Yangcha halted in the darkroom as Jimin cluelessly walked past him with his eyes on his bright phone screen. Jimin didn't pay attention to his surroundings until he found the bloody corpse before him. The top alpha halted in shock as Yangcha stood behind his back with an annoyed frown. He didn't expect anyone to show up. Especially not Jang Sora's ally.

"What the fuck- URGH!" Jimin gasped but was immediately cut short when Yangcha slammed his elbow into the back of Jimin's neck, sending the alpha toppling to the floor. Yangcha turned and made the run for his life into the dark hallway but stopped dead as footsteps thundered down the far end of the corridor. He quickly stepped back to hide in the dark shadow as Sora passed him without a clue.

"AH!" She screeched in a panic when someone came stumbling out of the room.


"Jimin!? Are you okay!?" Sora gasped, hurrying toward Jimin, but Jimin seemed dazed out of his mind. The alpha tried to speak but screwed his face in pain as he clenched the back of his wounded neck.

"Jimin!?" Sora slapped his cheek in fear, but he was cold and motionless. Yangcha quietly stepped out from the shadow as he watched her kneel before Jimin when she suddenly turned around with a horrified face, so he quickly hid behind the shadow again as she dialed someone on the phone.

"Jungkook! Come to the lecture room now-"

"Jimin collapsed! Hurry!" Sora snapped. The supreme alpha quickly turned to assist her friend again when- Thud. Thud. Thud.

"SORA?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Jungkook's voice echoed as he scrambled down the stairs.

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" Sora screamed. Jungkook suddenly appeared with sweat beads all over his forehead. Yangcha pressed his back against the locker as the alpha passed him with an anxious look.

"What's the matter-"

"I don't know! I was walking down the corridor- and Jimin suddenly stumbled out of the lecture room!- Did he have a stroke?! Maybe it's a seizure?! Because of his old stab wound?!" Sora nervously watched Jungkook inspect Jimin's condition.

"Collect your belongings! I'll contact Taehyung!" Jungkook shoved her away before drawing out his phone to dial his cousin as he knelt beside Jimin. Sora disappeared into the lecture room as Jungkook frantically examined Jimin's body. Slowly... Yangcha... stepped out from the shadow. He quickly walked away in the opposite direction and rushed to the emergency exit.

"Fuck! I'm screwed!" Yangcha cursed, hurrying up the staircase until he found himself on the vast rooftop. He pulled the raincoat off his clothes as the chilly wind blew angrily against him. The alpha shoved his dirty gloves inside his bag and turned to toss the raincoat on the rooftop before heading back down the dark staircase until he landed on the student lounge. He cleared his throat and quickly entered the room filled with the alphas as they noisily chatted.

The alarm in the building suddenly went off, causing everyone to tense in their seats. Yangcha calmly glanced around the packed space as the alphas poured out of the room to check on the commotion. He followed the others but was told to head toward the auditorium by the guards. And so... he settled down cluelessly amongst the others.

"Have you seen Yoona?" Seungho asked, sitting beside Yangcha.

"She said she felt sick and left earlier," Yangcha shrugged as the lower ranks and remaining alphas gossiped about the new attack.

And yet again... the silent killer dodged the radar.


Sora's POV


"What's the matter?" Taehyung asked, sitting up on the bed in his night robe with a concerned expression after I vomited hysterically. I sniffled and shook my head as I crawled back onto the bed with him.

"I'm just nauseous," I shook my head while rubbing my damp lips. Taehyung gently drew me onto his lap to make me sit facing him and pushed my hair strands behind my ear with an anxious grimace.

"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Taehyung asked while frowning at my gaunt cheekbones.

"I checked three times already," I shook my head. Taehyung insisted I take the pregnancy test, but it was all negative.

"What's the matter then? The doctor did a checkup on you... but he said there was nothing wrong with your health," Taehyung rubbed my shoulder as I gloomily stared at his anxious face. What's wrong with me? I'm protecting a serial killer, and I can't tell anyone. Why? Because Yangcha threatened me to stay quiet. He said he'll keep Seokjin's contract safe as long as I let him off. And on top of that... he promised he'd never hurt anyone again. I know I'm being stupid, but I'm afraid of the chaos he'll trigger. The guilt is feasting on me.

"I'm fine," I shook my head, sleepily hugging Taehyung's neck. He held onto my waist and gently patted my back.

"Is there something you want to speak about? Is it Haerim's death? You're not responsible-"

"It's not her. I'm just tired," I sighed, pulling away to cup his firm cheeks. Taehyung didn't look convinced, so I smiled and pecked his lips.

"The event planner will visit us tomorrow," Taehyung muttered.

"Event planner?" I asked.

"Yeah. The elders want to host our engagement party," Taehyung shrugged. I glanced down at our interlaced hands with a weak smile.

"I can't believe I'm marrying you," I chuckled.

"Wae? Did you want to marry Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung asked. I laughed and shook my head. Taehyung chuckled and tugged me closer to him, so I hugged his warm body until he flipped me over to rest me on the mattress. He pulled the blanket up to my chest to tuck me and turned away to switch off the lights.

We didn't fight anymore after I successfully contained my impulsive outburst. Taehyung never brought up the topic related to Seokjin or Yangcha again. We get along pretty well and would spend time together throughout the day. Our early days were rough and bumpy because we were both still doubtful of each other, but we've grown tired of the constant arguments and fights. It's not worth it. I'm partly at fault for using Yangcha as an excuse to trigger Taehyung.

After all, I am protecting a killer. If Taehyung didn't break the bracelet that day... I would've never uncovered Yangcha's malicious acts. The killing had finally ceased, and Yangcha returned to his ordinary life. Should I keep things this way? I wasn't sure. I'm afraid the alpha will get upset and slaughter people again. It's a relief that Seokjin agreed to let Yangcha live alone at his mansion instead of his private villa.

Flash Back

Young Alphas

"WOAH! That man is so hot~!" Sora shrieked, pointing at a grown man as he walked shirtless on the beach. The child was approximately three years old as she sat beside little Jungkook, who was licking his ice cream at a private seaside resort.

"You're a pervert!" Jungkook cutely bickered as Sora giggled with her sparkly pupils fixed on the buff man.

"You're just jealous~!" Sora shrugged.

"Why would I be jealous? I'll grow up handsome! And a lot of pretty women will chase me~!" Jungkook innocently poked his tongue at Sora as they sat under the umbrella shade. She intensely licked her melting ice cream until her cheeks flushed red from gawking at the sexy man.

"Your belly is bloated like a balloon! Tsk!" Sora cutely poked Jungkook's round belly, stained with sticky ice cream as he sat in his beach pants.

"And you think you're pretty? Look at your chubby face and round belly~!" Jungkook sneered. Sora frowned at his harsh words. She glanced down her plump belly and up at the slender woman... splashing in the pool by the beach. The child enviously stared at the woman's youthful cleavage before glancing down at her chocolate-stained two-piece swimsuit with a sulky expression.

"You're so mean~!" She muttered, sadly licking her ice cream. Little Jungkook, however... didn't... pay the slightest attention to the upset heiress as he aggressively licked his cone to stop the melting vanilla from dripping. Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! Sora tried to contain her tears but gave in and started sobbing with adorable pouty lips.

"Yah- Yah! Why are you crying~?!" Jungkook gasped, startled by her unexpected tantrum, halfway glazing his cone with his saliva.

"I hate you~!" Sora shrieked, bursting into tears. Jungkook's eyes widened at her sunburned cheeks in shock as she wailed at the top of her lungs. He flinched in a panic when Sora suddenly threw the chocolate ice cream at him.

"Yah!- Ah! Crazy shora~!?" Jungkook screamed as the dark ice cream splattered all over his tiny body.

"I'm not a pig!- AH!" Sora tried to scream but was cut short when Jungkook aggressively shoved his melting vanilla ice cream right in her face.

"Crazy shora!!!" Jungkook angrily snapped but grew hushed once the chubby dumpling froze on the warm sand. Jungkook nervously blinked at her frozen state as Sora sat beside him with the ice cream cone stuck funnily over her nose. Drip. The melting ice cream chunk dropped to the sand as Sora stared at Jungkook's horrified face with her sticky lashes.


"I didn't mean to-"

"I hate youuuuu~!" Little Sora screeched, suddenly launching forward to attack Jungkook. The alpha screamed in horror as the feisty girl thumped her tiny fists against his chocolate-soaked belly.

"APPA! APPA! SHE'S KILLING ME! THE FAT PIGGY IS KILLING ME!- AH!?- *$^&#!?!!- I'M GOING TO DIE! SHORA- CRAZY SHORA!" Jungkook screamed in distress as Sora pinned him over the sand. Sora furiously squeezed his pale cheeks with her dirty hands, causing Jungkook to scream even louder.

"Yah! What's the matter!?" Taehyung shrieked, rushing up to the duo as Jungkook yanked Sora's pigtail with all his might. The oldest alpha tried to pull Sora off Jungkook, but he wouldn't release her. She screamed in distress and slapped Jungkook's face with her sticky palm. Whack! Whack!

"Stop fighting!" Taehyung snapped, roughly hauling Sora away from Jungkook.

"You think you can beat me, piggy?! Haha! I'm a strong man- you stupid shora! Oink! Oink!!!! AH~!" Jungkook smugly scrambled to his feet as Taehyung struggled to hold onto Sora's arms. Jungkook funnily got up to throw a wild kick with his small leg but slipped and tumbled onto the sand. He groaned and sat up with a face full of chocolate and sand.

"YOU DUMBASS!" Sora shrieked, angrily wiggling her tiny fists forward, but Taehyung securely hugged her dirty body and tugged her backward.

A moment later.

Little Jungkook grumpily rested his chin on his father's shoulder with a face full of sticky chocolate ice cream as his father carried him up the hill. Sora, on the other hand, resentfully glared at Jungkook as she held onto her father's hand. She was walking behind Jungkook's father. The two would poke their tongue at each other and make mocking faces as the elders took them back to the secret mansion. Taehyung weakly smiled when he turned to find Sora trekking over the gravel path with a loose pigtail and a face full of sticky vanilla.

The elders eventually took the young heirs to their respectful room to bathe them in the tub. Sora quietly sat in the tub after her mother washed the ice cream off her plump face and shampooed her hair.

"Why would you fight with Jungkookie?" Mrs. Jang smiled at her daughter's bright pink cheeks.

"He called me a fat pig," Sora muttered while poking her bouncy belly.

"That's not nice of him," Mrs. Jang chuckled.

"He's not wrong... I'm ugly..." Sora pouted as her mother rubbed her scalp.

"You'll grow up a pretty lady. Don't worry," Mrs. Jang kissed Sora's cheek, lifted her daughter out of her toy-filled tub and pulled a light nightgown over her tiny body.

"I want to sleep with Taehyung oppa," Sora blinked innocently as her mother brushed her hair at the vanity table.

"You shouldn't bother him at night. He already had a bad time trying to break your fight," Mrs. Jang smiled at Sora through the mirror. Sora pouted.

"Can I marry Taehyung oppa?" Sora asked. Her mother chuckled and glanced at her daughter's innocent face.

"Do you want to marry him?" Mrs. Jang asked.

"Oppa is strong and handsome. I will tell him to beat Jeon Jungkook!" Sora grimaced. Her mother laughed at her daughter's claim and gently settled her on the floor. Sora quickly grabbed her stuffed animal and rushed out of the room.

"Oppa!" Sora called while banging her tiny fist on the wooden door in the dim corridor.

"Oh?" Taehyung yawned, opening the door for her.

"Can I sleep with you?" Sora asked, pushing her stuffed animal into Taehyung's hand and hurried inside before he could speak.

"Is this... your... payment for disturbing me?" Taehyung weakly smiled at her stuffed animal, closing his door behind his back as Sora climbed onto his bed in her fluffy gown.

"I won't disturb you," Sora giggled. Taehyung walked over and got onto the bed with her stuffed animal.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked as he examined her suspicious behavior. She wouldn't look at him directly and purposely avoided direct eye contact.

"Marry me when you're older," Sora shrugged, grimly glancing down at her hands.

"What?" Taehyung scoffed.

"I said marry me-"

"Why should I?" Taehyung teased. Sora frowned and glanced up at him with an upset yet cute frown.

"Why not? You have to marry me! Eomma said I'll grow up a pretty lady, so marry sora~!" Sora innocently gripped her tiny fists. Taehyung weakly stared at her sunburnt cheeks with a faint smile.

"Are you sure you'll grow up pretty?" He teased. Sora pouted at his words, suddenly flopping over mattress  to thrash her chunky limbs on the bed in distress.

"Is it wrong to have a fat belly~?!" Sora whined. Taehyung chuckled and slowly rested beside her on his side to watch her pout adorably.

"You're quite cute," Taehyung smiled. Sora's eyes widened at his praise, and her cheeks flushed even redder as she remained stiff on his bed... with her sparkling eyes fixed on the ceiling.

"What did you say~?" Sora gasped, turning to stare at Taehyung's wide grin.

"I'll marry you if you grow up pretty. Okay? So grow up well," Taehyung pinched her cheeks. Sora's lips suddenly curved up into a wide smile. She cutely clasped her lips in contentment and turned away to giggle at his promise. Taehyung scoffed at her shy reaction and turned to lie on his back. The young alpha eventually calmed down after fantasizing about her future groom and scooted closer to him.

"Will you beat up Jungkook for sora~?" Sora whispered, keenly looking up at Taehyung's face as he lay with his eyes closed.

"So that's what you want...? Aigo," Taehyung scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Will you hit him? Oppa- answer- me-"

"Go to sleep!" Taehyung whined, pushing her face away when she tried to crawl over his body. Little Sora pouted at his rejection and turned to slump beside him with an annoyed look.

"A good husband should protect his wife!" She grumbled.

"It's Jungkook that needs protecting... not... a spoiled dumpling... like you," Taehyung muttered under his breath and turned away as Sora cluelessly grumbled under her breath until she descended into a deep sleep.

End of Flashback

Sora's POV

I aimlessly wandered through the university hallway with a blank mind. People had returned to the campus as usual after the silent killer halted his slaughter. But people were still wary of each other. There was no gossip about me. Not after Haerim passed and definitely not after Yangcha got rid of the platform admins. I was like a shadow. Always passing by quietly in the background because Yangcha had... taken down all the posts related to me and my household.

"Come with me," Seokjin appeared, unexpectedly grabbing my upper arm to steer me away from the crowded corridor. I blinked and followed him unsurely as he stormed up the emergency staircase. Why is he taking me to the rooftop?

"What's the matter-"

"Why did Haerim abduct you that day?" Seokjin turned to frown at me. I pursed my lips at Seokjin's abrupt question.

"I told you. Haerim thought I used Yangcha as a spy to initiate disorder within your household," I shrugged, unsurely searching Seokjin's unconvinced expression. I didn't tell Seokjin Haerim was after Yangcha for his contracts. Does that mean Yangcha didn't hand the files back to Seokjin? So he wasn't bluffing when he said he'll safeguard Seokjin's power if I stay hushed?

"It's Kim Taehyung. Isn't it? He used the kid to trigger the disorder?" Seokjin asked, folding his arms with his jaw clenched. He seemed... pissed.

"No. I already asked Taehyung. He's clueless," I shook my head. Seokjin pressed his tongue against his inner mouth and turned away in discontent.

"Are you really going to protect the killer? Sora. Look at me," Seokjin seethed, taking a step forward with his eyes narrowed on me. I sucked in my breath in bewilderment at his shocking confrontation.

"K-Killer?" I stuttered, fearfully staring at his sore expression with a racing heart. Did he figure it out? That Yangcha-

"Kim Taehyung," Seokjin gritted. I tried to make sense of his words.

"Kim Taehyung? He's not a killer-"

"Kim Taehyung tried to kill you! And as far as I know... he murdered his average uncle to save his household!" Seokjin snapped. My face drained in shock. Did I hear him right-?

"What? What are you-"

"I thought you chose him because you loved him, but it was only his plan to seize your power. Haerim has been working for Taehyung! She promised to secure my contracts for him!" Seokjin pressed. I couldn't speak but stare at Seokjin in fright.

"H-How did you-"

"Yangcha told me Haerim tried to convince him to leave my side. Namjoon offered to rescue Yangcha, but the alpha refused their offers," Seokjin gritted. What the hell? Yangcha promised me to stay quiet!

"Haerim loves you! She was doing it for you!-"

"No! She knew I'd be unstable without Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok, so she tried to free herself from my household. Taehyung offered her immunity in exchange for my contracts!" Seokjin argued. Baffled. I remained stiff in my place. What? Taehyung did what- It wasn't Yangcha...? Everyone thought Taehyung used Yangcha to spy on Seokjin... but it was... Haerim? That night... she was so desperate... for the contracts. Was it because of Taehyung? But if Taehyung wanted Seokjin's contract... then why didn't he save Haerim?

"I don't know anything-"

"But you knew Kim Taehyung has blood on his hands!-"

"No, he doesn't-!" I mindlessly denied it, angrily disapproving of Seokjin's claim. He suddenly grew hushed and stood in silence to glare at me.

"You told me... you'd never let a man mistreat you. And yet... you're willing to submit to the man... who tried to end your life...? Has it ever occurred to you that he never... not once... contacted you after your family banished you? All those lonely years you spent alone... he was chasing Gae Haerim. She broke his heart and left without a goodbye. He went nuts. Everyone knew Kim Taehyung lost his mind because of her. And suddenly... he claims to love you after you turned legal? After you return to Korea? After you're old enough to be the heir? The supreme alpha? And Gae Haerim? Why did she show up after you returned? Perhaps... she was afraid you'd marry Taehyung. Sure. I was the one she fancied... but he's the one she died for! How are you... so certain... that Kim Taehyung is embracing you with love and not his greed? Hmm? If he loved you so much. Then why did he let you date Jungkook? Why didn't he seem to care until now? Why is it- that he's possessive of you only after the power marriage announcement? Sora, I'll handle my contracts with my alliances, but I need you to keep your eyes on Kim Taehyung. You and I... might... just be another pawn in his wicked power game. And I know... you know... what he's capable of committing," Seokjin ranted, furiously staring at me in disappointment. I grew hushed at his words.

Seokjin took and deep breath after I failed to counter him and turned to open the door, but he didn't leave and held it open for me.

Fast Forward

Thud. Thud. I stormed through the empty property until I reached the glass door. All the windows to the glass house were dark except for a few glowing lamps. Panting heavily... I repeatedly clicked the doorbell, but there was no response.

"Jae Yangcha!" I screamed in distress, angrily pounding on the door.

"Oh? Noona!" Yangcha suddenly swung the door open to greet my unexpected presence with a puzzled look.

"What did you do?! I told you to keep quiet about Taehyung's past! Why did you tell Seokjin?!" I angrily thrust Yangcha backward, causing him to gasp in shock.

"Noona! Calm down!" Yangcha snapped, trying to walk toward me, but I angrily shoved him away again.

"What do you want?!- Huh?!- K-Kim... Namjoon...?" I was about to yell at the alpha when another person caught my eye. I immediately grew hushed with my startled gaze on the man. Namjoon... was sitting on a wooden chair... in the center of the dim living room.

"Mhhhmp!" Namjoon widened his eyes as if to speak but couldn't because... his lips were securely sealed with... duct tape. My lips parted in shock. Slowly... I shifted my gaze to his limbs... tied securely with zip ties. He was... restrained to the chair.

"What- W-What is this-? Hmmp!?!-" I unsurely turned to look at Yangcha in horror, but he was nowhere to be found. My heart pounded against my chest when I felt an arm slithering around my neck. I tried to resist him- but the alpha effortlessly held my body against his as he clasped a scented cloth over my nose to block my airpath.

"Shhh... Noona... You should calm down first. We'll speak once you wake up, okay?" Yangcha whispers sensually in my ear, causing my neck hair to rise at his chilly tone. Namjoon's eyes widened in fright as he watched me struggle to free myself from Yangcha's firm grip. I tried not to inhale the chemical but eventually gave in and started to lose consciousness.

Third Person's POV

"Hmmmp!" Namjoon muffled as he watched the supreme alpha's eyes drop close. Her legs went weak, but she didn't collapse because Jae Yangcha quickly slipped his arm under her legs and lifted her off the floor.

"Don't worry about her~! I'll take her upstairs so she can rest comfortably~!" Yangcha chuckled, smugly carrying the supreme alpha to his bedroom. Namjoon panted furiously as he jerked his bound wrists from behind his back, but it didn't work. The alpha tried to scream for help... yet... the property remained... weirdly... vacant.

Sora's POV

Strained by the inhalation of the unknown chemical, I finally woke up from the pitch darkness of my own mind. The room was blurry and my visions were distorted. I felt helpless. Why is my throat so sore?! I grumbled in discomfort as my body elevated off the soft mattress.

"What's... happening?" I hoarsely whispered as Yangcha placed my frail body onto a chair.

"Are you awake? Have some water, noona," Yangcha suggested, gently pressing a cold glass against my lips. I gulped the water with my eyes closed as he carefully fed me and placed the water away. I took a deep breath to recollect my scattered mind and finally opened my eyes to find Yangcha sitting on the edge of his bed as I sat in his wheelchair.

"Y-Yangcha-" I gasped, trying to get up but couldn't. My eyes widened in horror once I realized I was secured with zip ties.

"Don't resist too much. The zip ties might cut your precious skin. I wrapped it with napkins so it wouldn't cut your flesh," Yangcha smiled warmly, nodding at me. I stared at the cute patterned napkins... placed between my wrist and the plastic ties with a pale expression.

"Yangcha! I don't like this!" I snapped, looking up at him in irritation. Where's Namjoon?!

"I'm sorry, but I won't release you until you calm down," Yangcha shrugged, leaning his body backward with his arms pressed against the mattress. I panted in frustration as I stared at his neutral face. Right. I'm dealing with an alpha with extreme psychotic and obsessive symptoms.

"What are you doing this for-"

"You seemed upset when you stormed inside my mansion. Did I upset you? I've been very obedient to your orders," Yangcha sighed. I wanted to scream at him. But I knew I was in an unfavorable situation.

"Why did you tell Seokjin about Taehyung's forbidden past?" I calmly asked.

"Because I don't like Kim Taehyung," Yangcha shrugged. I furrowed my eyebrows at his brief response.

"I begged you to stay out of my family's affair-"

"It seems like... your family's affair isn't so... personal after all. I recently received my mother's research files from the experts, and surprisingly... it was a detailed journal of your family's past. The infamous fire incident... wasn't an accident but a plot to murder Park Jihyun and his wife. I was correct about it. Your parents seized the supreme alpha's power, but your mother was smart. She knew she wasn't ready to face the world, so she exposed Kim Taehyung and his family to the society to test the pack. But she was restless... because... Taehyung's aunt... is married to an average and Jungkook's father is married to an average. She knew... that society would reject her allies so... she used Kim Taehyung to kill his uncle. And I'm guessing... she was also responsible for Jungkook's mother's death. She combined the widows to form the Jeon alliance. And with a few sacrifices... she formed two powerful alliances to stabilize her household. The Kim and The Jeon," Yangcha smiled weakly.

"Yangcha, I'm begging you-"

"Oh no... noona. Don't beg me. I don't resent your family at all. Your mother is a wise woman. Park Jihyun's reign was a dark period we all feared. I should thank your mother for roasting that half-blood to death. My family deeply admires your household. That's why my mother was so obsessed with researching your household affairs. She's a fan of your parents," Yangcha assured.

"Then why... why did you involve Seokjin?" I asked.

"I really didn't mind your relationship with Kim Taehyung, but after... I found out about your past with him... I was... very... upset," Yangcha sighed, reaching for the bedside drawer to grab a thick journal and flipped through the pages.


"He drowned you in the ocean. That's what Haerim noona wrote in her diary. Gae Haerim claimed Kim Taehyung despised the Jang and had attempted to murder the heir. You see... Taehyung didn't only confess to killing his uncle with a broken liquor bottle... but also to drowning the supreme alpha in the sea. Haerim didn't specify... who he was killing, but I figured it was you. All the missing pieces my mother collected matched Haerim's timeline. Your family separated you from society because they were scared of you. Why? I believe it's because you knew their darkest... most twisted secrets and... maybe you threatened them? And Kim Taehyung? He blamed you for ruining his life. Haerim noona documented it in her diary," Yangcha sighed, lifting the scribble on Haerim's journal to show me. I didn't read the texts and kept my eyes glued to Yangcha.

"Taehyung admitted to his fault. He apologized to me-"

"Did he? How so? By claiming to cherish you as his only woman? Or... by pleasuring you in bed? The rumors about you aren't entirely false. People say he's using pleasure as a cuff to achieve your submission. Right, noona? Does he love to shush you up with his poisonous kisses? Make you tremble with his invasive touches? And oh... he loves to hear you moan under him. You're not the problem here. It's him. I initially wanted you to lead a happy life... but how can you side with a man who tried to kill you? Even Seokjin hyung was dumbfounded," Yangcha sighed, tossing the book aside. I uneasily stared at the alpha.

"I can deal with him. You don't have to meddle-"

"I promised to never hurt you. And I never intended to ruin your life because I was happy being your shadow. But I can't seem to rest. Not after I found out... he had promised to save Haerim if she agreed to help him disable Kim Seokjin. Now. We're both unsure... of Haerim's intention. That night... we don't know if she was fighting to be on Seokjin or Taehyung's side. But either way... Kim Taehyung is the real culprit. Noona. Aren't you tired of his deceptive lies? You deserve a better man. Not a toxic scumbag like him," Yangcha lectured me. Wah... I can't escape these ties. He's really crazy! How can I blindly walk into his place after I was drugged once!? Fuck- I'm so stupid!

"Then what am I supposed to do? What do you want from me exactly?" I asked.

"I have a better plan. Me. I volunteer to be your love candidate," Yangcha smiled, keenly straightening his body on the bed as he watched me sit in the wheelchair.

"That's absurd-"

"Why not? I don't mind the age gap. You're a literal goddess... who am I to refuse you-"

"Yangcha. It's not about the age gap," I firmly shook my head. Still. The alpha didn't seem bothered by my rejection.

"Noona. I know you see me as a weak alpha. I was an innocent soul but not anymore. I've learned to orchestrate the game and I am confident I can... climb the hierarchy ranks," Yangcha chuckled.

"You're underestimating the top ranks. Yangcha, you're gambling your life-"

"I'll do anything for you. I'll kill for you, and I'll die for you. Noona, give me a chance. Oh? I'll get rid of Kim Taehyung! I'll get rid of everyone! So it's just us in the end! I'll grant you the happiness you desire! I'll please you! Everything you want- I'll give it to you!" Yangcha suddenly collapsed off the bed to kneel at my feet. He grabbed my hands, causing me to flinch in fright, keeping his puppy eyes trained on me.

"How? To Kill? Is that your wild card? You'll slaughter everyone?" I asked, darkly staring at his dilated black pupils.

"As long as you approve my proposal... I'll take care of everything. I promise. Noona... let me love you," Yangcha firmly nodded, gently kissing my hand. I stared at his possessed-looking gaze with a disturbed frown. He's scaring me.

"Why are you so comfortable with your crimes?" I whispered. Yangcha chuckled madly and slowly rose to his feet. I sucked in my breath when he leaned down to position his face beside mine. Gently, he turned his head to peck my cheek. A bone-chilling surge of goosebumps rose all over my sensitive flesh as he slowly drew away and straightened his body. The alpha didn't answer me, circled the wheelchair, and slowly steered me around. I gripped my fingers in fear as he pushed the wheelchair out of his room and into his parent's vacant master bedroom. What is he doing?! I can't fucking move! My jaw dropped when I found Kim Namjoon sitting on the chair with a beaten face. His eyes were swollen, and his nose was bleeding. There were a few scratches on his face as well. What did he do to Namjoon?!

"Because... you are a forgiving soul. A soul... that will protect and love her loved ones... even on their darkest sides. Right, noona...? If you can love a man who tried to kill you. And if you can love a man who's constantly abusing, deceiving, and manipulating you... then surely... you can forgive me too? After all, I got my hands dirty to please you. I'll let you walk me like your dog... and I'll gladly... kneel at your sacred steps," Yangcha darkly spoke beside my ear. My face drained in horror as Namjoon lifted his bloody face to stare at me with his beaten eyes.

We both saw the dread reflecting in each other's eyes.

Kim Namjoon and I... knew... one of us... won't make it out alive tonight.


Hello! I survived my finals! The results are scary but at least it's over! I collapsed for a few days afterward and couldn't write so I'm sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for the endless support! I love you guys! <3 Have a good day! <3

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